2339 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: Faisal Rahmatallah of Plastics Capital

I have always regarded Faisal as one the more straightforward but also cleverer AIM bosses - okay you may say there is a low bar on both counts but that was meant to be praise. And Plastics Capital (PLA) is very much a real business a proper company making things so all power to his elbow. Enjoy Faisal's presentation from the show.


3275 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 3 October - so which dicksplash sent the lawyers letter?

Actually I shall keep you in suspense on that one - so you can still vote in the TW libel poll HERE - but I do discuss what a lamentable effort this fascist missive is when compared to previous bully boy lawyers letters. Then it is onto Guscio (GUSC), Plastics  Capital (PLA) and the farce that are LTIPs and then onto the failings of capitalism in the US and UK and why we are sleepwalking on soma with no real wealth being created.
