
688 days ago

Can David Lenigas read a balance sheet or doesn't the fat Aussie spiv care?

If I have suggested that Mr David Lenigas was a National Treasure and Britain’s most talented objective analyst of small cap shares, rather than a fat Aussie spiv and shameless promoter of penny share dross, I must apologise. Not to Big Dave but to you dear reader.


1617 days ago

Versarien buries bad news on Election day – shocking interims and the cash is running out

At 4.30 PM today Neill Ricketts, the shameless ramper and boss of Versarien (VRS) will meet with his dwindling band of core disciples at Bangers in the City of Londion to spout more bullshit, the sort oif bullshit that even his limp dick Nomad Canaccord would not allow him to include in today’s atrocious interims. Surely even the disciples can now see that they have been spun an almighty yarn.
