Kings Cross

333 days ago

Network Rail, Ramadan and the acceptability of lying

A few days ago, on the electronic trains departure board at King’s Cross there appeared a Hadith, a message from the prophet Mohammed posted to mark Ramadan. The message, posted by an employee of Network Rail, said more such Hadiths would follow. Cue outrage.


3271 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Richard Chase of Nyota you disgraceful greedy useless mother quit now

Richard Chase the CEO of Nyota (NYO) has failed at his job. He is grotesquely overpaid. It is clear his shareholders want him out yet he and his fellow directors are clinging on to take as much cash as they can while they can. They are greedy pigs and Chase is a disgraceful POS who is beneath contempt. I hope he is unemployed soon and forced to pimp either his own arse or his wife at Kings Cross to make ends meet. I explain why all shareholders should email him at [email protected] TODAY urging him to resign at once. Fuck off Chase, you greedy useless City tosser, you will not be missed.
