
1219 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Happy Brexit has been done New Year to you all

I mean it. happy New Year to you all especially our own in house Euro loon Jonathan Price who will be in tears at 11 PM Tonight. I shall not be! In this podcast I discuss the FCA and today’‘s mini-bond calamity in waiting, Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and the Marwyn vehicle (MAC1) where Vin Murria is now on board but where it seems impossible to buy shares. That’s not much fun is it? Vin: how about a Primary Bid offer for we plebs?  I also lash out at Priti Patel and the Tories for blowing off the public sector while the private sector is screwed. I thought that is what Labour was for.


1219 days ago

BREAKING: The FCA fecking up again, the next Mini Bond catastrophe: The High Street Group – is that a fat Lady I see approaching?

On its website under heading “High Street Group In Numbers” it states its Current Estimated Value of The Group is £1.5 billion and forecasted value of the company by 2023 is £3 billion.  My forecast value by the end of 2021 is exactly zero. You will not be able to say that you were not warned. Or that the truly useless FCA has done anything,or is currently doing anything, to stop mug punters losing cash on this mini-bond disaster. Given the scrutiny it faces over London & Capital Finance that is doubly shocking.


1361 days ago

Wellesley Finance Plc - from bad to worse: the next mini bond blow up?

It is 92 days since I last wrote about Wellesley Finance Plc.  So, I have looked at recent developments at the mini-bond disaster waiting to happen where the FCA is, as ever, asleep at the wheel.


1374 days ago

SCOOP: Fat Lady heading to a gig at The High Street Group? Another £60 million mini-bond scandal waiting to break

You, dear readers, cannot say that you were not warned about this one. I penned a detailed expose on April 13 warning you all that this would end in tears. Natch the FCA has done nothing, that being its standard response to folks losing all their cash to mini-bond schemes.  Anyhow, word reaches me of events that suggest the end game is almost upon us for this property developer.


1381 days ago

Chilango goes tits up – Covid is just the excuse, I did warn you all this was an insolvent mini-bond ponzi

The deadwood press is today noting that, Mexican restaurant chain Chilango, is about to appoint RSM Tenon as administrators with Covid 19 once again getting the blame. But is that fair on the poor little virus?


1657 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Chris Frazer of Sirius is the bears' best friend

I start with a look at who might be sued in the Neil Woodford scandal, focussing in on the directors at Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT). Then I lookl at another mini-bond disaster, this time involving Kevin McCloud of Grand Designs. Finally I discuss the latest deranged thoughts and acts of Chris Frazer of Sirius Minerals (SXX0 as he ponders an AIM (sorry main market) delisting. Timber!!!! He is, again, the bears best friend.
