covid test

731 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: falling for a £49 covid test scam

Yes I fell for this scam sponsiored by the British and French Governments ands I mention this in the context of folks getting, wrongly, excited by news today from Novacyt (NCYT). Make no mistake: the covid testing bubble is over. I discuss Fevertree (FEVR) where I predict two more profits warnings – stay short. And then on the vicious attack on Richard Jennings by Ironveld (IRON). Jennings is a litigious fellow so may well be talking to his lawyer. I wouldn’t bother myself but cant think that Ironveld’s board is doing itself any favours with such antics. 


733 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Off to Greece today

I passed my covid test, enjoyed a wonderful christening for Jaya (photos another day), and am off to Greece at Noon. God willing, I arrive at the hovel about midday on Thursday GMT. So, my output may be limited until then. Today, I discuss the read across from Cellular Goods (CBX), and why news from Hydrogen Utopia (HUI) reinforces what a monumental slam-dunk sell Powerhouse Energy (PHE) is.


868 days ago

Omega Diagnostics Regulatory Failure a sign of incompetence but does not affect business model: it is still shite & doomed

Oh dear. Oh dear. The chaps running Omega Diagnostics (ODX) really are incompetent poltroons.  I wonder how my favourite Saltire waving troll Craig Inglis – who first inspired me to start investigating this POS -  feels about the latest dire news: The UK Health Security Agency rejecting an application for approval of the professional-use VISITECT® COVID-19 Antigen test. Ooops.


1034 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - taking another covid test this morning

I discuss the Mrs and I both taking tests this morning as we both feel a bit under the weather. Then I look in detail at Chill Brands (CHLL) where the risk-reward of holding until next Thursday is surely terribly unattractive and at Tern (TERN) accounting for Geeks, what is being hidden and why that makes this such a sell and also at Argo Blockchain (ARB).


1063 days ago

BREAKING: MyHealthChecked Covid tests now on sale with Lloyds Pharmacy which has 1400 stores why no RNS?

This is massive. Lloyds has 1400 stores across the UK. And as you can sde HERE it is now selling the MyHealthChecked (MHC) covid test. Boots is selling the test from more than 500 stores and that deal plus sales from MyHealthChecked’s own portal managed to drive sales of c£3 million in May and June alone. So gaining this additional distribution (plus that from partnering with EasyJet) is surely highly material. Why no RNS


1075 days ago

The covid lunacy of Greece (and British Airways) as we prepare for a most holy day – a Greek Covid Test centre

The Mrs and I needed to pass a covid test within 72 hours of a flight back from the Hellenic Republic in order to be readmitted to Britain. And that meant finding a test centre open on a Saturday and a trip to Kalamata. A day ahead of the Great religious celebration what better way to spend the day.
