
940 days ago

Breaking – Fantastist penny share huckster Chris Oil facing bankruptcy order from broker within two weeks: City source

If you wondered where the fantastist penny share spiv Chris Oil had got to, I fear that news from the man who lives with mummy and daddy in a fake castle does not seem good. I revealed that he was on the hook to his erstwhile pal Brokerman Dan Levi for £150,000 a year or so ago. Luckily for all the talk of shotguns and past villany, the reality is that Dan is too much of a nice guy for his own good and has yet to issue a formal statutory demand against Mr Oil which would lead to the fantasist being declared bankrupt. But 


2357 days ago

Team Chris Oil - you are truly pathetic twitter pillocks

Yesterday I exposed how fantastist Chris Oil was buying bogus bot twitter followers on an industrial scale to make it look as if folks really cared about what he tweeted. He or someone close to him has responded in predictable fashion.
