20 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Another big defeat for Ukraine while JD Vance wipes Tampon Tim but does it matter?

I start with events in Ukraine. President Zelensky’s “Victory Plan” could not be more misnamed. Then it is onto the US election and last night’s VP debate. Does the triumph of JD Vance matter? Not a lot. But the polls and the behaviour of Kamala Harris suggest that President Trump has momentum and is, if anything, n ow in the lead. I am already calling the Senate and the House for the GOP, I now sense it is time to start thinking about victory in the Presidential race as well. Get ready to drink bucket loads of  BBC and other liberal tears in 33 days time.


61 days ago

Video: If you back the Democrats after this there is no helping you

Straight fromthe Democrat convention the awful BBC brings you a star delegate. The BBC might think this is normal but I challenge anyone else out there to watch this and not leap to the conclusion WEIRD.  If you are a normal person you vote Trump/Vance this Autumn.



72 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Jon Sopel's wet dream, Ukraine defeating Russia and cackling Harris defeating Trump, REALLY?

Of course Ukraine and the US election are linked. The ex BBC man Sopel has severe Trump Derngement Syndrome and is looking at polls and getting very excited. But are Trump or Russia really losing? The podcast explains why not.


87 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I just hate being lied to

Yes i did have a long chat with Harry Adams of Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) yesterday but I was not lied to and, put it this way, I am not going to sell my shares. I also ad a long chat with someone close to BlueBird Merchant Ventures (BMV) and am not selling there either. It is all go. I start with the lying and it was blatant lying by the BBC on Ukraine. Then it is onto how morally indefensible it is for loss making companies to spaff cash on vanity, ref John Lewis and what was Wandisco (WAND). Finally with reference to those high yielding FTSE 100 stocks, I am in no doubt that Labour will bollocks it all up even more than the useless Tories but think that risk is also discounted.


131 days ago

The BBC: Pity the Poor Shipmans begging from charities to survive. I call it out for FAKE NEWS!

Yes GPs really are having to seek charity handouts says the BBC as you can see below. Bloody hell the Tories are evil bastards. I really must vote for the sort of progressive party that the state funded broadcaster wants me to support. I wonder, has the BBC’s Verify Unit not fact checked, what is so obviously fake news.


135 days ago

Hating the BBC more every day – boycotting Israel is a given good while Dr Who has always been gay?

Barely a day goes by when I do not find a reason to hate the BBC even more. Today there are two.


138 days ago

D Day: The BBC and others are rewriting history

The BBC’s Radio 4 is going overboard on D Day coverage. Quite right too.  This is an 80 year anniversary of of the key and most glorious events in British history. But that history is being rewritten.


194 days ago

Made in UK, oops I meant Pakistan: Boohoo has no shame

The BBC’s Panorama programme last night exposed Boohoo (BOO) yet again. This time it was for sticking labels saying “Made in the UK” on tatty clothes aimed at teenage morons which were actually made in Pakistan. You might think this a minor transgression although Trading standards folks will be having a word, but it is symptomatic of the rot at the heart of Boohoo in two ways.


208 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The madness of Brian Basham & its all about the placing spoof with Chill Brands leading the charge

I start with the crackpot socialism of my pal Brian Basham who wants us all to pay more taxes. Indeed he told me today that paying taxes is a privilege. Then a moan about BBC Radio 4. Then Chill Brands (CHLL), Bidstack (BIDS) and Vast Resources (VAST). Finally, it is that time of the year again, the View from Readers Windows at Christmas. If you can take a snap please send it to Darren at [email protected]. I shall miss Steve Holdsworth’s view from a Paddington Dungeon this year. He was a good man.


215 days ago

Global warming makes your chocolate bars more expensive says the BBC: #fakenews

The team at Radio 4’s Today programme got an enormous stiffy on this scoop by the BBC’s climate change team. It seems that climate change has caused bad weather in parts of West Africa which has sent cocoa prices surging and so makes your chocolate bars more expensive. It sounds like a great tale except that it is bollocks.


260 days ago

BREAKING: Boohoo – undercover BBC reporter discovers it is up to no good again, Matt Earl sticks in the knife

Last week the Daily Telegraph reported that investors were suing Boohoo (BOO) over the allegations of modern-day slavery. Today another bombshell lands c/o the BBC’s Panorama team who planted an undercover reporter, Emma Lowther, with the company.


269 days ago

If 2023 was the warmest year on record how come BOTH ice caps got bigger?

I have already pointed out elsewhere just how massively bodged was the data used to claim that 2023 was the warmest year on record. The dishonesty of the coalition of cultist loons, big corporate grifters and the media and political class GroupThink is not new.  But here belowe two charts covering the extent of sea ice at both ends of the planet andI challenge any global warming nutter to explain to me how, if the world just suffered its hottest year for 170 years, the sea ice at the North Pole ended the year at a greater level than any year since 2019 and also above several years since 1981. Meanwhile …down South


271 days ago

An £11m payoff and ICO now rules Alison Rose DID breach data protection rules in the NatWest Farage scandal. Twice

As I noted at the time, there is one rule for the great and good and another for we dirty plebs. The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) has today ruled that former NatWest (NWG) CEO Alison Rose, not once but twice, breached data protection laws in leaking details of Nigel Farage’s bank account to the BBC reporter Simon Jack. Well there’s a shock. You don’t say. But is the ICO going to do anything about it?


287 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Bidstack is out of the frying pan and into the fire

In today’s Bearcast I discuss depression amid trolling & smearing of me and amid BBC lies on Gaza, Regtech Open (RTOP), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD), Sosandar (SOS), Online Blockchain (OBC), St James Place (SJP), Abingdon Healthcare (ABDX) and Bidstack (BIDS).


291 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the day SYME is 0p looms

I start with a few BBC/Israel matters and health advice from Lucian Miers. Then I look at Silverwood (SLWD), a disaster from the VSA Capital (VSA) stable. Then Supply@ME Capital (SYME) as the fraud approaches end game, Harland & Wolff (HARL), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), Doc Holliday and ECR Minerals (ECR) and Upland Resources (UPL)


327 days ago

BBC Radio 5 Live’s Nihal Arthanayake : an overwhelmingly “white” working environment is damaging his mental health - get in the real world you arse

Poor Nihal on a must be near six figure salary, Arthanayake says that his mental health is suffering from being in an “overwhelmingly white” environment at the BBC.  In the UK 81.7% of the population is white according to the last census.  Round at the BBC, where Nihal is a presenter on Radio 5, the latest stats show that 16.4% of the workforce is not white but the corporation is targeting a 20% figure.


328 days ago

Scotgold: oh dear, oh dear – things are getting desperate, the Fat Lady should consider heading to Jockland

Its shares are suspended pending clarification but over at AIM listed Scotgold (SGZ), the worthless company promoted by BBC lies, things go from bad to worse and shareholders should brace themselves for a wipeout soon.


362 days ago

BBC darling Ash Sarkar has to tell an outright lie to smear Israel yet again

Novara Media is a nest of jew hating communists and its star reporter is Ash Sarkar who seems to have a season ticket to appear on the BBC, right now to smear Israel. That she has to resort to lies says a lot about her. In the tweet below Ash insists that former Israeli ambassador Dan Gillerman says that Palestinians are“inhuman human animals.” Now watch the video which Ash attaches and you will see that this is not what he actually said at all.


366 days ago

Will the BBC’s Verify Unit investigate & expose the monster lie and blood libel of Newsnight presenter Kirsty Wark

The BBC’s Verify Unit has not had a good week. Well it never really does. It is an Orwellian Unit fronted up by someone who faked her own CV designed to sniff out fake news. Well here is an easy one for Marianna Spring and her team.


452 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the explicit case for sacking Alison Rose as NatWest CEO if she was the source of the BBC Coutts Farage leak

I start with Ms Rose and NatWest (NWG). then I look at Optibiotix (OPTI) and why I would not sell at 15p after interviewing Steve O’Hara today. I look at Cakebox (CBOX), AMT Energy (AMTE), Lansdowne Oil & Gas (LOGP) and at IOG (IOG).


460 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Has Andrew Male got photos of Novum boss Hugh McAlister and a naked BBC presenter?

In today’s bearcast I discuss Cloudbreak Discovery (CDL) and the relationship between crooked Andrew Male and Novum. Then Predator Oil & Gas (PRD), Cellular Goods (CBX) and some incriminating emails on twitter and finally IOG (IOG) and why Evil Banksta reckons the bond price tells you this is a wipeout.


467 days ago

The bogus £69 million fortune of Dragon Piers Linney – the story of Moblox Ltd

The BBC’s fave pin up Dragon Piers Linney with his faux working-class background is according to the Daily Mail a man with the Midas touch and worth £69 million. Following the collapse into bankruptcy of his flagship Outsoucery (OUT) firm I suggested that this was bunkum HERE. But what, you say, of his newer ventures? What Indeed.


474 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a snake spotted and a mother-in-law joke

I start with an unlikely bromance as Brokerman Dan and Richard “nobody apart from Dan Levi likes me and I don’t care” Jennings walk for cats - as you can see here. Then the mother-in-law joke. actually my mother-in—law is a top banana so maybe I should not be so rude. Then a go at BBC Radio 4’s Today programme as I comment on events in Russia. Then the woolly thinking on inflation and home owners. Finally Gary’s excellent piece on Contango (CGO) today and why he is bang on the money.


583 days ago

The liberal left goes Lineker + and weaponises Auschwitz against Suella Braverman

There is a photo out today of Ms Braverman laughing on a trip to Ruanda. With hindsight that might have been unwise as she claims to be tightening the UK’s immigration system. I shall believe that when I actually see it. However, there can be no excuses for the tweet below from the leading anti Brexit campaigner Steve Bray photoshopping the laughing minister in front of the entrance to Auschwitz.  He also removes from the origonal picture two laughing Rwandans either side of Ms Braverman. 


621 days ago

Back to that BBC bombshell on global warming killing the Swiss ski industry – you will never guess what?

On January 6 the BBC sent a reporter to Torgen to show a ski resort devoid of snow and warned that an entire industry was being killed off by man made global warming. That was, of course, fake news as I demonstrated here on 24 January by when the website showed 66% of Swiss reports open for ski-ing. Now guess what?


625 days ago

ScotGold: What is it with the BBC and ramping shares in shite, almost insolvent, miners from the Celtic Fringe with fake news?

First it was Anglesey Mining (AYM) which is in desperate need of a bailout placing and where the BBC rode to the rescue with some ramping based on fake news about its hole in the ground in Ynys Mon as I showed HERE. Now it is Scotgold (SGZ) which, as I demonstrated HERE, is now only heavily in debt but has run out of – other folks cash following FALLING production and so needs its own a bailout ASAP. Time for the BBC doing its bit of fake news PR.


631 days ago

The Victims of War on BBC Radio 4 – Do not mention the Ukrainian Nazis!

There were three historians on this show discussing the holocaust. Dan Stone and Catherine Merridale and a chap called Bernard Wasserstein.  Stone has recently published a book on how folks in countries across Europe assisted or took part in the murder of six million Jews. Among those were the parents and family of Mr Wasserstein who were butchered in a village in Western Ukraine.


649 days ago

The Church of England rewrites history over slavery and bungs £100 million to its "victims"

Nobody seems to care about history being accurate any more. As long as it fits the narrative that English folks were universally bad and that vast amounts of money must be paid to the imagined victims of slavery.  The Church of England buys into this piffle and has produced a big report into its slaving links with especial reference to the South Sea Company and has found £100 million down the back of the sofa to compensate communities that might have suffered. Where to start?


701 days ago

Why doesn’t the BBC challenge the canard of Evil Tories: lifting bankers bonuses while nurses eat from food banks?

This morning on Radio 4’s flagship Today programme it was the TUC boss Frances O’Grady ( total package £167,000) saying that the Tories were bad because they were going to lift the cap on bankers bonuses while nurses have to eat from food banks.  This line is trotted out by those on the left many times a day but it is just palpable nonsense. Let’s start with the banksters…


702 days ago

NHS Nurses - greedy, deceitful and shameless witches

You are told by the BBC and the rest of the liberal media that nurses are grossly underpaid and that their decision to walk out on cancer and other patients leaving them to die is thus all the fault of the wicked Tories. But here in chart form are the facts….


720 days ago

BBC – more fake news: the Georgia Senate Race, the liberal media reacts to impending mid-term red wave

About a week ago, BBC Radio 4 turned its attention to the Georgia Senate race. This is one of the battleground Senate contests, Democrat incumbent Raphael Warnock facing a challenge from ex American football star Herschel Walker for the Republicans. The mid terms are going to be bleak for the Dems and the BBC is wetting its knickers, running frit.


722 days ago

Jon Sopel on #Pelosigate- a warning that the 5th wave of #TrumpDerangementSyndrome is upon us

I think it might be an impending thrashing for the Democrats in the mid terms a week tomorrow which will see both the House and the Senate switch to the GOP., which has prompted the 5th wave of RDS among the media elite.There is certainly a new wave of the pandemic for which there is no known cure but which appears to be linked to long term exposure to the Guardian, CNN or the BBC.. I refer to #TrumpDerangementSyndrome. Poor ex BBC staffer Jon Sopel, has yet again gone down with the syndrome as you can see below. He blames an attack on the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Donald Trump.The facts? They do not matter if like poor Jon you suffer from TDS.


730 days ago

BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour, facts and delusion, equality demands more money for women’s rugby

Yesterday I discussed how BBC Radio 4’s flagship show, Woman’s Hour, consistently ignores facts on the gender pay gap to push its narrative of victimhood. But this is not an isolated occurrence.  Just before the start of the Women’s Rugby World Cup, an England player was on for interview.


731 days ago

Radio 4 Woman’s Hour – it just cannot let facts override a narrative of victimhood: Part 1 the gender pay gap

To torture me, the Mrs. leaves the radio tuned to Radio 4 in the room in which I work and I am too busy scribbling to turn it off and then the clock strikes 10 and it is Woman’s Hour and it is just so unimaginably awful and misleading that I sit there gripped. Among the joys this week was a section on how girlfriends are more likely to be staying at home while boyfriends worked than vice versa, the “trapped girlfriend phenomena.”


918 days ago

Greece – still lockdown loving covidiots

Greece was often praised for its authoritarian approach to the scamdemic.  You may remember the Guardian and BBC claiming that, while our evil government committed genocide by negligence, Greece’s draconian lockdown had cured the country of covid. Of course, it did not.  The lockdown gave the economy another good kick but, as the table shows, Greece has fared relatively badly in terms of covid deaths.



919 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel - for Uncle Chris, the global warming is still here

When he was alive, this was an annual ritual. Now Christopher Booker is in a better place, there is no reason for this to stop. The photo is of climate change, or rather, the lack of it, here in Southern Greece.


929 days ago

Can the Guardian please make up its mind on why capitalists are so fecking evil.... and as for Lloyds Bank, I despair

Nicola Bannister is an Ambassador for Lloyds Bank – whatever that means – and has tweeted the gibberish below, with a link to the Guardian. The dreary left-wing rag really needs to make up its mind.



976 days ago

That the BBC even asks this question shows how morally bankrupt it has become - Stalin was reponsible for 20 million deaths

Okay we can argue the toss on how many deaths Stalin was responsible for. Some apologists say that in the years 1924 to 1939 it is ONLY 3.5 million. I suspect that the 20 million number is rather too high but whatever the actual number it surely puts him in a podium position in the all time genocidal dictators contest. Yes the part of the BBC responsible for educating our kids thinks there is another way of looking at Comrade Stalin,the bull case for Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili. That the BBC even asks the question below is yet another reason why so many of us find paying our license such an appalling idea.


1016 days ago

Guess what sort of workers are suffering most from Long Covid?

The Mrs has left the radio on and I find myself listening to, the unimaginably bad, Women’s Hour on BBC Radio 4. Even the Mrs admits it is utter piffle and has now demanded that it be switched it off lest it make me even more angry with its utterly fake news. The show is all over a story today that the ONS has suggested that 1.3 million Brits have long covid. This, it concludes, is a great reason to go and have the booster jab although there is no evidence at all that it will stop anyone catching long covid from the very mild Omicron variant since it has been around for only a few weeks. The ONS survey has a key takeaway which the BBC loves as it allows it to indulge in praising the usual victims. Which professions suffer the highest rates of long covid?


1018 days ago

No Stephen Glover, Lord Melyvn Bragg does not hide his bias on the BBC, it is in his DNA

 In today’s Daily Mail Stephen Glover has penned an excellent piece on the flagrant bias of BBC Radio 4’s flagship Today show. I cannot argue with a word he says on that matter. Glover is prompted by Labour luvvie Lord Melvyn Bragg saying that more or less everything is wonderful about the State Funded fake news channel.  Glover says that Bragg himself producs excellent objective material on his “In Our Time” programme. Funnily enough I listened to its Christmas show on Scrooge.


1036 days ago

Getting a twitter pile on from the FT and BBC hacks – the Group Think on gender quote sourcing

I am getting a bit of a twitter pile on from hacks at the FT, the BBC, lecturers in media studies  and Gabby “your favourite bisexual PR girl” for challenging their daft Group Think on who you should quote.  It all started with Dave Lee (daveleeFT) of the FT tweeting:


1058 days ago

Punching bad Germans is funny says lefty Radio 4 comedian Jenny Eclair

If a comedian appears on any BBC Radio 4 show the two things that you can guarantee is that they are 1) left wing and 2) Not in the slightest bit funny. “Trump, Nazi, wanker”. Cue screams of laughter from elitist London audience. And then there will be a blatantly racist and sexist one about Trump’s Mrs being dumb as proven by her accent and how she clearly slept her way to the White House. Cue more howls of laughter from the moronic London middle classes. So that brings us to Jenny Eclair…


1058 days ago

My Tickets for Euro 2022 confirmed – the pretense was unbelievable as daughter and I join the GAWA

Yes, dear daughter, you shall go to the Women’s Euros along with myself and Lucian Miers, the normal West Ham supporting team. But this time we shall be joining the GAWA, that is to say we are off to see Northern Ireland take on Norway who are rather good. I fear the worst, but we must all travel in hope in the Green & White Army.


1075 days ago

How come 2.7% of the population get 29.7% of the days?

According to the ONS just 2.7% of the UK population is LGBTQIA+. Wildly over-represented in the media, in politics and in academia, if you spend an evening watching the BBC you might have thought that the number was far greater but it is not.  In London as a whole the percent is just over 3%, out here in the boonies it is far lower. Things are what they are. But other than casting at least one gay character in almost ever TV drama there are other ways in which activists try to persuade us that thereare far more LGBTQ+ folk than there are, so that there can be more demands for special treatment for a community that is more affluent than the straight community and clearly encountering few glass ceilings these days which is, for the avoidance of doubt, a good thing.  Think of gay days.


1100 days ago

A few thoughts on the murder of David Amess – MPs and journalists just do not get it

The murder of Tory MP David Amess is shocking and horrible and, naturally, one thinks of his family. But the reaction of the media and political class has been telling, a sign of just how completely and utterly out of touch they are with we dirty plebs. The same could never have been said of East End born David Amess but he was an unusual fellow inside the Westminster bubble.


1135 days ago

Football and the demand for gender equality – the stats from West Ham don’t lie

Football is not a beautiful game it is a business. Those who play it well earn a shed load because there is such a huge demand to watch them kick a ball around the park and for merchandise associated with the great and good. But those who demand equal pay and airtime for the women’s game sometimes forget this.


1155 days ago

Radio 4 on Fuel Poverty & Community Energy Co-Ops - there is only 1 view allowed on the BBC

Forced to work in the kitchen by problems with my study ceiling, I am suffering BBC Radio 4, something the Mrs inflicts on me every morning as a punishment for being an evil capitalist. Today’s torture is listening to Positive Thinking presented by Sangita Myska, a “deep dive” into how to end fuel poverty. Natch all the guests agree on one solution with nobody at all challenging a narrative which is patently absurd. This show encapsulated all that is wrong with the BBC.


1173 days ago

Reasons to #DefundtheBBC No 967 - lying just to placate the radical trans lobby

Woman’s Hour should be renamed People’s Hour in light of the tweet below. For the BBC seems to think that people have periods just as it has previously suggested people get pregnant. Nope the word it is looking for is “women” but that might offend those who insist that such narrow definition of gender is offensive to some folks in these fluid times. Whatever. 


1226 days ago

Star BBC reporter goes abroad and is shocked as passport stamped - Don't tell him what bears do in the woods!

Grossly overpaid BBC star reporter Jon Sopel, the man so famously called out as a purveyor of fake news by Donald Trump, went abroad today and had his passport stamped. And he was so shocked he tweeted about it. Really? Why is he shocked by that? One senses that little Jon is not quite over the dirty plebs voting the wrong way on Brexit. Diddums.


1226 days ago

I did not watch GB News last night nor am I likely to – so what? Nobody watches TV News

I should be the ideal target for Andrew Neil’s new GB News which launched last night. I am right of centre, think the BBC is a disgrace, Channel 4 is fake news and that ITV is woke nonsense whose reporting of Trump should have been an imprisonable offence. And for that reason gave up on TV news a while back. But I did not watch GB News last night. And I doubt I ever will. Despite its celebrating winning the ratings war, here’s a secret: I am far from alone. Here are the stats GB News is celebrating:


1236 days ago

Now my woke friends here is your 3 part Pride Month in the Middle East quiz!

On campuses across the UK, the woke mobs are still chanting “Free Palestine”. The BBC still employs Tala Halawa, a woman who think Hitler got it right with regard to the Jews, on its Middle East team. For the snowflake generation, the two great demons remain Israel and those who do not celebrate all things diverse with regard to the LGBT Community. So for the woke generation, here is a three-part quiz on Pride Month in the Middle East?



1246 days ago

BREAKING: BBC Reporter Tom Bateman happy to praise the work of Israel coverage of Hitler-loving Jew-hating colleague Tala Halawa

The BBC is still “investigating” its rabid Jew-hating reporter Tala Halawa who reckons Hitler was right to murder 6 million Jews. Quite why it has not fired her 48 hours after her abhorrent views surfaced or why it hired her in the first place is a mystery to me and another reason why we should #DefundtheBBC. But it is worse. Her colleague Tom Bateman sent this tweet below just before the scandal surfaced. It is still there. I would have thought that folks at the BBC would distance themselves from such a rabid anti-semite but it appears that folks like Tom are standing by her.  And that is a flashing red sign of the prevailing culture and bias of the BBC. Perhaps it is worth asking Tom if he is also a fan of Hitler when it comes to the Jews and also how he ensures that his work in reporting on events in Israel is completely partial.


