
1986 days ago

Video - classic Remoaner ButtHurt and post Brexit insanity

A hat tip to Skipster X on twitter for this complete classic of Remoaning lunacy. This has it all.


2028 days ago

Can you buy anti-stab vests at Paddington?

I see that London’s hapless Mayor Sadiq Khan is tweeting like a man possessed, pleas for folks to travel to his great City this weekend for a mass exercise in anti Brexit Remoaning. I would have thought he has more important things to do.


2049 days ago

Fake news from the Brexit loathing BBC – ref Next

"Next warns on Brexit" risks screamed the headline on the BBC website as you can see below. On radio and TV broadcasters shouted the same message. But if you read what Next, a company run by highly pro Europe management, actually said rather than what the state funded broadcaster said it said you might be surprised.


2152 days ago

No! Remoaning obsessive Anna Soubry MP it is YOU who are sinister

MPs are meant to be our servants. Not the other way round. It is a point repeatedly lost of many of the expense grubbing toads of Westminster. Anna Soubry MP who last year claimed £203,228.11 in expenses and who once - charged the £14 cost of delivering remembrance day poppies to expenses -  is one MP who really does not get it. Today she has attacked the Daily Mail as "silly and sinister". Okay the Mail is a rag but that is not the point.


2342 days ago

Marcus LeRoux in The Times City Pages - what a Remoaning twit as he smears Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon

Marcus does not seem to like Brexit so has a go at our great hero Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon (JDW) today. My comments below each of the two sentences from nasty Marcus are in bold.
