Range Resources

127 days ago

The first man to threaten ShareProphets with a lawyers letter sentenced to five years in jail! More schadenfreude vicar?

It was just a week after we launched this website that we exposed a dodgy transaction between Pirate Pete landau’s Range Resources (RRL) and convicted heroin dealer Frank Timis. A lawyer’s letter from the criminal Pirate Pete duly followed. And it was not his only threat or lawyer’s letter to myself and ShareProphets. Oh well… I won’t be spending Christmas in the slammer. Landau will be.


702 days ago

BREAKING: Pirate Pete Landau of Range Resources infamy pleads guilty to theft and fraud and is going to jail

The first lawyers letter this website received about a week after its 2013 launch was from Pirate Pete Landau the boss of Range Resources (RRL). We continued our battles with Purate Pete and his associates such as Greg Smith and I am delighted to say that, last week, Mr Landau pleaded guilty to nine criminal charges in Australia. These days that is not a pre-requisite for a free trip to Oz but a prelude to a jail stretch. Landau will be sentenced on 31 January and he is going down.


915 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Commissioning Wardell Armstrong to do a report on me for Cheryl Cole on the size of my assets

I start by discussing Eurasia Mining (EUA), its CPR on its nickel assets and Range Resources (RRL) and a similar exercise undertaken by Pirate Pete Landau. Then I look at Omega Diagnostics (ODX), at the piece I penned earlier inspired by Luke Johnson, HERE, and finally at Sensyne (SENS) and what happens next.


1956 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: maybe it really is time to call it a day

In today's extra long podcast I reflect that one day folks like Julie Meyer will win and I shall call it a day. I have lasted two years longer than John Hempton predicted. I also look back on a curious fraud from my early days back in, I think, 1995.  I look at Tomco (TOM), Range Resources (RRL), RedT (RED), Columbus Energy (CERP) and VSA valuations, Goldstone Resources (GRL), Verseon (VERS) and Domino's Pizza (DOM). If you enjoyed this, I think, profanity free bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


2044 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Two cracking shorts for 2019 from Shy Bear

I am shortly off to stay with my mother in law in the Grim North for a couple of days. Joy to the world! I am made angry by Wishbone Gold (WSBN) and Turner Pope and comment on that. I look also at Totally (TLY), Range Resources (RRL), AO World (AO.), Pantheon Resources (PANR), Plant Health Care (PHC), BCA Marketplace (BCA) and ASOS (ASC).


2193 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - get your wallet out to see Brokerman Dan in his undies and...Vin is back!

Thank you, thank you. we have reached our £20,000 target for Woodlarks. In fact Luke Johnson has just pledged £1,000 so we are now well over £21,000 but if we reach £25,000 Brokerman Dan will undress for you. More on that in the podcast but please donate, if you have not already, HERE. Elsewhere I look at Facebook (FB) and Robber Barons of the nineteenth century, at Imaginatik (IMTK) and Vin Murria, the Queen of Tech, at Range Resources (RRL) and at RM2 (RM") a Neil Woodford dog where I reckon cash is already looking tight, again!


2428 days ago

Christmas Comes Early - Pirate Pete Landau of Range infamy in Court again

As he only visits those boys and girls who have been good this year I guess that Santa will once again feel no need to drop in on the Landau household, headed up by Pirate Pete of Range Resources (RRL) and many other companies, infamy. But for the rest of us there is an early present with news that the Pirate is in Court again. Happy days.


2507 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - joke valuations at Sound Energy and MySQUAR

If you are listening to bearcast today you must have subscribed to Shareprophets so I thank you. I start with management who are cleary wronguns at Real Good Foods (RGD) which is a disgrace and at Papillion (PPHP) which is far worse - hat tip Cynical Bear HERE. I look at Interserve (IRV). Its shares are slumping on a profits alert but the real horrors are the lies in the August 9 results statement. Still valued at £124 million this could halve again look at debt! Then it is onto MySquar (MYSQ) a good bet for a zero, and finally a trio of oilies, Range Resources (RRL) - its au revoir not goodbye - Pantheon (PANR) dreary and overvalued by a reasonable amount and Sound Energy (SOU) where the valuation is a 100% rum and coke.


2718 days ago

Did Pirate Pete Landau use Range Resources cash to pay off other debts of his?

A major shareholder in Range Resources (RRL) who was , in the good old days, a major ramper of the stock on Aussie chatrooms has made some quite extraordinary claims about how Pirate Pete Landau appeared to use Range cash to pay off other debts he had racked up. This was posted on an Aussie chatroom on behalf of David Scanlen the victim here. My source verifies that these claims are genuine. If true. they are extraordinary and beg questions aboout how Range's current management appear not to be making claims against the Pirate - who is clearly in deep trouble already. The post follows:


2721 days ago

The Pirate Pete Landau Gang – now another two members in court

Oh dear. Oh dear. It gets worse and worse for Pirate Pete Landau, formerly boss of a range of AIM dogs including Range Resources (RRL), all of which he fleeced via is Okap Ventures vehicle. At the weekend I served up a document showing that the Pirate stands accused of forgery, fraud and half inching A$2 million. But other members of his gang appear also to be in a spot of bother. Step forward Jane Rosemary Flegg who was company secretary to most, if not all, of the Landau stable of shite companies.