1247 days ago

Mind Your BBC language: "racist" covid variants & my wife's family

My wife’s family originated in India. Her parents were born there and would say that they were Indian. My father’s father’s family originated in Kent and would say that they were Kentish Men or Men of Kent. I can never remember which is which; it is to do with which side of the Medway you are born on. But when it comes to Covid and the BBC


1248 days ago

Updated: DISGRACEFUL: BBC Reporter Tala Halawa says Hitler was right when it came to the Jews

Tala Halawa has now locked her Twitter account. Heaven only knows what Jew-hating filth it contains. But for this BBC employee working for the BBC in West Bank, the truth is out. She hates Jews. She thinks Hitler was right. Her shocking tweet pulls no punches. So has the BBC sacked her yet? That is only one issue.


1259 days ago

Reasons to #DefundTheBBC No 890 – Radio 4’s Today Programme Israel baiting

In a grotesque error of judgement, I found myself listening to Radio 4’s Today programme at 8.30 this morning for its BBC news bulletin. I expected #fakenews but was shocked by what I heard as the state broadcaster turned to events in Israel.


1274 days ago

Covid Deaths in India – putting this media and political #fakenews into perspective

If we do not all wear our masks and social distance back here in Blighty then look at India and it will happen here say the Covid jihadists and those in the media and Political GroupThink. As ever data is not their strong point.  Do not get me wrong, the scenes from India are shocking. But this is not covid-apocalypse hell.


1282 days ago

Things that became racist in 2021 No 136 – inviting your nearest and dearest to your own funeral

Under this country’s bonkers covid laws you are now allowed only 30 folks at a funeral plus the corpse even if that corpse is the husband of the Queen. It was the same rule for Phil the Greek as it was for my late father.


1312 days ago

Here is a tweet that has not aged well from a UK Oil & Gas owning moron in 2017

It greatly riled UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) owning morons that the BBC featured me heavily in an Inside Out special exposing the lies told by UK Oil & Gas. You can watch it again HERE. So here is a post from a moron @RSBElectrical from 6 September 2017. The shares were then 8p.


1321 days ago

The BBC smears Gladstone with slavery lies as Students rename his building in Liverpool

The BBC is today celebrating a milestone in a renaming process at Liverpool University. In response to student demands, the building, a hall of residence, is no longer named after William Ewart Gladstone. Instead, it is to be named after someone “linked to the theme of racial equality and Liverpool”. I cannot wait and nominate the late George Floyd who once listened to a Beatles LP. But, whether fed by the students or just ignorant in its own way, the BBC cannot help itself in lying about the grand old man of Liberal politics with two doses of fake news.


1324 days ago

Australia is burning as never before thanks to global warming right? Er...another inconvenient truth

Kids: This is the sort of chart you should NOT include in your Geography GCSE coursework on the settled science of global warming. You see it is a bit of an inconvenient truth. Instead I suggest you show links to all those breathless BBC and Channel 4 fake News reports about Aussie bush fires in the past couple of years which you can cite as “evidence” of global warming as the broadcasters did. Or alternatively, if you care about facts rather than just getting an A* with some fake news…


1346 days ago

Paul Kendall of the Telegraph defends corrupt journalism with a twitter "hit" on me

The BBC’s Panorama recognised which journalist exposed the disgraced fund manager Neil Woodford from 2015 onwards with more than 1000 articles, podcasts and videos. When I confronted Woodford at his AGM in May 2019, he signalled me out as the journalist who had been most “wrong” about him. Within 3 weeks his funds had been gated – as I predicted. Woodford made £40 million from the venture, tens of thousands of ordinary savers lost billions. I had been right while  Fleet Street blew Woodford off almost to the end. The FCA is now looking into Woodford but 20 months later the disgraced fund manager is plotting a comeback. How do we know? The Sunday Telegraph had the scoop. This is corrupt journalism that shames our profession.


1358 days ago

The BBC the 100 genders for 9 year olds and the cover up!

I do not specialise in spotting the ways that the BBC insults those folks forced under threat of jail to cough up £157.50 a year, whether they watch or listen to its ghastly content or not. But it would be an all too easy way to spend my life for the BBC is its own worst enemy. Its grossly overpaid staff live in a woke bubble where they seem unable to recognise just how out of touch their values are with those of the vast majority of the population.


1363 days ago

Reasons to #DefundtheBBC No 14 - Katya Adler

Like colleagues such as Daniel Sandford, Ms Adler banks a six-figure salary, plus expenses, funded by extorting £157.50 a year from we plebs whether we watch her fake news or not and she honestly thinks she does a good job. As the BBC’s EU correspondent, she has become utterly embedded in the Evil Empire’s mindset. In the Brexit talks she batted for Brussels. On every glitch, it was always the fault of the evil Britishers and now that we have left she carries on blaming Britain for everything as you can see below.



1365 days ago

Reasons to #DefundtheBBC No 946 - would it call an old, dead ISIS fighter a "veteran" like some D-day hero?

Well not even the loathsome BBC has gone that far yet. I think it might just use the word terrorist for an old, long time, ISIS butcher who had passed away. But it seems that for another organisation that blew up and shot men, women, children, a 6 month old baby, priests, nuns, housewives, mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and which committed ethnic cleansing, its old fighters should be described in the same way as a hero of the Normandy beaches. I refer of course to the IRA. The article below speaks for itself. That i should be forced, under threat of jail, to pay for this vile garbage makes me unspeakably angry. Almost as angry as when smug self entitled BBC staffers try to justify this extortion with lies.


1372 days ago

A blast from the past emerges from a packing case to delight the Mrs

We have now lived at the Welsh Hovel for almost 21 months and as we renovate it, still there are packing boxes either unopened or only partly opened all over the shop. Some of those boxes include items I had kept in storage since 2012 and had quite forgotten that I ever owned.


1376 days ago

BREAKING: Is this the BBC's worst reporting yet on Covid? People you are being lied to

Like others who have had Covid, I am pretty sure that my vaccination from God is about as good as the one Matt Hancock wants me to take but the Government seems desperate to make us think otherwise and the BBC is acting as its propaganda arm in this aim. Yesterday, it reported – as you can see below – that a new study showed that having Covid could protect folks for at least five months! Putting this 5-month figure in one’s mind is an utter deceipt.



1384 days ago

Do you fire someone for tweeting a call to murder?

Earlier this year, a BLM/ANTIFA demonstration in Washington DC turned ugly, stores were being burned and looted, a church was attacked and a British DJ tweeted out about the demonstrators “shoot them.” Was she fired?



1387 days ago

SHOCKER: Trainline just how much contempt does it have for its customers and how much profit does it make from very dodgy partners?

Thanks to Covid, Trainline (TRN) is pretty screwed and will stay so for a good while. Indeed with leading law firms and others today announcing that 50% of staff days post any lockdown would be at home, the amount of business travel post lockdown is going to crater. The face to face business meeting is like the horse drawn taxi or funny BBC comedies using words like frog, things of the past. Even in pre Covid times, Trainline generated sod all cash. But how did it make that cash?


1389 days ago

Here's a rare collector's item - what would you bid for a Jimmy Savile clock?

Arguably, it would be more useful than a Matt Hancock clock which isn’t even right once a day, let alone twice. As you can see below, purchasing a clock which honours a man who the BBC used your money to protect and reward over many years although many staffers knew – as did the whole of Fleet Street – that he was a nonce, is a bit hard on Amazon. For some reason, the firm that used to make them has discontinued production. Why do I undertake this search you ask? My interest was spurred on as I searched for a clock to buy for my kitchen on Facebook marketplace and came across this £100 “John Lennon” clock below. But it was not a Beatle that stared out at me. It is not this sort of clock which I seek. 


1391 days ago

Things the Rotten BBC will not report: can you guess who is America’s most admired man?

On the main BBC news programme the other day, veteran BBC reporter John Simpson, a man who has Guardian reading liberal prejudices in his DNA and whose sense of smug superiority is ever present, served up a report on the Foreign Policy transition from Donald Trump to the man who wants to smell your teenage daughter’s hair.



1410 days ago

For the ills of today…let’s blame Maggie Thatcher & misquote our greatest leader: meet the Reverend Felicity Baumflaugh

It is now more than thirty years since Michael Heseltine and a group of other traitors stabbed our greatest ever leader, Margaret Thatcher, in the back. I was on an underground train when the news came through. As it was heading out East to the great county of Essex, I kid you not that there were folks crying.


1410 days ago

A 32 year history of the Maldives drowning thanks to global warming

As the BBC, the Met Office and others bang on about man made global warming, they always cite the “experts” and their “expert predictions”. It has now been 32 years since the first experts warned that the Maldives at c 1yard above sea level would be submerged. So perhaps, if it is not an inconvenient truth, it is worth revisiting that one.



1410 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: after a shameful admission from Darren, what he needs to do on video this Christmas

This issue for Darren was prompted by me discussing “cousin” Axl Rose yesterday.  I start by discussing day 12 of Joshua’s Advent calendar, then what Darren needs to record for you this Yuletide. Then it is the strange tale of Calisen (CLSN), Goldman talking woke nonsense and finaly BBC #fakenews on cheddar cheese prices and why my grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, was right in 1975 and why food prices, therefore, could and should fall from January 1. 


1433 days ago

The annual Fairytale of New York debacle – #DefundtheBBC

There are certain parts of the Christmas ritual which seem to become more intense each year. I refer not, of course, to celebrating the birth of Jesus because that is an archaic irrelevance which has nothing to do with what is now termed “the holiday season.” Anyone who relates the winter holiday to Jesus, God, Angels or Mary and Joseph is a relic from the dark ages before Love island and the joys of modernity. But there are new rituals.


1449 days ago

A video message from Presidential Candidate Joe Biden

Andrew Lawrence is that true rarity, a right wing comedian. That is why he is a) quite funny and b) not always appearing on (always unfunny) Radio 4 comedy programmes. Today he brings you a message from Joe Biden. Enjoy


1455 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Now Trump has clear momentum, BLM back in the picture and the Tony Bobulinski bombshell last night for crooked Joe Biden

In this podcast, I debunk the idea pushed by Nate Silver and the MSM that Georgia is now winnable for the Dems. I look at Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio (all three of which are now looking very winnable indeed for Donald Trump) and ponder where Trump would get the final votes needed for victory: any one of Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota with, perhaps, a helping hand in Maine. I consider the impact of the latest BLM riots in Philadelphia, Biden on fracking and of last night’s bombshell interview with Tony Bobulinski - which you can see HERE. The BBC and MSM will not cover it but some floating voters or even Biden leaners will watch it and, I suggest, come to the conclusion that creepy Joe is a lying crook. If that swings just a few more votes in somewhere like Arizona then that could be enough for Trump.  Bottom line: there is no blue wave. The Senate is staying in the hands of the GOP and while the Economist says Trump’s chance of winning is just 8%, I’d now score it at 45-50%. The next two days of polling will tell us more.


1463 days ago

Podcast: This is how President Trump could win on November 3

Whereas all the MSM pundits and pollsters called 2016 wrong, I called it for Trump and explained why from weeks before the poll. So what of 2020? In my last podcast, I moved from too close to call to Biden slight favourite.  But I am looking hard at the polling in the key swing states and for three reasons I can now see a path for Donald Trump to win. I am not calling it for the great man yet but I move my stance back to too close to call and explain why. The earlier podcast on the Biden crime family emails is HERE and has taken a new twist tonight with Delaware Police being asked to review under age porn and messaging on Hunter Biden’s laptop. This will not play well for the Dems with socially conservative folks or with older voters in the swing states. Surely even the BBC has to report this now?


1464 days ago

Reasons to defund the BBC No 765: The shocking laziness and deception of Nick Bryant in Pennsylvania on Trump

Almost a week after explosive and authentic emails asking very real questions about the integrity of Joe Biden broke, the BBC is yet to report on the issue once. That is reason 764 for why it should be defunded. Instead I turn to its real coverage from overpaid correspondents such as Nick Bryant who went filming in Western Pennsylvania, the rust belt.


1494 days ago

BBC Global Warming hysteria in Siberia where hard logic and cold facts cut no ice

No, you are right Big Brother, I  have limited training in science but I did study logic as part of my university course. I am not sure that the grossly overpaid liberal arts graduates who staff up BBC News studied anything useful at all. Gender studies perhaps? Last night, the News at 10 Special Report was all about how man-made global warming is affecting Siberia and how we must all change our wicked ways to preserve the permafrost and save the eco-system. I do not deny that in recent years Siberia appears to have got warmer. However, and this is where logic and fact ( i.e. what HAS happened) comes in….


1510 days ago

Hello BBC license fee payers, it's Clive from Islington: why can't you plebs see the benefit of this diverse service?

This is tweeted out in Britain by the BBC. I wonder how many 75 year olds now being forced under threat of jail to pay for a TV license consider this money well spent?


1515 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Can Trump Win? Everything says it is getting more likely and why this does matter to British Investors?

I called it for Trump in September 2016 when the media classes wrote him off. I am not calling it for him yet, but it is looking better and better, hence more fake news reports from the BBC and the rest of the Mainstream Media to the contrary. I examine what the polls say in detail, debunk a right-wing conspiracy theory and look at the four key variables that will determine the outcome and, bad news for the liberal media, all four trends are playing Trump’s way.


1518 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Nilesh Jagathia is not only a thief but a limpet too

My main podcast today was a history lesson for the loathsome BBC HERE. In terms of bearcast I am not so inpired today, I promise I shall be more on fire tomorrow but do comment on why Harry Adams of Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) is share dealing like a dervish. I also look at the rebel at Inspirit (INSP) and explain why I think he is doomed to fail and why anyone buying the shares needs their head examined.


1518 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Will Asimilar be the much deserved Waterloo of Chris Akers? This stinks!

I start with a brief discussion of Rule Britannia where it is clear that the BBC and others (including the Mrs) have not actually read the words or studied their history. I will do a much longer piece on this when back from seeing my father in Shipston. I look at Asimilar (ASLR), All Active Asset Capital (AAA), Mesh PLC, and Chris Akers – a scandal where the unravel is surely underway. I comment on DFS (DFS) and furlough economics, on Iconic Labs (ICON), and on Amigo (AMGO) as well as on Xtract Resources (XTR), where there is yet more good news making you who followed my tip and I who bought shares even richer. Also covered is NoGold who has no gold exposure and lambasts me for tipping gold shares and making you all richer… even more of a miserable old git.


1566 days ago

Timmy Horlick, the ex of ghastly, Nicola in battle with a man who likes to club foxes to death while wearing women's clothing

There are some situations in life where you want everyone to lose: a Manchester Derby for instance. The contest to be the next Archbishop of Canterbury is usually in this category. Which BBC staff get fired because of cost cuts is another. And here is another of these battles


1572 days ago

David Starkey is indefensible but so is the BBC slander of Darren Grimes

I had a brush with the celebrity historian David Starkey about fifteen years ago when he used his celebrity status to bully, humiliate and put down my daughter’s godmother as we ate in an Islington restaurant. He picked on her for no reason as she read Olaf a story, not too loudly, saying at a high enough volume for every diner to hear “Will you just be quiet? Some of us are trying to eat.”  Maybe the American accent grated with Starkey’s patrician senses.


1578 days ago

Greedy BBC Presenter Naga Munchetty, Aston Martin Lagonda and impoverished shareholders

Wherever I go on the internet I am plagued by banner adverts inviting me to sign up for a seminar with “award winning journalist and broadcaster” Naga Munchetty of the BBC. Naga earns a six figure salary from the state broadcaster funded by a poll tax on rich and poor alike extracted by threat of jail. But Naga is greedy and so lends the good name of the BBC to her commercial enterprises, this one sponsored by salesforce, as you can see in the banner below.


1590 days ago

Even worse than the BBC, the death wish of a deadwood press that can't tell the truth

Rayshard Brooks was a black man shot dead by a US cop last week. The cop appears trigger happy in shooting to kill and, in my view, has quite rightly been sacked. But the reporting of the incident shows once again why fewer and fewer of us trust the mainstream media. Take this gem from Australia’s Daily Telegraph.


1594 days ago

First they came for the statues, then they came for the comedy: as Fawlty Towers is banned the woke revolution rolls on

Though, as I demonstrated earlier, he invested not a cent in slaving, the statue of philanthropist Thomas Guy is now officially for the melting pot. First they came for the statues. Then they came for the comedy. I have just played the video below to my woke Islington based daughter Olaf and she laughed loudly.


1598 days ago

A BBC headline after yesterday's protest/riot and the question of partiality

Gosh I hate the BBC. I have never more resented being forced to pay a license fee to support the bloated salaries of its staff as, in a truly Orwellian, fashion they distort the truth and show clear bias on almost every topic. The values of its staff are not mine and not those, I suspect, of mostr of us. Yet, under threat of jail we must fund the BBC and its pampered metropolitan liberal elitist staff.  Take yesterdays protests and riots in London. I ask you to imagine that the protest had been by those of us who supported Brexit. I think it unlikely that we would have engaged with the fuzz as some did yesterday but had we done so do you think it conceivable that the BBC would have run the headline below? Nope. Me neither. My silent and peaceful anger grows.


1616 days ago

Video: Heroic Lord Sumption calls out & crushes BBC GroupThink driven reporter on Coronavirus Lockdown

Great stuff Lord Sumption. you are the voice of reason.


1621 days ago

Maybe it's just me ... a song about the BBC

I don’t disagree with a word


1625 days ago

ONS Covid data on deaths by occupation: Boris is “literally” sending folks to their deaths claim

After this is all over there should be a national enquiry into why our entire political and media class is swamped by liberal arts graduates with no concept of how to analyse data and the collective intelligence of a bumble bee. It should be let by my cats who have greater predictive skills than Professor Neil Pantsdown, our, until recently, expert in chief whose always wrong computer models drove the groupthink of our leaders. Let me be clear I have no time for Boris et al on this matter as I noted earlier today HERE. However…


1665 days ago

The GroupThink bankruptcy of the Mainstream Media – Do your own Coronavirus friends data test!

Laughably, the BBC is trumpeting an opinion poll showing how its reportage of the Coronavirus “pandemic” is the most trusted among TV stations. When this is all over, we will laugh at just how the entire Mainstream Media failed us, wallowed in GroupThink and failed to challenge our blundering and lying leaders. You can see this for yourself with an easy test…


1721 days ago

BBC stalwart Jon Sopel, whose #TrumpDerangementSyndrome is particularly acute: you cannot be serious

The impeachment of Donald Trump will soon draw to a close having been a farce from the outset. The same sort of folks who said that POTUS would have to be impeached and found guilty over Russian collusion, only for that to be dropped as there was zero evidence, then impeached him on Ukranian matters without producing one single witness with first hand evidence. Hearsay from often dubuious sources, will never score a conviction. But if you listened to the BBC’s North American correspondent Jon Sopel, who has an incredibly severe case of #TrumpderangementSyndrome, none of this would be apparent.


1729 days ago

#BoycottWetherspoons fails again: strong trading update and heroic Tim Martin lets rip on woke failures & parasites once more

The #BoycottWetherspoons campaign by remaoning  Brexit haters continues to fail. For the first 12 weeks of the second quarter to 19 January 2020, like-for-like sales increased by 4.7% and total sales by 4.2%.  Take that snowflakes, stick that and your copy of today’s Guardian where the sun don’t shine.  Heroic Wetherspoon (JDW) boss Tim Martin once again did not hold back on a range of matters in the accompanying statement lambasting among others the BBC, CBI and the corporate governance bores run by a Marxist, PIRC. The great man opines thus:

On Brexit


1746 days ago

Simon Reeve & the Caribbean – more BBC bias on global warming fake news

I noted yesterday how the second show in Simon Reeve’s BBC jaunt around the Caribbean had airbrushed history to create a civil war where only right wing corporate funded militias did bad things. The programme ended with the presenter meeting a very short race of indigenous people in Colombia.


1747 days ago

Even the BBC’s travel programmes aim to misinform – Simon Reeve in the Caribbean

I have rather liked the historic works of Mr Reeve. Okay they are pretty superficial but what he says is often of interest and so last night I sat watching the second part of his Caribbean tour. This was poisoned by sheer fake news from his BBC masters.


1748 days ago

Twitter Moron of the decade - and yes he owns Bidstack & hates @tomWinnifrith and @ShareProphets

Folks at the FCA say they love my work, the FRC commends me for exposing fraud, even the BBC reccognises the heroic fight we engage in against white collar crime, but there will always be critics who somehow thing the team at Shareprophets and me in particular are the bad guys. Meet one of the bigger morons on twitter….


1750 days ago

Carbon Emissions (the ones Greta can see) cause global warming right? How about we just look at the facts

as someone who believes that sun spot activity is critical to the earth’s temperature I rather fear that we should all be stocking up on our thermal underwaer. But that is not what is taught in Geography GCSE or what the BBC lectures with us as “settled science.” The global warmists like Greta Thunberg believe that increased carbon levels caused by many’s activity will lead to higher temperatures. This is a prediction ( ie what will happen) but is stated as a fact (what has happened). Anyone who challenges this world view is slated as akin to a holocaust denier. Indeed I remember some Guardian reading fanatatic screaming those exact words to myself and uncle Christopher Booker as we did a presentation many years ago.  But there is a little inconvenient truth, i.e the facts.


1750 days ago

Uncle Christopher Booker would have loved this – The Met Office and BBC spin global cooling as global warming

My late uncle Chris would have loved this. It is one of those moments when I really want to chat to him as we would both have been laughing within seconds. It is not the fact that the UK is getting cooler but the way that in utterly Orwellian fashion the BBC and the high priests of the global warming cult, the Met Office, spin cooling as warming.


