
579 days ago

DeepVerge Interims – demerger will not create value, another spoof from the arse

We knew that half calendar year results from Deepverge (DVRG) would be shite for two reasons. One: they always are – this company is a serial dog. Two: there was a specific lack of profits warning. Natch, CEO Gerry “the arse” Brandon, a man who should have been booted off the public company scene for last year’s breach of AIM Rules 10 & 11, fooling investors ahead of a placing, fails to mention the elephant in the room. Instead, there is another spoof.


725 days ago

GlaxoSmithKline – Q1 update, still further share price upside as demerger nears

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has announced its first quarter of the year results and that it reconfirms its full-year 2022 guidance. We are well ahead on this share tip where we are also drinking our own medicine so what to do now?


2895 days ago

The Predictive Powers of David Williams of Avanti infamy, or how he buries bad business

Avanti Communications (AVN) started its AIM career not as a satellites business but as a provider of screens for pubs and shops, the loss making tin cans in space business came later. At that point uber bombast CEO David Williams decided to "lose" the original business via a demerger. Shareholders in Avanti were given stock in both entitites. Now track what happens next.