2722 days ago

Pete Landau accused of A$2m+ theft fraud & forgery: Part 1, The Pirate

Oh dear the curse of ShareProphets today falls on Pirate Pete Landau, formerly boss of AIM dog Range Resources (RRL) and several other stockmarket hounds and a man who sent me a string of lawyer's letters because he did not like my investigative journalism. I now have an official document where the Pirate stands accused of theft, fraud and forgery, of half inching more than $2 million and much else. The victim is Citation Resources, an ASX company linked to Range and now in administration.


2754 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A Smorgasbord of Cr*p AIM investments & 1 I like

A wide ranging bearcast today covers: Aurum Mining (AUR), Range Resources (RRL), SpaceandPeople (SAL), Harvest Minerals (HMI), Rosslyn Data (RDT), Cloudtag (CTAG) in the post fact era - Adrican Potash (AFPO) and Avanti Communications (AVN). 


2870 days ago

Memery Crystal lawyers to FRAUD African Potash - the first time it tried to extract money with menaces from me - for Pirate Pete Landau

As you know the fascist bully boy lawyers at Memery Crystal have demanded money with menaces from me for exposing the fraud committed by its client African Potash (AFPO). Its letter is here and when I kick these bastards into touch it will be a Tom Winnifrith hat-trick against Memery. It also demanded I hand over money when I had a go at its client the fraudsters Globo, 20 months before anyone else had a pop. That fascist letter is HERE. And now I publish the first letter I received from Memery, demanding money for its client Pirate Pete Landau and Range Resources (RRL), now disgraced and facing a spot of bother with the rozzers in Australia. It said that I really must not publish that letter....


3113 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 18 January - I loathe BT, it is ffing useless

I warn you that this podcast contains bad language from the start as I discuss how - as a customer - I hate BT (BT.A) with a passion. I then move onto China Norfolk Taihua (TAIH), a brief Jabba the Hutt section on Solo Oil (SOLO) and LGO Energy (LGO) and a look at SeaEnergy (SEA). Oil disasters dominate the fallers and in that vein I cover Petroceltic (PCI), MX Oil (MXO), Iofina (IOF), Magnolia Petroleum (MAGP), Bahamas Petroleum (BPC) and Range Resources (RRL). I also have a butchers at the fun and games at Altona (ANR).


3129 days ago

Pirate Peter Landau New Year Caption Contest

One of the happiest moments of my Christmas was learning that Aussie scumbag Peter Landau of Range Resources (RRL), Continental Coal (COOL), Black Mountain Silver (BMZ) and Okap infamy has had his assets frozen by an Aussie Court. As Wildes would say...Karma.To celebrate the fall of Pirate Pete, I invite you to post a suitable caption for the picture below in the comments section. Please do not hold back.. Deadline Monday morning


3131 days ago

Happy Christmas - Peter Landau of Range Resources infamy has assets frozen in Australia

Oh happy days, oh happy days. This may be a small crumb of comfort for investors in Range Resources (RRL) or Black Mountain Silver (BMZ) but Pirate Pete Landau has had his assets frozen in Australia by the Federal Court in Perth. As I remind myself of the numerous lawyers letters I received for exposing Range and our great work on exposing Black Mountain I feel it is almost ouzo o'clock already.


3186 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 5 November - sticking it to the bastards at Canaccord

On Guy Fawkes night I reflect on the horrors of this day. Then news from ECR Minerals (ECR) and W Resources (WRES) prompts me to look at the mining sector in general. Then it is onto Amec Foster Wheeler (AMFW) and my thoughts on oil, oil shares, the oil price and oil services companies. Then to the dismal numbers from Canaccord Genuity (CF.) - what it says about the whole sector but also its company specific issues. Finally I take a swipe at Range Resurces (RRL)


3217 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 5 October - Suspension is never good & a cheap joke

A visit to the quack today was not good news but at least the woes of English rugby and LGO Energy (LGO) are there to cheer me up. in this podcast I discuss Alexander Mining (AXM), Cloudbuy (CBUY), the hoods at Equities First Holdings LLC (EFH), Daniel Stewart (DAN), Imaginatik (IMTK), Wandisco (WAND), Mirada (MIRA), Range Resources (RRL), tech stocks vs mining stocks, Amanda Van Dyke and, to end, I can't resist a cheap joke about the rugby.


3232 days ago

New Short for autumn – Boohoo at 33p, valuation a rum n’coke: first warning shot fired

Sadly for us bears most of the slam dunk mid-cap AIM shorts have already gone our way. We have had great sport with Monitise, Tungsten, Quindell, Range Resources, LGO Energy, Cupid, Globo (still more to come there), Gulf Keystone, etc. We won. The Bulletin Board Morons lost. Only Avanti Communications is still left to topple. It will.  But now I think we have a new quarry to stalk: Boohoo.com (BOO) looks a slam dunk short at 33p.