1803 days ago

Labour says it will close the #genderpaygap by 2030 - utter bollocks, my Bath Spa lecture

Labour has today said that it will, if elected, close the Gender Pay Gap by 2030. No doubt the liberal media, notably the BBC, will lap this up. But the hard data shows exactly why on this matter, as on so many other matters, Jeremy Corbyn is talking unmitigated bollocks. Two years ago I gave a lecture to sociology students at Bath Spa which gave the hard data which shows the lie at the heart of what Labour says. Naturally, offering facts rather than woke nonsense landed me in an Orwellian soup which I will give full details on one day. The lecture was recorded and with its slides is below.


1919 days ago

EXCLUSIVE: Shamed Dragon's Den flop Piers Linney of Outsourcery infamy wants to teach you how to create a winning business!

What next? Boris Johnson running courses on marital fidelity, Bill Clinton lecturing us on women’s rights with his pal Jeff Epstein? i despair. Anyhow, former BBC media darling, Dragon’s Den flop Piers Linney claimed to be worth £100 million despite the string of business failures we exposed here. At AIM Casino listed Outsourcery, which we relentlessly called out by myself as a POS and which went bust, Linney burned through £21 million of other folks cash. Now, as you can see below, he wants your cash to teach you about how to start and grow a business. Whatever….


1974 days ago

The Euro Elections were a vote against Brexit – more utter bullshit from the Westminster & media bubble

Like millions of others, I voted for the party which is now the largest single party from any country in the EU Parliament and which won the British Euro elections by a country Mile – Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party.  The reaction of the Westminster and media classes has been predictable: “Didn’t the Lib Dems do well! This is a vote against Brexit.” You could not make it up. But they did.


2091 days ago

The Only Fund manager worse than Neil Woodford - the BBC doubles up on Tesla

In the old days ( i.e only three years ago) the BBC pension fund was invested, as it should have been in safe dividend plays like BP, Shell and BAT Industries. But that sort of portfolio played badly with the uber politically correct state funded broadcaster. So its all change. The new top 20 holdings as at 31 March 2018 are below.


2114 days ago

Ex MP, Tory Remoaner, Ben Gummer and his fake facts the BBC does not bother challenging

Having lost his seat at the last election, former MP Ben Gummer is constantly wheeled out by the BBC and other liberal news outlets as a “mainstream” Tory. That is to say that – unlike most Tory members - he wants to stay in the EU. He then trots out the most monstrous canards claiming them as facts and, naturally, goes unchallenged.


2119 days ago

Christmas in Syria – the story the guilty Western Media cannot bear to broadcast

There are just two countries in the Middle East where Christians can celebrate their faith openly, as part of a supportive community and with no fear of having their head chopped off.  One is Israel, which is also the only country in the region where there are gay pride parades. But suggesting that Israel is a beacon of tolerance in a sea of bigotry is not part of the group think narrative for the liberal media elites here in the West. So what about the other place where Christianity is not a high risk activity?


2120 days ago

The BBC on Nigeria – beyond parody

Taxpayer funded, BBC Radio 4 has just run a long report on the problems Nigeria faces. It started with David Cameron slamming the country as being corrupt back in 2016. This, the BBC argued, was unhelpful. It was a bad thing to say. I am not normally one to defend Call Me Dave, but on this occasion.


2173 days ago

Two Presidents caption competition

One has domestic approval ratings which - at this stage of his Presidency - are far better than most of his predecessors, one has almost record low approval ratings among his own voters. But if you are reliant on the MSM, especially BBC or Channel 4 Fake News for your information you would be excused for getting it the wrong way round. Anyhow, do your worst, supply a suitab;le caption by midnight on Sunday


2194 days ago

Photo Article - #PeoplesVoteMarch, not really very big is it?

As I sit with an ouzo in Greece, a country with 49% youth unemployment and where pensioners mist live on 9 Euro a day thanks to the EU, back in London, about 100,000 generally very affluent middle class folks are marching to overturn the wishes of 17.4 million of their fellow citizens. The organisers and the BBC and the rest of the liberal media claim this is a big demonstration but that is just fake news.


2268 days ago

Blacks for Trump – one reason the Democrats may face electoral oblivion in 2020

As I am sure you can remember, the liberal media, spearheaded in the UK by the BBC’s repellent Jon Sopel and Beltway Kylie Morris and Matt Frei of Channel 4 Fake News, demonstrated, to their satisfaction, if not that of anyone else, that Donald Trump was a racist back during the Presidential campaign of 2016. The Democrats and Hillary paid a few visits to the ghettos and sung Kumbaya and all was well.


2302 days ago

What the BBC, CNN and the Guardian just will not say about Trump, the illegal migrants & the polls

The BBC and its sister publication the Guardian had a weekend wankfest as large crowds gathered to protest against policies Donald Trump had already rescinded to deal with illegal migration across the Mexican border. But their coverage failed to show what is really happening. They are in denial as they serve up non-stop fake news.


2339 days ago

The hypocrites celebrate referenda, the Irish celebrate murder

On Friday, the Irish voted to legalize abortion at up to 12 weeks. It is now Sunday and the BBC - my only English language TV here in Greece - is still covering this story with a manic obsession. "What a modern nation Ireland has become: a gay PM, abortion on demand, the Church in tatters, cue picture of joyous crowds." Okay, it does not mention its joy at the collapse of the Irish church but it makes its views clear with pictures of nuns scuttling away from polling stations looking miserable.


2387 days ago

BBC Radio 4 Today gives platform to Tracey Emin to talk award winning and unchallenged tripe on Brexit

Apparently the great woman has a new artwork so was invited on to the Today programme to discuss it and how it reflected on Brexit. I should have braced myself.


2388 days ago

Now about those "civilians" the "evil Jews" butchered for protesting on the Gaza border

Hamas, the rulers of Gaza whose leaders still openly talk of driving the evil Jews into the sea and who happily fly Nazi flags alongside their own as you can see below, continues to organise protests on the Israeli border. Thanks to the liberal media's hatred of Israel it has been a PR triumph. But the truth...


2393 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Stupid Theresa May jumps on gender pay gap bandwagon, media fails to see how meaningless data really is

As you know I care greatly about the way meaningless data is misinterpreted when it comes to the gender pay gap. That got me into an Orwellian soup thanks to a bedwetting millennial when I gave THIS lecture at Bath Spa University. Today is the day by when all companies must publish gender pay data. But the data offered is utterly meaningless and the fact that Theresa May uses it as she jumps on the bandwagon show what a silly woman she is. The BBC is wilfully misreporting it too as you can see below ref RyanAir (RYA). I explain why today's wall to wall coverage is so misleading.


2395 days ago

To celebrate #Transvisbilityday here's an article you may have missed - you cannot be serious?

Saturday was world #Transvisibilityday. You need a day like that becuase way under 0.5% of the world's population are never on TV, never in the newspapers, never being celebrated at the Oscars for starring in a crap foreign language film, never on BBC Question Time as the high priests of victimhood. They are never in the headlines demanding that though they have penises folks who identify as women and re part way there should be allowed to share a changing room with our teenage daughters. No, never.


2406 days ago

Pay rises of up to 29% for NHS staff are NOT paid for by the Treasury as the BBC claims but by me and it is the final straw

One of the big lies that our children are told in school and university and which the liberal media ram down our throats is that public sector workers are paid less than we folks in the productive sector and have had lower pay rises over the past few years. Those lies are exposed as lies with hard data as I did in my, Bath Spa lecture HERE, the "what happened next" story of which I will relay one day and which will horrify you. But the lie has worked. If enough folks repeat a lie often enough it becomes an Orwellian truth.


2408 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: surely Gert Rieder of Falcon is a fraudster who should be sent to jail

In today's podcast I start with a digression about driving to Greece given the day's good news about the hovel HERE. But I have a serious point about residual values of cars, ref BCA Marketplace (BCA), Northgate (NTG) and others. I then look at Falcon Media (FAL) and its boss who I accuse of fraud and think should go to jail. Then it is on to Milestone (MSG) - told y'all!!!! - Ferrum Crescent (FCR), De La Rue (DLR), and Amur Minerals (AMC). I have a pop at an Ulster born bimbo on BBC Business over Brexit and then discuss Neil Woodford where Roger Lawson defends the indefensible after today's shocking revelations. If you like bearcasts then remember that at UK Investor on April 21 one of many highlights will be a live bearcast with myself and Paul Scott. Make sure you book a free ticket HERE using the promotional code WINNIFRITH 


2414 days ago

Conviviality - are you sure you want to pay a dividend on Friday?

Steve Moore has already covered the disaster story that is Conviviality (CVR) HERE. In essence it forgot that it has a tax bill (I assume PAYE) due on 29 March for £30 million and does not have the borrowing headroom to pay that. Uh Oh. As the BBC says about once a day we would not get amateurish corporate disasters like this if more companies were run by women. Like er....Diana Hunter the CEO of Conviviality. Anyhow...


2421 days ago

So will the BBC, Channel 4, the Dems and the rest of the liberal elite apologise en masse to peace-maker Donald Trump over North Korea

For more than two decades the mad dog eating commies of North Korea have been trying to perfect missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads to the USA. Us President after US President has said how cross he is and if the dog eaters don't stop being so naughty they will impose more sanctions for China and most other folks to ignore.


2422 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: How many black, gay, vegan men are there in Britain who have not yet featured on the BBC?

I start with a bit of a go at BBC Radio 4 for its quitee lamentable content this morning. I am somewhat prompted by my thoughts on the Oscars HERE. I then looked at Just Eat (JE.), Luceco (LUCE), Challenger Acquistions (CHAL), Falanx (FLX) - where I am glad to be a shareholder - MySquar (MYSQ), the holocaust denying fraudsters and Online BlockChain (OBC).  


2422 days ago

Another massive switch off for the Oscars - I'm not alone in finding liberal millionaire virtue signalling nauseating

I could not bear to stay up to watch the Oscars on Sunday night. But I have already seen the BBC and the rest of the liberal media fawning over its diversity and how the millionaire liberal luvvies took it in turns to bash Trump, male harassersment, guns, Trump again, Republicans and Trump again. How drearily predictable but then #blackfrocksmatter. But there is another matter which the liberal media is not reporting on - how America is turning off from this virtue signalling in droves


2443 days ago

The BBC's Justin Webb - a Radio 4 Today programme apologist for the Oxfam perverts as the virtue signallers stick together

The sort of well paid metropolitan elitist who works for the BBC will no doubt mingle socially with the numerous champagne socialists earning £100,000 + per annum working for NGOs and lecturing rich folks in the private sector about how evil we are for not tackling poverty. These are the chattering classes and they stick together.


2456 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - I can't think what makes me so delighted about Capita's downfall

Is it that it is the organisation that threatens poor people ( and disproportionately women) with jail if they don't pay the BBC poll tax so that very rich women can get pay rises? Or that Neil Woodford is such a big shareholder and has said so many funny things about what a great investment this is? I discuss the woes of Capita (CPI). I also look at Rosslyn Data (RDT), and its interims which are out today and show that it is 100% fecked.  I discuss the Ariadne bombshell of today and the red flag lessons for those who buy shares in listed companies. And remember today is tax deadline day!


2457 days ago

Lies, damned lies and the pay rises you and I will be funding for rich women at the BBC

PWC has today produced a report on the gender pay gap at the BBC. The state owned broadcaster funded by all of us via our taxes and by the poll tax which is the license fee, is wilfully misinterpreting the results in order to justify pay rises to some already rich and overpaid female staff.


2468 days ago

#ReleaseTheMemo - It was never Trump it was always about crooked Hillary

Members of Congress have been shown a 4 page memo which details FBI spying under the Obama adminstration in which crooked Hillary Clinton served. The memo has been described as "shocking" and "worse than Watergate." Now the pressure is on to #ReleasetheMemo.


2469 days ago

The BBC was Robbed! Where's its #FakeNewsaward Mr President?

Last night Donald Trump handed out nine awards for excellence in fake news. He knows what the BBC is, having owned its grossly overpaid North American Reporter, pompous prig Jon Sopel, in public as you can see here. But POTUS failed to recognise our State Funded broadcaster. That is outrageous. How dare he snub the British? Is it because he is racist?


2474 days ago

Whatever the BBC thinks, I am not discriminatory in not wanting to date a woman who used to have a penis

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And beauty is not skin deep - or should not be. I fancy the Mrs not only because she is physically attractive but for a range of reasons including her brains, sense of humour and her past experiences which I can understand. But now apparently that is not acceptable. If a woman's past experiences include being a man and going through surgery and hormone treatment that may be something that one may not find so attractive. In fact it is something that would deter me from trying it on.


2475 days ago

Will the BBC report the 500 Lazy Doctors in Val D'Isere scandal?

Te BBC is drowning in stories about an NHS in crisis due to a shortage of doctors and money stories. Natch it is the evil Tories who are to blame although, the inconvenient truth , is that the Tories keep on increasing NHS spending to new record levels. There are no spending cuts. Meanwhile the refuse to report the Val d'Isere scandal.


2478 days ago

Do I feel sorry for a female BBC employee on £135,000 a year? The issue is that BBC men earn too much

To her enormous credit, Carrie Gracie the BBC's former China editor turned down a £45,000 pay rise last year when she pointed out that on £135,000 she earned far less than other International editors such as Jon "fake news" Sopel in the USA and Jeremy Bowen in thee Middle east. One issue is an apparent gender pay gap. The real issue is that overall pay levels are bloated and the BBC is unaccountable and funded by you and I under threat of jail.


2492 days ago

Todays episode of why an out of touch BBC is just not fit for purpose.

Even Jeremy Corbyn and the odious little arsehole Owen Jones of the Guardian have stopped lauding Venezuala - where the people are now starving -  as a socialist paradise on earth. Heck, even the mad Marxist "economist" Paul Mason has stopped citing it is a case study to show how Britain could prosper under Labour. But some folks are beyond saving. Remember that it is your license fee, extracted under threat of jail, that pays for BBC Radio 4 which still gives a platform to folks spouting patent rot. The tweet below needs no further comment from me.


2499 days ago

Greedy Fat Pig Samantha Thompson of BBC Question Time posing, demonstrates the Food Bank poverty lie

A couple of weeks ago BBC Question Time went to Barnsley in the Grim North and among its audience of hand picked members of Momentum was the lass below Samanatha Thompson who bleated on about how she and her family had to use food banks and this was a sign of wicked Tory austerity causing rising poverty, blah, blah, blah.  I gather that Samantha has taken offence at some Tory councillor who noted that for someone claiming to be on the brink of starvation she is, to put it bluntly, very fat indeed. Miss Piggy reckons that this is offensive and wants an apology and maybe in these PC free speech denying times the poor chap will be forced by his party to grovel. Since I have no such pressure I say "Miss Piggy your are a fat blubbermonster and if you find that offensive how about you eat less and stop looking quite so much like a beached whale?  Of course this story gets more ridiculous.


2504 days ago

How the biased BBC defines "retaliation" with respect to Israel

The first footage on the State funded broadcaster Pravda was of Palestinians throwing stones and other missiles at Israeli troops on the West Bank. The Troops responded with tear gas. The voice-over then talked of Israeli retaliation which saw two dead in Gaza after air strikes.


2504 days ago

The Liberal media has an "end of Trump" spunkfest after Alabama race - fake news!

Boy did the liberal media love the defeat of GOP Candidate Roy Moore in the Alabama special election for the Senate. John Snow on Channel 4 Fake News described Alabama as the state that helped make Trump President. Le Monde described it as a referendum on Trump. The BBC was already planning the coronation of a Dem in the 2020 White House race. Fake news folks.


2512 days ago

Donald Trump to move US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem - BBC Responds with fake news

For more than two decades Congress has pushed for the US to move its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which is, after all, the capital. It is where the Knesset sits and is the logical place to be situated. Except of course that the Arab world would rather than the embassy was in Tel Aviv or better still scrapped altogether and the Jews pushed into the sea.


2513 days ago

Boys, girls, make-up and sexism in 2017 - the strange world of the BBC

Before she leaves in the morning, to fill the empty heads of impressionable snowflakes with left wing nonsense, the Mrs always switches on Radio 4. As I wander into the Kitchen to make morning coffees I am treated to some real gems and insight into the mad mindset of the state funded fake news outlet and the mindset of an utterly out of touch metropolitan elite.


2534 days ago

BBC Environment correspondent Roger Harrabin and the Thatcher coal lie

The BBC was forced to grovel when Lord Lawson's disstening views on the global warming scam went unchallenged on air. For many, such as Pravda's own green guru, Roger Harrabin this is a "settled science" and thus those who dare to point out things like the fact that the world is getting colder, antarctic ice is at record levels and that the computer models have all been wrong, deserve to be no platformed. On the other hand Harrabin himself is allowed to tell blatant lies which expose his innate bias and go unchallenged.


2541 days ago

BBC "Just legal" tax avoidance - the bias exposed again

Tax avoidance is legal - millions of us do it by owning an ISA. It describes legitimate ways to pay as little tax as you can do within the law. Tax evasion is avoiding paying tax by breaking the law. Simple enough? Not for John Humphreys, the grotesquely overpaid presenter of Radio 4's flagship fake news programme Today.


2546 days ago

"After a driver in New York mowed down 8"... how the media and the libs got everything wrong and Trump was right again

The quote is from John Humphreys on BBC Radio 4. It was at least better than that from American Muslim activist Linda Sarsour who tweeted after the Halloween attack in New York 


2554 days ago

The BBC's John Simpson tweets fake news on Brexit teachings in Universities as academia squirms and dissembles

Tory MP Christopher Heaton-Harris seems to be in a spot of bother in certain circles for writing to university vice chancellors asking for a list of those lecturers who were running course material on Brexit and asking to see that course material. That is what actually happened but the BBC's senior reporter John Simpson tweeted out something rather different. This is fake news surely?


2556 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 8+1 may not be worth 9 at Bushveld

In a wide ranging bearcast I ask whether the demerger of Afratin by Bushveld (BMN) will necessarily create value for shareholders. Then it is onto the rfead acrosses from Pendragon's (PDG) statement, not least for BCA Marketplace (BCA). Then I look at the scandsalous cash-piss by the evil fake news poll tax funded BBC on Interserve (IRV) and what it means for Interserve. I look at MySquar (MYSQ) and how soon it is a zero, UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Andalas (ADL) and then onto SalvaRx (SALV) where, the fugitive from justice in South Korea, old Jim Mellon has pumped in more cash but where a real crash crunch clearly looms.  Finally a few words on TrakM8 (TRAK)


2559 days ago

The Real Russia Scandal in American Politics - its the Clintons, Uranium and those pesky mega bribes

As she plugs her tawdry lie packed book "How I lost the election even though I was a brilliant candidate and it was everyone else's fault but I won really" Crooked Hillary Clinton tells every fawning liberal media interviewer in turn that the Russians worked hand in hand with Donald Trump to rig the poll and cheat her out of victory. After nine months of exhaustive investigations and any number of lurid smears not one shred of evidence has been produced to justify this assertion made to and by unquestioning MSM "journalists" . Indeed even the emails coming from the DNC and published by Wikileaks did not come from Russian hacking as Hillary asserts. But this is not the real Russian scandal.


2562 days ago

OECD tells the peasants of Britain to vote again on Brexit to save economy but do you remember its lies from 2016?

The OECD, aka a think tank run by and for the vested interests of the 1%, the global elite, has today urged Britain to hold a second referendum on Brexit and to vote the right way. Naturally the BBC and the rest of the liberal media is loving it and not bothering to point out one little inconvenient truth, that the OECD is a proven Brexit liar.


2562 days ago

Waiting for crooked Hillary Clinton on the BBC Women's Hour - are its listener's mad?

Before the Mrs heads off to work, filling the heads of impressionable young folks with left wing nonsense, she switches on BBC Radio 4's Today progamme to ensure that she gains confirmatory bias of her world view. It also ensures that I stay well out her way in the morning. But in an attempt to change the way I think she leaves Pravda blaring at full volume as she leaves. And thus I heard that crooked Hillary was set to be interviewed by Jenny Murray on women's hour as she plugs her ghastly new book yet again.


2576 days ago

Red faces for the liberal media after America's "biggest mass shooting" - which was not

As a prelude to the inevitable rants about the need for Gun Control and wicked Republicans/Donald Trump having blood on their hands for opposing it, the liberal media instantaneously declared the awful events in Las Vegas as "America's biggest mass shooting". With bodies not yet in the mortuary the Democrats and their buddies in the media were point scoring. But then they realised an inconvenient truth. Racists!


2583 days ago

Michelle Hussein on Radio 4's flagship Today programme betrays the inner bias of her and her employer

On the Today programme this morning, overpaid presenter Michelle Hussein was at the Labour Party leaders rally, sorry I think it is called a party conference, in Brighton interviewing shadow minister John Ashcroft. It is not his platitudes that are of interest but one question she asked, from which I quote exactly:


2585 days ago

Parson Street Primary in Bristol and the gay penguin family - I really despair

The politically correct BBC here in the South West creamed itself as Parson Green Primary here in Bristol picked up an award for its work to promote LGBT equality. Kids at the school are allowed to wear trousers or skirts whatever their gender, toilets are unisex and the school prides itself on teaching the kids from the start that gay is normal. 


2589 days ago

Just why does the BBC think Ken Clarke adds any balance on Brexit?

Radio 4's flagship Today programme was discussing Brexit in light of the recent comments by Boris and the forthcoming speech by the worst Tory Prime Minister in living memory, if not ever, Mrs May. It had already given time to the senile old remoaner Vince Cable who wants us to keep voting until we vote the "right" way, hence the word Democrat in his party's name. And so next up...from our Nottingham Studio it was fat old Euro-bore Ken Clarke.


2594 days ago

Take a wise-up pill Juncker & Barnier says heroic Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon

Once again, Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon (JD) has let rip with a devestating attack on the EU and its attitude to Brexit. It comes as JD unveiled a 43% increase in Full Year Profits achieved, as the fake news broadcasters at Channel 4 and the BBC would say "despite Brexit." Over to our hero of the day, Tim Martin:


2599 days ago

Caroline Lucas links Hurricane Irma to climate change - tasteless but worse, groundless fake news

Harpie Green MP Caroline Lucas attempted to hijack a debate about the Government's feeble response to Hurricane Irma by banging on about how the storm was caused by man made climate change or, as we used to call it before the world started getting colder, global warming. Rightly she was slammed for being a shameless opportunist, pontificating in the face of real human suffering. But there is a bigger inconvenient truth...the humourless bitch just has not been reading her history books. Something she fails to grasp as she bleats away on twitter.



