1 day ago

Totally Super-Duper Fine and Normal, Laura Rosen Cohen on fire



2 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel: the garden 2024

A number of kind readers as well as an Oxford contemporary, L, have either expressed surprise that I am such a keen gardener or have asked for a progress report. Well here goes. I start with the small field behind the barn which was six foot high in weeds when we arrived and contained a number of abandoned metal structures hidden by those weeds. As you can see in the first photo, it is now anew orchard of about 30 trees, mainly plums, apples, crab apples and pears but with the odd fig, a dog’s arse tree and a tayberry. At the end of the orchard is the top field where one day I hope to keep goats. I have planted five edible olive trees from Greece, three mulberry trees and a sweet chestnut around the edge. That is all WIP.


2 days ago

Are you coming to Sharestock on September 7?

Sharestock is looming. The date is September 7. The lawn is getting into shape. A team of helpers led by my two eldest daughters are lined up as are the speakers. All we need now is you! For what, I increasingly think, will be my last ever show. 


4 days ago

New poll, Harris 9pts down on Trump, even worse than Biden, the Democrat comedy show continues: ZH



4 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel a mad plum rush

There are two old plum trees here on the edge of the vegetable patch. And i have planted another six in the new orchard which are now fruiting. Some of the latter will not be ripe for another few weeks but some,and the bigger old tree were pregnant with the sort of purple plums you can see below.  it really snuck up on me. I only noticed this a day and a half before we all headed off to Greece.But Joshua and whirled into action picking allt he fruit we could reach either as we stood there or by knocking down witha hoe.


4 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel from 1862 a record of family history

A Greek holiday looms and that should allow me the mental space to write a bit more about the death of my Great Uncle David Cochrane but also a much longer piece about Operation Mincemeat, the underpants, my family’s involvement and how that also links to agent Cicero. Trust me, it is gripping stuff. Ahead of that, enjoy a newly framed piece of family history from 1862.


4 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel : a framed piece of history from Zimbabwe for my office wall

This piece of history from  Zimbabwe was a gift frommy pal Jono who lived through the Robert Mugabe years. Finally it has been framed and now sits proudly on the wall of my recently refurbished office. Enjoy.


5 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: Ukraine war & US election series...sleepy Joe calls it quits

Today Joe Biden pulled out of the race.I look at this, his replacement as the Democratic nominee, Kamala Harris and what a fascinating slew of polls last week tell us about the race. I also look at shifting sands in Ukraine. 


5 days ago

Video: Mark Steyn takes apart VP Kamala Harris waffle

The liberal media is wetting itself with excitement that a female person of colour is going to be the Democratic nominee for President. Okay, so polls only last week showed that Kamala Harris would do even worse than Joe Biden against Donald Trump in battleground states and her national popularity ratings are lower than even the senile old sniffer of the hair of young girls. The Libs reckon that Kamala will beat Trump. I hope they bet the ranch on it. I quite like the idea of Jon Sopel having to live in a cardboard box. Anyhow if you think Kamala is the answer have a watch of this video from the great Mark Steyn covering a Kamala speech a year ago. Every US voter needs to watch it before November.


7 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: an eight ball squash

This is a new addition to the garden this year and has prospered. There are more where this came from. Last night I liced it and  fried it up in olive oil from the Greek hovel and served it with some prawns (not home grown) fried in olive oil with the last of the 2023 Welsh hovel garlic as the Mrs, Joshua and I sat down to watch the penultimate Harry Potter.  It was generally agreed to be a culinary trumph.


9 days ago

Biden Still Polling Well With 3 A.M. Mail-In Ballot Demographic: Babylon Bee



11 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: the war in Ukraine and the US Election, old Joe stumbles on, Donald Trump is shot and JD Vance picked

I start with Ukraine and what changes there are are not good for the West and President Zelensky. I look at what is changing in Europe and what happens next. Then to the US election, a legal win for Trump, Biden stumbles again and again but may survive as a lame candidate thanks to the shooting of Trump. It bought old Joe time. Then I look at JD Vance and what he brings to the ticket, locking down the Northern swing states. And Elon Musk’s money enters the game, what does that mean?


15 days ago

What the "Conservatives" Have Wrought by Mark Steyn



17 days ago

John Lewis Staff magazine shocker: imagine working in this woke gulag

Due to its serial failures under Dame Sharon White, c11,000 employees (partners) at John Lewis will be getting their P45s over the next couple of years. At least they will miss the torture of the inhouse staff magazine “Identity,” a glossy 32 page publication sent to all70,000 (current) staff to celebrate LGBTQ History Month. I bring you a competition from the latest edition and you will be horrified.


17 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: How UKOG can be saved and should I be buying NatWest shares, I am sorely tempted

In today’s bearcast I look at Versarien (VRS), Invinity Energy (IES- a change of stance – Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Baron Oil (BOIL) and NatWest Group (NWG).


17 days ago

BREAKING: UK Oil & Gas, Oh Dear, Oh Dear – the shareholders are revolting, 0p here we come!

Earlier today I pondered at what price UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) could get away the bailout placing it needs as it is running on vapours as its shareholders voted on a share consolidation. But, as Mike Walters would have said as another of his share tips (did he tip this POS, it is right up his street?) went tits up, oh dear, oh dear.


17 days ago

Microsalt: wonder IPO or ludicrous price?

Microsalt (SALT) tried to raise £10-15 million ahead of an IPO last October but for some unexplained reason, Nomad Zeus postponed the IPO. On 1 February it joined the AIM sewer after raising £3.15 million gross (£2.5 million net) at 43p giving an £18.5 million valuation. Today, after announcing what it termed a “vital” deal earlier this week, the shares are 112.5p so valuing it at just over £48 million. Really?


17 days ago

UK Oil & Gas – as we await share consolidation what price the next bailout placing? And where does this leave Dave Lenigas and Pennpetro?

I write as UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) holds aa GM to approve a share consolidation. Like so many penny dreadfuls its shares have collapsed below par value of just 0.01p and it must therefore undertake a capital reorganization slashing par to just 0.0001p to allow it to issue even more worthless confetti. And boy does it need to issue shares.


17 days ago

Video: Poking Bears And Black Swans

Analyst Dave Kranzler has a number of stark warnings of doom for stockmarket bulls but starts this podcast with a discussion of the Tucker Carlson Vladimir Putin interview, something I shall be covering later in my next Russia/Ukraine podcast.


17 days ago

Jubilee Metals – Zambia copper expansion progress, BUY

Jubilee Metals (JLP) has issued an update on its copper expansion in Zambia, including that it “is well on track of achieving its initial target of 25,000 tonnes of copper per annum”.


22 days ago

Photo Article: I was going to vote Plaid Cymru but then a Russian bot got to me and I ended up voting for Farage

Yes it was Russian inteference that persuaded me to vote Reform earlier today. Of course it was. All those bots. Or maybe it was the idea that my wife and mixed race kids might be deported by Prime Minister Nigel Farage, a man routinely compared by the seething left to Hitler. Or maybe not.


22 days ago

Letter to the FCA: What is stopping you forcing a statement from the Supply@ME Capital fraud?

Following the collapse in the share price of sister company Dispensa (DISP) following advisor auditor resignations and plans for a delisting, surely even the woke dullards at the FCA must be getting worried about Supply@ME Capital (SYME), another joke admission to the Standard list thanks to the incompetence of er…..the FCA. I have dropped it a note regarding a January 31 deadline.