3281 days ago

Rightster, becoming more of a Wrongster every day – cash call ahoy? Tell us about the hidden tax bill

Floated on the AIM Casino at 60p in November 2013, shares in Rightster (RSTR) now trade at 13p-17p but worse is to come as last week’s trading statement DIDN’T make clear.

I have attempted to discuss this with the company but it refers all enquiries to its £5,000-£10,000 pcm PR agency Newgate Threadneedle where the main man is Tim Thompson, the guy we got sacked from his last gig when we exposed the dirty tricks he played on behalf of Range Resources on dissident shareholders. Disgraced Timothy refused to return three phone calls on Thursday as did his colleagues. Well that is £5,000-£10,000 of shareholders cash well spent is it not?

The trading statement was full of the usual shite.


3284 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 31 July in honour of disgraced PR man Tim Thompson

In today's podcast I look at Coms in detail and then at Rightster en passant whose PR man is the disgraced dirty tricks specialist Tim Thompson of Range Resources infamy and where there is a detailed piece to come later,  before having a butchers at the ludicrous joke that is LightwaveRF. I refer to my Jiasen piece earlier and have a warning for other China Norfolks. In that vein I also mention the POS Daniel Stewart. Then en passant Mosman Oil & Gas and flip flop's Red Rock share tip.

Footnote: The Interim CFO at Coms has called me back. What a very nice lady. I stand


3413 days ago

Bearcast 24 March - a shocking revelation ( or two)

In today's podcast I reflect on all the moron comments on Bulletin Boards every time Ive been threatened with legal action by crony capitalists or outright crooks. I forgot to mention Angus Forrest of Tern in that list but it did not work out to well for him just like threats from Globo, Range Resources, blinkx, Quindell, Cupid, Sefton, TXO and now Worthington as well as the clowns in charge of the LSE Asylum all ended up badly for them. Get used to it folks, I pick my targets carefully and I win! I then have a shock revelation about TXO before going on to discuss eServGlobal, Rosslyn Data, Mosman Oil & Gas and more.


3417 days ago

Peter Landau wants to float another POS on AIM – the man has no shame

Disgraced Aussie promoter Peter landau has no shame. Investors have lost almost everything on Range Resources (RRL) while Landau has trousered millions via his Okap Ventures Company. Shares in Black Mountain Resources (BMZ) remain suspended. Yet the money grubbing bastard is back for more as he plans, I can exclusively reveal, his next IPO.


3453 days ago

Is Worthington to follow Quindell, blinkx and Sefton and send me a lawyer’s letter? Round 2 with Pinsent Masons?

Great News! Is it once more into the breach dear friends? Can I add a lawyer’s letter from Worthington (WRN) to those already received from blinkx, Globo, Range Resources, Sefton, Quindell, LSE.co.uk and other scumbags? I wonder. In case you are tempted Worthington “your company is a fraud” – I have seen off bigger scumbags than you and I really do not fear you at all.

Why do I wonder? Two days ago I asked Worthington a simple question by email. “Who are the advisers working on your attempt to get relisted on the main market?

My answer today from Ms Harriet Lucking:

Many thanks for your email and apologies for the


3488 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 7 January

Quindell (QPP) later. For now I look at Boohoo, ASOS, Sainsbury, Majestic Wines, whether online retailers should get a premium to offline retailers and comment en passant on Range Resources and Tern but in detail on IGAS and in total detail on the disgraceful behaviour of Mr Steve Berry and Touchstone Gold. This is truly disgusting and the man has no place on the AIM casino while Touchstone is officially a POS.


3494 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 30 December

In this penultimate podcast of 2014, I look at Sefton Resources, Peter Landau, Range Resources, Black Mountain Resources, Patisserie and especially Igas and its utterly disgraced CEO Andrew Piggy Austin for whom the questions mount.


3504 days ago

Bearcast Range Resources Special - US sale shocker Peter Landau needs life ban from AIM

Range Resources (RRL) was telling its stockholders by unofficial channels  two years ago that its US assets cou;ld be sold for $150 million funding mammoth share buybacks. Today they were sold for $1.4 million. This Bearcast covers the role of Greg Smith in the range tragedy, questions the value of Range's Trinidad assets, points out how Pete Landau misledinvestors and calls on the FCA to investigate Landau for market abuse and to ban him as a director of AIM Casino listed companies. It covers the legal threats I received from him and the spineless approach of other publishers that caused me to set up ShareProphets.

If you feel that Landau misled you over the value of the US assets please write to [email protected] citing your evidence and demanding that they investigate him. 

If you were one of the Bulletin Board Morons who reported me to the FCA for market abuse in Red Flagging Range all the way down from 5.5p to today's 0.54p (susp) you can write to [email protected] and apologise. The Sheriff of AIM is vindicated again.