2599 days ago

Photo Article: 5,000 democracy hating poltroons march and the BBC and C4 treat this as mass revolt over Brexit

5,000 folks marched through London yesterday to demand that we stay in the EU. The speakers included some poor incoherent dishevelled Irish chap who I thought was a Big Issue seller invited onto the platform as part of a drive for diversity but turned out to be Bob Geldof. Though the folks, most of whom seemed to be notably physically unattractive and/ or significantly overweight showing, once again, that politics really is show business for ugly people came up with all sort reasons for protesting its clear that all wanted stay in the EU.And that is how they felt before the nation vote the other way year. These remoaners just cannot accept democracy. 


2609 days ago

Another "European success story" - the 14 Euro a litre Donkey milk YOU pay for thanks to EU Asses

As an alternative to the fake news, non stop diet of Trump and Brexit bashing that is the BBC, our hotel offers up DW News, a German channel presented in English which offers up a non stop diet of Trump bashing and explanations of why the EU is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Today's winner was a story about a farm in Southern Italy run by a yuppie ancient history graduate which farms donkeys.


2624 days ago

The BBC, Guardian and liberal media slate and smear Donald Trump as a Nazi - 4 more years in the bank

When Donald Trump spoke to the USA about his priorities for America, folks outside the liberal metropolitan hotpots of the coasts loved it. Crooked Hillary's waffle and re-hashing of ideas that have failed ordinary Americans did not wash and so Trump won. The liberal elites of the media still cannot accept it and so now simply content themselves with smearing POTUS at every opportunity. The more the Russia smears fail the more desperate they become and the more real Americans see through them. As the MSM tries to label Trump a Nazi, those of us who supported him in November look forward to an inevitable win in four years time. Truly the liberal left is pathetic. I start with the State funded UK broadcaster the BBC.


2630 days ago

UK Oil & Gas - is there something ( quite a lot actually) you are hiding at Broadford Bridge

Little Steve Sanderson of UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) is a slimy little git. Do you remember the BBC expose where he was caught on camera making claims about Horse Hill which he then denied making? If you have forgotten about that shameful eipisode here is a reminder. Now the Weald Basin circus moves on to Broadford Bridge and this time it is more about what oily little Steve is NOT saying. Natch it is bad news he hides. Here is the timeline:


2637 days ago

Matt Earl, The Dark Destroyer says Purplebricks denial does not wash

Infamous short seller Matt Earl, aka the Dark Destroyer, has gone to war with Purplebricks (PURP) questioning its absurd valuation and also its response to last night's hatchet job on the BBC Watchdog programme. Earl notes:


2637 days ago

The Bisexuals take over BBC Radio 4's Women's Hour and sheer comedy ensues

As part of its month long LGBT-fest to celebrate the most important event since 1066, that is to say the 1967 decriminalisation of homosexuality - BBC's Radio 4's Women's Hour invited two bisexuals onto the show.What followed was sheer comedy in an utterly pathetic sort of way.


2638 days ago

My Grandfather Sir John, a hardline socialist would spin in his grave as Remoaner Polly Toynbee demands more cash for farmers

In her Guardian column today arch remoaner Polly Toynbee took time out from tending to her Tuscan castle to bash Brexit because it will hit British farmers so badly as they lose subsidies from the Common Agricultural Policy. Natch, the BBC took time out from the month long LGBT-fest to make way to report this breaking news from its sister publication and thus Toynbee opined on Radio 4's Today Programme. It was classic Toynbee and I am so glad my late grandfather Sir John Winnifrith, a true socialist and friend of Tony Benn and a campaigner for No! in 1975 was not around to hear it. He would be incandescent as he really did believe in "for the many not the few."


2643 days ago

On the LGBT-fest that was BBC Breakfast -Bashing Trump for Transphobia & not saying what gay equality means as more is demanded

It was 50 years since the legalisation of homosexuality and 1 day since President Donald Trump said he was banning Transgender folks from the US army. And thus BBC breakfast focused in hard on issues that affect directly just over 2% and between 0.3% and 0.6% of the population directly. What else could the liberal media focus on? It was a veritable LGBT-fest and a reminder why BBC Breakfast really is just such dismal viewing.


2647 days ago

At least the BBC is being Transparent about pay say its shills in the liberal media - bollocks

As they do their utmost to shift the debate on BBC pay not to the gargantuan overspend on both stars and ordinary common or garden autocue readers but to the "gender pay gap", the liberal media luvvies also spin the line that at least the BBC should be praised for its transparency. This is contrasted with we evil capitalists in the private sector who are deemed opaque. It is all so pathetic.


2648 days ago

42 BBC fat cat women like Fiona Bruce and Laura Kuenssberg dress up naked greed as a feminist fight

42 grossly overpaid readers of autocues at the state funded generator of fake news that is the BBC have written to their boss today demanding that they be even more grossly overpaid. The least grossly overpaid of these women earns £150,000 a year or, put another way, just over 1000 license fee payments. They have made demands for substantial pay rises because they are doing their bit in the invaluable fight for women's equality, they are fighting as feminists. This is a truly selfless act on their part. Yup.


2652 days ago

It is the Greed of BBC stars that is the issue NOT the gender pay gap

Today we learn the names of all BBC stars earning over £150,000 a year. It is only the existence of an overpaying state funded broadcaster that keeps presenter pay up at stratospheric levels. In the USA where there is a free market and no state subsidies the pay for doing an easy job (reading an autocue) is falling and not that high. This is the tip of the iceberg. 
How many BBC staff you have never heard of are earning £100,000, 75,000 or whatever? Quite simply pay is out of control. And who is funding that?


2654 days ago

Reasons to loathe the BBC No 978: Radio 4 Today - linking Brexit support to fascism

Much of what makes me despair about life in this country appeared just before 9 AM on BBC Radio 4's flagship fake news programme Today. It started with a segment on global warming...


2655 days ago

Nick Clegg vs Tony Blair who is the maddest Brexit denying remoaner of the week?

There is a strong contest to be the maddest and most extreme Brexit denier in public life. Normally Tory MP Anna Soubry is a strong contender, turning up on the BBC or C4 twice a day to offer up a few post fact era words to explain why she cannot accept the democratic will of the nation. But this week Soubry started to look positively sane when compared to two chaps who really are yesterday's men.


2660 days ago

Donald Trump Junior and the Russians - now the liberal media and out of touch Dems really are clutching at straws

Having failed to lay a glove on Trump senior for getting help from the Russians during hos election triumph, the Democrats and their allies in the liberal media fake news departments tried to show he was blocking their futile investigations. That failed too. Now the Dems really are clutching at straws.


2662 days ago

Everybunny dance! Pro fox propaganda, written by naive idiots, on the rates in Bristol

As I noted yesterday, the BBC believes that if it repeats myths often enough in its drama we come to accept those myths as facts. In the end we will accept that everyone in the Countryside is right behind gay pride and they all oppose fox-hunting. The mindset of Arcadia has become that of Islington because the BBC told us so often that the Arcadians/Ambridgians had Upper Street values all along. This attempt to bully into accepting liberal values by distorting the truth is how the left wages its cultural war today.


2663 days ago

As we all "celebrate" Gay Pride this weekend a look back to Ambridge 2002, a small landmark in the dismal decline of the BBC

The BBC, Channel 4 and the rest of the liberal media are telling us that this weekend is when we are "celebrate" pride. There is a massive event in London and a march has just set off here in Bristol. I am sure there are events across the land. 


2665 days ago

The BBC, the £51,000 Student Debt - it ( and everyone else) just does not get it

A report by the Institute of Fiscal Studies suggests that the average student is now leaving colleague with debts of £51,000 a figure seized on by the left and the liberal media as a sign that everything should be handed out for free. The right insisted that it showed how the system was working. Everybody lied.


2668 days ago

Fake news outlets show fake outrage as Donald Trump uses (just about funny) humour to make a point

It was the second lead story on the BBC News last night. The metropolitan elitists, the liberals inside the Westminster media bubble, spluttered with indignation as they talked to liberal minded colleagues inside the Washington Beltway. It is the story everyone is talking about they agreed. Of course that was more fake news too. Out there in the real world no-one really cares what President Trump tweets or perhaps, judging by the RTs, a lot of folks like what he tweets. Unlike 99% of liberals he has a sense of humour.


2675 days ago

The media & political bubble dwellers lie, smear and dissemble over the DUP Tory deal but do you really care at all?

On June 9th the liberal media warned us that those bigoted DUP types from Ulster would want to roll back LGBT and women's rights in return for propping up pathetic Prime Minister May. We Thatcherites dared to dream that the DUP might demand some proper Tory policies like privatizing the BBC or slashing corporation tax as the price for keeping the wretched Conservatives in power. What nonsense. Ulster politics is all about posture and pork barrel and the latter is the more powerful of the two.

Thus the DUP will prop up the May creature in return for an additional £1 billion being poured into the Ulster pork trough during the next two years. The DUP are, it turns out, utterly unprincipled wastrels just like all the other folks at Westminster.

The predictable faux outrage and hypocrisy from the virtua signalling liberal establishment. was loud and 


2680 days ago

The Georgia 6th - a $30 million fuck you to America's liberal elitists & fake news media

In the UK the narrative from the liberal media fake news outlets let by the accursed BBC is that Donald Trump and his Republicans are enmeshed in scandal, in league with the accursed Russians and loathed across America. So what if the FBI has cleared Michael Flynn? So what if there is scant or no evidence that Donald Trump obstructed justice let's shriek on about a new Watergate anyway. Fake news tells you that Trump is on the ropes and so an special election in Georgia's 6th Congressional district was hailed as a "referendum on Trump". The vote was yesterday.


2683 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: The misuse of language, the distortion of data and the lies told by those who hate Israel

Yesterday I noted the obsene deception practised by the taxpayer funded BBC as part of its institutionalised hatred of the State of Israel. Not to my great surprise folks came back not only to defend the BBC but to abuse words such as genocide in relation to Israel's action. The abuse of language, the distortion of data and the outright lies used by the haters of the Jewish state is appalling and in relation to Gaza I expose their fiction for that is what it is. What drives these folks? Is it hatred of Jews or something else.If you want facts not spin for Hamas this is the podcast for you.


2691 days ago

It's Gay Pride Tel Aviv today - when are the other events in the region?

The BBC and the rest of the liberal media cannot stop telling us what an awful, intolerant place Israel is. Regularly mainstream politicians from the left compare its actions to those of Nazi Germany. And on that note, I am delighted to see that today it is Gay Pride day in Tel Aviv.


2696 days ago

The BBC Montage of reaction to London Bridge - how utterly pathetic & Orwellian

Wall to wall coverage of the London Bridge attacks continues on BBC World News. the only interruptions are the adverts which are largely for BBC news itself. How much do they cost and what exactly is their purpose? But in between the adverts and the latest recycling of old footage the BBC served up a montage of how London and the World reacted. It was so utterly dismal and predictable.


2697 days ago

London Bridge: They DON'T Hate our way of life, they DON'T hate democracy and we CAN'T carry on as normal

I do not know why the pathetic liberal media, led by the taxpayer funded BBC, are bothering to interview London's useless Mayor Sadiq Khan, his hapless Mancunian counterpart Andy Burnham, stockmarket spiv turned home secretary Amber Rudd or any of the other members of the political elite after the London Bridge attack. They are all saying the same as they did after Manchester. They were lying then. They lie today. Just re-run the old tapes. There are three big lies.


2697 days ago

London Bridge: The BBC gets a mega scoop but goes quiet, it cant offend Moslems ( or drippy white liberals)

A van ploughing into a busy crowds, men getting out to cut throats and stab. Jeepers you don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to work out it is an Islamofascist terror attack but the BBC refused to say as much for painful hour and hour. Indeed it stated repeatedly that it was wrong to speculate. Then came the bombshell. An eyewitness on the phone said the men were shouting "This is for Allah" as they stabbed away.


2697 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - The Economic illiteracy of Team Corbyn is born from zero real world experience & would destroy Britain

This is a one off. Last night's BBC Question Time leaders special and the reaction of the deranged supporters of team Corbyn has enraged me and goaded me into this bearcast special. Quite simply, if Jeremy Corbyn is elected and implements the policies he proposes he will bankrupt Britain. Will the last wealth creator left in the UK please turn the lights off. Only folks with no real world experience who do not understand how money works could advocate this madness.


2698 days ago

The Nurse who the BBC loved as she lied to Theresa May and the Nation

For most of us the highlight of the BBC Question Time Leaders debate was seeing a sweating Jeremy Corbyn being laughed at for his dismal answers on nuclear weapons. Second best was yet another refusal to condemn folks he has previously described as "heroes," that is to say the murdering bastards of the IRA. But for the BBC the highlight was a Nurse bashing Theresa May for "cutting her take-home pay" since 2009. The BBC did not bother pointing out that the nurse was lying and Mrs May was too polite to point that out. But the Nurse did tell a 100% slam dunk lie.


2700 days ago

It is not often that I cheer the taxman but in the case of the virtue signaller Gary Lineker....

I would like to see a low tax small state Britain. Sadly that dream is not shared by any of the money tree worshipping political parties but I can still hope. Instinctively that makes me view HMRC as the pantomime villain, a body to be hissed and booed whenever it comes on stage to try and get more cash out of hard working folks. But in the case of HMRC vs Gary Lineker, the jug eared virtue signalling poseur, I will not be warning Mr Walker's Crisps that "he's behind you", I cheer on the taxman at every turn.


2705 days ago

Photo Article: Okay I have cast my vote but do so with no enthusiasm at all

James Delingpole‏ tweeted yesterday: Never thought I'd say this but Theresa May's Conservatives are so uninspiring it almost makes you yearn for the useless Dave. Rod Liddle asked "Is this the worst Tory Campaign ever?" I am not sure I know the answer Rod but as I go to vote in a seat the Tories should be gaining from Labour I do so almost not caring who wins.


2707 days ago

Photo Shocker: Who are the real victims of Manchester - liberal media elitists C4 reckon its Muslims celebrating violence

Listen to the mainstream press and, natch, the real victims of the Manchester terror attack are the poor Muslims of Britain who - the liberal media rushed to assure us - are set to suffer a barrage of hate crime. So far Katie Hopkins has been reported to the Met 934 times for tweeting so that the "real victims" can rest more easily. Sod the 22 kids and teenagers who are dead or the dozens lying injured and maimed in hospital. Sod their families, C4 News rushed off to Manchester's "Curry Mile" to meet the real victims, as you can see below.


2714 days ago

Big Brother at the BBC will collect your data to tell your boss if it thinks what you write might breach a law

That we have to pay for the Guardian's sister outlet, the BBC via a poll tax is bad enough. Its output is low grade and often biased. But now the BBC wants to get you fired if it does not like your views. Hey George Orwell you missed this one in 1984...


2728 days ago

Brexit has caused Sterling to tank NOT! - The chart that shows the lies of Darren Atwater and the rest of the liberal media elite

Dreary remoaners such as Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater and the rest of the liberal media elite keep on saying that Brexit has cased the pound to tank against the Euro. After another taunt from Darren yesterday I bring you the chart below, just to help him move out of the post fact era.


2728 days ago

Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon lashes out at Quisling Brexit Remoaners , notably at the CBI - Tim you are our hero of the day.

I may hold my nose and tonight go into one of Tim Martin's horrible pubs for a small glass of the less than impressive wines he has on offer to show my support after the UK's greatest businessman launched a blistering attack on the Brexit remoaners and notably the ghastly creature, Carolyn Fairbairn of the CBI. Overall it is a pretty upbeat trading statement from Wetherspoon (JDW) and the shares are up 3.5% on the day. Or as the BBC would report it "Despite Brexit, it is a pretty upbeat trading statement." Tim's prose is golden. Over to the great man...


2765 days ago

Fake Bent Banana News from the BBC's Newsnight on Brexit & farming

The BBC's flagship News programme Newsnight is staffed by the grossly overpaid liberal elite who care about the sort of issues we in the 99% don't give a stuff about and who show an open hostility to Brexit. Impartiality is not the name of the game here. Last night's main feature was on that silly woman who claimed to be a black rights campaigner before - after many years on the liberal civil rights gravy train - she was outed as being er...`100% white. 

All that time banging on about how being black had left her victimised and oppressed started to ring a bit hollow. At that point, she claimed that she "identified" as being black. Anyhow she has now got a big wonga book deal so maybe that will go some way to make up for all the hurt she was caused by slavery.

Then it was onto the thrice weekly Brexit bash with a report on farming. 


2767 days ago

Graham Norton & Jonathan Ross discuss masturbating on an aeroplane for Comic Relief

Give us your money urged all the celebs and not so celebs on Comic Relief in an orgy of C list virtue signalling on the channel dedicated to such enterprises, the BBC. The celebs themselves donate their time which is, as you know valuable. Why is it valuable? Because the State funded broadcaster pays celebs vast salaries with taxpayers cash extorted via a poll tax, so distorting market forces and creating a false sense of "worth" all round.

So very rich folks donate their "valuable time" and get to show how utterly heroic and virtuous they all are and in return poor folks - that is you and I - are asked to hand over our dosh. Lots of us do and this shows what total heroes the celebs are. But other than the underlying rank con, there is another bit of a problem with Comic Relief which one day will sink is not very funny.


2767 days ago

Photo article: Remoaning academic says Brexit opponents "silent majority" - pity her poor students

Gina Miller, Nick Clegg, Tony the war criminal Blair, Michael "Brexiteers are Nazis " Heseltine. Apparently it is that they are silent. You might have thought that the BBC and C4 gave these folks every opportunity to yak on about what a disaster Brexit will be, but oh no, as the tweet below shows.


2768 days ago

Martin McGuinness was not a Terrorist says his lying terrorist colleague Gerry Adams

As they prepared to lay the coffin containing the remains of the murderer Martin McGuinness into the ground in a place which the craven liberal British media termed Derry but which we know as Londonderry, the old killer's comrade in arms Gerry Adams screamed to the crowd "Martin McGuinness was not a terrorist". They howled their appreciation. Adams continued "Martin McGuinness was a freedom fighter". The fenians howled some more. But of course Adam was lying - not that the liberal British media dared to flag that up.


2768 days ago

Channel 4, its fake news on the Westminster attack, its cover up and the dumb SNP MP who swallowed it

My coverage of Channel 4 Fake News has been extensive. It just makes up lies and pretends they are facts. But yesterday it reached a new height of fake news and then tried to cover it up. A proper editorial organisation would have a full enquiry and heads would roll. But this is channel 4 fake news, which allows US reporter Kylie Morris to state that Donald Trump had promised to make America "more white" which he quite simply had not done. This is fake news central. Yesterday it was the Westminster terror attack.


2773 days ago

BBC Brexit Bias & fake news on Donald Trump.. why am I paying a poll tax for this?

The BBC started its Ten O'Clock News with its reporters and presenters visiibily delighting in the FBI stating that it was investigating allegations of links between members of the Trump Campaign team and the Russians. But why stick to facts on a day like this?  it was time for some classic fake news from Pravda's gimp in Washington, Jon Sopel.


2775 days ago

Joanna Cherry of the SNP on Question Time - deficit denying brain of a pea

Joanna Cherry MP is the sort of pea-brained individual who seems to rise effortlessly to the top of the SNP. She speaks precisely and with an assurance that she must be correct. The only problem is that she talks almost complete nonsense. She starred on the BBC's Question time last week and served up such a total corker on the deficit that the hand picked audience of leftard had almost audible orgasms of delight.


2778 days ago

Video: Brockham - Angus Energy and that BBC TV Report

The BBC Claims that Angus Energy (ANGS) drilled a well at Brockham without planning permission. Angus says this is not the case. For those who have not seen the original report it is below.


2786 days ago

Video: Uber PC BBC elitist Evan Davis utterly crushed by black Trump voters Diamond & Silk - surely they must be racist?

This is a delight. Millionaire liberal media elitist Evan was wetting himself on the BBC's fake news flagship Newsnight as he got to interview two delightful ladies who are black and voted for Donald Trump. Evan started by saying that since black folks did not vote for Trump so he was puzzled by these ladies. 


2787 days ago

An unapologetic BBC, lying Swedes, immigration, rape, Donald Trump, Nigel Farage & Fake News

After Donald Trump's comments on Sweden and immigration, the Swedish home secretary Ylva Johansson gave an interview on the BBC News channel when she said there was no connection between crime and immigration and the level of rape in Sweden is “going down, and going down, and going down.”

Fair enough. That interview took place last week. The BBC did not challenge the minister at all since her pro immigration Trump bashing agenda is that of the UK state funded broadcaster. There is just one problem. The Minister lied.


2787 days ago

(Sir) Bradley Wiggins & Skoda: Driven By Something Different..very possibly

Back in the summer at the RIO Olympics how the BBC and others were outraged when all those nasty foreigners suggested that the amazing medal haul of Team GB on the cycling track might perhaps have something to do with our athletes being, er, driven by something different? It was okay for us to suggest that Chinese swimmers might be doing the same as they were just dirty foreigners. But the BBC knew that we Brits played it clean and this was just foreigners being bad losers. Fuck the lot of them, fucking foreigners either cheats or bad losers the lot of them.


2790 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: The cafe Nero woman on BBCQT - the silliest middle class remoaning Brexit bashing bitch in Britain

The panel on BBC Question time were, with the exception of Peter Hitchens, who was predictably superb, truly dire. A daft lefty celeb, a truly thick labour MP - wasn't this a repeat? But it was the audience that never ceases to amaze me. How does the BBC manage to find a crowd week in week out which views the world so differently from the population as a whole. Last night's episode was a classic. Describing someone born outside the UK with a non British passport as a foreigner got one hissed and booed. That is a fact FFS. The highlight was an obviously middle class Guardian reader flagging up the real danger of Brexit: English people refuse to work in Cafe Nero so who will serve her a morning frothy semi skimmed organic Fair Trade latte? . I kid you not. At every level this sums up the insanity and lies of the remoaners, a matter I cover in this podcast. 