22 days ago

Mattioli Woods – interims, growth and recovery Buy

Wealth and asset management company Mattioli Woods (MTW) has announced its results for its half-year ended 30th November 2023 and that it is well positioned to take advantage of the growth opportunities in the UK wealth market.


22 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Diversified Energy and its share price obsession - another red flag

In today’s Bearcast I look at the eminently shortable Diversified Energy (DEC), Premier African Minerals (PREM) run by George (Cock)Roach, the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Close Brothers (CBG), BlueJay (JAY), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), and BSF Enterprises (BSFA) – discounted placing ahoy!


22 days ago

Is Stuart Ashman lying again?

My real beef with Stuart Ashman, the CEO of Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) is not his grotesque pay package and the fact that he snaffled a pay rise last year when his company headed backwards operationally. Nor is it that he tells overt porkies with his “Rules are rules” claims. My real gripe is, as explained in bearcast today, how poor decisions made by him have cost we loyal shareholders badly. Losing 2/3 of the share price in less than three months is worse than careless. But back to the lying.


22 days ago

Toxic Dave Sefton suffers yet another business blow up

Shareholders in Iconic Labs (ICON) and Anglo African Oil & Gas (AAOG) both suffered massive losses due to the poor management of their respective business by Toxic David Sefton. I can report that Toxic Dave’s reverse Midas touch remains.


22 days ago

The UK is in recession – three points you may not have twigged made by an economics nerd

The headlines today are clear. Two successive quarters of GDP shrinkage means that the UK is officially in recession. Cue all sorts of comments which usually say more about those making the comments than about what is going on. Let’s start with Brexit.


23 days ago

Confronting the rubbish men: just how useless & mendacious is Wrexham Council (Con/Ind control)

For the fifth week on the trot my general waste bin has been collected but the recycling bins have not been. On call after call to the Council the Mrs. has been promised that they will be collected within days but that was a lie. It was always a lie.


24 days ago

Oxford Cannabinoid completes January 30 fundraise – now it needs another one to avoid insolvency by July (or earlier)

The fragrant Warwick University philosophy student who is running Oxford Cannabinoid (OCTP) into the ground, Ms. Clarissa Sowemimo-Coker is delighted to announce that the subscription element of the £1.1 million net 0.5p per share fund raise announced on January 30 has now completed. Already the bid is, at 0.47p, below the fundraise price, always a bad sign as the new shares do not start trading until 20 February. But worse is to come.


24 days ago

Iconic Labs gets AGM approval to issue billions more shares, will it set a new confetti issuing record in 2024?

Iconic (ICON) successfully passed all its AGM resolutions on 13 February and in each case over 90% of votes were cast in favour of the resolutions but under a third of shareholders bothered to vote.


24 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: gold dips, bitcoin surges, what is going on?

In today’s podcast I discuss: gold, bitcoin, Argo Blockchain (ARB) and why it is still burning cash, FCA failings, statements needed from Chill Brands (CHLL) and Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and the latest shocker from Vast Resources (VAST), Roland “fatty” Cornish and his pal the sex therapist.


24 days ago

Amaroq Minerals – a placing, but a good one! Upgrade stance on a winning share tip to Buy

With the largest package of mineral rights in southern Greenland, Amaroq Minerals (AMRQ) announced an equity raise of approximately £30 million “to accelerate development and exploration activities”. However, as suggested by the price of the fundraising despite a depressed market, the prospective accelerated development and exploration looks very exciting indeed.


24 days ago

BREAKING: Roll up to the Vast Resources GM to mix with Fatty Cornish and the Sex Therapist

The Vast Resources (VAST) GM called to approve yet another share consolidation will be held at Nettlestead Place, Maidstone Road, Nettlestead, near Maidstone, a country mansion. Where are the shareholders’ country mansions I hear you ask for this is the residence of fat cat Vast boss Roy Tucker. But he is, as you can see below, not the only resident.


24 days ago

Moron on twitter wants Zak Mir to sue me, go ahead “brown envelope man” make my day

Once again, Gary Newman seems to be engaging with a complete poltroon, “TruthSeeker,” on twitter. Gary, life is too short to waste it debating folks with the IQ of a cheese sandwich. Just block him. TruthSeeker seems to think that I should not be allowed to write articles in the public domain suggesting that Zak Mir takes money for writing pumptastic nonsense about listed companies as that is libelous. He tweets:


26 days ago

Told y’all: Vast Resources, the pride of "Fatty", MINUS 99.99999% from peak, yet another share consolidation and yet another cash crisis

This is like groundhog day. The last 100 for 1 share consolidation was just 32 months ago when, laughably, dumb shareholders were told it was needed to allow dividend payments. But, no dividends and numerous placings later, Vast has again run out of cash and again its shares have slumped below the 0.1p par value. Its groundhog day!


26 days ago

Technology Minerals dissembling on when the death spiral mass share dump starts: is it today?

Yesterday I suggested that Technology Minerals (TM1) the Standard Listed joke company drowning in the stench of disgraced fraudster Chris Cleverly would see its death spiral provider start to dump shares on March 8. But I may be wrong. It could be today. Let me explain.


26 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 3 gold miners, a surprise lunch guest who I cannot name and a zero which is yet another triumph

I cannot name the guests for whom I cooked lunch but it has delayed me a bit, In the podcast I discuss Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Ariana Resources (AAU), Amaroq (AMRQ) and Dispensa (DISP), today’s triumph where nothing stacks up.


26 days ago

The Versarien scumbag Neill Ricketts will regret his greed as ex staff line up to blow the whistle

As I mentioned in yesterday’s bearcast I am not so sure I feel that much warmth for those ex Versarien (VRS) staffers now lining up to expose various untruths and worse from the time when Neill Ricketts was in charge. When Ricketts was egging on demented shareholders to pile on against me or, worse, my wife these folks were happy to do nothing and bank their pay cheques. But better late than never and we do now have a common objective.


26 days ago

Technology Minerals: it just cannot verify today’s statement!

The big problem with Standard Listed companies is that there is no Nomad system to ensure that statements made by companies are verifiably true and not misleading. One must just rely on the integrity and honesty of directors, fine chaps like Alessandro Zamboni and those liars from Caracal Gold (GCAT). But when, as is the case with Technology Minerals (TM1), there is the stench of fraudster Chris Cleverly’s historic involvement you must surely feel slightly uneasy. You can bet the FCA does. And that is the problem with today’s RNS.


26 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: The US Election: polls, polls, polls - whichever way you look at it it is disastrous for the Democrats

I focus onMichigan, recent polls but also those in 2020 and 2016. That is awful for Joe Biden. But what if he is dumped? I look again at polls on how Donald Trump shapes up against other Democrats. But those pollls fail to take into account two big elephants one of whom is Kamala Harris and that makes things even worse for the Dems. As things stand the GOP will control all four branches of Govrrnment from 2025 as this is shaping up to be a self-inflicted bloodbath for the team in blue.


26 days ago

VINDICATION! GOTCHA! Dispensa auditor quits, VSA Capital quits, company to delist, FCA humiliated again

Natch, Dispensa (DISP) being bent shysters did not mention that Andrew Monk’s VSA Capital (VSA), where I am an unwitting shareholder, had quit but its name was NOT on today’s release and the word on the street is that VSA quit on Friday. I have reached out to the most famous son of Oriel College Oxford but he has declined to confirm. But following my shocking exposes last week HERE and, especially HERE where Carrado Coen became involved, Monkey just had no choice but well done to him anyway for biting the bullet. Gotcha!


