
361 days ago

From a 4 day week to a P45 in six months – life for a worker at the $1bn AIM fraud Wandisco

It was just six months ago that smug bien pensant Davie Richards MBE was boasting that putting his staff on a four day week but paying them for five days had seen sales rocket. Then it emerged that most of those booked sales were completely bogus, booked by one rogue saleperson. As CEO, Richards, and his hapless CFO, had not bothered to call any of these big new customers, had not verified the contracts indeed had done nothing even as bills were not paid. Richards was too busy being one of the “great and the good.” Today, the price of Richards’ ineptitude became clear as Wandisco (WAND), battling to stay solvent, has started mass layoffs.


2874 days ago

Watchstone - a Good day to Bury Bad news: more layoffs as Canada and Hubio fall apart

The remaining staff at the Hubio operations encompassing Iter8 in Toronto have been called to a "Town Hall" meeting at 11 AM Canadian time today so by the time their hear of their fate it will be after hours UK so any admission of what has gone on will be on 23rd June, a great day to bury bad news.
