1926 days ago

Video: Glynis Frew of Nigel Wray backed Hunters Property at UK Investor Show City Forum

With the Sith Lord Zak Mir hosting, presenting CEO's knew they would some really tough questions (that's sarcasm folks) after presenting. Second up was Glynis Frew of Hunters Property (HUNT) in which Nigel Wray is a big investor. The next City forum hosted by the Sith Lord is February 25. Put the date in your diary now.


2490 days ago

Everybunny dance! Pro fox propaganda, written by naive idiots, on the rates in Bristol

As I noted yesterday, the BBC believes that if it repeats myths often enough in its drama we come to accept those myths as facts. In the end we will accept that everyone in the Countryside is right behind gay pride and they all oppose fox-hunting. The mindset of Arcadia has become that of Islington because the BBC told us so often that the Arcadians/Ambridgians had Upper Street values all along. This attempt to bully into accepting liberal values by distorting the truth is how the left wages its cultural war today.
