Mahmud Kamani

586 days ago

Boohoo’s Mahmud Kamani – mad, bad or a genius?

I refer, of course, to news today that  that Boohoo (BOO) has increased its shareholding in Revolution Beauty (REVB) from just under 13% to 26.4654% even though Revolution Beauty shares are suspended as it still cannot bottom out the size of a fraudulent accounting black hole. So is boss Mahmud Kamani mad or a genius?


666 days ago

If Mahmud Kamani ran any other company than he would, after the Revolution fiasco, be getting the sack today  (BOO) has made great play of how it has massively strengthened corporate governance procedure in recent years. Hmmm. I suggest that at any other company Mahmud Kamani, Boohoo’s Executive chairman, would, after the shocking news from Revolution Beauty (REVB) be getting the sack today.


703 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: ouzo tonight, is Cineworld Bust and Mahmud looks like a prat already

I end with a few words on Sharestock as I prepare the jam tomorrow. Tickets and details of our latest speaker can be found HERE.  Then onto Cineworld (CINE), Revolution Beauty (REVB) which is already making Mahmud Kamani of Boohoo (BOO) look like a prat. Again! And then Chill Brands (CHLL). Tomorrow I report another two corporate bosses tgo the regulators. That is my weekend treat!


706 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Boohoo's Mahmud Kamani is the LAST Person to follow on Revolution Beauty

I start with preparations for Sharestock on 10 September - if you are coming please book your seats now HERE.  Then it is onto Cineworld (CINE), the stench of dodgy share dealing at Predator Oil & Gas (PRD), more buit still incomplete disclosures on boardroom share dumping at the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and why Mahmud Kamani of Boohoo (BOO) is the last person on earth to follow as his company (adviser Zeus Capital) takes a 7.1% stake in Revolution Beauty (REVB) – adviser Zeus Capital. It is a small and cosy world innit?


887 days ago

Picture Article: Naughty Mahmud - the BooHoo advert that has just been banned

My friend Mahmud Kamani really has been a naughty, boy. The sexist old beast tried to run the advert below for Boohoo (BOO) but the Advertising Standards Authority has banned it for being sexist and objectifying women. Truly shocking. I am sure that all the free publicity Mahmud is getting will really piss him off. Not.


1278 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Let's start with the Dog's Arse then move on to Mahmud Kamani of Boohoo

Only kidding Mahmud my friend, but here is a Dog’s Arse for you which arrived in Wales today. In the podcast I look at ASOS (ASC), Boohoo (BOO), Remote Monitored Systems (RMS), Ridgecrest (RDGC), MyHealthChecked (MHC), Nightcap (NGHT), the green madness of Joe Biden and a stat sbhowing how he will screw female athletes, and Asiamet (ARS).


1400 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Is Matt Earl wrong on Boohoo? I fear that he may be

I warn you that my Mahmud Kamani impression when he meets the new ESG director forced upon him contains strong language. It had to, to be accurate. I discuss, in this podcast, the liars at Supply@ME Capital (SYME), William Hill (WMH), Restaurant Group (RBG), Hammerson (HMSO) and Boohoo (BOO) plus my act of mask rebellion in Wrexham yesterday as I stocked up on loo rolls. You – and the Mrs – mocked me last time but it is better to be the first lunatic over-reacting then the first sane person forced to pay £5 and limited to 1 roll each!


1458 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Explaining to Shipston's Buffett why he is not so smart after all & Mahmud does the right thing at Boohoo

A brief and early bearcast today, as I am heading off to Shipston to see my dad and with reference to the sterling price of gold, I have to explain why he is not quite as clever as he thinks. Then it is off to near the Coronavirus hotspot of Leicester to buy an antique wood burning stove. What exciting lives Joshua and I lead. I discuss where next for gold and why companies with no proven resource can be a play on gold & silver prices but are really just a gamble. I cite Alien Metals (UFO) as a case study. What a terrible dog. Then it is onto Mahmud Kamani, (BOO), the slave labour allegations and today’s news. I read it as bad for the bears and good for Mahmud.


1468 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Does £10m matter to Mahmud Kamani of Boohoo?

I am snowed under with work for MineProphets tomorrow and I have now bought a second new stock on the basis of videos I have taped. I shall reveal both stocks tomorrow at the show and you can grab your ticket for just £2.99 (worth it for these tips alone) HERE. Elsewhere in the show I discuss Asiamet (ARS), Boohoo (BOO), R4E (R4E) and wicked old, not so ethical Malcolm Stacey and HSBC (HSBA) and Standard Chartered (STAN) as well as the British banks.


1468 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A long chat with Mahmud Kamani of

Today there will be little material from me on ShareProphets as I am recording videos for MineProphets all day. I have just done one with Ross Norman which was a total zinger. The content you will get for just £2.99 really is awesome if you have any interest in mining stocks. Please buy your ticket HERE. Elsewhere, I had a long chat last night with Mahmud Kamani of (BOO) and I discuss that in full. Enjoy. I also discuss the daft RNS from Cambridge Cognition (COG).


1468 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Mahmud Kamani must respond to last night's bombshell and is his position now tenable?

I start with an admission that I am having PC problems which make it a nightmare recording sessions for MineProphets. to tackle this I went to Wrexham to PC World today and report on the true retailaggedon occuring here in Wales. I should be up andrunning and recording by tonight so grab your seat HERE.  Then onto (BOO) and thoughts on last night’s bombshell HERE. Then onto Manolete (MANO). I rebut its pathetic rebuttal HERE but in this podcast deal with its attempted PR hit job on Shareprophets which brings the spinners at Instinctif into utter disgrace.  


1474 days ago

BREAKING: Does the brother of Boohoo boss Mahmud Kamani own the Leicester slave factories

Boohoo (BOO) stated on 8 July that it was “shocked and appalled by the recent allegations that have been made” about suppliers in Leicester using what amounts to slave labour. Really? On the Iain Dale show on LBC yesterday, Tory MP Andrew Bridgen – who has led this expose – stated that a main centre of this trade was the Dunlop Building. He means the Dunlop Business Centre.


1515 days ago

Woodlarks walk – Training Update, a 19km stroll with my daughter, ice cream for Joshua

The sunshine was glorious and my teenage daughter was here at the Welsh Hovel to help drag her aged father around the track we have cut in the grass around three of our fields. Quickly I established some good news.
