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Photo article from the Welsh Hovel; new ice cream guess the flavour, its amazing!

The idea came from daughter Olaf who had this ice cream in Tuscany, the sort of place young ladies from Islington go to on holiday. Joshua says it tastes amazing. Have you guessed yet?

Wednesday 12 February 2025

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: like father like son, pizza boy

Those who like to troll me and attack me for my day job of exposing frauds often claim that I used to work in a pizza shop or, in some cases, they suggest that I still do. The truth is that I once bought a loss making Italian restaurant, turned it around and sold it at a profit back in 2015. But truth is a four letter word for some folks.

Friday 31 January 2025

Like father like son, an Oxbridge hat-trick now secured

I went to Oxford. Sister T went to that other place in East Anglia and sister N also went to Oxford. My father scored an Oxbridge hat-trick and was rather proud of that. Two of T’s three boys made it in and N’s eldest got to Oxford. As for me…

Friday 31 January 2025

Photo article from the Greek Hovel: The Monkey's head

This is more of the work of my fellow olive harvester Tim, a keen photographer and astronomer. Taken from the South facing balcony of the hovel it is the stars known as the Monkey’s head. I can’t think why.

Monday 20 January 2025

Photo Article: Greek Hovel olive harvest days five to seven, the infidelity of Tim

Day five was my birthday and we did some harvesting in the morning anyway. We had been warned by mad lefty L that rains would start by noon and so had accepted an invitation to head up into the mountains for a celebratory lunch. L is a good cook and I was happy to accept although his weather forecasts are about as accurate as the Met Office on global warming. That is to say they are invariably proved wildly inaccurate.

Thursday 16 January 2025

Photo article from the Greek Hovel Olive harvest day 4 - the uncle Chris Booker photo moment

In terms of the harvest there is not a lot to report. There was no rain, Tim and I ploughed on and we are on track. But Tim is a bit of a photo genius and I bring you two quite amazing photos to entertain you.

Tuesday 14 January 2025

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel olive harvest day 3 – Pride comes before a fall

I show you the photo below not to demonstrate my support for the 47th President of the USA. Not to show how think I am these days although I am now able to wear a rugby short from my London Irish days and it is loose. No, it was to show that while you shiver back in Airstrip One, the sun was shining here in Greece. Day three was uninterrupted and we made good progress. But pride comes before a fall.

Tuesday 14 January 2025

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel Olive Harvest Day 2, the snake tree

We are in a routine. My assistant Tim is the Albanian grandfather. I am the Albanian grandmother.

Sunday 12 January 2025

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel olive harvest day 1 (Wednesday)

For the first time ever I am harvesting olives after Christmas rather than before and I can hear chainsaws, twerkers and threshing machines everywhere. The hills are alive with the sounds of my neighbours harvesting in a far more industrial way than myself and reader T. We work at a rather slower pace.

Thursday 9 January 2025

Photo article from the Welsh hovel, Sammy the Snowman

Natch Jaya’s teachers celebrated the start of term with an INSET day. At 4 AM the snow lay crisp and even if not deep. By the time Jaya, roused daughter 2 and daughter 2’s boyfriend a lot of melting had taken place. But the trio still managed to create Sammy the snowman and dress him in a Wrexham scarf and Canada hat sent by this site’s manager Darren from the land of President Castro Trudeau.

Tuesday 7 January 2025

Luxury Greek Villa with Pool, now open for spring and summer bookings

We have had an early season booking and that means the pool is now open from 25 April onwards. we could open it earlier if folks wanted to book. It will stay open until September 30th or later on request. Most of July is now booked out but the rest of the year is still free and as the photos below show it is heavenly. Kalamata airport has direct flights from April and is less than an hour away. I head off in about a week to make a few running repairs and harvest some olives.

Monday 30 December 2025

Tom Winnifrith podcast: the demographics of Velikaya Novosyolka as Ukraine faces military disaster

Yes, the Western media and politicians promising to back Ukraine until victory lied to you. I look at the situation in Kursk and the Donbas then at 1 small town Russia will capture this week.

Sunday 29 December 2024

I stormed out of Midnight Mass in Gresford, may God forgive me

However much the Church of England or Church of Wales infuriates me and tests my faith I have always attended Midnight Mass at Christmas. “Yea Lord we Greet You born this happy morning” I sing loudly and walk out into the cold night air filled with optimism and with my weak faith replenished. Gradually my own failings and the miserable state of the world weaken all those positive feelings and then it is Christmas again. This year I did not leave after the last carol I stormed out and I hope that our sparky new vicar understands why.

Wednesday 25 December 2024

Photo Article from the Welsh hovel: Christmas Carol party

First, over mince pies (bought in) and home made brandy butter or cream plus mulled wine, potent and made with my special recipe, the 24 of us practised with “Away in a manger”. Then we headed off up the lane to see an elderly and, this year, bereaved, neighbour.

Sunday 15 December 2024

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: Jaya and I inspect the pear tree chopping

Before our Christmas Carol party my friend C took his chainsaws to the pear tree felled by storm Darragh. I had a play with smaller saw and have now bought myself one on Amazon allowing me to start work tomorrow on creating logs to dry for next winter.

Sunday 15 December 2024
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