3528 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's EVEN MORE ANGRY Bearcast - 28 November

The Albanian olive pickers have still not arrived and may well be replaced with Greek workers later today. I am now very angry. Will I make it home by Christmas at this rate? In this podcast I look at Range Resources (RRL) - suspended again and reveal the REAL story of my battle to tell you the truth about this POS - Beowulf Mining, Kalimantan Gold, Daniel Stewart, Naibu, Pressfit, China Chaintek, Gulfsands Petroleum and of course the fraudsters at Quindell


3557 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 27th October - CEOs on AIM stealing money edition

In a wide ranging podcast today I start by revealing that I am trying to nail 3 former AIM CEOs who simply stole money from their company's. More on that later. I also cover Touchstone Gold, Synectics, Range Resources, Concha, Westminster Group and more.


3579 days ago

New World Oil & Gas: The ShareProphets Style of Rooting out Fraud & lies Vindicated again – BB Morons weep

Once again this website has exposed fraud, lies and deceit on the AIM casino – with regard to New World Oil & Gas (NEW). The statement from today vindicates everything that we have written and it has vindicated our approach. To the Bulletin Board Morons who attacked our articles as they averaged down I have no sympathy. You were warned but you insulted us. And you know who is next….

We do not produce 72 page Gotham City Research style dossiers when we go after crime on the AIM Casino. Our style is to unpick what is going on bit by bit. It might take 200 articles but we will get there. We do not waste our efforts where there is no wrongdoing whether it be grotesque stock overpromotion or outright fraud. We only go after the bad guys. Sefton, Range, Vialogy, New World, Cupid, Gulf Keystone, blinkx – we have been 100% vindicated. And you all know who is next…..


3579 days ago

Let’s pretend we are taking legal action say the PLC casino “players

”What do the following companies have in common: blinkx, Globo, Quindell, Range Resources and Sefton Resources? It is a two part answer. 

The first is that all five have sent me at least one lawyer’s letter as they did not like what I have written. The second is that the share prices of all five halve fallen SINCE they sent the letter (as well as after my articles).

The reality is that companies that issue lies in an RNS


3596 days ago

Do Bulletin Board Morons Ever Learn or Ever apologise – discussion with top blogger Paul Scott

It was only the other day that a Bulletin Board Moron owning shares in Naibu (NBU) referred to me as Winnifraud, accusing me of making it all up. Hey presto come Friday there were dire interims and t is clear that it is not me that is the Norfolk and the moron saw his investment slump in value by another 40%. Worse is to come as I shall reveal later today.  But this follows the same pattern as we have seen with Range Resources, Sefton, Vialogy, Globo, Quindell, Iofina, blinkx, Gulf Keystone, Outsourcery etc. etc. Folks like myself and Paul Scott, the great share blogger, point out obvious reasons to sell and all we get is abuse. Paul posted this on ShareProphets yesterday re Naibu


3644 days ago

Range Resources – A Comedy or a Farce: The Convicted Heroin Dealer gives shareholders the needle

Back in April 2013 Range Resources (RRL), then run by Peter Landau agreed to buy International Petroleum Limited, a company stablished and run by convicted heroin dealer Frank Timis. IPT was technically insolvent but Landau was happy to hand over 40% of an enlarged Range share capital to get his hands on this POS and so also loaned International Petroleum $8 million. The cash was repayable of the deal fell through and Range got security over IPT’s Russian assets. The deal fell through. Range has today given us an update on getting the cash back which is truly laughable. It is sheer comedy genius.

The smack dealer Timis was meant to have repaid the $8 million plus 8% interest by April 30th. That has now been extended to 30th November to allow the candyman to sell his Russian and Kazakh assets for $60 million to a mysterious Hong Kong buyer enter the dragon.

Now two things might strike you as odd here.


3663 days ago

ShareProphets (Prophets of Doom), REM, Bulletin Board Morons – a FINAL word

On twitter, on various bulletin boards and on the comments section here on ShareProphets  and elsewhere we have come under sustained attack for 24 hours – let me set the record straight. And then I can get back to dealing with the snakes, rats and bats that infest my home for the summer in Greece.

  1. Some commentators have stated that they have no sympathy with the threats made against myself, ChrisOil and James Parter by Bulletin Board Morons BUT… we have brought it on ourselves by being so bearish, etc. Bollocks. There can be no BUYS on this one. Making threats is illegal. And threatening writers because you disagree with what they say is just plain wrong. Anyone who cannot appreciate that there can be no BUT’s in this matter has a screw loose. I suggest they start their therapy by reading 1984 ref ThoughtCrime and follow that up with On Liberty by John Stuart Mill.
  2. Others attack ShareProphets 

3694 days ago

Twitter Moron of the Week –Mike Bowen a bull of Quindell, Coms & blinkx

You could not make it up. Some folks cannot but help pick overpriced glamour stocks which crash. Meet Mike Bowen who tweets as @lookatbowen and who first spring to my attention as he tweeted @tomwinnifrith the only person certifiable is you Tom  Oooh er missus. I guess he owns Quindell (QPP) then.

