St Brides

541 days ago

BREAKING: St Brides quits as PR to Caracal - now Andrew Monk do you have less honour than a PR firm?

St Brides Partners, the PR firm to disgraced Caracal Gold (GCAT) has today quit as an adviser with immediate effect. I am told that St Brides was not aware of the numerous rule breaches and insider dealing and did not draft yesterday’s nonsensical ‘fess up forced on the company by the FCA after recent revelations on this website. The next question is for Andrew Monk of VSA Capital (VSA).


2217 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: after 27 fecking miles in the sun I must have sun stroke - defending a PR firm ( St Brides) & also Jim Mellon

I feel like shite, hence the late bearcast. I managed it! 27 miles in the heat today has taken its toll. I am in real pain in all sorts of places. Enjoy that pain TW haters, revel in it and make a donation HERE I could have walked 32 miles today but did not - that treat awaits me and Brokerman Dan on July 28. He is training hard too. Enjoy his pain and please donate HERE. In the podcast I pass on market intelligence on Optibiotix (OPTI), discuss Cynical's massive expose on Kibo (KIBO) HERE and then leap to the defence of both a PR firm and the asset stripper Jim Mellon. It must be the sun...


2808 days ago

As I wandered from Fleet Street to Ludgate Hill my mind wandered to Kambos and the Greek Hovel

I know the area at the bottom end of Fleet Street, where it turns into Ludgate Hill and you wander up to St Pauls, like the back of my hand. Twenty years ago I worked around there at the Chronic Investor and used to walk home Eastwards. For two decades, at Christmas I would go to midnight mass at the journalists' church, St Brides. The area has changed a lot over the twenty five years that we have been acquainted. Unlike me, it has smartened itself up. But it is still familiar territory.


2870 days ago

BREAKING: African Potash - First adviser walks - will anyone else show they put morality over money?

I sensed that those close to the fraud African Potash (AFPO) were getting skittish and now I can reveal that the first adviser has indeed handed in its notice. And I am not surporised as to who it is that has shown that it puts morality ahead of money.

The adviser quitting is St Brides PR. St Brides, you may remember, acted for the sister company to Potash, Sable Mining (SBLM) which last week said it was quitting the AIM Casino amid its own problems with a major bribery scandal. St Brides quit that account a good while back, whereas Nomad Cantor Fitzgerald hung on to the bitter end.

Congratulations to St Brides which shows that not all folks in PR are total rotters only interested in money. I hope that good companies on AIM who are looking for PR opt to go with St Brides on the basis that there should be a moral dimension to business and this agency - unlike others I could mention - is clearly on the side of the angels.I kinow a lot of AIM CEOs read this website, come on chaps, do the decent thing and hire St Brides first thing on Monday. 

St Brides has put morality and principle ahead of cash considerations and thus shown itself in the best possible light. The question now is 


2878 days ago

Strat Aero - misleads with RNS today compounding a lie of yesteryear

Naughty naughty St Brides PR. We know that it publishes lies on behalf of the fraudsters African Potash (AFPO) both via RNS and when smearing me to moronic shareholders but its efforts on behalf of Strat Aero (AERO) today really are not very impressive. Naughty Susie Geliher who works on both accounts it really is time you had your bottom spanked


2883 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: RIP Maurice Byrne, this is dedicated to you my friend

I start with a dedication to Maurice Byrne, a friend of my family for more than 40 years, a true eccentric and a bearcast listener who sadly passed away on Thursday. I will miss him, not least as a bulwark against the raging political correctness of my family. Then I turn to Cloudtag (CTAG) and African Potash (AFPO) two companies now exposed as having lied to investors in a material way just days before placings. What does this say about investing in frauds? What does it mean for the shares and what does it mean for AIM? as the Potash story now starts to head towards the Nationals (oh yes St Brides PR brace yourselves, you can smear me but will you continue in that vein?) what happens next in both cases? Maurice would have enjoyed these battles in so many ways.


2886 days ago

African Potash tells Morons its lawyers are onto Tom Winnifrith - see you bitchez in Court!

African Potash (AFPO) has not put out an RNS but it has reassured Bulletin Board Morons that it is is preparing legal action against me. Great news. I cannot wait to see the bitchez in court. The disclosure process will be a hoot. I really look forward to seeing that Letter of Credit from the January 6 RNS because it DOES NOT EXIST. Disclosure here will destroy Potash so bring it on Bitchez;. The statement which PR operatives St Brides has sent to morons by email reads:


3078 days ago

Goldplat, St Brides & the Questions of Insider Dealing

Oh dear, Surely not any more scandal on the world's most successful growth market that is the 100% rigged AIM Casino. Oh yes...I fear that is the case. Step forward the St Brides PR agency and Goldplat (GDP).

The IKN Blog which specialises in South American mining stories has got hold of emails from Susie Geliher a senior PR bird at St Brides to selected investors sent last week. According to IKN:


3984 days ago

A few thoughts on financial PR people, moral compass and how they view me

I am not sure that those singled out for praise will appreciate it coming from me. Neither will those who receive rightful opprobrium in what follows – my mind this afternoon turns to the world of financial PR. The dark side.