2802 days ago

Fake News Alert - its the BBC again caught telling lies about Donald Trump

I am watching BBC World News which has just carried a clip of an interview with Republican grandee  John McCain, who explicitly stated that he does not think that Donald Trump wants to be a dictator and explicitly did not link a tweet of the POTUS to such a goal.  McCain is no friend of the Donald but the BBC cannot help itself. So flashing across my screen right now is:

McCain on Trump's tweet "that's how dictators get started"


2804 days ago

Jon Sopel: The BBC is impartial, free and fair - that is a fake news lie from an elitist tosser

The highlight of the week was Donald Trump sticking it to the BBC's North America correspondent Jon Sopel who - as you can see here - spluttered that the BBC was "impartial free and fair." I guess that would be fake news then because it is patently not any of the above. Let's start with free.


2805 days ago

Video The BBC's Jon Sopel gets totally owned by Donald Trump

Enjoy this clip as the BBC's Jon Sopel gets totally owned by Donald Trump. Perhaps on his State Visit to the UK, the Donald might ask why we have to pay a poll tax to support the inflated wages of the elistist liberal losers who staff the state broadcasting service at the BBC. 


2810 days ago

Do the Great unwashed of Europe hate Trump or their own leaders - a Greek front page

The kind owners of the Azteri hotel here in Metsovo switched the TV onto the BBC World News channel to please me. Since neither speak English it must have been all Greek to them, to me it was just the usual Trump hatefest. I listened carefully as I was told repeatedly how much folks in Europe and in Britain all disliked poor Donald Trump. I am sure that among the liberal media elite, the overpaid privileged bien pensants who serve up garbage on the BBC that is correct. But what of the ordinary folks of Europe?


2818 days ago

Lefty BBC star Sarah Smith does not even question palpably false SNP Money Tree claims

As of yesterday, Scotland accelerated its quest to become the Greece of the North as it passed a budget making it the highest tax region of the UK. Higher rate taxpayers in the Celtic welfare safari will pay £400 a year more tax than those earning £43,000 or more anywhere else in the UK. Fine. Sooner or later the Money Tree worshipping heathens will discover that the Laffer curve is no laughing matter.


2824 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: The Bias of the BBC and pampering of its airhead stars demands not closure but privitization

The tweet below from Nick Robinson should annoy you. The antics of silly Laura Kuenssberg in Washington yesterday should appall you. The wages of Gary Lineker, Graham Norton and Fiona Bruce are nauseating and via the license fee poll tax we, the great unwashed, are paying to make these multi millionaires even richer as they treat our views with scorn and contempt. The fake news pumped out by Emily Maitlis on Donald Trump was a disgrace while her open disdain for his poorer less educated supporters was shocking and failed to give British viewers a balanced impression of what was going on. The Brexit coverage of the BBC was and is shamefully partisan. The only answer is the privitization of the BBC as I explain in this podcast


2824 days ago

Who will the Lefty Wimmin & Islington poseurs want to win: The Daily Mail or Melania Trump?

You know when your kids ask you "Daddy would you rather jump into a room full of poisonous snakes or an aquarium full of great white sharks?" and you just say " It is not a choice I expect to make? This morning lefties across Britain and all those pampered posh liberal nitwits (and my daughter) from the Wimmin's March wake up facing just such a choice.

During the US election a deranged Hillary Clinton supporting blogger Griffin Webster Tarpley posted a (100% fake news) story suggesting that the wonderful and intelligent six language speaking Melania Trump had been a high class hooker. Britain's Daily Mail duly repeated this lie and


2827 days ago

Euro loon & democracy hater Gina Miller - enjoys law for the rich down at Animal Farm

On the steps of the Supreme Court yesterday Brexit opposing Gina Miller gushed about how she had shown that we the citizenry can hold Government to account by using the courts. Really Gina? How much was your bill with top law firm Mishcon de Reya?


2833 days ago

Jon Snow & Kylie Morris of C4 News - just do not understand what freedom of the press means in Donald Trump's America

Channel 4 News this week is wall to wall Trump bashing ahead of the great handover day on Friday. Just now and then we get a bit of remoaning about Brexit but the main focus is nailing The Donald. Having engaged in serial fake news reporting of the actual campaign as I pointed out here on numerous occasions, with beltway liberal Kylie and little Matt Frei the worst offenders, C4 just won't let go.


2839 days ago

Video: Irish MP Clare Daly may be barking mad but she has Obama spot on "Hypocrite of the Century"

Ms Daly is the TD for North Dublin and is of the Corbynite class of barking mad but when President Obama came to Ireland in 2013 she nailed him perfectly and also put a fawning media and local political establishment firmly in their place. Speaking in the Dail, Clare says it as it is and watching the video below I rather warm to the old fruitbat.


2841 days ago

Jon Snow of C4 News a floundering and foolish old liberal bested by Glen Greenwald on Trump/Clinton Fake News

Channel 4's coverage of American politics has been lamentable during the past year as I have documented many times. Kylie Morris was consistently awful but it was Matt Frei who served up the worst fake news nonsense. But the programme's anchor Jon Snow hit new lows last night as he was bested by Pulitzer prize winning Glenn Greenwald on the subject of the 35 page Trump dossier that CNN had "broken" that day.


2841 days ago

British Press gagged on naming source of FakeNews Trump allegations - has the MoD not heard of the Internet? How to find the man

The source of the utterly unverified allegations against Donald Trump pumped out by CNN today and duly gobbled up by the liberal media elite is originally a former British spy. As it becomes increasingly clear to all - other than the BBC and C4 - that this really is fake news, the Ministry of Defence has issued a D Notice stopping the British Media from naming the ex spy. What a farce.


2882 days ago

Petropavlovsk: Al Gore made it all up about global warming - buy

As a climate change "denier" I have written elsewhere about how global temperatures are plunging not, as the BBC might lead you to believe, heading higher. You can see a recent article on that matter HERE. And thus Petropavlovsk (POG) serves up news from Russia which does not surprise me, but which might shock your average Guardian reader.


2884 days ago

The BBC on UKIP - sneering elitist bastard Jeremy Vine, not even a pretence of impartiality

I am not a UKIP voter although I am 100% eurosceptic. I have explained many times why I don't vote for the party but listening to taxpayer funded Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 today I almost stareted to feel sympathetic to the fruitcakes.


2887 days ago

Evil bastard Fidel Castro is dead: how the liberal media and British left mourn their hero

When Lady Thatcher died many on the left could not hide their delight. The BBC and the liberal media went out of their way to cover street parties by sick individuals celebrating the demise of a fellow human being. The liberal media failed to show the widespread sense of loss many of us felt. Maggie had made ordinary Briton's far better off, turned a country that had been bankrupt in 1976 into an economic powerhouse, had restored a sense of national pride but left wing intellectuals and the liberal media did not care about such things. It just hated her all the more. And in doing so it showed how out of touch they were then, as they are now, with how ordinary men and women actually feel.

And so today the evil bastard Fidel Castro of Cuba has died.


2889 days ago

Global Warming - now the myth exposed at the South Pole too

Even the BBC is squirming today as the global warming myth has been exposed, this time at the South Pole. Last week it was the Arctic serving up "inconvenient truths" and now it is the Antarctic thanks to the logs of Captain Scott and the explorer Shackleton.


2894 days ago

Why I don't give a penny to Children in Need - we need a bonfire of the Charities

Maybe I have a new contender for the "four words that made me the most hated man in the room"? Children in Need sucks. Surely that has to be a winner. But it is also true at almost every level and that is why I don't give it a cent and urge all others to boycott it too.


2895 days ago

Things the BBC won't tell you - Greenland is seeing record ice growth as temperatures plunge

The eco-loon climate change fanatics at the BBC are on a roll with the statement that the world's temperature in 2016 will be "the warmest since records began." In fact they are on such a roll they are again talking about global warming rather than climate change. But as they, again, warn that the arctic ice is disappearing there are a few inconvenient truths.

Of course "since records began" is not very long on a global scale and it is clear that the world in 2016 will be a lot cooler than it was during the medieval warm period which was before coal fired power stations. On that basis can anyone still demonstrate beyond doubt that we are seeing "man made climate change".

But there are other problems. Here are two charts.


2899 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Donald Trump wins - AS I PREDICTED - shares slump what next?

I stayed up all night and as a result am knackered. I am happy because I wanted Trump to win as I explained HERE. I am even happier because I have time and time again, even on Monday HERE, shown you why the polls were wrong. And thus as predicted here in early September, the eight reasons why Trump was going to win proved valid. I look at the polling industry and the disgraceful behaviour of the media including BBC star Emily Maitlis and Matt Frei and Kylie Morris, both of Channel 4, in this campaign. I was right and almost the entire mainstream press here in the UK was just plain wrong.  Shares have tumbled this morning, I explain what is next for America and for equities there and in the UK and finally, if the establishment ignores this warning as well as Brexit, I predict that Europe will see upset next and explain why so many of us in the 99% remain very angry deplorables.


2904 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard: As I predicted Trump wins, liberal media & pollsters disgraced - what next?

I stayed up all night and as a result am knackered. I am happy because I wanted Trump to win as I explained HERE. I am even happier because I have time and time again, even on Monday HERE, shown you why the polls were wrong. And thus as predicted here in early September, the eight reasons why Trump was going to win proved valid. I look at the polling industry and the disgraceful behaviour of the media including BBC star Emily Maitlis and Matt Frei and Kylie Morris, both of Channel 4, in this campaign. I was right and almost the entire mainstream press here in the UK was just plain wrong.  Shares have tumbled this morning, I explain what is next for America and for equities there and in the UK and finally, if the establishment ignores this warning as well as Brexit, I predict that Europe will see upset next and explain why so many of us in the 99% remain very angry deplorables.


2906 days ago

Men who have sex with Men, on Radio 2 - I think I know what this is about

And so driving through the Cotswolds on my way home from my father's I found myself listening to a BBC Radio 2 discussion about gonorrhoea. It was indeed fascinating stuff. Part of the discussion covered routes for transmission and the terribly PC female doctor covered the issue of transmission between men who like having sex with men. You mean gay men or homosexuals thought I, struggling to find the wording for friends of Dorothy which is deemed not to be offensive in 2016 although it may have been fine in 2015.


2910 days ago

The North Carolina poll that tells you Trump is winning massively - this is HUGE for The Donald

North Carolina was an uber marginal win for the Republicans in 2012 and for the Dems in 2008. It is a must win state for Trump and last night the Clinton propagandists at BBC Newsnight were still calling it for Clinton. This is despite a new poll out which showed Trump smashing it out of the park. This is massive at a State but also a National level.


2911 days ago

BBC insists Hillary Clinton 75% likely to win - adjust polls for liberal media rigging & Trump is now 8% ahead

Newsnight, the BBC's flagship programme for liberal lies, last night saw Evan Davis in the Studio chatting to Emily "crazy poll" Maitlis in the US about an election which Evan reckons Hillary Clinton is 75% certain to win. The opinion polls tell a massively different story which the UK taxpayer funded broadcaster just cannot handle or even report in a meaningful manner


2915 days ago

FBI re-opens Hillary Clinton email probe - this is very serious: Presidential race wide open

Make no mistake, the Democrats are flapping, they are now in big trouble as the FBI has re-opened investigations into crooked Hillary Clinton's emails. This is shocking and it is very serious and it will change how some folks vote whatever the liberal media tries to tell you today.


2921 days ago

Dragon's Den Star Piers Linney sends £21 million of other folks cash to Money Heaven

The PC Gauleiters at the BBC could not get enough of Dragon's Den star Piers Linney: black, working class, Northern, worth £100 million. Ab fab. All he needed to do was come out of the closet and chop his leg off and he would have been the perfect Royal Flush. The only thing was that his CV was not er...true. And documents filed by administrators to formerly AIM listed Outsourcery (OUT) show just what a Walter Mitty figure Piers was. Or maybe it was just BBC lies all along. Pravda does have form after all.


2921 days ago

Don't Tell the BBC or C4 but Donald Trump is now leading in some opinion polls

Crooked Hillary Clinton is still the favourite to win the November 8 Presidential Election. But her allies in the liberal media who refuse to air damning video exposes - such as this one - showing how she is just not fit to run the Dog Pound let alone be POTUS, are already pondering what outfits to wear for the victory party. The media is telling you that the contest is over and if you are a Republican you might as well not vote as your party is imploding. Au contraire my God Fearing, gun owning, tax paying, hard working friends in the conservative family.


2922 days ago

Rigging the Election - Video I: Hillary Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies

This video is explosive. It shows how Hillary Clinton and the DNC are cheating on an industrial scale. In part one of the Veritas expose we discover how the Dems create violence at Trump rallies to discredit The Donald. They also "fake" attacks on women at Trump rallies. Hillary says this is made up but a) it is utterly compelling, b) two of the folks on the video, notably Bob Creamer - a fraudster married to a Dem Congresswoman so a very senior player -  have already "resigned" from the Clinton campaign. Not the actions of innocent men. Natch the mainstream media has not played this video at all - can you remember the BBC or Channel 4 even commenting on it?


2929 days ago

The 2016 AIM Awards - Crony Capitalists spunk £750,000 of your cash - winners announced

BBC presenter Sophie Raworth, picked up £10,000 for hosting the 2016 AIM Awards. Heck since this whole £750,000 event is ultimately funded by investors in AIM Casino stocks I am sure you won't begrudge her trousering some of YOUR cash. Anyhow here are the winners from the lavish 2016 ceremony:


2929 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Bring out the piano wire for the AIM awards tonight & are you boycotting marmite?

I start with the bust up over marmite and other matters between Tesco (TSCO) and Unilever (ULVR). Naturally the democracy denying liberal establishment bastards at the BBC blame Brexit for sterling's slide and this - I explained here why this was wrong. I explain what this battle is really about. I then look at DiamondCorp (DCP), Iofina (IOF), Goldstone Resources (GRL) and Magnolia Petroleum (MAGP). I end with a look at the AIM awards. I get really angry at this point and when the anarcho capitalist revolution arrives the 2,500 crony capitalists spending £750,000 of YOUR cash tonight merit a meeting with piano wire. 


2931 days ago

BBC Newsnight anchor Emily Maitlis & her shock "new" Donald Trump polls - stupid or just utterly biased?

Breathlessly Newsnight anchor Emily Maitlis said that two new shock opinion polls begged the question of whether Donald Trump could win the Presidency. She was joined in the studio by a Republican pollster while on video link from inside the Beltway was a smug, patronising Democrat lardbucket. Cripes, I track the polls every day what had Emily in store for us all?.


2932 days ago

Hillary Clinton's lead is tiny and shrinking - the polls are just wrong: here's why

A poll out pre the weekend debate had Hillary Clinton 11% ahead of Donald Trump as the "sex tapes" scandal was pushed as hard as possible by the Liberal mainstream media. Over here in the UK you are being told by the BBC, C4, ITV and the rest that Hillary is 11 points ahead and a slam dunk winner. That is just not true.


2935 days ago

Debate Two - A massive win for Donald Trump, he can still win the Presidency

After the past 48 hours Donald Trump needed to crush Hillary Clinton in the second debate. And the Donald did just that. He played a blinder. Crooked Hillary had a very bad day at the office. 


2935 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: Despite the sex video Donald Trump is not finished yet whatever the BBC & liberal media tells you

Ok the video from 2005 and a couple of recordings from the radio show of the great Howard Stern are not good for Donald Trump. But it is not - as the liberal media - want you to believe game over. Hillary Clinton is an enabler for a serial sexual predator come rapist and that is now going to come out second stage in the second debate. There are also the latest Hillary leaks which the BBC is not covering which really are damning. The past 48 hours have been bad for folks like me who support Trump but it is not, necessarily, game over as I explain in this podcast


2936 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the Collapse of Sterling lie...I blame the Tories & the BBC

Is Sterling collapsing? Well, er... yes and no. It partly depends on where we started? If it is sliding is that down to Brexit? That is far more of a no than a yes. So are the Tories to blame? As of last week, in part yes. Is the BBC telling lies because it still can't handle the Brexit result? Of course it is. Confused? All is explained in this week's podcast. And talking of lies my podcast I mention on Syria is HERE


2936 days ago

Will the BBC purge its tax dodging stars or is its wrath on tax evasion reserved for the private sector?

The BBC, like the rest of the liberal media, has not held back in its anger directed towards those who have used cunning wheezes to avoid paying "their fair share" of taxes like the rest of us. Whether it be a wicked capitalist like Phil Green or an evil mega corporation such as Starbucks, the BBC has vented its wrath. So it will no doubt applaud the HMRC which seems to have netted a haul of more than 100 folks earning six figure salaries who have been dodging tax. I refer of course to many of the big names at er....the BBC.


2937 days ago

The Mrs has switched channels to watch Graham Norton - surely this is grounds for divorce?

I managed to tolerate her reading inane women's magazines but this really is a step too far. There was I, having done the weekly shop and cooked a full supper after a hard day's work , happily watching Newsnight. The BBC's finest metropolitan liberals had just explained to me how Brexit had ruined the economy anf how Russia was trying to help Donald Trump win the election by cheating, when the Mrs switched channel to the Graham Norton Show.


2940 days ago

Immigration: The Hungarians are Revolting but who is to blame? Everyone?

The Hungarian referendum on immigration left me feeling pretty disgusted by all involved. All the players appall me.

The liberal media wags from the BBC and Channel 4 were delighted to interview a raft of fat old Hungarians dressed in national costume heading off to vote. One woman insiated in sitting on the back seat of the car facing backwards with her ample arse in the air so as not to crumple her hideous dress which reminded us of folks in old Nazi propaganda movies from the thirties. Naturally 99% of those voting wandered to the station wearing jeans and looking normal. But the media wanted to show that all those voting to stop migration were old, inbred and stupid. We have seen that agenda before.


2940 days ago

The Newsnight Brexit panel - the BBC does not even pretend to be impartial any more

When a broadcaster that we are forced to pay for abandons any pretence of impartiality with its news coverage, the great unwashed who earn a fraction of the salaries of the star presenters, and even B list camera candy, have every right to be angry. That is where we are at with the BBC right now. last night's Newsnight from the Tory conference marked a new low point. A panel was assembled to discuss Brexit.

Leading the pack was Guardian journalist Andrew Rawnsley, a lefty and a Remainer. Then there was Tory MP Heidi Allen who campaigned for Remain. Third up there was Tory peer, journalist and Cameron biographer Danny Finkelstein. He too was a remainer. Finally there was Jenni Russell a journalist who went from the BBC to C4 to the Guardian and New Statesman and is now at the Times and was described as a "key member of the new establishment". Jenni is left of centre and, of course, voted to Remain.

So the 48% of the country and 30% of Tory


2941 days ago

Another academic who views the "Little people" with contempt and disgust - Scott Bellows

The Colombian referendum really has got the liberal elite out in force showing their contempt for the "little people" when they vote the wrong way. In the comfortable groves of academia, a haven for lazy and overpaid folks who engage in an intolerant form of group think, the sparks were flying. We have already met Dr Caroline from Sheffied University who thinks we "should never have referendums on things that really matter" now meet Scott Bellows from Durham. Scott, the Prof, tweeted:


2941 days ago

The BBC & the liberal media creams itself as Nissan warns on Brexit - the boy who cried Euro Wolf

The BBC and the rest of the liberal media was creaming itself last week reporting as breaking news for several days on the trot claims by Nissan that it may cease investing in its Sunderland plant because of Brexit. That will teach those thick racists in the grim North for voting for Brexit smirked the southern liberal elite. The great unwashed have only themselves to blame. They should have listened to the London lefty millionaires from the media and academia who really knew what was best for the "ordinary people" of Britain. What the BBC and Guardian failed to report is that Nissan has form. It is the boy who cried Euro Wolf.


2943 days ago

Dear Aunty – about that AIM Fraud radio programme last night…..

It was an interesting experience listening to the Radio Four show “File on Four” yesterday evening at 8pm. It was a programme about fraud on AIM, with a big focus on the China Frauds we have exposed right here on ShareProphets. There have been plenty of other frauds which have resulted in Tom Winnifrith being in receipt of lawyers’ letters, death threats and much more besides. And with reference to the China Frauds, it is here that you read it first. So why is it that the Beeb didn’t bother to get in touch with us directly?


2944 days ago

Its a post Brexit bankster firing-fest but hang on why is it happening INSIDE Euroland?

Remember that before the Brexit vote the City warned that if we voted to leave the EU then tens of thousands of well paid bankster jobs across London would be lost. Oddly the Remainers thought that this would drive folks to vote for them because - outside London we really care about ensuring banksters continue to earn megabucks. 

Maybe if Project Fear had announced that if we stayed in the EU all banksters would be lead through the streets in chains and pelted with rotten fruit the result might have been different? As it was, cheered by the thought of thousands of banksters being fired and losing everything, the UK voted to leave. And now the bankster firing fest is underway...but hang on!


2944 days ago

Elitist millionaire liberal snob Alvin Hall on the BBC to call the great unwashed thick racists before they vote "the wrong way," for Trump

Self styled financial guru Alvin Hall took to the BBC last night to explain why his fellow Americans might vote for Donald Trump - because they are either stupid or racist. It was as simple as that. What a charmer.


2944 days ago

A good reason NOT to employ millennial women - they are statistically pathetic

Seventy-five years ago, eighteen year old men and women were dealing with the Luftwaffe bombing our cities to oblivion, with death all around them and the stresses of war. Some had psychological stress but they were relatively rare and, frankly, who could blame them? Wind forward to today and 26% of 16-24 year old women report suffering at least one mental health issue a week. 9% of men suffer likewise. It is hard to know where to start.


2945 days ago

Carolyn Fairbairn, Director General of the CBI is just not fit for purpose

As head of the CBI Carolyn Fairbairn is meant to speak for British Business. She is, naturally, totally unqualified. Her CV says it all:


2947 days ago

The Guardian on Global Warming - what is its aversion to the truth?

I simply offer up two quotes. One is an opinion of what will happen based on fiction, one is a statement of fact, hard data. The subject is global warming. 