For the avoidance of doubt I am prepared to accept that there is a case to be made that I am certifiable. Warning folks about overvalued stocks does not make you popular. Buying shares in Quindell just to go to the AGM and ask hard questions might be construed as foolhardy. But whatever. I prefer the description “eccentric.” But as it happens on a portfolio of all the stocks the Bulletin Board Morons love (blinkx, Globo, Iofina, Cupid, Gulf Keystone, Coms, Range Resources, Sefton and of course Quindell) I was RIGHT to be bearish.

Now meet “sane” Mike Bowen.


3712 days ago

Less than 24 Hours to Nominate for the 2014 AIM Cesspit awards – A few ideas other than Peter Landau

Nominations for the 2014 AIM Cesspit awards close at 7 AM on Friday so you have less than 24 hours to nominate for the six (of nine) categories which are voted on and can do so HERE. Already Pete Landau of Range Resources (RRL) looks to be widely supported in ALL categories. But we welcome other nominations. If you are stuck for ideas:


3728 days ago

Gagged by Range Resources – the 2 questions it will not answer

Ben Turney & I would like to put three questions at the Range Resources conference call tomorrow. We have written to and phoned Buchanan Communications to ask if we can but I guess Range only wants easy questions. The conference call is an IR smokescreen as we predicted earlier HERE – for what it is worth our two questions were:


3728 days ago

Exclusive: Buchanan Communications Admits to Range Resources Dirty tricks, apologises and disciplines staff member

Fleet Street still has not touched this story because it is too busy sucking PR cock to cover the stench emanating from the City’s largest financial PR firm. We can revealed exclusively that Buchanan Communications has admitted that a staff member did wage a dirty tricks campaign against Range Resources shareholders campaigning to change the way Range is run.

We broke news of this dirty tricks campaign last Friday HERE

Buchanan represents more AIM listed firms than any other PR agency and is owned by Sir Martin Sorrell’s WPP Group (WPP). Journalists on the nationals want PR firms to spoon feed them stories or cushy well paid jobs in PR when they fancy a move to the dark side so NO national paper dared touch this story.

As private investors get screwed over on a daily basis on AIM just remember whose side, PR arse-licking Fleet Street is on….it ain’t yours.

Buchanan has now confirmed that its chairman Richard Oldworth has written to the dissenting Range shareholders apologising


3728 days ago

Official Request to put 3 Questions at the Range Investor call

Ben Turney and I have this morning lodged an official request to put three questions at the Range Resources investor call tomorrow. This is an acid test for range as to whether this event is anything more than an IR smokescreen.

Historically the only questions at such calls have been from believes: analysts at firms who act as retained advisors to Range, analysts at commissioned research firms etc.  As such the questions are soft and easy “tell me Mr Landau how soon will you get Trinidad output up to tour 4,000 bopd target that will make Range shares really cheap?”  or “Mr Landau are you a genius of a chairman with a 15 inch penis or an uber-genius with an 18 inch shlong?”

"Geeze, paid for analysts that is a toughie" says Pete Landau before launching into a promotional spiel.

And so Ben


3729 days ago

Green Dragon Misleading Investors – When is a decrease an increase? What a frigging joke.

This morning’s RNS from AIM Cesspit posterboy Greed Dragon Gas (GDG) plumbs new depths when it comes to spinning bad news as good. The company, its Nomad (Smith & Williamson) and its PR firm (Pelham Bell Pottinger, PR man James Henderson) should all be taken out and shot. This is such a total frigging disgrace in describing black as white. Words almost escape me.


3732 days ago

Is Top City Financial PR Firm Buchanan mired in a Range Resources Dirty Tricks Campaign?

Part of the WPP (WPP) Group, financial PR firm Buchanan acts for more AIM listed clients than any other PR firm. But today I ask if the odours from its lavish Cheapside offices are not of expensive perfumes worn by glamorous PR birds, but from the stench of a dirty tricks campaign against those investors seeking management change at AIM Cesspit listed Range Resources (RRL)? There is no suggestion that Range itself is aware of this. So....

Let’s start with Buchanan. According to its website: 


3733 days ago

In defence of Negative articles ref QPP, Iofina, Globo, blinkx, Sefton, Range, etc.

Writing negative pieces about companies does not win you friends. In the past year I have enjoyed as a result: lawyers letters from companies, being sued for libel, shit posted to me in the post, death threats, stalking (yesterday), numerous complaints about me to the FCA, defamatory comments about me and my restaurant on the internet and now attempts to get ADVFN to stop me writing. Bollocks! What I do is right and in the interests of shareholders. I am not stopping. Nor will this website.

What you must first understand is the vast amounts of money that quoted companies spend on persuading investors to buy their shares. Commissioned research from Edison, Hardman, etc. is not cheap. PR firms charge up to £10,000 a month to plant positive spin in the press. Roadshows and presentations at Proactive and Oilbarrel or the recording of soft promo videos are not cheap. My guess is that between them QPP, Iofina, Globo and blinkx will have spent c£1.5 million of shareholders funds last year on trying to persuade folks to buy the shares.

Most commentators and brokers write overwhelmingly buy notes.


