The Evening Standard

1604 days ago

Game Set and (almost) match to Muddy Waters after diabolical after hours fess up from FTSE 100 member NMC

Natch the bad news came after hours, at no-one is watching O’clock. With journalist smearing FTI Consulting doing the PR turd polishing what else would you expect?  My pal Carson Block of Muddy Waters whose dossier first exposed the cesspit at NMC on 17 December 2019 HERE noted “At this point, the company’s announcements speak for themselves and seem to be even more damning than our initial report was.” Indeed. Well let’s start with the apologies

To ShareSoc and Mark Shapland at the Evening Standard and other deadwood press hacks too terrified or so beholden to FTI 


1718 days ago

FCA Staff engaged in theft and shitting on floor as investors get hit by scandal after scandal

The Evening Standard has got hold of a shocking memo from the Financial Conduct Authority’s chief operating officer Georgina Philippou in which she said she was “appalled about the incidents of bad behaviour towards our building and colleagues.” It gets better…


2363 days ago

So who got twitter to ban an account flagging up adverse articles about Julie Meyer MBE?

If devout Christian Julie Meyer MBE does not like FACT based articles about her and Ariadne Capital Limited ( now in administration) by City AM, The Evening Standard, The Times, ShareProphets ( an avalanche) and ex employees turned whistleblower such as John Galt posting on LinkedIn she could always send yet another fascist lawyers letter to them. But since all that has been written has been based on fact....


3709 days ago

That £439 glass of wine last night but at least my typos will be reduced

You may have noticed that the number of typos in my articles has increased in recent months. I am not a touch typist but have learned how to bang the keys hard and fast – having to knock out 350 words in ten minutes with a sub-editor screaming at you to hit an Evening Standard deadline was a great instructor.

The problem with this is that after about a year the letters on my keypad start to disappear. And so on my laptop there was often some confusion between o, I, u, p and m and n. Those letters – as well as r, t, a, w, k and l are now all missing. Spellcheck does not always pick these matters up. And it can be hard to sub your own articles particularly after a hard day.

But salvation is at hand.


4071 days ago

Killer Frogs song about corrupt and sleazy MPs

I used to work with a great journalist called Peter Krigjsman on the Evening Standard. Having broken a major story splashed on the Standard front page about an invasion of killer frogs ( I think it was a little overhyped), Peter forever became known as Killer Frogs.

Killer Frogs is a very talented guy. To prove it here is a song he wrote and produced at the time of the MP's expenses scandal. I guess it still resonates today.

Relax, sit back and rock with Killer Frogs

Download ElectionTime.mp3