26 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BONUS Bearcast: all studies show that diversity causes outperformance don't they?

As it happens, whatever the BBC insists every time this comes up, they do not and those that do, i.e McKinsey 2015,look flawed. What is so often overlooked or ignored is diversity of class and thought. I refer to Bud Light in that vein. The brilliant paper by Andrew Fox I reference is HERE.


26 days ago

Alessandro Zamboni thinks rules are for little people; 6 questions the FCA should be asking NOW!

When one is a director or a PDMR of a listed company and you buy or sell shares you should announce this to the market as soon as possible, within days. Those are the rules. But when your speciality is listing fraudulent companies, you take the view that rules only apply to little people, not to a person such as Alessandro Zamboni of Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and Regtech Open (RTOP) infamy.


26 days ago

Xtract Resources is running on fumes, shares sliding ever faster: statement re placing needed

I flagged this up in bearcast last week but the silence from Colin Bird’s Xtract Resources (XTR), London’s worst Nomad “Roland “fatty” Cornish and scumbag broker, the king of the spivs, Jon Bellis at bucket shop Novum is deafening. Shares in this perennial penny dreadful are now just 0.95p and sliding fast.


26 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Buying more shares today in a gold miner, tempted to lump the lot on this one

In today’s podcast I discuss my visit today to the Shipmans and frustration with NHS IT to get an appointment for another ailment, Versarien (VRS) and the issue of whisteblowers and then gold miners as I add to one holding and consider betting the ranch on it. I look at Centamin (CEY), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV), Ariana (AAU) and Amaroq (AMRQ).


26 days ago

Home Secretary James Cleverly hits out against his first cousin Chris of Tingo, African Potash and Technology Minerals infamy

Okay the Home Secretary does not name his cousin, one of the UK’s highest profile fraudsters thanks to the Tingo (TIO) scandal but in the tweet below talking about his new campaign “Stop! Think Fraud” he accepts the damage that fraud does. Cleverly’s cousin has caused investors to lose hundreds of millions of dollars and enabled crooks to cash in big time. But what Cleverly(James)  just cannot seem to understand is what is needed to tackle fraud. No politician gets it.


26 days ago

First the value destroyer king Millholland then the CEO now Canadian Overseas’ CFO walks and ToscaFund is out too

Ryan Gaffney has had enough and, following the chairman and CEO, has quit as the CFO of Canadian Overseas Petroleum Limited (COPL) with immediate effect. And why not? When a ship is sinking why wouldn’t you jump. The board says that it will be “ considering a process to identify qualified candidates to fill the position of Chief Financial Officer of the Company amidst ongoing restructuring discussions.“ Put another way it won’t be doing anything as they know this is a zero.


26 days ago

Is this proof that Tern that has been dumping Wyld shares?

Mangold a Swedish Investment bank published a commissioned report on Wyld Networks HERE. Mangold was the bank that helped in the last Wyld fundraise so you’d have to take its price targets with more than a pinch of salt.


26 days ago

Andrew Bell you don’t half talk hogwash

Writing as a loyal shareholder in Red Rock Resources (RRR), if only to remind me of what an idiot I can be, I am waiting for our new consultant, Mr. David Lenigas to weave his magic wand of value creation, that is to say penny share ramping. Pro tem we have death spiral news and complete bullshit from Andrew Bell.


26 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Bears will be delighted by news of the £2bn IPO of Evri, it stinks at every level

I start with news of a cruel and unusual punishment I suffered in Wrexham today and then it is onto reports that Evri is considering a £2 billion IPO. If it does its a day one stock to short.


26 days ago

Rats, or rather CV preservers, and sinking ships: the Supply@ME fraud is falling apart

Natch, the fraudsters at Supply@ME Capital (SYME) are not being honest about this but senior staffers outside the “insider gang” are getting out while they can without too much damage to their CV.


27 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: who is going to come and drink this?

I tried making elderflower champagne in glass bottles leaving the lids resting but not screwed in. The recipe said it would work. It did not. So I have tried again using plastic bottles. They should not explode if I burp them now and again but,I accept, they don’t look elegant. However…


28 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: AIM can be rescued and here is how

With fewer companies than at any point since November 2003 some think AIM is doomed. It is not. Here is how to rescue it. There is also an update on the most famous underpants of WW2.


28 days ago

Video: The Interest Rate Effect on Gold’s Breakout, target still $3,000

One minute, gold bulls tell you that inflation and rising rates are god for gold and then, as it fails to soar, we are told we need deflation and rates to plunge! Confused?


28 days ago

FCA Investigation: Operation Newhaven – Globo plc: Crime appears to pay! Another epic FCA Fail!

You remember Globo (GBO). I was a bear and pointed out numerous red flags even doorstepping it in Athens. Roger Lawson of ShareSoc said I was wrong and did not understand tech stocks like he did, Globo had £40 million of cash and was profitable. Then Gabriel Grego compiled a bombshell dossier. Snot gobbler Dan McCrum at the FT did not have the balls to publish it but alerted the CEO who sold millions of pounds worth of shares over the four days until I obtained and published the dossier, the shares were then suspended, there was no cash, no profits it was a fraud, a slam dunk fraud. But it seems that crime does pay.


28 days ago

Now really is a good time to short Avacta, its shareholder base is terribly naive

I started writing about biotech and emerging pharma stocks more than 30 years ago when I was at the Investors Chronicle. The army of PI cheerleaders for Avacta (AVCT) probably have not heard of British Biotech, a £2 billion blow up, of ML Labs a half a billion blow up. Almost thirty years ago I exposed both companies for the overvalued crocks they were and also for the way that they duped investors with misleading releases


28 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Xtract, its balance sheet is not real and it must be doing a placing soon?

In today’s podcast I discuss, at length, Dispensa (DISP) and the other three worthless companies in that stable with reference to intangible assets. I then move to Colin Bird’s Xtract Resources (XTR) which is, I reckon, running on vapours and whose balance sheet is also, almost entirely, intangibles.. Then there is Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and another RNS that stinks, Kefi (KEFI), chat to ‘arry as folks plague me and Ben’s Creek (BEN) and why it is a zero. 


28 days ago

The FCA and Disgraced Link fight off Harcus Parker legal challenge on Neil Woodford Settlement: judgement in full

I do not think that the settlement the FCA and ACD Link agreed to compensate victims of Neil Woodford is a fair and good one. I believe as the ACD which was clearly massively negligent, Link should have paid more and that somehow Woodford himself should be paying as should the FCA itself for ignoring hundreds of warnings from myself and Cynical Bear dating back to 2015. But that is neither here nor there. 


29 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: US and UK Elections and Ukraine - the latest Nigel Farage Russia smear and when not if Joe Biden is axed

After a disastrous debate for Joe Biden I lookat two polls appearng before it all of which suggest he may well be axed within weeks as the Democrat presumptive nominee, then I look at the latest Farage Russia smear and the UK election likely outcomes and at what is happening in Ukraine and the delusional peace terms of the West and of the cokehead Zelensky.


