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Everybunny dance! Pro fox propaganda, written by naive idiots, on the rates in Bristol

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 9 July 2017

As I noted yesterday, the BBC believes that if it repeats myths often enough in its drama we come to accept those myths as facts. In the end we will accept that everyone in the Countryside is right behind gay pride and they all oppose fox-hunting. The mindset of Arcadia has become that of Islington because the BBC told us so often that the Arcadians/Ambridgians had Upper Street values all along. This attempt to bully into accepting liberal values by distorting the truth is how the left wages its cultural war today.

At lunch I was reading nine month old Joshua a book which the local library had given us: Everybunny dances. It starts off with all the little rabbits dancing, singing and having a wonderful old time. There is no time off fr going and eating all Mr McGregor's carefully planted vegetables these are just happy little bunnies having fun.

But then a fox appears and they all run and hide. They stay still. Suddenly the fox starts to dance, to sing and finally to play the clarinet but nobody appreciates him and he sheds a tear. Poor sweet old fox. The bunnies emerge and applaud. The fox is happy. They all play happily together. The end.

This is sweet Mr Foxy Woxy, a charming furry creature who must be protected from those toffee nosed Tory rich bastards, that is to say fox hunters. In that great debate the narrative of the left is that all hunters are cruel, rich , nasty Tories and foxy woxy is sweet and gentle. And children's books have for two decades been pushing the cute foxy woxy line as part of this.

Those of us who grew up in the Countryside in those dark days of old know that most everyone joined in the hunt, it was part of the community, not just rick Tory bastards. And we know that foxes killed our chickens, geese, pet rabbits and cats. Not just to eat but for pleasure. When the fox got into our chicken house it are one bird. The other 25 it just slaughtered. Foxes are evil cruel vermin, killers and the only good fox is a dead fox.

But our children have been brain-washed to think otherwise. The story I read to Joshua is pure propaganda and its lies are funded by a local council that claims to be cash strapped.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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