1214 days ago
By June 10 as the FCA suspended trading in shares in the fraud Umuthi (UHS) for a second time it had been aware for a while that this IPO was put together by a fraudster known for cooking the books and banned from doing any financial services work by the South African equivalent of the FCA. But in this letter, passed to the Winnileaks service, sent to Umuthi while it asks a stack of questions the FCA stresses there is NO formal enqury. FFS why not? And some of the questions it asks, regarding the resignations of Memery Crystal and PKF Littlejohn should surely have been asked back in March, rather than after the shares were allowed to resume trading – albeit for only two weeks – on May 25. The FCA is not fit for purpose as we noted here. The letter is below.
1219 days ago
So far you have met the fraudster Queen, the other South Africans on the board who are mired in this fraud and an enabler, broker Pello and its boss Andy Frangos who are also deeply implicated in the Umuthi (UHS) bezzle and the patsy UK NED Colin Bloom - now since resigned. Then we established that nobody actually knows how many shares there are in issue. and finally we established that there is almost certainly no real business at Umuthi whatever it accounts state! And then we exposed the red flags over auditors and the enablers at Jeffreys Henry Earlier today I turned to the resignation of Memery Crystal. Next up is the UK’s regulator and why this episode, again, shows it to be not fit for purpose.
2533 days ago
I have been consistent over many years in my belief that at almost every level the Oxfam charity is not fit for purpose, as you can see from a stream of articles HERE. I try to persuade my reactionary old father that he should stop pretending to my PC sisters that he is one of them by giving money to Oxfam but to no avail. Maybe today I might get my way, you see it appears his cash has been spent on underage hookers.
3038 days ago
Who is greedier and more overpaid? Mel or Sue, Mary Bloody Berry or Paul Hollywood? Fiona Bruce or Laura Kuenssberg? Who cares, the farce over the Great British Bake off, #GBBO to its brain dead new media devotees, just shows that the BBC is a mechanism for transferring wealth from the 99% to the 1%. It is not fit for purpose and should be privatised at once.
3711 days ago
According to The Times today, the Sheriff of AIM has for the past five years been a fellow called Marcus Stuttard - no offence, phoney Sheriff, but you are useless. You are Inspector Clouseau and your team are the Keystone Cops. You could not spot a felon if I took you on a guided tour of Rob Terry's next home, that is to say Wormwood Scrubs. Your inaction against miscreant Nomads and companies that tell lies and commit fraud is legendary across the globe. That is why the AIM casino is viewed as such a joke. In this podcast I look at how and why Mr Stuttard and his team have failed us all so badly and why they are simply not fit for purpose.