Grant Shapps

625 days ago

Britain needs to give a trillion quid to poor countries for our leading role in Global warming – fact free bollocks

The good news for the Charity War on Want, which has made this ludicrous claim, is that Scotland has committed to pay £2 million as compensation for its historic carbon emissions to poor countries around the world. As soon as it can scrounge the money off England under the Barnet formula, the cheque is on its way. The bad news is that the other £999.998 billion that War on Want reckons the UK owes is not on its way as we are already almost bankrupt. Mind you the useless Tories egged on by the BBC and others are still  thinking about it.


1331 days ago

BREAKING: Tories announce that rich people cannot spread Covid

Quarantine the plebs, lock up the oiks, for the Tories know that it is only filthy common people who can spread Covid. The dirty dogs. Not the sort of folks you want on your 30 person grouse shoot. Unless they are a beater, of course.