3784 days ago

Range Resources – with hindsight a premature capitulation (by me)

I attracted an unprecedented (even by my standards) amount of grief from Bulletin Board Morons for being persistently bearish on AIM Cesspit listed Range Resources (RRL) all the way down from 5p until December. Then at 1.28p I did not tip the stock but merely ran it as a (successful) trading buy in my Christmas trading challenge with Steve Moore. 

That call also earned me grief because by then the Morons (without apologising to me) had decided that Range Resources head honcho Pete Landau was now the devil incarnate. The shares are now 0.82p. Where next?

For what it is worth I do not regard Landau as a devil incarnate. Folks can often get too tied up with personality. Landau may be Australian but then so is Kylie so not everyone from Oz is a bad person. But unlike Kylie who delivers winning smile after winning smile, I am afraid that Landau


3883 days ago

Trade Number 7 in my ETX Christmas trading challenge with Steve Moore – Range Resources shock

This is going to shock, horrify and stun you. My seventh trade in my Christmas ETX Trading Challenge with Steve Moore is to buy Aussie oil explorer Range Resources (RRL) at 1.28p at £60 a penny. “What the Castlemaine xxxx” I hear you say, are you not a mega bear?


3883 days ago

My Christmas ETX Spreadbetting Challenge with Steve Moore – Trade 6 (Range Resources)

Do I think Range Resources (RRL) is overvalued ? Yes. Where are the shares going short term? I am not sure. 

Not only are the markets in a fizzy mood making any short dangerous but from what I gather the company might just announce that it is ready to expand its Trinidad operations thanks to a new loan facility and/or it might actually sell its US assets. Either could see the shares spike short term.

Both are ifs not whens and I would certainly not regard this stock as cheap. But I am ahead on this short trade and so why not bank a gain. I am buying back Range to close at 1.356 and so have netted a massive profit of £2.32 on this trade. 

That will assist me slight in my little pre-Christmas contest with Steve Moore. Whoever makes the most/loses the least will not send a cheque for £50 to Woodlarks. Any profits either of us make will also go to Woodlarks.

If you want to trade small caps like Range most spreadbetting firms won’t let you do it. ETX will. That is why we have partnered up with them.

If you open an account with them before Friday you will get a free £500 to trade with. You can open that account HERE


3890 days ago

Range Resources: What is something worth Mr Landau? Plus my SOCA question & a video challenge

Pete Landau, the head honcho at Range Resources (RRL) has been busy emailing shareholders about my weekend opus magnus. Good for him to come out fighting. Low life CEOs would resort to hiring bully boy City lawyers to try to gag me. Landau seems happy to debate the facts. For that I really do give him full credit. Pete: you are THE man!


3891 days ago

Range Resources, Greg Smith, Guatemala and Citation

As the late great Max Bygraves might have said, I wanna tell you a shtorrry – and this tale comes to you all the way from Central America. Read carefully for it is a bit complicated.

It starts back in the early part of this millennium when a fellow called Greg Smith was running an AIM listed company called Petrolatina (PELE). I have to admit that I was taken in as was my fat friend Evil. Greg is a very plausible salesman.


3892 days ago

Range Resources – can anyone explain director pay to me?

Range Resources (RRL) shareholders have just voted through the annual report giving their approval on executive pay. Hmmmmm.

Starting at the bottom, I note that non exec Marcus Edwards-Jones (bet he did not grow up on a council estate in Rotherham) picked up A$100,000 last year. That is more than three times the AIM average. Would Mr. Edwards-Jones care to explain why he is such a valuable commodity in relation to net operational cashburn and a plunging share price?

But compared to CEO Pete Landau, old Marcus is a pauper. 


3893 days ago

Range Resources – How Much Cash Left?

I was sitting down with a pal last night and we were trying to work out how much cash Range Resources (RRL) has left. I think the answer would not make pleasant reading if you are long. I am short and cash (or lack of it) is why.


3896 days ago

The Second Trade in my ETX Christmas Trading Challenge – sell Range Resources

Well here goes…I had never done a spread bet in my life until yesterday. However, I am challenging Steve Moore to a trading challenge to run until Christmas. And I have just completed my second trade.


3901 days ago

Looking back a year for a prize Bulletin Board Moron - Ref Range Resources

Last December 17th I penned an article on Range Resources (RRL) then at 4.86p rating the stock a sell with a 1.5p target price. That piece produced a great response from a Bulletin Board Moron – a certain “Savvyunlikeyou.”  


4121 days ago

Honour Among Thieves – Journalist Ethics or lack of them - ref Darshini Shah

Yes I know that all journalists are scumbags. I love my profession and feel that I fit in perfectly. But there are certain ethics. If a rival breaks a story you at least mention it before writing it yourself. You do nor write utter shit to obscure that fact. There are some ethics even in the gutter. But not it appears round at iii where some bird called Darshini Shah seems a little unfamiliar with this basic principle of our profession.

It is not often I break a bid story involving a £100 million capitalised company and, even better, get its shares suspended as a result. Allow me to savour my little triumph. But last night I broke the Range Resources bid story on Shareprophets.com – see HERE

And so this morning some person called Darshini Shah wrote on the iii “newspaper”

Shares in Range Resources (RRL) have been placed into a precautionary suspension, spurring investors' hopes that the company would be announcing a merger deal. In a statement released on Monday morning, Range Resources said shares would be suspended on AIM until the company could issue "a clarification announcement in respect of a potential significant transaction".

