Patrick Mercer

4157 days ago

Mr P the Tory MP who wanted a threesome with his lesbian housekeeper – it gets better

The industrial tribunal concerning Tory MP  Mr P, Mrs P and their former lesbian housekeeper gets better and better. I am praying intensely that the housekeeper wins as this is a real corker if true.  Naturally if she does win Mr P will do the “honourable thing” like bribe taking Patrick Mercer (Con) or pervert Lib Dem MP Mike Hancock and ….carry on in Parliament claiming full pay and perks.

As you may remember the live-in housekeeper is suing for unfair dismissal claiming Mr and Mrs P sexually harassed her and wanted a threesome.  You can read about that on this website here

Life in the P household sounds pretty highly charged. Mr P says that the lesbian housekeeper was in the habit of sunbathing naked. He does not seem to have minded as this went on for a long time. Meanwhile the housekeeper insists that Mr P would frequently walk around the house visible to both Mrs P and the domestic staff completely naked.

Back to basics, sleaze, the mid 1990s or is it 1963?


4158 days ago

Tory MP wanted threesome with his lesbian housekeeper - tribunal told

You could not make this up…Call Me Dave’s Conservative party is not having a good week. Patrick Mercer MP is caught taking bribes, there is the Downing Street Sex Scandal but it gets better. A Tory MP (named only as Mr P) and his wife ( Mrs P) are up before an industrial tribunal. Their former housekeeper was a lesbian who had just split up with her partner. She claims that Mr & Mrs P made explicit sex moves on her and wanted a three in a bed session in their South Coast home. She was not interested and is now suing for constructive dismissal in an industrial tribunal which is underway as I write.

In case there is a God, I am fervently praying that a) the housekeeper wins and b) Mr P voted against gay marriage and has made a stack of statements about personal morality, getting back to basics, etc. Whatever one says about Call Me Dave’s Conservative party it is providing great entertainment at the moment.


4158 days ago

Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson what a strange affair in Downing Street

My old pal Dan Levi named the Downing Street shaggers on his website last night and so since we are both being sued elsewhere (by a cesspit oil company Sefton) for libel I am happy to stand in the dock with him again and also name them. As it happens numerous other websites and folks on twitter have done the same so it will be a packed Court.

I am Spartacus and I hope others will today be Spartacus forcing Cameron to come clean and admit what vast numbers of people already know.

The Government has bullied the mainstream media into silence by suggesting that revealing this may prejudice the forthcoming trials of Brooks and Coulson. Both face separate charges in relation to phone hacking. I fail to see why allegations that the two were shagging is relevant to that.

The reason the Government and David Cameron personally is terrified about this appearing is that he appointed Coulson as his spin doctor in chief instead of a safer pair of hands from the BBC on the advice of….the charming Rebekah. Rebekah was a good pal of his, lending him her horse to ride as they partied together in rural Oxfordshire. LOL.

And of course Rebekah’s lawyer is….David Cameron’s big brother Alex.

Cameron looks like a buffoon with incredibly poor judgment. Chatting to Christopher Booker about this yesterday we remarked how this seemed eerily reminiscent of the last days of the MacMillan Government. An out of touch elite just cannot help but make itself look dirty and shabby as well as incompetent. While the Country faces appalling problems, Tory MPs like Patrick Mercer take bribes and then “do the honourable thing” and stay in Westminster trousering salary + expenses for another two years and Call Me Dave tries to hush up an episode which makes his judgment look incredibly poor.

The honourable thing for Call Me Dave to do is to make a personal statement: “these are the facts, I made an error of judgment for which I apologise – I was hoodwinked, and regret it all.”

If he did that I suspect many of us might almost feel sorry for him. Trying to hush up something that, by the weekend, even crofters married to their cousins on otherwise uninhabited Scottish islands will know, arouses only contempt.

Parliament works for us not the other way round...or had you forgotten that Dave?


4160 days ago

Friday Caption Contest on a Sunday - Back to Sleaze Edition

You kind of thought that cash for questions was just a bit nineteen nineties. that after the expenses scandal the Westminster stable had been cleansed. Wrong! Those greedy mothers in parliament, not content with gunning for inflation busting pay rises are at it again, taking bribes for asking questions. Panorama has exposed not only Patrick Mercer MP but also three Lords for taking cash for asking questions about Fiji on behalf of a bogus lobbying company.

Other MPs lined up to join Mercer's all party Fiji Group, one asking if he could take his wife on the first "fact-finding mission." Mercer described most of the recruits as freeloaders. I'd describe the entitre political class as freeloaders.

Right now the political class is taking yet another well earned holiday. But the MPs and Lords will be back soon. And in that vein I ask for captions to the picture below. Post your captions in the comments section below.

For what it is worth my entry is "At the annual AIM awards dinner the Jim Ellerton and the directors of Motive TV and Verdes Management tuck into the main course and discuss how important it is to remunerate senior staff appropriately in order to attract the right talent

Post away....



4162 days ago

Patrick Mercer MP is a crook – why is he still an MP?

Sleazey Tory Patrick Mercer MP has been caught red handed by Panorama taking money from a bogus lobbying firm to ask questions in Parliament about matters relating to Fiji. He did not declare his interests. He is a bribe taking common crook. Yet…

He has resigned the Tory whip to "avoid embarrassing his party" and says he will not seek re-election in 2015.  But until then he will carry on trousering a vast salary and expenses and at the end of it get a gold plated pension. His fellow Parliamentarians seem to think this is the “honourable” thing to do. Bollocks it is.

In the private sector such behaviour would result in instant dismissal without compensation. But this is the cozy club of the political classes where the old boys all stick together. One imagines that Mercer is not the only MP who is still taking cash for asking questions.

This should not be a matter on honour but a point of law. If an MP is “on the take” he or she should be fired without compensation at once. The refusal of the political classes to accept this is just another reason they are held in such contempt by the rest of us.
