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What caused “Islamophobia” to be trending on the increasingly woke echo chamber of twitter in the USA this morning?

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 16 January 2022

As each day goes by more and more conservative voices on twitter suffer from “the purge”. I concede that some folks purged are nutjobs but most, such as Donald Trump, who the bookies rate,with very good reason, as the favourite to be the next President, have a right to be heard. Would twitter consider 2024 to be a fair race if it barred one candidate from tweeting? The banning of Trump set a precedent and since then more and more folks have been shut out for questioning election results, vaccine policy or indeed a wide range of aspects of the Big State liberal agenda.

This leaves twitter more and more of a boring and wholly unrepresentative echo chamber where the left “pile on” to a conservative to chase him or her off the platform. For juvenile poseurs such as Owen Jones or Ash Sarkar that seems like a victory but it then just makes twitter even more of a woke echo chamber which will applaud every liberal hissy fit so much that those throwing the fit and even more certain of their own righteousness. 

And so to answer my question. The reason is that 4 hostages including the preacher were taken hostage at a place of Worship yesterday by an armed gunman who threatened to kill them all unless a terrorist was let out of jail. Was this a white supremacist Trump supporter attacking a Mosque you say? Er… no.

The assailant, killed as the hostages were freed, was a Muslim as was the ISIS terrorist he wanted freed. The hostages were a Rabbi and three of his flock at a synagogue.  But for twitter they are not the victims. The victims are the Muslim community who, it is claimed, will now suffer a bumper dose of Islamophobia. Of course, nearly all Muslim leaders and Muslims in America condemned the attack and nearly all Americans know this and are hostile to terrorists not Muslims.

Anti-semitism is on the march across the West thanks to an unholy alliance of Islamic extremism and bien pensant liberal opinion leaders, notably on campuses but also in the media. But as more Jews spent a day looking down the barrel of a gun held by a man who said he would kill them, twitter insists that they are not the real victims of this episode. And, of course, anyone questioning this narrative will immediately be found guilty by the court of social media of ….Islamophobia.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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