net zero

23 days ago

November 18 2024 and it is already Dr David Viner day! The global warming is falling fast!

It was 7.30 in the evening and as the rest of the family finished supper I was tasked with walking up to the village to buy some Persil. But as I stepped out of the back door I realised at once what was happening. “Come quickly Joshua, come Jaya guess what’s happening?” I shouted. A few seconds later “it’s snowing” they screamed in joyful unison. But this was not meant to happen.


327 days ago

Photo Article: Wrexham Tories working to keep my house warm this winter

Yes, it is true. As part of our battle with the cost of living I have abandoned the use of firelighters in my wood burning stove which heats the living room here. Our Christmas guest left numerous copies of the Guardian which, at last, now serve some useful purpose. Then there is the Christmas wrapping paper.


341 days ago

Desperate ramping by almost insolvent Cellular Goods as it re-announces Nothingburger non seaweed news

Gosh this is desperate. Cellular Goods (CBX) the CBD cum seaweed to net zero related party con, backed by David Beckham, is running on vapours and so to try to spoof its shares higher to allow another placing it has released the most pathetic of announcements. This is so wretched it is almost embarrassing