2951 days ago

#BlackLivesMatter, yes they do: hard US data - inconvenient truths the liberal media won't discuss

Of course black lives matter. All lives matter. Murder is wrong and can never be justified. Neither however can one engage in a complete distortion of the truth in order to justify wholesale looting and demands for a massive re-allocation of the pork barrel with one group gaining at the expense of the rest. But that is exactly what is happening? The liberal media is not interested in hard data on racial murders in the USA and BlackLivesMatter ignores the hard data and I shall now demonstrate why.


2952 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: GBBO, Mary Bloody Berry and Paul Hollywood farce & greed - privatise the BBC now

Who is greedier and more overpaid? Mel or Sue, Mary Bloody Berry or Paul Hollywood? Fiona Bruce or Laura Kuenssberg? Who cares, the farce over the Great British Bake off, #GBBO to its brain dead new media devotees, just shows that the BBC is a mechanism for transferring wealth from the 99% to the 1%. It is not fit for purpose and should be privatised at once.


2954 days ago

BBC why can't it tell the truth about either Syria or what is breaking news - Evan Davis you are a liar

A couple of days ago it was Emily Maitlis and Laura Kuenssberg at the BBC caught claiming that news was breaking and that they had scoops when in fact they were hours off the pace on Hinkley Point. On Monday night, as he presented Newsnight, it was Evan Davis who was caught telling what was quite simply a blatant lie. Why on earth is the taxpayer paying £500,000 plus for a man who tells lies? The lie was on Syria and compounded an earlier gross deception by Fiona Bruce (another utterly unjustified half a million) on the 10 O'Clock News. Let's start with little Evan...


2959 days ago

The Dishonesty of the BBC & Newsnight as it lies about how it breaks news - Hinkley Point shambles

Perhaps it is the impending revelation that people like Emily Maitlis and Luara Kuenssberg (the political reporter who does not understand the difference between Government debt and deficit) are paid telephone numbers salaries that is prompting BBC News to lie about getting scoops. Or perhaps it is just shame that with its enormous overhead it is scooped again and again. Or maybe it is just an innate culture of dishonesty? Whatever the reason with Emily in the hotseat Newsnight was a visible disgrace last night as news emerged that Hinkley Point was to get the go ahead.


2970 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard - 8 Reasons why Donald Trump will defeat Hillary Clinton on November 8

The British media, lead by Beltway liberal Kylie Morris on C4 News and by the BBC are not reporting what is actually going on in the US Presidential race just what they would like to be going on. They have called Trump wrong all along in terms of actual ballots cast and they are still wrong. In this podcast I offer the eight reasons Trump will win.


2973 days ago

Britain and America have Kurdish blood on our hands - yet the BBC covers it up

Last week the Americans held a press conference in Turkey in which the USA warned the brave Kurds (its ally) to stop besieging an ISIS held town of Jarablus and to allow the tanks of the fascist President Erdogan to cross the border to take control. That was bad enough but what followed has been far worse and our media, notably the BBC, has done nothing in the face of Orwellian lies and betrayal.


2977 days ago

Scotland & the BBC - is the big issue, really how gay friendly the nation is?

Sarah Smith is, as I write, prattling away on Radio 4 about how Scotland likes to boast that it is different from England & Wales. And as evidence of this, Sarah tells us that 4 of 6 party leaders in Scotland are openly gay, Nicola Sturgeon is promising the most transgender legislation in Europe and Sarah tells us that Scotland is the most gay friendly country in Europe. Great. Happy days. I shall get out an old John Inman video and book my holidays now.


2980 days ago

Why cant the BBC report what the Islamofascist murderer in Oz or the Police actually said?

One of the stories of yesterday was that a poor British girl Mia Ayliffe-Chung had been murdered at a backpackers hostel in Australia. Another Brit is critically ill as a result of the knife attack by a French national.

As it happens the French national is called Smail Ayad and so one would assume is of North African origin and without doubt Moslem. He shouted out the words Allahu akbar" - God is Great in arabic as he carried out the attack..

But here is how the BBC News at 10 reported it last night. The Presenter is Sophie Raworth who stated: " Police say the suspect is from France and shouted in arabic and are not treating it as a terror attack"

Well up to a point Sophie sweetest


2986 days ago

The British liberal Media wants to bury Trump so ignores the polls - The Donald is surging

The British liberal media and many of its ideological cousins from inside the Beltway want Donald Trump to lose the Presidential election and so all pretence of impartiality is out of the window. Right now the media is ignoring the latest Clinton scandals and Crooked Hillary's refusal to come clean on her health issues. Instead the narrative is of Trump failing so badly that senior GOP figures want him to withdraw, a campaign in chaos. The only problem is that this is just not true.


2993 days ago

BBC mourns and lauds ISIS poster girl Kadiza Sultana: Like everyone else I celebrate her death

It appears that Kadiza Sultana, one of the three schoolgirls who left Bethnal Green to join ISIS in Syria has been killed in an air strike. At this point are you weeping? Me neither. I feel sorry when innocent folk in Europe or in Syria and Iraq get butchered by ISIS. I feel sorry for the women rounded up for rape camps by ISIS. I look at the sickening executions and despair of humanity. I view ISIS as repellent. So Kadiza is not someone i mourn. The world is a better place without her and if - like so many victims of ISIS - her death was slow and painful then I really don't care. Well done to the Russians for taking her out.


2993 days ago

Wakey wakey liberal British Media - the real breaking story is not Trump gaffes but Crooked Hillary's Crookedness

Yet again the British media was last night pumping out more stories about Donald Trump gaffes. The beltway classes think that what he says is big news and has The Donald sunk in the Presidential Race. By my calculations that is about the 9,784th time that the BBC, Channel 4, the Guardian and the liberal press pack have written the Trump political obituary. One day they will be right. But so far they have been wrong 9,783 times with no apology. The bigger stories which they are not reporting are the growing scandals surrounding crooked Hillary.


2996 days ago

Crooked Hillary Clinton poll lead is evaporating as predicted: UK liberal media in denial

The liberal British press and the BBC/C4 have spent the past few days delighting in reporting that the Donald Trump campaign for President is in meltdown. This must be about the zillionth time that the press pack has assured us that The Donald could not hope to win a single primary/primaries that matter/the GOP nomination or the White House. 

The liberal media has been wrong all along, reporting what they want to happen not what is happening, and so I would not bet the ranch on them being right this time.

Even the most dismal of candidates, and that would be a fair description of crooked Hillary, gets


2999 days ago

Allahu Akbar screamed the machete wielder in Belgium as he attacked 2 cops - how a liberal explains this one

The cry was clear as the chap attacked two female cops in Belgium this afternoon. The BBC is still not reporting the jihadist reading material of the Russell Square attacker and insisting that the chjap was simply an insane Norwegian and his acts had nothing to do with his belief in the religion of peace. We shall see. But this time it is hard to spin it. Even the BBC is using the word "jihadist" in its coverage.


3000 days ago

Russell Square - the BBC still evades the point & so becomes ever less trusted

Out in the real world evidence has emerged showing that the Russell Square killer had been reading books supporting islamic extremism in recent months. The BBC is still buying the line from the Old Bill, calling this a killing by someone with mental health issues and referring to him as a Norwegian born in Somalia. Actually it is worse than that.


3000 days ago

Another liberal middle class Guiltfest: #Blacklivesmatter comes to the UK

Airports across Britain are today being disrupted by activists protesting that #blacklivesmatter - well of course they do. All lives matter but for white middle class liberals in the media and on twitter and facebook this is an opportunity for angst, guilt and self loathing that cannot be missed. But what about the hard data?

Sod the hard data, lets just feel guilty about slavery and how everyone, especially old Brexit voters, are all racists, facts do not matter any more do they? This is Airstrip One and its 1984 every day these days. Okay 


3003 days ago

Show you support the law, visit a Byron Burger Bar today - here's where to find your local store

A couple of weeks ago the great cuase of the liberal left was to protest about how democracy is only good when the little people vote the right way and to demand another referendum on Brexit. Those without useful jobs have now found a new cause, demanding that we all boycott Byron's Burger Bars because this chain decided to assist the Home Office in obeying the law. Byron's crime is not to support crime.


3004 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard - Joseph Rowntree Foundation Report on UK spending £78bn on poverty is laughable lefty nonsense

The BBC and the rest of the Left wing media are seizing on this report as proof that evil Tory austerity is evil. But they have not looked at the Report's methodology which is just laughably flawed throughout. Do that and you realise this is just a waste of paper by the Foundation. But the media is not offering any critical analysis and so is demanding just ludicrous policy solutions as a result as I demonstrate in today's podcast. 


3009 days ago

BBC Radio 4 "celebrates" global warming - naturally it ignores all the facts

This morning the BBC's flagship Today programme on radio 4 came up with a report flagging up the lack of sea ice at the North Pole as more evidence of climate change or, as it likes to say when the sun is out but not when other weather types are on show, global warming. Sadly the facts about Arctic Sea ice do not bear up what the BBC says but so what? It is only YOUR cash via the regressive poll tax that is the license fee that pays for Pravda.


3009 days ago

The BBC still banging on about Brexit Project Fear - scrap the license fee

Barely a day goes by without the biased BBC serving up another reason to scrap the regressive poll tax that is the license fee. Yesterday it was its dire coverage of the Islamofascist butchers of ISIS. Today it is that old chestnut Brexit, you know that referendum where the sans culottes told the establishment and the liberal media where to stick it. The BBC is not listening. So GlaxoSmithKline has today announced it is investing £275 million in Britain creating thousands of jobs. Great news. er... The BBC tweeted this


3010 days ago

St Etienne: Nearly all Moslems are NOT evil terrorists BUT...the BBC still wont admit the truth

Today's European Islamist atrocity is in France sees two Moslem attackers storm a church in St Etienne shout the usual words about Allah, cut off the head of an 86 year old priest who was performing mass and then take some nuns and worshippers hostage. After four attacks in Germany and now two in France in just 12 days, just about everyone in a now terrified Europe now accepts that there is a problem. Everyone except our State broadcasters and political elite that is. 


3011 days ago

Trump surges to four point lead post Cleveland - Beltway media calls it wrong again

The Beltway based liberal media and the imported Brits on the BBC got it wrong again. They thought the Republican convention went badly. They thought Mrs Trump was a disaster - they were wrong, she won fans. They thought lyin' Ted Cruz hurt Trump but no-one cared what the mendacious egomaniac said. The media thought Trump's message was dark. But Trump spoke to an America that the elite has ignored and he spoke their language. And thus having been trailing crooked Hillary by a couple of points he now leads in the polls by up to 4 points.


3011 days ago

Ansbach: Dragging the truth about Islamist terrorists from the German Rozzers

Having done their best to cover up the gang rapes and sex attacks in Cologne on New Year's Eve, I cannot see why anyone believes a word the German rozzers have to say on anything. After Ansbach I am going to double up on that assertion. One thing the German Plod is good at is ordering us not to speculate. It sends out tweets after each atrocity ordering us not to be so reckless. Good Germans obey orders, but the Police are keen to do the opposite and speculate about anything other than what we all knew to be the truth in the first place.


3011 days ago

How will the media spin the divided Democrats & will Wikileaks send Crooked Hillary to jail?

By the end of the last week most of the media had to admit that the GOP convention had ended well for Trump. Lyin' Ted Cruz was dismissed as a sore loser and a nasty piece of work for his non-endorsement and the Trump speech went down well. 


3011 days ago

In defence of a real American, Melania Trump, the liberal media just do not get it

The liberal media are normally keen on immigrants who work hard and get ahead. That is unless they happen to be one of the various woman who at one time or another has been or is married to Donald Trump. And so last week the BBC, The Guardian and the rest of the beltway insiders stuck it to Slovenian born Melania Trump in a big way. Once again I am pretty sure they misjudged America which will warm greatly to Mrs Trump in the coming months and which is almost certainly now rooting for her against the beltway chatterers.

The liberal media had it in for the immigrant Melania on two grounds. 


3011 days ago

The Orwellian BBC - another good reason to refuse to pay your license today: Ansbach

I have noted HERE that the BBC will do anything it can not to report that a Moslem has killed Westerners in a terror attack. And when it is finally forced to accept that the latest atrocity was (as per usual) committed by an Islamist it makes all sorts of excuses. These days its Orwellian spin is in overdrive but with the Ansbach attack it surpassed itself. Who was the victim? Yes you got it in one did you not? As you can see below...


3012 days ago

Four lone wolves in Germany have no connection - UK lone wolf is Right wing nutter: the BBC speaks

Two more lone wolves struck in Germany tonight - a bloke with a machete killed two folks. The pertinent facts here according to the liberal media were that he was pinned down by a Moslem and that one of his victims was an immigrant, a Pole. Then in Ansbach a man denied entrance to a 2000 person music festival blew himself up injuring ten people outside a wine bar. The BBC wants us to know both are lone wolves. So was the killer of nine in Munich on Friday night and the chap with the axe earlier last week. All lone wolves. Meanwhile... 


3014 days ago

How should a mad lefty Guardian reader react to an outrage like Munich?

Munich, Nice, Norfolk, 9/11, Charlie Hebdo the attacks are all horrible. And there is a fairly obvious common thread. It is nothing to do with ISIS, Al-Qaeda or Islam, it is how the deluded lefty reacts as he or she prays that it is a right wing crazy.

1. Tweet


3014 days ago

Nice attacker lone wolf theory crushed: five arrested - liberal media's five stages of denial

When poor Jo Cox, the late Labour MP for somewhere Grim in the North was murdered the British Liberal media did their utomost to pin the ghastly crime to the Brexit campaign. So what if the killer had spent ages in an asylum was on medication and called social services in a right old state the day before? That did not matter. Not once was the phrase "lone wolf" used. If the liberals could not link him directly to Brexit it was enough to find a few posters erected several hundred miles away by UKIP and Leave or a few harsh words from Boris Johnson and claim these "turned the poor chap".


3015 days ago

The Undisguised disdain as the BBC's Emily Maitlis meets Redneck Trump supporters

Emily Maitlis of the BBC is covering the Republican Convention in Cleveland and so for her first report she tried, very briefly, to show balance but then gave up. She knows that Trump supporters are all ignorant common folks from the flyover states who are likely to be racists, because she is an educated affluent liberal. From that standpoint the report was very simple to put together.


3015 days ago

Hooray: Bristol Global Warming Nutters proving lack of ice at North Pole trapped

Oh joy of joys. In what is becoming something of an annual treat, global warming nutters travelling to the poles to show a lack of ice are being trapped And I am delighted that the latest ship of fools set sail from my home City of Bristol which prides itself on being the "Green Capital" of Britain. So there maybe a few red faces in green City today. Let's hope no-one suggests using lots of fossil fuels sending in a rescue plane? Maybe they could borrow St Bono's private jet?


3016 days ago

BBC Bashing of Donald Trump - just how out of touch and dishonest can it be?

On Monday night Mrs Trump made a bit of a goof by lifting around 35 seconds of words from a speech by Michelle Obama. One sixtieth of Mrs Trump's speech was plagiarised, the culprit was a lowly speech writer no-one in the wider electorate gave a dam but the liberal British Media loved it. You could see the visibile smirks on the faces of Emily Maitlis on Newsnight or beltway Kylie Morris of Channel 4. Okay it was a bad day for the GOP let the liberals have their fun. But today is Wednesday...


3016 days ago

Why does the BBC still interview Vince Cable: He is Mad & Bad

You would have hoped that having been dumped by the sensible folks of Twickenham at the last election, mad old Vince Cable would scuttle off back into the undergrowth never to be seen again. As a nation, we prayed that the man who predicted 17 of the last 4 recessions and who fought valiantly on behalf of the Quindell fraudsters demanding that the FCA investigate wicked fraud busters would never been seen again. But oh no.


3017 days ago

Lucy Williamson of the BBC on Nice - yes of course the victims are the Moslems

84 people in Nice were murdered by a maniac. A few of the victims, as on 9/11, were Moslems. The vast majority were not. But 100% of the assailants on both occassions were followers of the "religion of peace" as it terms itself. But in the world of the BBC those base truths become reversed. And thus the French correspondendent of Pravda, Lucy Williamson filed her report yesterday which opens up with the words.


3020 days ago

Rod Liddle's Speech at the Fifth Annual Freedom Dinner - Totally wonderful

Controversial journalist Rod Liddle gave a speech last week at a libertarian bash which was quite simply fantastic. I just read it to my father who, though a lefty, could not argue with a word of it. It is very funny, to the point and a totally depressing analysis of what is so ghastly about Britain today. It is quite utterly brilliant. Read on... 


3021 days ago

Nice - the BBC really does not want to say the obvious: It was ISIS which did it

Somehow I managed to work out how to tune my father's TV onto the BBC News Channel. Newsnight had been too busy bashing the Tories to give more than a brief mention to a story that broke before it went on air and which now leaves almost 80 people lying dead in France. Sof dozens of dead froggies, lets remind ourselves again how across the world liberal media pundits think Boris Johnson is frightful. The interweb was miles ahead of the Beeb's flagship show once again but over on the news channel there was now full coverage.

I went to sleep at 1.30 AM by which time the BBC had at least accepted that it was not an accident ( circa midnight) and was most definitely a terrorist attack. Jeepers you don't say. One Belgian terrorism expert had stated the bleeding obvious that it was an attack by ISIS but the BBC itself was making no such claims instead insisting that we have no idea who was responsible.

Hmmm. The wicked Jews? 


3023 days ago

BBC Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg a shameful economic illiterate

BBC Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg should surely have a grasp of the very basics of economics but the ghastly Scot is utterly economically illiterate. On the 10 O'Clock News, reviewing the achievements of Call Me Dave she claimed that he had paid off most not all of the deficit. A minute later she clarified that he had paid off two thirds of the deficit. This is so basic her gaffe is embarrassing.


3038 days ago

The BBC is part of the European Elite so cant tell the truth on Brexit or Frexit

Thanks to the lightning strike on the Greek Hovel I spent Saturday night in a hotel room in Kalamata which meant that I got to enjoy the BBC World News. Jeepers it was excruciating as the presenters reported on something they obviously felt was a disaster, that is to say Brexit.

In one session we went live to interview a chap in Paris. natch, it was not an independent expert but the BBC's own man there Hugh Schofield who discussed how the French viewed Brexit. Please note how "the French" viewed the vote.

Hugh prattled 


3040 days ago

Almost three million made up names & folks who don't understand democracy demand 2nd Brexit vote - Wankers!

The BBC is creaming itself with "news" that almost three million of our fellow citizens have signed a petition calling for a re-run of the EU referendum. I am told this shows that the nation is having second thoughts. Really? It makes me think that many of us are incapable of sensible thought at all.

It seems apparent that many of the names are bogus but I am happy to accept that a couple of million of folks who are eligible to vote want us to have to vote again because we voted the "wrong way". But are these two million "having second thoughts?" One suspects that they were "remainers" before and are "remainers" now. Nothing has changed it is just that they refuse to accept the popular will.

In covering this sad episode the BBC interviewed


3042 days ago

Photo article: Ouzo O'Clock in Kambos Greece on the UK's Independence Day

last night I met an amazing woman here in Kambos. More on that later but I am in awe. Then it was watching the Brexit results on the BBC on the internet as the smug biased lefties had to come to terms with how the great unwashed had given them and the rest of the elite a total kicking. I tried to get two hours sleep but a drunk comrade from the Eurosceptic trenches, Lucian Miers, woke me up. So I worked a bit and then slept. By 2.30 PM it was ouzo o'clock. So I headed to Miranda's as you can see below and raised a class to Boris, Priti, Nigel, Michael et al but also to my late grandfather Sir John Winnifrith and my Uncle, Chris Booker, who was in a fine mood today. Cheers to you all.


3046 days ago

The Best of the Baroness Warsi twitter ridicule as this repellent liar craves publicity again on Brexit

Baroness Warsi is an unelected Tory politician with a track record of dodgy business dealings who says the most appalling things to gain publicity. Today she has announced that she is leaving the "Leave" campaign on Brexit and joining "Remain" because of all the racism, xenophobia and bigotry of folks like Priti Patel and Gisela Stuart. The BBC laps it up as a major blow for Brexit. The only problem is that the silly cow Warsi never actually joined the Leave campaign.


3052 days ago

BBC's Tanya Beckett Brexit propaganda from ex wife of convicted felon

I've crossed swords with upper class fish wife Tanya Beckett over many years and she has always struck me as thick as two short planks on every occasion we met. In other words, she is an ideal presenter on BBC World News covering business. Of course she is more famous as the ex wife of convicted felon Champagne Charlie Gibson who is a real hoot, but back to Brexit.


3054 days ago

The BBC World News takes the piss on Brexit

Sadly here in the most excellent Melitsina Village hotel here in Kardamili the only English language channel we can get is the BBC World News Channel. It is Pravda at its best. The agenda is clear: Trump = evil racist, Brexit - evil supported by racists, Tories - evil racists who hate the NHS, all of the NHS, EU, crooked Hillary = perfect. Once you understand that all reporting has to fit that narrative watching becomes easy and your anger at having to pay for this crap with your taxes sort of subsides.

And thus we flicked channels and saw a BBC chappie called Sean with a panel of four folks discussing Brexit


3061 days ago

Is this the worst Trump & crooked Hillary reporting yet? BBC World News heads out West

I was lying in my hotel room in Greece a couple of weeks ago and tiring of dubbed films and piss poor Greek soccer matches made the mistake of flicking the handset to check out the biased BBC World News Channel as it promised a special report on the US Campaign. Oh goodie, goodie, a report on how Trump had that week surged ahead in the polls right? Er...

First up said the airhead presenter we go to Donald Trump's campaign and our reporter goes to somewhere where he has very few supporters at all. Hmmm Might that be Hollywood? Or the most hipsterish district in Brooklyn? Or perhaps Mitt Romney's Country Club? No. The BBC Reporter was in Mexico. This will surprise you greatly but in a town near to the border which the Donald wants to tighten the BBC managed to find a raft of folks who were happy to say that they were anti Trump. 

Shucks I guess The Donald is gutted. Just how many electoral college votes 


3062 days ago

It's Ouzo Time! Outsourcery shares suspended, serial failure Dragon's Den Piers Linney admits its a wipeout!

The BBC could not get enough of Piers Linney as a Dragon on the Den. Black, working class and from the North the chap was, we were told, worth £100 million. If only he'd been in a wheelchair and a lesbian and the Beeb would have got the full Politically Correct suite but heck Piers was "minority" enough and the State Funded broadcaster creamed itself. Sadly it was all a myth. 