Range's shares have also been placed in a trading halt on the Australian Securities Exchange. Some users of the Interactive Investor discussion boards suggested African Petroleum could be the potential merger partner.

Ok enough of Darshini's fantasy. The facts are that I ran the story, named the merger partner and made sure that the right folks knew and thus the shares were suspended. But Darshini reckons they were suspended, apropos of nothing and then folks on the iii Bulletin Board broke the story sometime this morning.

Darshin, love: that might suit the ii narrative but it is not actually true is it? With your ethics and love of the truth maybe a switch to PR is in order?

PS If Darshini is a bloke not a bird I apologise.


4196 days ago

Range Resources – Flagging a Tweet from David Lenigas

I flag this with no idea what is behind this but David Lenigas runs Leni Gas & Oil (LSE:LGO) which like Range Resources (LSE:RRL) has extensive interests in Trinidad. Both were mant to present at some shindig but Mr Lenigas tweeted a few hours ago:

David Lenigas ‏@DavidLenigas


4215 days ago

Norovirus bug a real pain – it meant a day in the kitchen at Real Man Pizza

It seems that the whole of Britain has the Norovirus. Well not quite everyone. I do not have it. Robert Sutherland Smith says he has it but being an old trooper he is still filing articles anyway – another one is imminent. My two senior staff at Real Man Pizza do not have it but being over 45 they are the sort of fellows who would come into work if their right leg fell off.

Thankfully none of our regular customers at Real Man Pizza in Clerkenwell have it, business is where it should be. But, bugger me the two younger members of staff are both stricken. That is the sort of thing that happens to you if you do not drink or smoke and go to the gym. You get sick. It is God’s judgement on you for being such a health bore. The net result, cometh the day, cometh the man and I have done two shifts in the kitchen today. It has not stopped me writing or chatting to folk in between creating a fettuccine ragu with an extra chilli twist or a cracking penne with a creamy mushroom and bacon sauce. There is some technical Italian term for that dish too but I am so cream crackered that I cannot remember what it is.

Anyhow, no customer complaints about my cooking and the new Curious Brew beer offering is going down a storm. Only two more articles to polish off and then a pre bedtime prayer that our younger more health conscious staff get well soon. I appreciate that the boards of Sefton Resources, Range Resources, Vialogy etc and a handful of Bulletin Board morons would love me to stick to the kitchen full time but it is not going to happen.


4237 days ago

Fox Davies Buy Range Resources at 3.655p with a 25p Target Price. I disagree natch.

You know that I am a bear of AIM listed oil producer Range Resources (LSE:RRL) but I am nothing if not a balanced sort of fellow and hence this piece. I reckon that the shares are stonking short on the basis of non delivery, peer group relative cashflow multiples and the act that Range’s cash position is less than splendid – I am convinced that it will do a funding at some stage soon.

But others are bullish. Notably the company’s house broker Fox Davies which has reiterated its 25p target share price and buy stance in a research note out today ( 19th December).

My target price is 1.5p and you can read why HERE.

But becuase I am such a decent sort of fellow I offer an alternative viewpoint.

Download the PDF here

Whether you buy, sell or hold is your call. Have a very merry Christmas.


4239 days ago

Range Resources – Not Very Good Statement: Still a Sell

AIM and ASX listed oil producer and explorer Range Resources (LSE:RRL) has served up a statement which is, in summary, not very good. There are elements of hope but also delays and disappointments. And these delays cannot help its cash position. Not surprisingly the share price has been marked lower, to 3.75p, but that does not present a buying opportunity. The stance remains sell. The target price remains 1.5p. And here is why.


4240 days ago

Range Resources – I have some sympathy

Range Resources (LSE:RRL) was forced to issue a statement on 14th December saying that it noted unusual share trading activity and knew of no reason for this but that it plans operational updates within the next few days. Though I continue to believe that the shares are materially overvalued at 3.95p (my target share price is 1.5p) I find myself having real sympathy for the company. I guess it is all that Christmas spirit filtering through even to my black Ulster heart.


4306 days ago

Range Resources – what on earth is the CEO saying?

I have been a bear of AIM listed penny share oil dreadful Range Resources (LSE:RRL) for some months. I remain a bear with the shares at 4.87p valuing the company at £114 million. But my attention is now drawn to a quite remarkable interview given by CEO Pater Landau with the blogger Brokerman Daniel. Dan is a good fellow but this stuff is extraordinary and makes me more bearish than ever. Dan and I disagree on this one and here is why.


4307 days ago

Range, Sefton, Qihang etc – Revenue and FREE cashflow

You know my views on all three stocks. More on Range (LSE:RRL) later but it is still a sell with a 1.5p target after today’s news. Sefton (LSE SER) at 1.16p remains a sell down to 0.1p. At 13p Qihang Equipment (LSE: QIH) is also a sell with a target price of 0.1p. But I note BB comments about these penny share dreadfuls which just nag on about production levels and compare that to the market cap and insist that I have got it all wrong. Well here is why the BB morons need to rethink – and incidentally this applies to all companies.


