
2119 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast, Amur, Pantheon, Comrade Corbyn and the Brexit farce imponderable

I have no idea how the Brexit farce will pan out and who indeed will be PM this time next year. But it could well be Comrade Corbyn running a coalition of chaos. How will that play out on the markets this autumn and where will that leave those with no cash needing to raise money? In that vein I look at Amur Minerals (AMC) and Pantheon Resources (PANR). This bearcast has been delayed by a sweaty and lazy Bulgar as I explain here


2427 days ago

My father: the best customer of the Bulgarian Big Issue seller in a silver Mercedes

My father attempts to hide his inner reactionary by ostentatiously being the best customer of the fat Bulgarian lady who, rather aggressively, sells the Big Issue outside the Co-Op in Shipston on Stour. Sometimes, in order to either annoy me or to demonstrate his PC credentials to my virtue signalling public sector (part time) working sisters he will buy two or three issues a month.This is not Alzheimer's he has always done it. He is the favourite "customer" of the great Bulgarian lardbucket.