3099 days ago

Is everyone in Wales mainlining State support? Can they even wipe their own arses?

The BBC News at Ten coverage of the elections to the costly waste of space that is the Welsh assembly is focussing on the economy. The big issue is apparently Steel and which party is going to spunk the most cash on part nationalising and subsidising an industry that will never ever make a cent in profit. But the BBC says there is an alternative view in the principality. Hooray. I look forward to Huw Edwards interviewing a real capitalist...but this is Wales.

The alternative view


3107 days ago

Beltway Kylie Morris and British Liberal Media have you seen the Trump landslide news from New York? Apology time?

Beltway liberal Kylie Morris of C4 News led the British liberal media, after Wisconsin, in saying Donald Trump's campaign had problems. Less partial commentators (me) suggested we wait for the New York Primary where rump would win big. Kylie covered that contest by interviewing rapid Democrats saying what a stinking racist Trump was or, yesterday, the craziest man she could find among Trump supporters - a religous nutter from Long Island blowing a ram's horn and misquoting the Old Testament. C4 viewers could be under no illussion: Trump had no mainstream support in New York State. Well here are the actual numbers from the primary.

Trump 60.5% and 89 delegates, Kasich 25.1% and 3 delegates while Cruz, the candidate the Country Club establishment want to foist on the GOP got just 14.5% of the vote and no delegates.

So what do we know now? Kylie may not have worked this out


3112 days ago

BBC & John Humphries squirming on the Brexit EU cash for NHS - it was a delicious torture

My favourite German leftie, Gisela Stuart, a Labour MP for some rat infested bit of Birmingham wasteland, was on The Today programe today explaining why we should all vote to leave the EU.

At one level she pointed out that if we were not members of the Evil Empire we would have an extra £350 million a week more to spend on the NHS. Our "contributions" she argued could be better spent at home. This got presenter John Humphries in a tangle which was a delight to behold as the old lefty just tied himself up in knots.

Rather lazily,


3115 days ago

Pssssst Don't Tell the British liberal media elite but blacks don't hate Donald Trump for being a racist

Listening to beltway liberal Kylie Morris on C4 or to the BBC's legion of taxpayer funded reporters it is clear that black Americans hate Donald Trump because he is a racist. That is a given right? No disputes it is what David Cameron might term a fact. Er... don't tell Kylie but it is not actually what the hard data demonstrates. Kylie's telling porkies again.


3125 days ago

President Assad retakes Palmyra and is crushing ISIS - the West squirms, red faces all round

You will remember how for the first two years of the War in Syria folks like Hilary Clinton, President Obama, David Cameron and the entire Western press corp told us that the really bad guy in Syria was President Assad. Okay his human rights record was actually among the least worst in the region but he had to go and so the West started arming and funding a coalition opposed to Assad, many of whom turned out to be Islamofascist supporters of Al-Qeada with a propensity for chopping folks heads off. But that did not matter because Assad was the bad guy. We are not at war with Al Qaeda, we have never been at War with Al Qaeda, pretened our leaders. George Orwell would have been proud of them.

I flagged up the fact that the folks we in the West werebacking were monsters several times - see HERE - but no-one cared and as the country descended into chaos the real Islamofascists of ISIS saw a vacuum and filled it.

The West and its allies such as Saudi Arabia - a Mid East Country which really does have an appalling human rights record - carried on funding and arming our own Islamofascists


3126 days ago

You have driven past Port Talbot sneered Newsnight lefty harpie Kirsty Wark to Ken Clarke

Pravda's flasgship current affairs programme Newsnight felt the need to cover the imminent closure of steel works across the UK by India's Tata last night and so invited onto its show, commie journalist Paul Mason (ex Newsnight) and fat old Tory Ken Clarke. In the chair was the sneering chearleader of the metropolitan media liberal elite Kirsty Wark, a woman who insists that she earns less than £500,000 a year. 

Workers of the world unite you have nothing to lose but your taxpayer funded lifestyle.

Clarke wiped the floor 


3134 days ago

Eurosceptics are stupider than those against Brexit - BBC does not challenge ludicrous claim

If you want to leave the EU it is just because you are not as clever as those folks who want to stay in. It is easy. There was I thinking that I could be descriobed as at least averagely smart with my Oxford Degree as could Pixie Lott with her straight A's at GCSE. But it appars not. We are thick because we back Brexit and the BBC sees no reason to challenge this extraordinary assertion.


3136 days ago

Brussels attacks - am sure Belgians once again feel that the EU makes them "safer in", the BBC flannels

I listen to BBC Radio 4 which seems to be about twenty minutes behind twitter in reporting the latest attacks in Brussels. They are co-ordinated ISIS style. They come a few days after the arrest of the the most wanted man in Europe, an ISIS terrorist. Shouts in arabic were heard before the airport blast which took place next to the American Airlines desk. And naturally the BBC is reluctant to speculate about who might be responsible. Hmmmm let me have a guess?


3138 days ago

Liberal Luvvie Glenn Close explains Angry America & Trump - I blame BOTH the Presidents Bush

If a multi-millionaire luvvie from Hollywood is in London then the liberal British Media just has to give them airtime and column inches to slam Donald Trump. The luvvies all hate Trump but each comes up with different ludicrous reasons to slate him. Today it was Glenn Close, plugging her latest London stage show, who showed what an airhead she is, thanks to the Marr Show on BBC1.


3142 days ago

Tom Winnifrith new job, PR for Pinsent Masons or helping the BBC communicate to itself

You know I have been thinking about a career change. As happens every week facebook for grown ups, LinkedIn, has sent me a selection of jobs on offer that it thinks I would be interested in. Second on the list is Senior Internal Communications & Engagement Advisor at the BBC. So that is where my license fee goes, great. Er what does one do here?


3142 days ago

Economic illiteracy and bias with Helia Ebrahami on Channel 4 News

I am beginning to think that C4 News is targetted at those crazy folks out there who think that the BBC is a right wing monster controlled by the Tory party. You have to be pretty flaky to hold such a world view but C4 was always out there trying to reach out to minorities. And I guess paranoid Marxist fruitcakes are - across the Nation - a minority though on most liberal arts university campuses they are a dominant majority. 

Sometimes C4 News pretends to be impartial. Sometimes it lets its prejudices slip in. And at other times it is just up front and unfair. The fun is in spotting what game it is playing with each report.

In reporting on what today's UK Budget would have in store we got a sneak preview from Business Correspondent Helia Ebrahimi. Being a business correspondent on the BBC or C4 is a tough gig in that you must report on a system that you fundamentally disagree with, you have to be polite to a load of frigging evil capitalists and, worse still, totally innately evil Tories. But Helia is up to the challenge.

And thus


3143 days ago

BBC creams itself as top US General tells porkies to scare us off Brexit but the polls say Project Fear is failing

This morning, the BBC and the rest of the liberal media cannot get enough of Lt General Ben Hodges who has warned we Brits that we must not vote for Brexit as it could damage NATO. What on earth is a US Soldier doing intervening in a British Election rather defies belief, how would Obama feel if a British General made the equally factually innaccurate claim that Mrs Clinton was a lying, deceitful old dyke and so urged folks to back the GOP this November?

Hodges, who is the top yankee soldier in Europe, seems to think that without Britain the EU could unravel. And if that happens NATO will unravel. Frankly it does not make much of a case for staying in the EU if we are told that if one of its 28 members quits it will fall apart.

Moreover do you need the EU for NATO? The latter was formed in 1949. A small common market did not get going until 1957 but the vast majority of NATO members were not part of that. The Evil Empire itself


3148 days ago

British Liberal media creams itself as proven Republican losers bash Trump but no-one else cares

You could sense how the BBC, Channel 4 News, The Guardian and the rest of the British liberal media creamed themselves last week as leading figures from the Republican establishment lined up to slam Donald Trump. For a moment the liberal media forgot that folks like Mitt Romney and John Mccain were evil right wingers, in their book anyway, and lauded them as great statesman.

As one, the only question the media pack lead by Emily Maitlis on Newsnight and the beltway liberal warrior Kylie Morris on C4, asked was "have the big beasts left it too late". That was, of course, the wrong question.

In case the liberal media had forgotten,


3148 days ago

The Jaffa Stabba and the oh so wicked Jews in Israel on BBC News

It is Tuesday night in London and the News at Ten from the biased BBC reports on the stabba from Jaffa. Fiona Bruce lets us know that ten folks were stabbed including an American tourist in Israel but the identity of the assaillant is not known. Frigging hell it was a bad night for the wicked Jews - including as it happens a heavily pregnant woman - was it not and they still have no idea who did it?

Perhaps the BBC could have put this in context. There were three stabbing incidents in Israel on Tuesday. There are several each week. Without exception the assailant is from Gaza and the victim a wicked bloody Jew. And without exception the terrorist filth of Hamas will praise the attack and claim it as one of its.

Oooops did I say terrorist filth? How remiss. Perhaps I should desceribe Hamas as the BBC does "The legitimate Government of Gaza which execute opponents without trial and kills homosexuals but we dont mention the last two matters as it is a bit embarrassing. Anyhow they get vast amounts of EU aid so they must be good fellows."

Indeed the BBC could have gone one better for by 10 PM GMT the suspect had already been detained for several hours. Israel being Israel the cops had not killed him on sight or - as they do in Gaza


3149 days ago

Inbred welfare junkies from the Hebrides dont like Trump - More BBC Newsnight Donald bashing

Donald Trump's mother comes from the Isle of Lewis in the Hebrides and so the BBC thought it would be a hoot to go Trump bashing by asking the folks up in the far Northern reaches of the welfare safari to say what they thought of The Donald. Well what a surprise ...they don't like him.


3152 days ago

Guardian & News International both firing another 100 staffers - the deadwood press dies apace

Folks like greedy & disgraced Richard Chase of Nyota think that the deadwood press is still king and that online publications do not count. He has clearly been too busy lubing up for his next job at King's Cross to notice that the Independent has shut its print edition and that this weekend both the Guardian and News International have announced that 100 of their staffers will be getting P45s in yet another round of cost cutting.

That 100 folks who earned their living from the BBC's sister publication Pravda are losing their jobs is naturally a cause for great celebration. I have already dug out a fine bottle of red from the garage to celebrate these redundos at the Grauniad tonight and will be cooking the Mrs a fine meal as a treat for this joyous news.


3163 days ago

Kylie Morris on C4 News: "racist" Trump & the Hispanics, a new low point for lefty British Media

I have noted before how Kylie Morris, the US correspondent for Channel 4 News is perhaps the dopiest, most out of touch liberal left reporter going. This woman makes the BBC look balanced. But we can now show Kylie hitting a new low as she points out what a vile racist Donald Trump is.

Two days before the Nevada primary Kylie filed a long piece on how hispanics voters in Nevada were shunning Trump. After searching really hard all day Kylie managed to find just one Latino voter who was voting for Trump, a Vietnam vet who Kylie was thus able to expose as a weirdo. In Kylie world, latinos shared her view that Trump was a racist and none were backing him.

Now the Nevada results are in.


3164 days ago

Problems in India today - Blame it on the wicked Britishers - I despise the BBC

There seem to be a few problems in the Delhi area right now thanks to a dispute between castes in the province to the North. It may seem odd but one - privileged - caste has demanded its status be lowered so its kids get the same breaks as lower castes. Riots have ensued.

This is being discussed by John Humphries on Radio 4 just now - his guests two Indians. You will remember that the parents of my wife arrived here from India in the 1950s and that I can claim an Indian passport if I wish as my Grandmother was born there. We both like India in this household.

But I have just screamed at the radio. The woman guest says this is all down to tamperings with the caste system introduced by the British.


3190 days ago

Outsourcery, the dog created by Dragon's Den flop Piers Linney - when's the bailout placing?

Shares in Outsourcery (OUT) the business created by Piers Linney, the Dragon's Den flop, are sliding today and the only question is when is the next bailout placing? Linney is - whatever BBC PR flunkies told us all - a serial business failure as you can see HERE. Outsourcery listed on AIM at 110p on May 24 2013. The shares are now 13.75p but remain a storming sell as the cash runs out.


3236 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard #136 - the Guardian, BBC and the British left disgrace themselves over Donald Trump

I despise Donald Trump for many of the things that he has said. I also explian why I believe he will not win the Republican nomination let alone the US General Election. But those who seek to deny him access to the UK are free speech deniers and are wrong. Meanwhile the coverage of this fascist attack on free speech and the 500,000 name petition (and non coverage of another 500,000 name petition) by the BBC and The Guardian and other elements of the press is shameful


3267 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 10 November - More Lenigas material & remember I had a hippie childhood

Having been warned off by the thuggish PR to David Lenigas (HERE) I have asked AIM Regulation to get the low down on Big Dave's trades or otherwise in LGO Energy (see HERE). And then what next? Aha Octagonal (OCT), an AIM listed company where the aforementioned Mr David Lenigas is involved - needless to say its shares have slumped. Then it is onto Nanoco (NANO) and Wandisco (WAND) as well as Lonmin (LMI). Finally I commend to you last night's BBC programme by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall on waste and the supermarkets. Can Malcolm Stacey reallysay the are ethical investments? I commend you all to watch it. Remember I grew up in a hippie self-sufficent family so maybe I am biased but I was horrified.


3296 days ago

Free Speech Deniers – UK Oil & Gas, you guys are such fools

My attention is drawn to the LSE Asylum, UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) thread where the free speech jihadists are in full flow after Monday night’s BBC programme.


3321 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 19 September - Wildes is not a Bulletin Board Moron (but is wrong about LGO)

I start this podcast with a mention of my personal weekly podcast this week - The Orwellian BBC is not fit for purpose - you can catch it here. Then onto Wildes, LGO Energy (LGO), Sefton (SER) and the consequences of wage inflation and the abandonment of sound money.


3321 days ago

Weekly Postcard 123: Orwellian BBC News lies and misleads on migrants and public sector wages

I found myself watching the BBC News this week and it was horrible in an Orwellian way. The biased BBC has a clear political agenda and it lies to its viewers by act and omission and by deliberately misleading them. On the public sector vs private sector wage issue the sleight of hand was obscene. On the migrants it just lied. The BBC should be privatized and lets see how many of us will actually pay to watch The Guardian on screen.


3337 days ago

Am I being paranoid or does the London Stock Exchange not like me very much?

As you know I was filming with the BBC today. I shall let you know when the programme is set to run. We started off with an interview on the 24th floor of a very tall building. If I look a bit green at the gills it is because I suffer from chronic vertigo so I really did not enjoy that much. Then we moved over to film a few shots outside the Stock Exchange…


3337 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 1st September - Reflecting as I head to the BBC for an expose documentary

On this two anniversary day I chat to another restaurant owner and reflect on why I want to get out of business. Then I look at today;s stockmarket crash-ette ad specfically at Arian Silver wth its dickhead PR and car-crash balance sheet, Jiasen and APR Energy. Tomorrow I start to make my way up to London to film a documentary with the BBC. Okay that is sleeping with the enemy but the end justifies the means.


3369 days ago

Weekly Postcard #121 - The Women's FA Cup Final and what it says about the loathsome BBC

No doubt some (the Mrs) will accuse me of sexism as I discuss in this week's postcard what the unimpressive Women's FA Cup Final says about the BBC. The case for privitization grows stronger by the day.


3436 days ago

Money Tree worshipping mad leftie Malcolm Stacey talking rot again

I wonder if it was his years at the BBC which saw my pal Comrade Malcolm Stacey infected with the mad lefty virus. Becuase the old Money Tree worshipper does talk some awful rot and today's column from him HERE is a classic. I feel forced to point out in the interests of balance why he is spouting total gibberish.

The old leftie states:

The new British government will continue austerity. Sadly, that is not good news for the less well off, but it won’t affect the wealthy very much. And it will bring the national debt down.

So the wicked Tories will continue austerity will they? I wish they would. In fact I wish they had started austerity five years ago but they have not. Government spending has risen year on year since 2010 under the wicked Tories and will continue to rise. Some austerity.

And it gets worse


3453 days ago

Is London a bit of a Scotland – totally out of touch with “real England”

It is clear that Scotland now thinks totally differently to England in social, economic and political terms. It is another country and it must be given independence now – more on that later. But there is another country within England – London. 

As a resident of the boonies and someone born and raised a small town boy I have always thought Londoners odd. As they wander around buying properties on a sub 1% yield and thinking that is a bargain, paying £100 for underwater yoga sessions and more for regular colonic irrigation the middle classes of London just seem peculiar to me. 

And in political terms


3509 days ago

Weekly postcard #104 - I agree with Nigel Farage & UKIP ( for once) and the BBCs coverage is a disgrace

No-one in this house will be voting UKIP and indeed our morbidly obese three legged cat Oakley has made a visible anti UKIP statement of which more later. But Nigel Farage is right on scrapping all race discrimination laws at work - indeed he should have gone further. The BBC's coverage of this here in Bristol is a total shocking disgrace paid for with my taxes and I am livid.


3595 days ago

The ShareProphets Christmas share tips, exposes & specials: programming revealed

The BBC has already published its Christmas programme schedule and it appears to be 70% repeats. ShareProphets is being rather more daring and will be producing novel content and so, for you, here is a sneak preview of what is in store, it is tips, drama and exposes all round.

Starting with the share tips. I shall publish my macro predictions for 2015 on Christmas Day and from Boxing Day until January 4 will serve up a 2015 tip of the year (mostly longs but some shorts) once a day.


3664 days ago

Video Postcard #84 – The lies from the BBC and our leaders over ISIS edition

In my weekly video postcard I discuss BBC lies over ISIS and how our campaign in Iraq and Syria is ever more doomed to failure and makes we left in England ever more at risk, whatever lies our leaders tell us. You are being lied to by the media about how badly we are failing.

And you are beng lied to by all our leaders about how their actions make us all less safe. It is as simple as that.

In this week’s financial video postcard I discuss how the mood of investors is changing as the stockmarket falls to new year lows. Delusion, becomes denial becomes acceptance becomes anger.This will apply to specific stocks but also to the market as awhile and Tom discusses its ramifications HERE


3739 days ago

Dragon’s Den Star Piers Linney – A career of business failure revealed and the sham projection of his Outsourcery flotation

There is a new star on Dragon’s Den, Piers Linney. Yesterday I revealed HERE how his Outsourcery (OUT) firm on AIM is in very real danger of going tits up just 14 months after listing. But Piers is no stranger to business failure. The BBC thinks he is a Dragon with the Midas touch. Au contraire. Today I reveal the full extent of his career of business trainwrecks and the sham projections of the Outsourcery IPO.

Here is what the BBC says about Piers:


3890 days ago

You have a BBC voice – how should I take that?

I have just been interviewed by an MBA student from the local business school here in Clerkenwell. They are doing a project on Real Man Pizza – they are regular customers and love the place but they are coming up with a few ideas to improve it. As part of their project they interviewed me on video.

Wow said the bloke, you have a BBC voice – have you ever done TV? I fessed up to my shameful Show Me The Money Past and wondered whether having a “BBC Voice” was such a good thing these days? It was meant as a compliment and I take it as such. There was no diatribe from me about bias, nonces on TOTP or other matters.


3929 days ago

Weekly Prize Caption Contest - Noah gives his thanks to UKIP Edition

Thanks to the UKIP Nutter of the Week this is a pretty easy one to enter. To win a 50% discount voucher for a party of up to 4 at Maribelle's when we open our new tapas and wine bar in February simply add your caption to the picture below in our comments section.


For what it is worth my entry is 

Noah gave thanks to Nigel Farage's UKIP party for his salvation as he sailed through the streets of San Francisco 


It is 2000 BC and the BBC reporter on board the ship sent out to show how global warming is causing sea levels to fall, sends back his latest treport to London



3938 days ago

Are 99% of the population of Lewisham: Mad Lefties, morbidly obese, criminally stupid or all of the above? Ref BBC Question Time

The audience on BBC Question Time is meant to be representative of the local community and last night came from Lewisham in South London. I can as a result conclude that the residents of Lewisham are almost without exception either morbidly obese, madly left wing or in terms of intelligence make the X-Factor audience look like a gathering of Nobel laureates. 

Among the gems were a contribution from a 29 stone woman who claimed that the coalition were using the immigration debate as a smokescreen for their real agenda of privatizing the NHS and dismantling the welfare state and a only mildly obese old coot who reckoned that merely stopping tax evasion would allow the Government to spend another £90 billion a year on more schools, hospitals, fire stations, welfare payments etc. Heck no chance of closing the deficit then?

Should anyone be shot while unarmed was the question. Half the audience seemed to assume that the Police just liked killing black people at will. The other half thought yes, if the person in question was a member of UKIP.

77% of the British public want immigration controlled. I am in the 23%. But when the matter came up, the fellow from UKIP (deputy Fuhrer Paul Nutter) got only abuse and not any applause at all as he spouted a whole load of total scaremongering hogwash about waves of Romanians arriving here next week. 

I guess the Romanians are too smart to want to go to Lewisham lest they be crushed to death by a stampede of 23 stone local residents rushing to pick up a welfare cheque, so it is not an issue there.


3948 days ago

Man who once drive cars very fast has serious ski accident – stop the world?

Naturally I hope that Michael Schumacher, the seven times F1 world champion pulls through. His ski accident sounds awful and I hope the chap recovers fully and feel sorry for his family. But…

Lots of folks are critically ill. Thousands are being butchered in conflicts across the globe, in terror attacks or are dying from starvation or diseases which are utterly treatable. The world economy is drowning in debt. 

Yet the lead story on ITN News was again the ex-racing driver. A reporter and crew has been sent to Grenoble (I expect the BBC has sent dozens of staff) and we get hour by hour commentary saying nothing much new.

Is a rich man who once drove very fast cars but has lived as a playboy retiree for several years, having a potentially fatal accident really that important?


4005 days ago

Tom’s Video Postcard #48 – mega payoffs for failure at the BBC and across the public sector issue

This week’s video postcard covers just one topic – the culture within the public sector and BBC of rewarding failure with mega payoffs. It is taxpayer’s cash that is being pissed away and it is unjustifiable and unsustainable.