30 days ago

BREAKING: Dispensa – repeated failures to impair Goodwill, a £20m deceit!

Yesterday I made a minor error with regard to the goodwill at Dispensa (DISP), the crock formerly known as Zamaz. The other accounting howlers and deceits I Identified stand. I have now looked into the goodwill in far more detail. And what emerges is a scandal of at least £20 million which I will be urging my pals at the FRC to look into at once.


30 days ago

Vindicated again: Ben’s Creek ‘fesses to cash crisis and CEO Adam Wilson is being resigned

On Michael Walters day it would be rude not to start a tale of another disaster of the sort in which he specialized in any other way than by saying “Oh dear, Oh dear.” As I have warned for a while, most recently HERE, trading at Ben’s Creek (BEN) is dire and the company faces a cash crisis. And so today we have a ‘fess up RNS and, as a bonus, CEO and founder Adam Wilson will “be resigned” as soon as someone can be found to commit CV hara kiri and take over. More ouzo for the sheriff!


30 days ago

VSA Capital caves to Silverwood, told y’all

As a loyal, if wholly unwitting, shareholder in Aquis listed VSA Capital (VSA) perhaps I should not crow to much about the news that humble pie is on the menu today at Oriel College Oxford. That Andrew Monk and his team have climbed down in this legal tussle which will see another material writedown in the balance sheet is embarrassing but it is also sensible and for that I offer praise where it is due. Well done Monkey! Let me explain.


30 days ago

DS Smith – possible offer from Mondi

Packaging company DS Smith (SMDS) has confirmed an “expression of interest” from Mondi plc (MNDI) and that it “understands that Mondi is considering a possible offer”. What of the news currently helping shares in DS Smith more than 10% higher to 311p?


30 days ago

BREAKING: Tintra faces up winding up order, what is JP Jenkins playing at?

I have warned JP Jenkins a number of times about Tintra (TNT), formerly the AIM Company of the year 2022. But despite shocking exposes like this one yesterday, JPJ seems happy to allow shares to be traded on its platform. Well maybe the winding up order might just change that? I kid you not.


30 days ago

So farewell then MichaelWalters.com

A kind reader points out that disgraced share tipster Old Mother Walters, Mike to his good pal jailbird Asil Nadir, has shut down his share tipping website. Oh dear, Oh Dear, as Mike, once of the Daily Mail, would have said when yet another of his disastrous share tips crashed, burned and ‘fessed up that it was a fraud or was nailed by a regulator.


30 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Anavio will not believe its luck as worthless Canadian Overseas shares zoom ahead by 117%

I start with a Cambridge University sports report and an apology to a reader who feels chastised. Then it is on to Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), Regtech Open (RTOP) , Eight Capital Partners (ECP), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD) and Dispensa (DISP), Strategic Minerals (SML), DS Smith (SMDS) and Revolution Beauty (REVB)


30 days ago

BOOM! GOTCHA! Dispensa, as shares collapse: more exposes of accounting high jinks, when will the rats start to jump, 3 questions for the FRC to ponder!

My shocking expose of Dispensa (DISP), the crock formerly known as Zamaz, where I’ve been a perma bear since its September 2 2022 IPO at 11p seems to have somebody panicking. The shares have today crashed by 42% to just 0.95p. Which will be the next rat to jump as there is far worse to come. I shall kick off with a couple of questions for those such as PR goons Walbrook and VSA Capital, where I am unwitting shareholder, to consider as they ponder how much more reputational damage they can tolerate.


31 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: summer pudding

Okay the bread and sugar was bought in but the raspberries, blackcurrants and strawberries were all home grown. With my weight now down three stone this year at just 14 stones, I broke my rigid diet and had a small portion with a bit of cream. It was delicious and the family demands that I make another pudding this weekend. We might be a tad short of raspberries so for pudding two I have bought some blackberries from Tesco to add to the mix


31 days ago

BREAKING EXPOSE: Tintra Limited – did Tintra avoid £1 million in liabilities & screw its creditors by dumping St Daniel House

Tintra Plc (TNT) now Tintra Limited, trading on JP Jenkins but formerly the AIM Company of the Year 2022,  had a history of dumping loss making and insolvent subsidiaries for nominal consideration and recording large profits on their disposal.  But was this all a deception? I have a £1 million expose which suggests that it was.


31 days ago

AIM Casino Market Statistics for January 2024: now back to November 2003 levels

The New Year has started with a further decline of a net 9 companies with 2 New Issues and 11 Cancellations taking the market down to 744 companies. That means that “the world’s most successful growth market” now has fewer companies listed than at any time since November 2003. But in 2003 the casino was expanding with a net 50 companies joining. These days the Casino is reversing faster than an Italian battle tank.


31 days ago

World Chess: today’s placing makes no sense and stinks

I flagged up in a recent bearcast some of the numerous red flags in which Standard Listed World Chess (CHSS), a shocking IPO organized by the scallywags at Novum, is drowning. Today comes a real stinker. At the time of my warning the shares were 5p. They are now 2p-4p.


31 days ago

Iconic Labs – epic dilution continues

Iconic (ICON) may have recently announced a change of Board and Strategy but the share dumping by European High Growth Opportunities Securitization Fund (EHGOF) continues and in yesterday’s RNS Iconic announced the following:


31 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The Barratt Redrow merger impresses me less than the chutzpah of Neill Ricketts

This is recorded early as I head off on a road trip supporting my daughter’s sport. After discussing that I cover: Barratt (BDEV), Redrow (RDW), PZ Cussons (PZC), Vast Resources (VAST), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and Vin Murria on buy and build, Verditek (VDTK) and Versarien (VRS) and the shameful greed of Neill Ricketts.


31 days ago

Helium One Discount placing statement & share price action this week stink

Well knock me down with a frigging feather. As flagged up in bearcast yesterday, Helium One (HE1) has undertaken a placing raising £4.7 million at 1.5p. As the prior placing around Christmas was at just 0.25p one should give praise where praise is due to CEO Lorna Blaisse but with respect to Lorna the statement stinks.


31 days ago

Verditek: Gotcha! Lying scumbags enabled by Richard “Gollum” Gill and the inaction of the Oxymorons

Oh dear, Oh dear as the shamed tipster “old Mother” Mike Walters used to say when one of his shite share tips went horribly wrong. Oh wait: Verditek (VDTK) was one of his shite share tips! Its shares were 20p at peak Walters enthusiasm. They are now 0.11p after an admission today that it is giving up the solar panels business and becoming a cash shell, albeit with almost no cash. The big red flag here which Walters overlooked was that Verditek repeatedly lied about contracts won to get placings away only to ‘fess up afterwards that the contracts, even those described as take or pay, had not happened. So, serial lying and thus fraud…always a bit of a red flag.


31 days ago

Dominic Frisby Election anthem Codswallop, an eloquent ode to Nigel Farage and Reform

Dominic had hoped this would be the official Reform battle song but perhaps it is a bit too rude. However, Codswallop is another classic from my friend. Enjoy…


32 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel: wandering through my now cleansed olive grove and preparing for summer pudding

The strawberries keep on coming but as you can see below we now have blackcurrants aplenty and the first raspberries, golden and red. It is almost time for summer pudding. Meanwhile I have been active in the top field where one day I hope to keep goats.


