rogue blogger

395 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: As sex pest Crispin Odey is fired its time to #BoycottWaterstones

I start with the weather and what that prompted me to do today. Then it is onto Grandpa’s Pride a book for 4 year olds and why you might want to #BoycottWaterstones. Then it is onto the sacking of sex pest Crispin Odey. Finally, in seven days I shall be a Rogue Blogger for Woodlarks. We are now just a few quid short of £15,000 please donate HERE.


1190 days ago

Photo Article: Training walk No 4 for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks - 20 miles

It was 13 days ago that I did this walk – just over 20 miles. Last week my woke snowflake daughter Olaf joined me so I did just 11 miles not wishing to be accused of breaching her human rights with an act of patriarchal oppression.  The route is the same as ever: along our fields by the Dee in Wales, the Bridge over to England and then walking the English side of the Dee towards Chester and back. This walk saw me end up walking past some of the smaller houses belonging to the Duke of Westminster on his extensive lands by the Dee. It does make you think a bit about the nature of inherited wealth. 


1521 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Darren Atwater & some bird from Brooklyn (who probably also has a beard) spout lefty post Covid shite

I start with one of Darren’s long reads which offers a post Covid plan for the restaurant sector. The author obviously has not got a clue about what being an entrepreneur means and about how business works. But this sort of nonsense is mainstream. In a similar vein I discuss board room greed and stupidity at Lloyds (LLOY) before moving onto how you deal with serial failures & pigs, reference the main troughers at Iconic (ICON). I start with a row with my neighbout who thinks my Woodlarks training threatens her social distancing and will see her dog kidnapped. I despair. I shall be walking past her house 7 times this afternoon. As you consider that treat please donate to rogue bloggers now as we reach 29% of target. Please give HERE


1617 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Update from flood central, just when will IQE issue its Coronavirus warning

This really is today’s bearcast despite my introduction. Thanks for the kind messages about the flooding, the waters are now recedng fast. In today’s podcast I look at China and the Coronavirus and ask WHEN IQE (OQE) will warn and if that will force a discounted placing. Methinks it will. I then look at the rioles of brokers (does research mean anything)? and Nomads (rules on quitting) in general and specifically in relation to Versarien (FRAUD). Then I discussa crazed TW hater and Optibiotix (OPTI) and how ultimately all comment on a company cannot determine its real value. In that vein I also look at Novacyt (NCYT) before finally looking at the worthless joke that is Conroy Gold and Natural Resources (CGNR). And I announce a fifth rogue blogger, Praise the Lord. Please donate something to the Woodlarks appeal HERE


1887 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Ha! Tough luck Jamie Oliver you patronising tosser

In this bearcast I look at the demise of Jamie’s overpriced restaurants, at Marks & Spencer (MKS), Management Resource Solutions (MRS), Wishbone Gold (WSBN) and the very real scandal at Westminster Group (WSG). Now, with two rogue bloggerettes joining our trek on Saturday, the total raised has moved up to £44,296.18 - if you are yet to donate please do so today HERE


1974 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Susan Searle of WPCT J'accuse & Great Scott: Revolution Bars is enough to turn a man to drink

I suggest listening to my Neil Woodford scandal bonus bearcast first HERE but I have another bone to pick with Susan Searle, the chairman of Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT) on how she has screwed investirs today. Then I look nat Red Emperor (RMP), 88 Energy (88E), Pantheon Resources (PANR) and at Cabot Energy (CAB). Finally a look at the latest woes at Revolution Bars (RBG) - you really would have thought that Britain's thirstiest share blogger would have nailed this as his specialist subject but it appears not. If you enjoyed this podcast please support the EIGHT rogue bloggers for Woodlarks with a small donation HERE


1975 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast - today's shocking news from Neil Woodford keeps the FCA at bay ...for a while

Today we have news of a shocking transfer of unquoted crap from Woodford's flagship Equity Income Fund to Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT). It may keep the FCA at bay on one point for a while but it is a joke that only serves to create fresh problems. And the RNS is misleading to boot on the issue of cash. Or lack of it. As I noted yesterday, the FCA would not tolerate this nonsense from any other fund manager but its pressure is forcing Nomates to act in an increasingly desperate manner. If you enjoyed this podcast please support the EIGHT rogue bloggers for Woodlarks with a small donation HERE


1980 days ago

Photo Article: My first training walk for Woodlarks 2019 - Part 3: the second half

On May 25 I shall again join the rogue bloggers (now a band of 8) walking 33 miles from Horse Hill to Woodlarks to raise money for this amazing charity. Serious training started today with a 12 mile walk from my front door to the Swan at Swineford with a slight detour to the cashpoint machine in my local high street. Evidence of the second half of that trek is below.


2192 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - a 5th rogue blogger joins us on the road to Woodlarks, you will NEVER guess who

Yes, for the last six miles we will be joined by a fifth rogue blogger tomorrow on the 33 mile trek from Horse Hill to Woodlarks. You will not guess who in a month of Sundays. All is revealed in the podcast. We have now raised £23,715. Just £1,285 more and Brokerman Dan walks the last mile in his underwear, an event we will photograph. So if you are yet to donate, please do so HERE. In today's podcast I look at Johnson Press (JPR), FastJet (FJET) - do the maths comrades - Europa Metals (EUZ) and UK Oil & Gas (UKOG).
