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#BlackLivesMatter, yes they do: hard US data - inconvenient truths the liberal media won't discuss

Tom Winnifrith
Friday 23 September 2016

Of course black lives matter. All lives matter. Murder is wrong and can never be justified. Neither however can one engage in a complete distortion of the truth in order to justify wholesale looting and demands for a massive re-allocation of the pork barrel with one group gaining at the expense of the rest. But that is exactly what is happening? The liberal media is not interested in hard data on racial murders in the USA and BlackLivesMatter ignores the hard data and I shall now demonstrate why.

I have already shown, here, that the campaign by BlacklivesMatter in the UK against Police killings of black men is simply not justified by the hard data on how many folks die at the hands of the rozzers and what colour the victims are. But listening to and watching the liberal media last night as well as protestors in Charlotte one might think that, in the USA, blacks were simply being gunned down on an industrial scale by whites, especially white cops. Really?

On the liberal wankfest that is the BBC flagship programme Newsnight last night, one liberal commentator explained ( without any challenge) that even though the cop that pulled the trigger in Charlotte and the Chief of Police were both black, this should be viewed as a white on black crime because a cop was involved.Whatever...

But how about some hard data on the genocide, as one protester termed it, against the black population in America. Well here you go.... discuss. 

Cops who kill innocent civilians whatever the race of the cop or the victim should go to jail for life. That is because all lives matter. So too does the truth. I ask the liberals to analyse the data above and then to explain why it is that what BlackLivesMatter, the Reverend Jesse Jackson and the other professional race baiters say is anything other than total poppycock. There is simply no factual basis in the hard data for their assertions.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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