187 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 10 years of servitude is tomorrow

Of course I mean utter domestic bliss. But I may not be writing that much on Friday. In today’s podcast I discuss why PensionBee (PBEE) is a short, Tingo (TIO) and its Q2 numbers, Cellular Goods (CBX), Union Jack Oil (UJO) and also Ashington (ASHI), Roquefort (ROQ) and the FCA.


831 days ago

PensionBee – WTF is Adjusted EBITDAM? You are kidding me right? Sell.

Bodged bullshit earnings plus what? Historically EBITDAM is EBITDA but also subtracting from the “cost base” either management or management excess. But a spokesperson says that PensionBee (PBEE) views this as a key metric in today’s FY trading statement and predicts adjusted EBITDAM profitability by December 2022.  