Dave “heir to Blair” Cameron has done nothing to deal with this. Why not?

Tom’s weekly financial video postcard covers Vialogy, Vipera, the “booming” UK economy and where to find stockmarket value and can be watched here.


4024 days ago

The Biased BBC, Gay Rights, Israel and the Islamofascists

God knows why I was watching the BBC but I was and found myself watching a trailer for a show on one of its channels that no-one ever watches but which the grateful taxpayer funds anyway. Gosh I hate the BBC and the bias that flows through its every vein.

The trailer opened with footage of the gay pride parade in Tel Aviv and then showed footage of soldiers holding hands and other demonstrations of how it is perfectly accepted to be openly gay and Israeli. The commentator asked “how can this happen?” How in the Middle East can we find such tolerance?

What planet is this toe-rag living on? The answer is


4034 days ago

Friday Caption Contest on a Sunday – The appalling BBC Edition

Having seen clips from last week’s Question Time and some of the coverage of the Red Ed vs. The daily Mail issue, I wonder if the BBC has plumbed new depths. Mired in new scandals over payouts for failure, sex crime cover ups and much more besides the real issues are:

Firstly that the taxpayer funded broadcaster produced either the sort of rubbish (everything on Radio 1 for example) which should be the domain of the private sector. If there is a demand for this sort or garbage why should the taxpayer subsidise it? If not then since it is rubbish why produce it at all?

And secondly that the news coverage is anything but impartial. How the audience cheered as the panel bashed the Mail on QT? How the BBC ignored both the facts of this non story and also the double standards in the way that Red Ed had treated those who gloated over the death of Thatcher? Why should my taxes fund propaganda? By the way is the BBC still insisting that the planet is heating up thanks to global warming?

As such I invite your captions for the picture below

My own feeble effort is:


4106 days ago

Cupid – Devastating BBC Expose - you going to sue or come clean?

So AIM Cesspit listed Cupid (CUP) the BBC last night accused you of defrauding your customers and showed why the KPMG enquiry was a whitewash – are you going to sue it for defamation?

AIM listed Cupid was accused by the Kiev Post of employing folks to create fake profiles to entice lonely punters to sign up to its paid services. KPMG was hired to investigate but DID NOT interview the reporter who filed the story.

The BBC has now uncovered stacks of fake profiles and HAS interviewed foxy Svitlana Tuchynska on camera.


4189 days ago

Language you do not wish to have to explain to your daughter at Upton Park

My football mad daughter and I were at the Arsenal game a few months ago and as the crowd chanted “with a packet of sweets and a cheeky smile, Arsene Wenger’s a paedophile” I dreaded the question “Daddy what is a paedophile?” Wenger is not a nonce as it happens but what would I say? “Er.. It is a sort of person who is often on the BBC.” I guess that is true.

Today’s game (a nil nil draw with Newcastle) was hardly a classic.  The bloke two seats down shouted Cisse loudly as the Newcastle player ambled from the corner flag towards his goal (which is where my seat is). He was ignored. Cisse. Again ignored. Louder still came the shout Cisse at which point Mr Cisse looked up and got an instant shout of “Wanker!” from the bloke two seats down who regarded this as a win.

Former West Ham boss Alan Pardew manages Newcastle. Not for much longer one suspects as they will – at best – narrowly survive but I sense they may not. Pards left Upton Park amid, no doubted unfounded, rumours about his private life. And so within minutes of the opening whistle the rhythmic chat went up: “Alan Pardew shags who he wants, Alan Pardew shags who he wants.” After a few minutes of this the chant changed to “Alan, Alan give us a wave.” Mr Pardew obliged. The Trevor Brooking stand then started off with “He loves us more than you” at the Newcastle supporters. A few minutes later it was back to “Alan Pardew shags who he wants, etc.”

A couple more terms I am glad that I do not have to explain to my daughter.

With my record of having seen West Ham lose every time I have watched them this season broken and with the Irons now 100% safe from relegation I shall take my daughter to the last home game against Reading. “Going Down, going down” and “That’s why you’re going down” should not be too hard to explain.  


4203 days ago

Friday Caption Contest – Revolting Students Edition

Better late than never, this caption contest comes to you from the North Terminal at Gatwick Airport where I am spending the night ahead of an early flight. Of course there were only two stories last week: the Funeral of our Greatest ever Prime Minister and the attacks in Boston.  At 3 AM in the morning I am not sure I can say anything much about either but as you look at tomorrow’s leaders below do your best in this week’s caption contest.

Post your entries in the comments section below:

For what it is worth my entry is:

“This champagne’s too warm…I blame Thatcher”


“The BBC interviews a representative cross section of young people in its coverage of the passing of Lady Thatcher”


4224 days ago

3 -1 to the Cockney Boys but at least 1 more win needed

It was a good win. Three great goals with Andy Carroll’s second and West Ham’s third a wonderful strike. I will hold my nose and watch the BBC tonight just to see that again. West Ham looked dominant for most of the game, bar the first 15 minutes of the second half when I must admit to feeling a bit nervous. Overall a good day at the office. A few thoughts:

I cannot remember which West Brom player got himself a straight red in the 94th minute for sheer petulance but when folks say that most soccer players are morons, this guy strengthens that case. What a moron.

The Irons looked solid at the back and menacing up front. Rob Green always made me a bit nervous. Jussi made a couple of great saves and I feel quite calm with him between the posts. I suspect that radiates out to an assured defence too.

Now for the bad news. Wigan won as well and thus on 36 points we are still only 6 points (okay call it 7 because of GD) ahead of the trap door. I know that Fat Sam reckons 38 points is enough on the basis that it is hard to see Villa, Wigan and Sunderland each getting 3 wins (or two wins and two draws for Sunderland) from their last 8 games I am not so sure. Wigan always somehow manage to stay up and offer us another season of graceless mediocrity. Villa and Sunderland are big clubs who should have done better this season than they should. They might just have a run.

I rather hope that we beat Reading on the last day of the season when the Royals are already down but having seen the away leg first hand I bank on nothing. I would feel a lot happier if we could grab three points somewhere well before then. I have a horrible feeling that someone might get relegated on 39 points this season and that it might come down to GD at that. Three more points should be enough.


4226 days ago

BBC News journalists on strike – 12 hours not enough – try 15 years?

BBC news has two problems. One is its inherent pro left, pro global warming, anti-Israel, pro Euro bias. The list goes on. But the BBC news teams are wrong on every issue that matters and do not mind showing their inner feelings. And two the BBC is grossly over-manned (should that be over-personned?). One news story can be covered by four different news crews (National TV, regional TV, local radio, national radio). Given that it is tax-payers cash that is being pissed away on this over-manning the BBC is (correctly) paring the odd job. Not enough but it is a start.

And so the unions are on strike for 12 hours. Have you noticed a drop in quality? Er..

Clearly 12 hours is not enough to make an impact. How about the news teams walk out for 15 years. Or better still forever.


4261 days ago

The World’s biggest global warming nutter, Rajendra Pachauri, admits the world is not warming

The UN’s climate change chief, Rajendra Pachauri, who has made a personal fortune peddling this bogus science of the back of bogus data has today ‘fessed up to the inconvenient truth. Dr P has admitted that there has now been a 17-year pause in global temperature rises, confirmed recently by Britain’s Met Office.
But Dr P is undeterred and insists that this pause needs to last “30 to 40 years at least” to break the long-term global warming trend. That is prize crap on two grounds.

1. The world got colder 1939 to 1976. It then got hotter 1976 to 1995 ( a spell of 19 years). In other words on the basis of 19 years warming you can demand wholesale changes in the behaviour of humankind but to prove a reversal of a trend you need 40 years? Put another way, in the past 73 years we have has just one 19 year spell of warming as opposed to cooling. What is the trend and what is the blip?

2. The changes and vast expenses we all face as a results of demands made by the global warming nutters were based on computer programmes that predicted clear and linear warming from 1995 onwards directly linked to carbon emissions. Carbon emissions have carried on increasing. The world has not got hotter. The programmes have been wrong 17 years out of 17 so far. So why would anyone sane place any bets on their 50 and 100 year predictions being correct?

At least we see one sinner starting to repent. Who next? Al Gore? The BBC? The EU, Polly Toynbee? Chris Huhne? Call Me Dave? Line up, line up.


4264 days ago

The BBC on strike – how it changed my Day

Austerity is for other people. Overpaid workers on generous pension schemes with long holidays and absenteeism rates you would never see in the private sector working in an inefficient way do not think that they have to suffer with the rest of us. Yup, staff at paedo central, the biased BBC are on strike today protesting about redundancies. This is an organisation that can often send three different news teams (radio, national TV and regional TV) to cover the same event but the bleating journalists say that paring back the payroll will compromise quality. Yeah …right.

So how has it affected your life today? For me:

1. Had I felt a craving for biased news coverage explaining all about wicked Tory cuts I would have been forced to go and buy a copy of the BBC’s sister publication the Guardian. Somehow I felt no such craving.

2. Had I tuned in I would have had to suffer even more repeats than normal. Again I resisted the urge.

3. Stephen Fry still appeared on about 90% of the programming it is just that some of those shows were repeats. The witty asides about 50 shades of lubricating jelly were probably no funnier the second time around.

4. Had I wanted my daily seven fixes of Polly Toynbee appearing on various BBC shows on various channels explaining how the Tories were so beastly to her comrades in the working classes I would have been disappointed as she showed solidarity by staying away from the BBC today. Since no other channel will give the old haridan airtime we have had a Toynbee free day on the small screen. I cannot say that I or the small screen was any the poorer for that.

On balance, why doesn’t the BBC just make all its staff redundant, save the taxpayer £4 billion a year and life can go on like this forever?


4289 days ago

The Snow Profits warnings

I am not a climate change sceptic. That is to say it is not that I doubt the theory of man made climate change. I am absolutely sure about it. The whole thing is complete and utter bollocks. And so, while it may cause some surprise round at the Met Office and the BBC, I am not that shocked that it is snowing and bloody cold in January. Weather happens. However, the political elite have been pretty much unanimous in their view that global warming is happening and have thus happily cut back on spending on things like gritters or flood prevention so that that they can piss away billions of quid of other folks’ money on subsidies for wind farms and solar panels.

The impact of these policy changes compounds the general trend of us all becoming more pathetic in the way we deal with the natural world: it is hard to imagine those who taught me thirty years ago bleating about a couple of inches of snow, citing “elf n’safey” and shutting the school down. In short I do expect the snow to have a material effect on the UK economy and you will see this with four categories of trading statement.


4307 days ago

Banana Ban at BBC – Saints preserve us

The BBC may not be very good at stopping its staff from abusing kids but when it comes to things that really matter the national broadcaster ( cost to the grateful taxpayer £4 billion a year) is bang on the money. Just look at the way that it is stamping out the menace of bananas.

Glossy posters with a banana with a large red cross through it have appeared all over the grand new headquarters of the BBC. The reason: one member of staff will suffer an unpleasant (not fatal) allergic reaction if he or she comes into contact with these deadly fruit.

Surely it is not too much to ask this sensitive soul just not to go picking up bananas? Er no. Their minority rights (presumably that means the right to inspect the lunch boxes of colleagues) means that all the other space wasters (oops sorry I meant valued employees of the BBC) cannot now bring bananas into designated zones of the building. Perhaps as we used to have “smoking rooms” the BBC could set aside “banana rooms” where folks might indulge their cravings undisturbed.

There are no doubt going to be other BBC employees with allergies to wheat, bread, biscuits, apples, strawberries, dobbing in peadophile colleagues, etc. Will all of them be indulged in a similar fashion? Why not just go the whole Orwellian mile and ban all food from the BBC? Or better still ban all staff from the BBC and just close it down.


4316 days ago

Friday Caption Contest: No-one wants Piers Morgan Special

The special relationship between Britain and America is under its most severe threat in decades. Stateside, a petition calling for Piers Moron to be deported has garnered enough signatures for President Obama to have to consider it. The world’s most hopeless chat show host, self-confessed phone hacker and “lucky” share punter during the City Slickers affair points out that 99% of Americans have not signed the petition. Alan Sugar responded on twitter by saying that those were the people who had not heard of Morgan.

But as this petition grows in size daily, other petitions are springing up demanding that he not be allowed back into Britain. The grounds seem unclear other than the fact that he is a loathsome human being and we would be better off without him.

I would just about consider an Abu Qatada Piers Morgan a good deal for Britain but it is pretty marginal. Perhaps if America agreed to take Russell Brand as well?

In order to win an “It’s Time to Leave” T-shirt I offer this picture of two grinning gentlemen. On is a proven loser with no friends very occassionally seen in the House of Commons. And so is the other.

Please post your entries in the comments section below.

You can of course buy your very own “It’s Time to Leave T-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, coffee mugs and Thermos flogs in my online store here.

For what it’s worth my entry is:

Brown: “ I’d like to replace the £9 billion I lost on bullion sales and you say you know Britain’s best gold digger – can you get Ms Mills’ telephone number for me?”

Last week I asked you for captions to this picture:


4321 days ago

Christmas carols for Sefton Resources, the EU, Vialogy and the Modern World

Some young chap from UKIP was running a “Christmas carols opening two lines for the modern world “ chat on twitter tonight. His first entry was:

“Once in royal David’s city, Stood a lowly cattle shed, But when the Palestinians Bombed it, We build 200 new settlements instead”

To which I countered:

“Arrest you merry gentlemen from the BBC
You’re all screaming perverts it is now plain to see”

Naturally this got me started. And so ( in either English or German) I offer you the Evil Empire’s Silent Night


4343 days ago

Hari Kiri economics – Premier League Agents Fees

How many clubs in the Premier League make a profit? Er.. Man United sometimes bit not much of a profit and certainly enough to justify its market valuation. But the rest are all losing money and so in an industry pursuing Hari Kiri economics it is no surprise that last year the top 20 soccer clubs in the UK pissed at £77 million on agent’s fees alone. Leading the way was Man City with £10.5 billion frittered away but it is the next few big spenders that says it all.

The next most generous were Liverpool (£8.6 million) and QPR (£6.8 million) not far ahead of Harry Rednapps’s Spurs. Liverpool have had one of their worst starts to the League in decades. QPR are bottom of the league and have already fired their manager.


4345 days ago

Global Warming Nutters (BBC Included) on twitter

As I noted on my blog yesterday inches of inconvenient truth were falling in Northern England. Here in the South West it feels very nippy indeed. After 16 years of global cooling we have had the wettest summer in eons and now, apparently, face one of the coldest winters in a century. As the Antarctic ice cap reaches record size you would kind have thought that the global warming nutters who have forced the planet to spend gazillions following their wacko religion might shut up. But er no.


4350 days ago

Joyce Thacker: Rotherham’s Sour Faced Stasi Leader & the UKIP Foster parents scandal

I invite you to hold your nose and watch the BBC video below of Joyce Thacker, head of Rotherham’s Social Services defending the removal of three kids from loving foster parents because the parents belong to UKIP. Can anyone say that they are not appalled? This sour faced old bag should be sacked at once. She admits that the decision was made by her.


4351 days ago

Gaza: Peace in Our Time. Bullshit (I fear) with normal vile BBC spin

Radio Four’s Today programme reported on Thursday morning that the “ceasefire in Gaza had largely held overnight.” Well what does it actually mean by that? On the Israeli side not a single shot was fired. Back in the Islamofascist state of Gaza the first rocket heading towards Israel went off exactly 34 minutes AFTER the breakout of peace in our time. By the time Radio 4 broadcast this canard, 15 rockets had landed on Israel. So by “largely held” what the biased BBC actually means is that the Israelis kept to their word but the Gazans fired only 15 rockets whereas they normally average about double that overnight.”

Just imagine how the BBC would have reported it had Hamas not fired any rockets but the Israelis had dropped a couple of bombs. Would it have been “largely held” or a rant about how the fucking Jews were war mongering bastards whose word could not be trusted and had no desire for peace? Next stop for Bibi Netanyahu a war crimes tribunal in the Hague. What do you think?


4352 days ago

Trapped in Warwickshire by Global Warming

Remember a few years ago when the BBC and the newspapers were full of pictures of dry riverbeds across England? It was all down to global warming and was a foretaste of what was to come. Yup. Having come up to Warwickshire on unexpected family business I was this morning keen to make my escape to Bristol by train. But arriving at Moreton in the Marsh station I was told that flooding meant there were no trains from Worcester to Bristol or Swindon to Bristol.


4360 days ago

Celebrate – An Evil Man goes to Hell

Whatever the BBC says, the World is a better place today thanks to the IDF.


4360 days ago

Why does the West’s liberal elite deny Israel the right of self defence?

For once the BBC and the Guardian do not stand in the dock alone. It seems as if the entire Western liberal elite and press corps are united in condemning the wicked Jews, oops they meant to say Israel, for taking out Ahmed Said Khalil al-Jabari today. Old Said was the head of the military wing of the Islamofascist Hamas organisation that runs the Gaza strip today and thanks to a precise strike from the Israeli Defence Forces he is now on a one way ticket to hell.

I support the brave IDF 100% and am this evening celebrating the death of this bigoted murderer. It seems that deluded lefties across the planet have a different view.

The BBC coverage stands out for its extreme bias. No surprises there. On its website today the lead story reports:


4368 days ago

Paedophile Scandal at BBC and Westminster – it is the establishment cover up and faux outrage that truly revolts

And so in today’s chapter of paedogeddon Home Secretary Theresa May and PM David Cameron claimed to be disgusted by the allegations made against a senior Tory of the Thatcher years ( who everyone now knows the name of but we cannot say) and a new enquiry into events in North Wales children’s homes has been ordered. Over at the BBC an enquiry is underway into allegations made against arch nonce Jimmy Savile and 29 others, some of them celebrities. The Old Bill has very publicly dragged Gary Glitter and Freddie Starr in for questioning and claims that other celeb arrests are imminent. Suddenly the establishment is desperate to be seen to be outraged, shocked and doing something.

It just does not wash. This is faux surprise, faux outrage and bandwagon mounting par excellence but I sense that no-one really believes any of it any more.


4371 days ago

UK’s libel laws and new media – imminent collision: Paedogeddon Westminster Issue

Last night Newsnight said it was going to expose a top Tory who was a serial and active paedophile. But it did not name him. Well as it happens we all know of one dead senior Tory (Peter Morrison) and most of us know a far more famous dead leading Tory in this camp. As for the one still alive: I do also know at least one name but in paedo-obsessed Britain no doubt others will emerge. I say will emerge … they are already out there.

I have just been sent a link to a blog outing 4 senior Tories as part of a paedo-ring. I have no intention of landing in Court over this since I am 99% sure that at least two of those named are 100-% innocent but you can find it without too much bother if you wish. Meanwhile #Newsnight on twitter throws up a few other candidates for this week’s Jimmy Savile prize, Westminster edition.


4375 days ago

Lunch with Contra Man

No I did not lunch with a bearded, extremely right wing, Nicaraguan freedom fighter. But with a bearded, extremely right wing, English freedom fighter (living in France). I refer to the publisher of my forthcoming book “The wit and wisdom of Viagra man”, Stephen Eckett of Harriman House. Over for a short holiday Stephen took me to a delightful pub (the Crossed Guns) near where his parents live. The pub overlooks an aqueduct which carries the Kennet & Avon canal over both the River Avon and also the railway line – a bit of a quirk. After lunch a pleasant walk up the valley to catch a train back.

Eckett is delightfully right wing. I would pare down the BBC to its bare bones. He would scrap it altogether. I would pare back the Welfare State greatly, he would go er…rather further. When the disagreement is just how far one cuts it is unlikely to be a heated row. After a brief return to rural France, Eckett’s next stop is Nicaragua to hunt down Contra coffee.


4377 days ago

Downton, Dallas, Ginger & Rosa

Is this the last episode of Downton Abbey series three tonight? Maybe it is the penultimate one. But it is hard to see what shocks we could have left. After all it is 1920 so unless the IRA man takes time off from grieving to join the Irish Civil War or Lady Edith heads off to fight for Greece against Turkey it is hard to see what can go wrong. Bates is on his way out of prison. The ex prostitute is settling in well at the Crawley household. Predatory homosexual Thomas really must get his long awaited come uppance downstairs while simple but honest Mary the under-cook looks set to be handed the keys to a farm by the father of the man she married but did not love just before he died.

Non Downton lovers – in this show someone important has to die at least once a series. The pompous prig Matthew Crawley is trying to make himself more exciting by picking a fight with thicko Aristocrat the Earl of Grantham but he is failing. He and Lady Mary really need to emigrate.

In Dallas, the younger generation of John Ross, Chris, Elena and the mad wife of Chris are growing on me. News that Bobby/Patrick Duffy/The Man from Atlantis


4384 days ago

Dallas, Downton and DCI Banks

It seems as if there are only two more episodes of the current series of Downton Abbey to go. Sunday evenings will not be the same after next weekend. I shall have to make conversation or write more. What shall I do? Well for starters I will not be booking a P&O luxury cruise. The amount of adverts in Downton is infuriating and I have got the message a thousand times over that the series is sponsored by P&O Luxury Cruises. Why not jack up the ad rates and sell fewer adverts? The viewing experience is greatly diminished. Anyhow, P&O I have never been on one of your cruises and after this series, I never will.

The death of Lady Sybil is a blow


4394 days ago

Faux New Labour outrage over Jimmy Savile joke

Some Tory local council candidate told a Jimmy Savile joke on twitter. The Labour party have now written to Call Me Dave demanding that this man be barred from standing for office again. Shit, why not go the whole hog and report him to the Police and get him banged up for 3 months for causing widespread “distress” via an electronic communication. Oh please…

The joke was tasteless but half funny. So at the risk of going to prison for three months for causing distress (see below) I shall of course repeat it in full.


4394 days ago

In Defence of Facebook Tax Dodgers : The Left Just does not get it

Facebook (FB) is under attack today for paying just £238,000 in corporation tax last year. I am the last person to want to defend Mark Zuckerburg’s enterprise. The shares are grossly overvalued even after almost halving from May’s $38 IPO. I still reckon they will more than halve again. But on this occasion it is the left (MPs, the Independent, the BBC – and its sister publication the Guardian) that just does not get it.
