
1110 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel - Joshua kicks off the pool swimming season

Finally, fifteen days after our arrival, the pool man said we were ready to go. There were dark clouds over the mountains so the swimming pool does not look as blue as it does this morning, but Joshua and I went for our first swim here of the summer. The water was lovely and warm, though not too warm. It was perfect! Today, our first guests for swimming arrive, the Guardian-reading loons L&G. Joshua enjoys splashing L who seems to take it well so that should be a highlight of his day.


1144 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - from Joshua's garden

Okay you may say this is just one small radish. Maybe. Actually it is of a decent size, close to an inch, but it is the first fruit from the new large vegetable garden here at the hovel. This is from one of the two Joshua gardens which my son and I water together, along with the rest of the vegetables, the lavender, the new orchard, herbs, strawberries etc, at the end of each day. And the radish tastes great. This weekend we will enjoy the first radish/lettuce salad from the garden.


2656 days ago

Photo Article: Grilled Octopus supreme - diary of a diabetic day 16

The excitement of the snake killing left me so excited that I skipped lunch which I know is not the way that a man with type 2 diabetes should behave. There is no need to lecture me. Perhaps i should not admit that i had also more or less skipped breakfast, having just one small piece of rough bread. The oddity is that I am eating far less but am not hungry. Well it is not that odd.