33 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: Farage is NOT a Russian asset, the establishment hit job in an election in a country where everything is broken

The car below is another every day reminder to me of how everything the State is meant to do seems broken despite taxes being at a 70 year high and debt being almost 100% of GDP, on bodged numbers. The real number is even worse. And so to a pal from Oxford who asked and to anyone else who cares, I just say that I do not really care who wins. But egged on by a vile establishment hit job on Nigel Farage, with whom, as long term readers know, I have often disagreed, I am going to vote ReformUK just as a screw you vote against that same establishment within the political and media class GroupThink. The lavatory seeping shit into the River Dee photo article is HERE and expressed a similar sentiment to this podcast.



33 days ago

NightCap tell us what happened at Barrio Watford as you contemplate insolvency within weeks?

On 12 September 2022 Sarah Willingham and her NightCap (NGHT) chain issued an RNS “Barrio Familia Group Watford Opening”


33 days ago

A £1.4 billion cash guzzler run by a prize bullshitter – still a short

I cannot imagine what institutions were thinking as they piled into Oxford Nanopore (ONT) at 425p in its September 2021 IPO. Maybe it was the Neil Woodford hype? The deadwood press has certainly sucked up press releases and gave it the full promote. But a valuation of £3.7 billion for a business which was a massive cash guzzler and would be for years to come was insane, as I suggested at the time.


33 days ago

BREAKING: Versarien: After 11 months doing nothing for £21,000 a month, disgraced, greedy fat bastard Neill Ricketts demands even more money

The breaking news today is that Neill Ricketts, the man who must take the credit for Versarien (VRS) shares plunging from 200p at peak ramp to just 0.15p today has filed a series of legal claims against the company demanding even more money. Words almost fail me.


33 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Skinbiotherapeutics does not impress this shareholder with its dissembling Dermatonics trading statement

I start with Wales and how not to make it richer. Then I look at Dave Lenigas run Pennpetro (PPP), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Helium One (HE1), Futura Medical (FUM) and Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX).


33 days ago

Video: Quoth the Raven - No Soft Landing In Sight, Means Unavoidable Performance in Hard Assets

Foul mouthed ( and I say that as praise) podcaster Chris Irons of Quoth the Raven is still a bear but seems to have become a bitcoin bull.


36 days ago

Chatroom warriors celebrate as Lucian Miers stiffed (geddit?) by Futura Medical trading statement

Before they celebrate too much the gerbils should realise that even though the shares are up by 34% today at 37.1p the bard of the Boleyn is still way ahead on is short bet. But perhaps the trading statement marks a turning point for this producer of Eroxon, a treatment for Erectile Dysfunction which most customers appear to think is useless.


36 days ago

KERBOOM: Eight Capital Partners and Dispensa: back to Palermo FC, how on earth are advisors Cairn and VSA allowing this farce to continue?

In the old days, owners of a British football club had to pass a “fit and proper test”. Some right old wrong’uns passed the test including the bouncing Czech Robert Maxwell, Putin’s buddy Roman Abramovich and those dodgy geezers from Iceland who, for a while owned the mighty Hammers. In theory the same sort of principles apply to companies listing on Aquis or the Standard List regulated, no sniggering at the back, by the FCA. But do they?


36 days ago

How to create a £2. 5 - £7.5 million life sciences portfolio in 10 years the Welsh Way: start with £ 50 million!

Earlier today I flagged up the horrific and seemingly somewhat iffy way that £7.8 million of Welsh Government money had been spaffed on soon to go bust Reneuron (RENE), to transfer just 25 jobs from England to the rain sodden post industrial second world nation of Wales. But it seems that this is just the tip of the iceberg. I write this as the father of Welsh speaking, proudly Welsh kids, living in Wales. As he prepares a school project for St David’s Day describing a Welsh hero, young Joshua may read this article and in honour of Owain Glyndŵr punish me by burning down some of our barns.


36 days ago

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Novacyt dissembles on bad news from Taiwan but hides a bigger bust up with Thermo Fisher

As I explained on Sunday in bearcast, the donkey Novacyt (NCYT)will either get a one way trip to the glue factory in June if it loses a £134 million legal case with HMG or, in a best case scenario, take the same trip early next year when it runs out of cash. Today it has dissembled about bad news from Taiwan but it is hiding the really bad news, a bust up with Thermo Fisher.


36 days ago

BREAKING: ReNeuron – the £15 million the taxpayer has spaffed with the English as bad as the Welsh

Yesterday shares in Reneuron (RENE) were suspended pending clarification. We did warn folks but sadly shareholders who ignored us will almost certainly lose everything. But that is their call. The real scandal is that we all, as taxpayers, have taken a £15m hit.


36 days ago

Utterly disgraceful ReNeuron Group: £5m spunked in 4 months, shares suspended pending clarification - £8m spaffed by Welsh Government

On November 8 Reneuron (RENE) said that it had £5.1 million in the bank as at 30 September, a cash runway until April this year and that ”the outlook for the business remained positive provided it could retain its’ highly dedicated team of scientists, further develop and verify the CustomEX™ exosome delivery platform and conclude validating industry partnerships.” Today the shares have been suspended pending clarification.


36 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice! Lessons from Bidstack and is Ben's Creek a zero?

I end with apple trees, I start with lessons from Bidstack (BIDS). Then it is World Chess (CHSS), Bushveld Minerals (BMN), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD), Regtech Open (RTOP), Zamaz (ZAMZ) and Ben’s Creek (BEN)


36 days ago

Upland Resources – another strategy and operational update as new warrant shares start trading today. Handy...

The week that the spoof bid was promoted as credible by Upland Resources (UPL) was, conveniently for it, the week a shed load of new shares from warrant exercises started trading. As the gerbils rushed to buy that stock was quickly absorbed. Today another stack of warrant shares start trading and conveniently enough there is an operations update to accompany it. Handy.


37 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: The Strawberry Production line at full tilt

The freezer is starting to bulge.  The strawberry patches have now been bearing fruit for almost two weeks and there seems no end. Each evening a new basket arrives in the house: a snack box for Joshua, strawberries for my porridge at breakfast, snacking strawberries to help give the Mrs 5 a day. Then some will go into ice cream, the freezer now holds six litres ofthe stuff. The rest go on trays to freeze and then into bags which are also piling up in the freezer.  the good news is that raspberries (golden and red), dessert gooseberries and blackcurrants are also now ripe so this weekend I shall be serving up, but not eating myself, the first summer pudding of the year.


37 days ago

Argo Blockchain piss poor January, blames the wrong kind of snow

Excuses are like arseholes. We all have them and nobody cares. And so just four weeks after raising £7.8 million at 20.5p Argo Blockchain (ARB) has fessed to a piss poor January but of course it is not its fault. The shares are now 14.75p suggesting that the placees, suckered in by a ramp up to 34p, have already been well and truly bummed. But not as bummed as those private investors who fell for the ramp.


37 days ago

As Bidstack looks set for insolvency, the words of the man who reckons it is all down to the evil Israelis and their paid lackey Tom Winnifrith

On the ADVFN Bulletin Board Aidenabettin was a fully fledged Jew hater well before it became such a fashionable thing to be on campuses across the West. If Bidstack (BIDS) had any problems it was ALL down to the Israelis and to their paid lackey my good self, a FUDThe classic work of this loathsome anti-semite I exposed HERE.


