1970 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - The rot at the heart of the AIM Casino: Photonstar Led, Tomco & Blue Jay

In today's podcast I start with Deutsche Bank and the dire problems faced by the EU. Who really wants to stay in bed with this corpse? That pans out to wider reasons to be bearish and I cannot stress too much look not at P&Ls but at balance sheets. I look specifically today at Photonstar Led (PSL), Tomco (TOM), Low & Bonar (LWB), Argo Blockchain (Don't laugh at me too much), Optibiotix (OPTI), IQE (IQE) and the scandalous behaviour of team BlueJay Mining (JAY), moving on from the points flagged up HERE


2328 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: is Darren Atwater a metropolitan elitist lunatic or Britain's Buffett

I am still livid about matters concerning my wife's place of work and with it showing no sign of movement I have today discussed the matter with my lawyers.  Bah fucking humbug, there is no seasonal goodwill from me in 2017. In this podcast I discuss Inspirit (INSP) at length also Falanx (FLX) - shares in which we own - Low & Bonar (LWB), Minoan (MIN) and Gotech (GOT), formerly Guscio.
