
3027 days ago

LGO Energy Tries to Hide Calamitous decline with deceptive presentation: Gotcha!

An RNS from LGO Energy (LGO) late yesterday announces that hapless CEO Neil Ritson is presenting at yet another conference in Trinidad. Boy that guy must have some air miles. The presentation which you can download HERE is truthful but misleading in respect to the calamitous decline in output. I refer you to page 2 which is below. This is a shocker.


3105 days ago

Big David Lenigas rushes from Cuba crash to Trinidad train wreck - shock photo emerges

Thanks to reader BobbyChariot who has captured proof that David Lenigas is rushing from Cuba following the disastrous Lenigas Cuba (CUBA) IPO to Trinidad to check out the LGO Energy (LGO) train wreck. Its not a good day for either company but Big Dave is on the case , working hard for shareholders. Feel free to supply a suitable caption in the comments section below