37 days ago

Letter to AIM Regulation – Verditek again (this is getting silly)

I have written to the Oxymorons once again about Verditek (VDTK). I am beginning to think that Marcus Stuttard and his crack troops do not give a FF about maintaining an orderly market.


37 days ago

Bidstack – those dreaded words “strategic review” – The fat lady should book a gig for April Fools day

Oh dear, oh dear. As so often predicted, the stockmarket career of Lyin’ James Draper and Bidstack (BIDS) really is going to end in tears. That is bad news for cross dressing IT consultant Mike Turner, a celebratory ouzo for the Sheriff of AIM.


37 days ago

Boatman Capital, Cathal Friel & Evil Banksta the latest speakers announced for Sharestock on September 7

It is still 215 days away but preparations for THE investor event of the year, ShareStock, are well underway with the first seven main stage speakers, the Welsh choir and Chef Vijay already booked in. You can now book your place at my 1650 built home on the banks of the river Dee HERE


37 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: In detail why Novacyt and Avacta are both shorts

I explain why Novacyt (NCYT) is a zero and Avacta (AVCT) is not a zero but at two levels is a short. I also discuss how companies pretend that the cost of an acquisition is less than its true cost ref Novacyt and also Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX). And I have updates on Sharestock 2024, more details and ticket booking can be found HERE


37 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: UKOG minus 99.99% who benefits from it not being killed off years ago?

In this podcast I discuss Live Company Group (LVCG) as the Oxymorons ignore the strict rules yet again and UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), always a worthless company with worthless assets managed by a liar. Who has lost out from it not being killed off years ago?


37 days ago

Video: Gold – The Ultimate Solution to Modern Problems

Asset manager Dr. Stephen Leeb argues that recent China worries are overcooked.  He says that the recent slump in China’s stocks has minimal effect on its general economy, albeit it may discourage some foreign investment. He argues that China’s economic model takes a different approach, focusing largely on knowledge generation and innovation rather than relying heavily on financial markets.


37 days ago

On David Lenigas day, his UKOG baby takes a Turkish bath and is now minus 99.99% - worse will follow

Andrew Bell reckons that David Lenigas knows how to create value. Hmmmm. On the day that Bell appointed Lenigas to drive the “new phase of growth” at Red Rock Resources (RRR), after a last phase of growth that has seen shareholders lost 92% in three years, Lenigas created UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) had yet more disastrous news and its shares are now minus 99.99% down from peak ramp. And you know what? It is going to get even worse.


43 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: George Orwell, Ian Hislop, The Reform Party, the BBC and its Verify Unit

My Dad wrote a book on 1984 and was upbeat. I am not sure that he, and his pal Bill Whitehead, would be so upbeat today. In this podcast I discuss Orwell, the BBC, its Verify Unit, Hislop on Orwell and the Reform Party of Nigel Farage, Trump and Putin.


44 days ago

The BBC: Pity the Poor Shipmans begging from charities to survive. I call it out for FAKE NEWS!

Yes GPs really are having to seek charity handouts says the BBC as you can see below. Bloody hell the Tories are evil bastards. I really must vote for the sort of progressive party that the state funded broadcaster wants me to support. I wonder, has the BBC’s Verify Unit not fact checked, what is so obviously fake news.


45 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: The EU Elections, the UK & US elections and Ukraine

I start with the results in Europe and what they mean for Ukraine but also what they hint at in the UK and US elections. In the UK I believe that Reform is now ahead of the Tories in the North, the Midlands, Wales, East Anglia and the South West. I discuss its likely vote (large) and seats (small) and just how few seats the wretched Tories will win. In the US I discuss two now convicted felons: President Trump and Hunter Biden concluding neither conviction alters the November race much but the failing mental health of Hunter’s Dad is becoming more of an issue. I suggest that 4 states considered swing states are now firmly Republican while at leat two, maybe more, considered likely Dem are now “in play”.The polling data looks ever more grim for President Biden and his candidacy in November is increasingly less of a given. In Ukraine it gets worse and worse for Ukraine as I detail.


46 days ago

Amaroq Minerals – Nalunaq exploration results provide further resource and mining potential

Greenland minerals development and exploration company Amaroq Minerals (AMRQ) has announced further exploration results from its flagship Nalunaq project following its 2023 exploration programme, including identifying further resource and mining potential.


46 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: TW is not calling out Supply@ME Capital as a fraud anymore, it is time to buy! Oh yeah?

In today’s Bearcast I look at the insolvent fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME), musicMagpie (MMAG), Parkmead Group (PMG), Upland Resources (UPL), Wishbone Gold (WSBN), Red Rock Resources (RRR), and Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) and my old sparring partners at Tosser Fund.


46 days ago

Doling out more strawberries at the Welsh Hovel – basket four picked today

I rather wish I had not bothered watering my vegetables today as God has just watered them with a vengeance. Wales really has been wet this summer which, like the drought of a couple of years ago, will be cited by the GroupThink as definitive proof of global warming.


46 days ago

BREAKING: Tintra Limited – who is lying about ownership of shares in Indomanange?

Earlier I flagged up the scandalous listing of Tintra (TNT) on JP Jenkins. It is my contention that the company mislead investors in numerous ways allowing insiders to make millions from dumping share at hugely inflated prices. And in that vein, here is another oddity that the folks at JP Jenkins should be considering as a matter of urgency.


46 days ago

Cavendish on Skinbiotherapeutics – I know how keen it is on Skins comment being “open source” so here is its note & forecasts

I know how keen the moronic weasel Giles Balleny at Cavendish is on all material regarding Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) being “open source” and so since his employer’s research notes are only available to a select few I reproduce the note out today below to help him out. There is no need to thank me for sparing you from the charge of a double standard, Giles, you knob. However, the note which covers the crap Dermatonics deal, I fear, begs more questions than it answers.


46 days ago

BREAKING: All the talents now aligned (irony), Mr. David Lenigas joins Andrew Bell and Fatty at Red Rock Resources

What could possibly go wrong for my old pal Andrew Bell and Red Rock Resources (RRR) where I am NOT recommending the shares, at a wretched 0.0775p, but where I remain a loyal shareholder to remind me what a prize prick I can be at times.


46 days ago

Essentra – Q4 trading update, “well positioned” to make progress: BUY

International components company Essentra (ESNT) has issued a trading update including that its 2023 expectations remain unchanged and emphasising that, “underpinned by its breadth of customers, end market categories and geographical diversification, Essentra is well positioned”. What now with the shares currently up to 161.6p in response?


46 days ago

The dangers of extrapolating from the personal to the entirety: ref Optibiotix

I am all for really kicking the tyres of a company which you are investing in or shorting. Lucian did his waistline no favours heading off to sample the heart attack inducing cakes of Cake Box (CBOX) but it was worth it in the name of research. But sometimes the personal experience can be misleading.


47 days ago

The “Far Right” wins in Europe, blame Nigel Farage: translating what the bien pensants mean with this slur

By Far Right, or as they sometimes put it Fascist, they mean anyone who questions the narrative that record immigration creates diversity, wealth and is a wholly good thing, who believes that there is no shame in being proud of your nation state and its past or that there are not 108 genders and that our kids should not be sexualised at primary school. If you dare question man made global warming, giving unlimited and unquestioning support to Ukraine or suggest that the reaction to covid was overblown you may also be deemed far right or a fascist. So who do I mean by “they”?



