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RIP Jo Cox MP - can those supporting Remain please avoid suggesting that we who back Brexit have blood on our hands?

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 16 June 2016

Every murder is a shocking event. The political world is shocked today by the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox. She seems by all accounts to have been a pleasant and well meaning woman and naturaly all our thoughts will be with the woman's husband and children.

I cant remember the last time an MP was murdered. I guess it might have been Airey Neave. Perhaps that is why the political world is so stunned. It does not normally happen to people like them. Normally it is poor folk and those caught up in drugs somehow who get murdered. That aside it is just terribly sad. All loss of human life as a result of murder is a tragedy.

Initial reports suggested that the assailant may have shouted "Britain First" as he attacked. But that was something reported by just one person. "What we do know - as you can find it on Google - is that the attacker had a long history of serious mental health issues. As such those who were quick to somehow say that we nasty Brexiteers had whipped up sentiment and somehow had blood on their hands are just beneath contempt.

I am not going to make any political points here - though I could - I merely suggest that those in the Remain Camp who gave into temptation to do just that without thinking, are scumbags.

The tweet below, from a fellow who has been tweet spamming with Project Fear material for some days now, shows one "inner" who seeks to hit a new low with this smear.

PS the Lefty email campaigning group Avraaz is not waiting for poor Jo's body to go cold before seizing the opportunity to make political capital from her demise. It takes as gospel the one source saying the murderer shouted "Britain first" and ignores his long history of mental illness. It is clear what happened and what we should do about it. Avraaz has mailed its hundreds of thousands of supporters just now to say:

I can't imagine, in these tears, how to honour her, but then yes I can. It's through love. Jo was passionately campaigning for Britain to stay in Europe. Not just because it is smart, or advantageous. But because she spent her life caring for Syrians, and Africans. She was a beautiful light of love for all people, for humanity. The man who took her life, stabbing her and shooting her over and over, screamed "Britain First". Somehow it's not surprising, in an awful way, that her life would be taken by that kind of hate, that kind of selfishness. Because it was to fighting that darkness that she devoted her time on this earth. 


Avraaz, shame on you, that mail is beneath contempt. 

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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