George Ferguson

2960 days ago

An apology to red trousered lunatic and ex Mayor of Bristol George Ferguson

I have on a number of occasions pointed out that the red trousered, car hating lunatic George Ferguson was a quite appalling mayor of my home City of Bristol. I feel, however, that I owe Mr Ferguson an apology.


2967 days ago

Good News - my father's membership of the Conservative Club approved

Gosh, the Conservative Club in Brislington is efficient. It was only on Wednesday that my father and I trouped in to complete his application. On Thursday another visit as Dad thinks the Cider is cheap and enjoys a place where the only newspaper is the Sun and with cricket on the TV.

By Saturday an email arrives


3120 days ago

Shall I go & Bash the Tory Candidate to be Mayor of Bristol? He is a useless faux Conservative

The Tory Candidate to be Mayor of Bristol is in my neighbourhood tonight holding fort at the local Conservative Club. Being a member - for the cheap booze - I am invited to go quiz Charles Lucas as he "seeks the views" of we folks around hgere. Hmmmmm.

Reading the website for Mr Lucas HERE it is apparent that he is not a proper Tory, the sort of chap who used to think that we plebs had a right to keep as much of our hard earned cash as possible. Instead


3139 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard - fined for picking blackberries by the fascist poor hating lefties of Bristol

The assault on the freedoms and the pockets of the poor by the fascist lefties who run my home City of Bristiol continues. First it was our mad Mayor George Ferguson with his war on cars. Now the Labour run  City council that wants to fine me for picking blackberries or mushrooms. Why? And who will be hurt most? the poor once again.


3164 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 8 January: hard analysis, taking Magnolia to the cleaners

I start by explaining to Zak Mir what a dead cat bounce actually means. That brings me to Golden Saint Resources (GSR). Then there is a detailed analysis of the worthless POS that is Magnolia Petroleum (MAGP), comment on why Wildes is so wrong on LGO Energy (TOAST), on Sports Direct (SDI), Premaitha (NIPT) and finally on Games Workshop (GAW) and Mysale (MYSL). I also continue pointing out why lunatics like George Ferguson the barking mad Mayor of Bristol, only serve to make retail stocks even more of an avoid.

Warning: bad language alert.


3167 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Chavs in Poundland, Death of LGO and mad George Ferguson Mayor of Bristol

I have just had a half sober lunch and explain what that means. I then move onto our champagne socialist, Guardian reading tosser of a Mayor here in Bristol, George Ferguson, and a pre lunch incident. Then onto Mobile Streams (MOS), Poundland (PLND) and LGO Energy (TOAST).


3288 days ago

Feeling rather proud of the Labour Party – it was today the conscience Britain seems to lack

Okay my motives for handing over £3 to join Labour might not have been the purest. I have done the decent thing and voted for Comrade Corbyn but today I actually felt a real pride as Labour – notably Harriet Harman – took on this Government on the issue of immigrants and state sponsored executions.

Please do not think that I admire much of what Harman stands for and has stood for in the past. But today she spoke for the conscience that this nation seems to have forgotten it had, as a smug David Cameron announced that a British drone had executed two British born ISIL jihadists in Syria.

The House of Commons voted two years ago not to intervene militarily in Syria. I am sure that the two men killed were plotting bad acts and the world is no worse place for their demise.  But the State cannot go around without any mandate simply executing its own citizens. Harman


3452 days ago

Should I vote Labour to tackle the Seagull Menace – the hot issue in Bristol East

I am rather cross with my capitalist cat Tara. Whereas my morbidly obese three legged cat Oakley treated the UKIP pamphlets thrust through our door with suitable respect by defecating on Nigel Farage’s face, Tara failed to respond in a suitable manner when the Labour party pushed three flyers through the letterbox. Bad Tara. 

Thus the Mrs, a lifelong deluded lefty, thrust them into my hand smirking at the failure of Tara to follow orders and I dutifully had a butchers. There was one from a dreadful harridan who leads Labour on the City Council and thinks our pompous arse of a red-trousered mayor George Ferguson is awful. He is but her rantings made me feel almost sorry for the Mayor. The level of petty squabbling just made me want to see the whole lot of them at City hall strung up with eco-friendly piano wire.

Then there was a glossy pamphlet from our Labour MP Kerry McCarthy. Oddly I could find no picture of her party leader Mr Miliband on the flyer and cannot imagine why that is. She had a long go at the Tories for failing to tackle the deficit. You what? Suddenly the party that always runs out of other people’s money when in power is the party of Austrian economics?  Pull the other one Kerry luv.  Kerry also boasts that she has mentioned Bristol 200 times in Parliament in the past five years. Wow… my taxes are well spent on you aren’t they?

Finally there was a pamphlet from my local council candidate who was wearing a trainspotter’s uniform and looked about 150. By this point I was losing the will to live but comrade Mike Langley grabbed my attention by flagging up the real issue in this election: the seagull menace here in Bristlington.  And


3925 days ago

The Fat Foxes of Bristol thank the Greens

Heading home in a taxi the other night, the driver had to touch his breaks as a quite enormous foxes sprinted, in the same way that Simon Cawkwell might sprint, across the road. This fox was not the sort of beast I remember from my youth in the boonies.

Back then country fox had to live by his wits. Food was either wild game which had to be stalked or our chickens where entry to their housing required some ingenuity and cunning. And so the creatures we encountered were vicious, nervous of humans as we hated the vile killers with a passion and thin. They were lean mean killing machines.

City fox of 2013 is rather different. For a start, all the townies who think that chickens come from Tesco and that foxy woxy is a cuddly endangered species, would not think of harming this “national treasure.” Mr Fox is wily