47 days ago

Hating the BBC more every day – boycotting Israel is a given good while Dr Who has always been gay?

Barely a day goes by when I do not find a reason to hate the BBC even more. Today there are two.


48 days ago

BREAKING: Tintra – vomit making video reminds me of Tingo: shares join JP Jenkins (pro tem)

I have written to my old pal Malcolm Burne in utter horror as I received the email below from his matched bargain platform JP Jenkins boasting that Tintra (TNT), the AIM Company of the year 2022, had joined JPJ. Our exposes on this website were countless but in essence, insiders dumped vast numbers of shares at hugely inflated prices on the back of spoof fundings at a huge premium which did not happen, then a takeover at 150p which did not happen and a tender offer at 150p which Tintra says may still happen but has not. And it will not.


48 days ago

Twitter moron & TW troll of the day is a shareholder in Regtech Open

For the record, shares in the insolvent fraud Regtech Open (RTOP) were listed at 100p on August 25 2023. A month later they hit 314p. Today they are 6.22p and they will go to zero. I have been a perma bear, but in a parallel universe Bubbles tweets away happily on both Regtech and the sister fraud Supply@MECapital (SYME), where he is also long and strong as its shares hit new record lows. Bubbles is a moron as you can see below. 


48 days ago

Evil Banksta Writes to a Petrofac Bulletin Board Loon as a Proper Conservative MP should Respond

Some folks are calling for a ban on shorting and have written to their MPs demanding that Petrofac (PFC) and others be saved from the wicked bears. As I explained in bearcast earlier with the case study of World Chess (CHSS), bears and shorters are actually much needed. Now Evil Banksta has responded as a proper Tory MP should.


48 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: World Chess and its utterly insane valuation shows exactly why bears and shorters are needed

I start with a rant about how the MCC is annoying me today. Then onto why I should sack Steve Moore, World Chess (CHSS), Tingo (TIO) and an email from Nate, Guild ESports (GILD), Verditek (VDTK), Made Tech (MTEC),musicMagpie (MMAG) and ITM Energy (ITM)


48 days ago

BREAKING: Roquefort Therapeutics – after the Ashington blow up is this crock technically insolvent yet?

I have warned before that Roquefort Therapeutics (ROQ) is a Standard listed crock of shite that will end in tears for shareholders. I now ask the question of whether it is already technically insolvent? That matters given the stink around Ashington Innovation (ASHI).


48 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel: The strawberry glut

This is the first basket of strawberries from the garden. Both Joshua and Jaya are happy to assist in picking although the former eats almost as many as he picks and the latter is more into supervising. The first two baskets have generated gifts for three neighbours, two trays of frozen berries for the autumn, two school snack boxes for Joshua, two litres of ice cream and 2 kg of strawberry jam.


51 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: the nudes of the ex girlfriend

Those who know the Welsh Hovel in which I live will remember that the most hovelish part was a two room office from the Edwardian era, tacked on to the original 1650 farmhouse. My priority since we arrived five years ago has been renovating the main house and barns and transforming the fields and garden. This year I finally addressed the office block as you can see below.


51 days ago

D-day: Should Eisenhower have been tried for war crimes?

Of course the answer is “no.” Okay, troops following his orders killed up to 20,000 French civilians but nobody, that I am aware of, is suggesting that old Ike was guilty of a war crime.  But here is the rub: Allied Forces did not text French civilians suggesting they leave areas near the Normandy beaches,they did not drop millions of leaflets warning them to scarper, the bombardment that proceeded the landings was not pin point accurate and targetted it was, as they say about Gaza “indiscriminate.”


51 days ago

D Day: The BBC and others are rewriting history

The BBC’s Radio 4 is going overboard on D Day coverage. Quite right too.  This is an 80 year anniversary of of the key and most glorious events in British history. But that history is being rewritten.


52 days ago

Is this peak Guardian lunacy? Going to the gym will make you more likely to vote for Farage

I think the author of this piece, Zoe Williams, is a pal, or used to be, of my public sector working, lefty little sister N. But at least N is not this mad. Zoe reckons if you start working out at the gym you will become more right wing. No, this is not a parody, folks really do pay to read this nonsense.


52 days ago

The ancestral home in Donegal is up for sale, sadly I do not have 1.95 million Euro to spare

It is a pity, for Edenmoor in Co. Donegal is a fine place and has been restored well since my late father and I visited it back in the mid eighties. That was before the Good Friday agreement and as dad and I drove through the border counties from Belfast there was more than one inappropriate joke made about IRA men lurking in the shadows around the next corner.


53 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: the US election after the Stormy Daniels case, the Ukrainian war and the British election as Farage steps up to the plate

I start with Nigel Farage and his decision to lead Reform and stand in Clacton. What does it mean for the results for Reform, Labour and the wretched Tories? I put this in context of a mood of unease and unhappiness across Europe ahead of EU elections this weekend where insurgents will make big gains. I voted Tory last time and was planning to spoil my ballot paper. this time. I may still do that on July 4th but many of us who are disgusted with the entire political class will back Farage. I don’t like some of what he says, notably on immigration. But we should have a debate on that subject and the established parties just won’t allow that.  Then it is to the US where I sense the kangaroo court conviction of Donald Trump does not change the likely outcome. Then to Ukraine where the western media is distracting us again. The real story is not Kharkov but Chasov Yar. That is bad for Ukraine and that, in turn, is bad for Biden and Western leaders some of whose rhetoric is now simply insane.


55 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: First Strawberries

I have built four strawberry patches here at the Welsh Hovel. Joshua and I have weeded hard and this year we are set for a bumper crop. Last week the first red appeared on the strawberries this weekend we have red strawberries. Joshua wanders into the main patch for a snack several times a day. Soon there will be jam and ice cream made, although the first ice cream of the year will be elderflower and will be made later today. But for pudding at lunchtime today it was strawberries and cream. And there is plenty more where that all came from.


56 days ago

Tern stands its corner at Talking Medicines Ltd, another shite investment, do folks ever look at annual reports?

Talking about pissing good money after bad. Having raised £400,000 gross (call it £370,000 net) just eight days ago, Tern (TERN) has today spaffed £100,000 standing its corner at Talking Medicines Ltd, an eleven year old cash guzzling crock from Glasgow. Its last accounts are shocking.


56 days ago

Video: Excessive Borrowing and Money Creation is Delaying the Inescapable Depression

Former asset manager Peter Grandich believes that the much-anticipated recession hasn’t yet arrived due to rampant money creation and continuous borrowing. He challenges the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ data, believing its reported market conditions to be milder than reality. He spotlights the increasing number of Americans relying on food banks, living paycheck to paycheck, and articulates his belief that an impending recession is not a matter of “if,” but “when.”


56 days ago

Did Zamboni cough £500,000 to the Supply fraud yesterday and does the FCA care any more?

Yesterday was the long standing due date for Alessandro Zamboni’s technically insolvent and delinquent in its filings Avantgarde Group (TAG) to make its final payment of £500,000 to the technically insolvent fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) in respect of the purchase consideration of £2 million for the sale of 81% of Tradeflow Capital.


56 days ago

Live Company Group and Advanced Oncotherapy statements – do any rules on the AIM casino matter these days?

