
2098 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Argo shows our journalists really can write what they want & before Wildes laughs too much at m e

In today's bearcast I start with Argo Blockchain (ARB) and what our coverage shows again. Then it is onto Mark Carney and the Sunday Times talking Project Fear Brexit bollocks on Sterling. Finally David Lenigas, Luke Johnson and why this bubble will not be different to any other. 


2207 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Sterling roofing it #DespiteBrexit - why has Project Fear been exposed thus?

Do not worry it is not all macro babble in today's podcast but I reflect on why Sterling is roofing it and why this also makes the Paul Scott thesis on retailers and consumer facing stocks wrong - more of that on Saturday no doubt! I look at Amur Minerals (AMC) with the 1 question its dumb shareholders need to ask. I intrude on the private grief at Somerville towers regarding Scancell (SCLP) and suggest that there is more to come for poor Nigel. And I look at perennial dog Iofina and what it is NOT saying. If you like bearcasts then remember that at UK Investor on April 21 - THIS SATURDAY - one of many highlights will be a live bearcast with myself and Paul Scott. Make sure you book a free ticket HERE using the promotional code WINNIFRITHORDER NOW - LAST POSTING TODAY


2557 days ago

Brexit has caused Sterling to tank NOT! - The chart that shows the lies of Darren Atwater and the rest of the liberal media elite

Dreary remoaners such as Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater and the rest of the liberal media elite keep on saying that Brexit has cased the pound to tank against the Euro. After another taunt from Darren yesterday I bring you the chart below, just to help him move out of the post fact era.


2756 days ago

Nicola Sturgeon is living in a total dream world - the poisonous midget is delusional

Once again Nicola Sturgeon is insisting that if the evil right wing Tories take Britain out of the EU then she will do her utmost to get Scotland to leave the Union. Is her contempt for democracy more alarming than her delusional failure to grasp basic economics? It is hard to say.


2764 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the Collapse of Sterling lie...I blame the Tories & the BBC

Is Sterling collapsing? Well, er... yes and no. It partly depends on where we started? If it is sliding is that down to Brexit? That is far more of a no than a yes. So are the Tories to blame? As of last week, in part yes. Is the BBC telling lies because it still can't handle the Brexit result? Of course it is. Confused? All is explained in this week's podcast. And talking of lies my podcast I mention on Syria is HERE


2868 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Independence day Bearcast Part 2: Political panto, sterling & the stockmarket

Earlier, in Independence Day Bearcast part 1, I looked at how we the people had given the elites a well deserved kicking on the Brexit poll and what that says for Europe as a whole. Now I turn to the political panto but more importantly to waht happens to Sterling and the stockmarket and I mention a few stocks featuring today. Don't panic but be realistic is the message.


3283 days ago

Video: SwissQuote explains Currency Wars at UK Investor Show

I do not have a scooby about forex trading I just feel happy to see the Euro go down against Sterling and look forward to a day when the drachma sinks even faster. SwissQuote was the main sponsor of UK Investor Show 2015 and held a session to explain what is happening in forex to the attendees. Watch and learn.


4161 days ago

Sterling - No Grounds for Optimism

The chancellor’s Autumn statement was spun by the Tory Party and its supporters in the press as a bit of a triumph. George Osborne was helped by the fact that the riposte from New Labour came from Ed Balls who is nor an impressive orator, appears to have a minimal grasp of his subject and who was part of the Treasury team which created many ( but not) all of the balance sheet issues that Bankrupt Britain faces. But the Tories should not kid themselves – Osborne has not delivered.

Since 1971 Sterling has lost c99% of its value against Gold. To be fair the dollar has lost 98.4% of its value too. The great experiment with the printing press has had a rather predictable result but the weakness of Sterling against not only gold but other paper currencies has been marked. This is a reflection of the fundamental economic problems the UK faces. And the biggest of those problems remains that Government spending is quite simply out of control, notwithstanding two years of “austerity Britain.”

For three years every State employee, student, Guardian reader and welfare recipient has bleated on about the wicked Tories and how they are slashing State spending