4341 days ago

The Love that Dares to Speak its name all the bloody time

This twitter thing is getting all the more entertaining. It is not just the quantity of folks who follow you but who is following you that interests me. I am still not sure that I have tweeted anything of interest to the potato girls (the tweeters from the British potato council) but I am working on an idea of how I can combine the preparation of spuds with the issue of man made climate change. Is it greener to boil or roast? Will I save the poor polar bears if I recycle my boiling water to wash my socks? These are great questions and in the interests of saving the planet I shall turn my mind to them in due course. Meanwhile the potato girls and others will have to make do with my thoughts on other matters. But I now have one Tory MP following me (I have never heard of him but he is obviously a very switched on fellow) and two Master Investor speakers (M Slater and – as of today – J Mellon). I shall try to come up with something entertaining for both of them. I fear that I am beginning to become a bit of a tweet addict.

Meanwhile, those who are reading this piece hoping for a diatribe about homosexuality will be disappointed. The love I refer to is the love that certain private investors, who spend their lives on Bulletin Boards, feel for certain stocks. These chaps tend not to be promiscuous but monogamous and faithful to the last.


4342 days ago

Range Resources Textual Analysis Part 2 - Keep selling

I noted earlier today how the way that AIM listed penny share oil explorer Range Resources (RRL) communicates with its investors is very odd indeed. My attention is now drawn to the way it has communicated with its investors over it operations in the Islamofascist hell hole that is Puntland. This really is curious.


4342 days ago

Range Resources still a sell - odd use of language plus Sefton comment

I took a fair old beating on the Bulletin Boards after advising you that AIM listed penny share oil explorer Range Resources (RRL) was hugely overvalued at 4.86p following the abject failure of its drilling campaign in the Islamofascist hell hole that is Puntland. Report him to the regulators screamed the muppets. He must be helping Evil who is short (he was not) said others. I was not. But the shares initially traded up to 5.6p which delighted both my critics who argued that I could not tip a waiter but also those who were so in love with the stock that they decided to buy more shares.

One helpful fellow commentated on this blog that I should bury my head in the sand. At least if that was Puntland sand I would not get any oil in my hair but I am afraid that is not my style and so with the shares now back at 4.76p I make a couple of observations.


4351 days ago

Range Resources Correction: Fair Price not 2.4p but 1.18p: Lucian Miers now shorting + Zoltav thoughts (sell)

Sincere apologies but thanks to a well known website beginning with A, I have been using the wrong issued share capital in calculating a valuation for AIM listed oil penny share Range Resources (RRL). There are not 1.129 billion shares in issue but 2.357 billion. Oh dear. This does nothing to alter the sell case I have expounded for some days except to make it more pronounced. I have revised the previous articles published to reflect this minor data error on a website beginning with A.

I stand by my conclusion that I would not buy this stock at any price until it agrees a new debt facility as it is almost out of cash. Moreover if that facility is agreed I would only buy at 0.75p or less in order to give me enough upside potential to justify the risk since my estimate of fair value falls – using the correct shares in issue – from 2.4p to 1.18p. Ouch.


4352 days ago

Range Resources, Red Emperor and Horn Petroleum – sell the lot: Puntland a duster

The second Puntland well is a duster. No oil. Game over. Consequently you should not wait for the next promote – as soon as you can sell shares in AIM listed oil stocks Red Emperor (RMP), Range Resources (RRL) and TSXV listed Horn Petroleum. I warned you to sell Range on Friday. Predictably I got a stack of abuse (you do not understand, blah, blah, blah) and so I explained again over the weekend (no doubt generating more anger from those who have fallen in love with this share). But now you need to look at this matter dispassionately and simply bail.


4353 days ago

Range Resources Part 2 – Further Thoughts, conclusion sell!

Following on from my comments about Range Resources (RRL) on Friday I have become far more convinced that the shares are, at 4.86p, a sell. You can read the original analysis HERE. There are two reasons for my strengthening view that this is not a stock to own in fact I would wait until the Puntland news is out and then whatever it says go short.

The first is a very odd investor Q&A released by the company on its website. Odd timing, just before the bank holiday and a few days ahead of the Puntland well results which it says will be within days. But


4355 days ago

Range Resources: Slam Dunk sell or cute punt?

AIM listed oil producer and explorer Range Resources (RRL) is a stock beloved of penny share bulletin board punters. That, I suppose, should be a good reason not to buy. I must admit that in my heart I would rate this as a slam dunk sell but there is just a chance that the shares are cheap. Let me explain.

We start with the strange goings on in Puntland. For those of you not familiar with Range this is not a parallel universe inhabited by a race of people entirely cloned from Evil Knievil, but a place which is now, after years of strife, autonomous from Somalia. I should say that it is not the sort of place you would really choose to do business, let alone go for a break in the sun, but there just may be a lot of oil there.
