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Photo article: my first training walk for Woodlarks Part 2 - now half way

Tom Winnifrith
Saturday 23 February 2019

On May 25 I shall again join the rogue bloggers ( now at 8) walking 33 miles from Horse Hill to Woodlarks to raise money for this amazing charity. Serious training started today with a 12 mile walk from my front door to the Swan at Swineford with a slight detour to the cashpoint machine in my local high street.

I am now just over half way and have stopped for a coffee break. From memory we have a short break at c8 miles on the real walk so this is not unfair. Below you can see, firstly, where I hit the river Avon. And then the Weir at Hanham where I am now. Actually the weir is almost invisible, the Avon is swollen by rain and the water is high. 

I can tell I need to crank up the training but must now crack on as the path up to Keynsham, my next stop, gets more overgrown and muddy. As you think of me pushing on in the mud and nettles, I ask you to consider making a small donation to Woodlarks and supporting all eight rogue bloggers (I am not the only one training this weekend) HERE 

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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