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Photo Article from the Greek Hovel: The Mrs wants us to know how “brave” she is

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 13 April 2023

The next guests at the hovel, c/o Airbnb, insisted that the pool be opened up for them from Saturday. And so it is. I have warned them it will not be warm. In fact it is very cold indeed but they insist that they are hardy souls.

Joshua has splashed in a couple of times and his friend the mad septuagenarian lefty L actually did a few lengths wearing his trunks. But he is by definition mad. I managed to walk down to the 5th step at which point the freezing water hit my gonads and I could bear it no longer. But the Mrs wants everyone to see how brave she is, as she went in for a few lengths.

What you might miss is that she is wearing a wetsuit so I reckon that she is not quite so brave. By August, when we return, you will not be able to keep me out. But right now, I think of things to do, improving the hovel, to avoid being dragged in once again: olive pruning, erecting another clothes rail, setting out sun loungers, arranging and managing road repairs, anything at all to avoid the icy waters.

It is actually quite sunny and then it rains hard. But these are the last of the rains and by May it will be sunny nearly every day and the pool will be very swimmable in a slightly refreshing sort of way.


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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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