493 days ago

Buy 3 get 1 free said Beechwood Nurseries so I did and didn't

I am ordering a stack of Discovery apple trees to create a colonade along the path by the river. I am not sure how they will do in what is a flood meadow but I shall stake them firmly and see. The stakes I put up by the river with some oak saplings last year have survived even if the oaks have not. And the trees I have ordered are already 5 foot high so I hope they will flourish.  My orders were divided as my normal supplier had only nine trees left and so I had to use Beechwood Nurseries for the rest. Buyer beware: Beechwood are shysters!


645 days ago and that battle for cash - now it is a mid-season sale

WTF is a mid season sale? In September (MADE) was pushing a “clearance sale” to those who get its spam. Last night I was invited to save up to 40% in a mid season sale as you can see below. I guess next month it will be a pre Christmas sale, then a Christmas sale in December before New Year sales start in January. In short every month at what is meant to be a premium retailer sees it act like a discount retailer. One wonders if the ASA would like to check out details of its supposed “hurry before its over” sales promotions as you can bet the ranch that the next hurry before its over promo is almost ready to go.


1935 days ago

Charlatan and snake oil salesman Darren Winters fleeces another punter for £29,000 – the Teacher’s Tale

I am afraid that I still continue to get a stream of letters from victims of charlatan and snake oil salesman Darren Winters. His courses are worthless and the claims he makes are just untrue, as the ASA noted here. Yet Winters regards brushes with the ASA or The Sheriff of AIM fighting on behalf of victims in the Courts  (and winning!) as just another cost of business and carries on, as he has done for almost 20 years, with industrial scale larceny. What follows is the teacher’s tale 


2472 days ago

Why an ASA complaint is such a major red flag - case study Sabien

Natch the AIM listed uber dog Sabien (SNT) never got around to mentioning it but, like Purplebrikcks (PURP) today, it was censured by the Advertising Standards Agency, ASA, back in January 2013. Good companies just do not need to mislead clients.


2472 days ago

To be censured by the ASA once is understandable but FOUR times looks like carelessness - Purplebricks!

I apologise to another Anglo-Irishman for the misquote. The advertising watchdog the ASA has for the fourth time in 18 months slammed Purplebricks (PURP) for lying to potential customers. Let's bve clear: companies with a good product can afford to tell the truth. Natch Purplebricks says it has changed its adverts and there is nothing to worry about. But that is on just two days data....


2715 days ago

Charlatan Darren Winters Coughs up costs but even at the last tries to cheat us out of 40p - think again pal

I am delighted to say that the snake oil salesman Darren Winters, slammed by the ASA for telling blatant lies as we revealed HERE last week, has decided not to appeal against his latest court room thrashing by one of his victims, a case we funded. Given the Judge's damning verdict in Snake Oil vs Mr O, that was a wise call by the Charlatan. But even now he is trying to swindle us out of 40p. Think again Darren and your frightful wife Tatjana, the Foxy Legals are on the case.


2718 days ago

BREAKING: Stockmarket Charlatan & Snake Oil Salesman Darren Winters slammed by ASA for more porkies!

I think that makes it ouzo o'clock already, stockmarket charlatan and snake oil salesman Darren Winters, fresh from his crushing Court defeat on 1 February bankrolled by The Sheriff of AIM, has now been slammed by the Advertising Standards Agency for lying to potential investors. The judgement below is damning. We are due in court again on April 3 backing another of his victims so this is very useful indeed.
