2331 days ago
The conventional wisdom of the liberal media is that the Democrats will regain control of the House and possibly also of the Senate in the mid-terms coming up in a few weeks and that this will be a body blow to Donald Trump. Here’s something the BBC and Channel 4 “fake” news is not reporting – the latest poll numbers are just amazing.
2913 days ago
I am watching BBC World News which has just carried a clip of an interview with Republican grandee John McCain, who explicitly stated that he does not think that Donald Trump wants to be a dictator and explicitly did not link a tweet of the POTUS to such a goal. McCain is no friend of the Donald but the BBC cannot help itself. So flashing across my screen right now is:
McCain on Trump's tweet "that's how dictators get started"
3260 days ago
You could sense how the BBC, Channel 4 News, The Guardian and the rest of the British liberal media creamed themselves last week as leading figures from the Republican establishment lined up to slam Donald Trump. For a moment the liberal media forgot that folks like Mitt Romney and John Mccain were evil right wingers, in their book anyway, and lauded them as great statesman.
As one, the only question the media pack lead by Emily Maitlis on Newsnight and the beltway liberal warrior Kylie Morris on C4, asked was "have the big beasts left it too late". That was, of course, the wrong question.
In case the liberal media had forgotten,