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Mining Executive Links up with Playboy PR Girl – Part 2

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 15 July 2012

Well here’s fame for you. My revelation about the networking activities of mining boss Damian Conboy of AIM listed Alecto Minerals (ALO) and Playboy PR girl Lucy Sharp is a trending link on Linkedin. No, I am not exactly sure what that means either and I suspect it says a lot about the rather dry nature of Linkedin rather than the entertainment value of the piece itself. But the story seems to have moved on.

Firstly, Mr Conboy has “unfriended” me on Linkedin. This is a blow. Normally updates about new connections made by mining chaps are so dull. They link up with a new drilling mud producer or some bloke involved in interpreting 3D seismic. Damian provided rare sparkle in this dry world and so I shall miss his updates. I know that this piece will be forwarded onto him by one of his gorgeous, pouting PR babes at St Brides Media so Damian, I ask you publically to “refriend” with me on Linkedin just to brighten up my sad existence.

In return I offer him a hint about e-networking on social media. I am told that on Linkedin the key to successful e-networking is putting on as much information about yourself as possible but Damian seems to have omitted what he did before moving from Australia to London to become a mining promoter. Just in case he needs help in putting together that part of his CV I attach a link to a helpful notice from the Australian regulator as a reminder

And now to Ms Sharp whose job is to liaise with the media for Playboy. Lucy, (may I call you Lucy?) I am here to help but beg a small favour in return. For some reason thousands of people in your target demographic ( affluent middle aged men in South Eastern England) read what I write. I am constantly asked by PR girls to go on a site visit. A paint factory in the prostitute killing grounds of Ipswich – been there. Metal bashers in the West Midlands, yes I have been there too. I am happy to oblige such requests so that I understand life with a greater firsthand knowledge but one receives so many invitations that, these days, one has to be selective. But for you Lucy, should you invite me on a site visit I shall promise to pitch up and explain your product offering to my readers. I cannot be fairer than that. It is the sort of chore that goes with the job, but we all have our crosses to bear and for you Lucy…

I hope that you appreciate this kind gesture and I have tried twice to connect with you on LinkedIn so that we can get things moving. I await your response. All I ask in return is a bit of coaching. I have always found networking events to be packed with men older, fatter and even more boring than myself and so have – in recent years – shunned them. But clearly I have got the wrong end of the stick here and now realise that networking can be fun, introducing you to all sorts of glamorous and interesting folk. So I am determined that, on my return to England, I shall become an aggressive networker. All that I ask, dear Lucy, is that in return for me assisting you with your job, perhaps you might help me get started in this networking malarkey. A fair deal? I look forward to hooking up with you on Linkedin shortly.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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