For having their shares suspended for more than six months because of a failure to publish interim and full year accounts, Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) and Live Company (LVCG) should have been booted off the AIM sewer on January 1 and February 1 (today) respectively. But on the “world’s most successful growth market” it seems that rules just do not matter. Or perhaps because it is shrinking so rapidly, the regulators will not boot anyone off. In both cases, the companies are – as things stand – insolvent.


56 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: at least BSF Enterprises is honest in its Results RNS but its shares will collapse anyway

I start with thanks for your best wishes on my date with the Shipmans, including a very foxy Asian babe junior Shipman, yesterday. Then it is onto Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), paranoid advisors, Inspiration Healthcare (IHC), Guild ESports (GLD), BSF Enterprises (BSFA), Vast Resources (VAST) where a new GM must surely be called for another share consolidation and Supply@ME Capital (SYME)


56 days ago

Letter to the FCA: Guild must restate misleading results announced today and this time it must be censured

For the second year in succession, Guild Esports (GILD) has today released prelims which are grossly deceptive and misleading as I exposed HERE. Last year I got the FCA which regulates, no sniggering at the back, the Standard List to force Guild to restate. I have written to the woke warriors urging it not only to force a restatement but more. The letter is below.


56 days ago

BREAKING: Guild Esports results snuck out mid morning, David Beckham’s pals DECEIVE INVESTORS AGAIN!

Issuing your results not at 7 AM but, mid-morning when folks like Roland “Fatty” Cornish are already pondering waddling away from their desks and off to luncheon is always a bit of a red flag. So is issuing them on the last possible day to avoid a share suspension. And that brings us to the 11.10 AM release of results for the year to September 30 from e-gaming group Guild Esports (GILD).The bad news is buried deep inside the text where no chat room morons will bother to read. Worse still the directors, AGAIN, actively mislead investors with regard to the material uncertainty and the need to do a fund raise.


57 days ago

MGC Pharmaceuticals – do the maths dummies, I'm 99.2% ahead on this bear call and it is going to go from £15m now to zero

On November 1 2022, I published a red flags dossier on Turner Pope spoof MGC Pharmaceuticals (MXC) with the shares at 2.25p giving a market cap of £70 million. Wind forward 15 months and after a 1000 for 1 consolidation the shares are 18p meaning that those who mocked my advice have lost 99.2% of their hard earned. But so many gazillion pieces of worthless confetti have been issued that the market cap is still £15 million and today’s quarterlies suggest that is way too high as yet another cash crisis looms.


57 days ago

Letter to AIM Regulation: Regarding Advanced Oncotherapy you are now taking the piss: Rules are rules aren’t they?

I am not talking about imaginary rules dreamt up by the wretched poltroon Giles Balleny at Cavendish and the bearded buffoon Stuart Ashman but real AIM Rules, specifically the one that if shares are suspended for more than six months because of a failure to publish accounts, those shares are slung off AIM. But sometimes they are not. I have written to the Oxymorons at AIM regulation regarding Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO), where I own 1 share allowing me to attend AGMs but have been a perennial bear.


57 days ago

Evil Banksta puts PierotLunaire and other Harland & Wolff bulls straight on the debt mountain, the shares are thus worth 0p

Evil Banksta and I regard the debt mountain at Harland & Wolff (HARL) as the stake upon it will, in due course, be impaled. But our comments room savant PierotLunaire reckons that he knows better. Plus ca change.


57 days ago

OptiBiotix Health – “SweetBiotix Update”, potential to be transformational this year, price target likely to be increased

OptiBiotix Health (OPTI) has issued a “SweetBiotix Update” announcement. It is a, non-regulatory, RNS Reach, immediately signalling no commercial deal yet, but there are clear signs of progress towards material deals. So what of the shares currently up at 29p in response?


57 days ago

Riverstone Credit Opportunities Income & Harland & Wolff: can this really be deemed prudent?

Riverstone Credit Opportunities Income (RCOI) is a main market listed energy infrastructure and energy-transition credit investor. In its wisdom it has leant money to Harland & Wolff (HARL) which, as Evil Banksta explains HERE, is drowning in red flags and debt and is burning cash and cannot hope to refinance. Liverpool’s greatest numbers man since Ken Dodd reckons that Harland is a zero..


57 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: My tip of the year is looking ever better, despite the antics of the bearded liar

In today’s podcast I discuss Voyager Life (VOY), musicMagpie (MMAG), Oxford Cannabinoid (OCTP), Argentex (AGFX), and Optibiotix (OPTI)


57 days ago

Oxford Cannabinoid – a death spiral AND a bailout placing to avoid technical insolvency within weeks

Of course Oxford Cannabinoid (OCTP) pretends in its release that the death spiral is an “investment”. Whatever. The fact that it cannot even be honest about that tells you everything about this entity and its CEO Clarissa Sowemimo-Coker. Crazy name. Crazy gal. Before we look at the quite desperate refinancing have a butchers at the interims which also came out today.


57 days ago

Canadian Overseas – what’s another billion odd pieces of worthless confetti

WHEN and not IF this company goes bust I shall be drinking Schadenfreude all day as I consider the morally bankrupt bellends at Yellow Jersey PR who smeared me on RNS or Felix, the peasant who thinks Gary Newman and I should be jail or the vermin who trolled my poor wife on twitter. I shall be merciless in my glee as I consider their suffering. Meanwhile today another billion odd pieces of confetti have been issued and that does not reduce borrowings of c $60 million by one cent!


57 days ago

musicMagpie Letter to AIM Regulation: statement needed

The Oxymorons at AIM Regulation maybe busy reading ESG porn or dealing with the antics of poltroon Giles Balleny at Cavendish. If they do have a spare moment they should consider why shares in musicMagpie (MMAG) have collapsed in recent days and be forcing a statement. I am 99 sure I know the reasons but it would be nice to have that confirmed. I have sent the letter below by email:


58 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel: half term fun making elderflower cordial as the cat watches on

The big elderflower bush is at the top of the top field at the far end next to the graveyard. A track around that field was cut but is already growing back rapidly and will need strimming again this weekend. As for the area around the bush and around the olive, mulberry and sweet chestnut trees I have planted up there, Mr Strimmer is needed badly.


58 days ago

AIM Regulation and Stuart Ashman: the Oxymorons don’t answer the question and I persist

The bearded poltroon in charge of Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), where I remain a loyal shareholder, says that “rules are rules” and that AIM Regulation has insisted that he cannot do a video interview with me inside a paywall. That is a lie and I am now in dialogue with the Oxymorons who so far, as you can see, are evasive. For what it is worth, hapless moron Giles Balleny at Nomad Cavendish has already been shown to be lying by events elsewhere.


58 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the man fobbing off HMRC to bet the ranch on Chris Cleverly created Technology Minerals

Wish me luck for tomorrow, you may get an early Bearcast ahead of my date with the Shipman’s. In today’s podcast I look at Technology Minerals (TM1), Chill Brands (CHLL), Powerhouse Energy (PHE), Hydrogen Utopia (HUI) and Inspecs (SPEC).


58 days ago

BREAKING: Did Nomad and Broker Allenby pull a fast one on the Chill Brands placing?

Late on Thursday night the final placing letters were received and Allenby wrapped up on a 3.75p £1.2 million placing for Chill Brands (CHLL) having missed its targets by a country mile. Within hours the press was reporting Government plans to ban disposable vapes, Chill’s product. The placing only actually settles on Wednesday 31st so should places be able to get it reversed and get their hard-earned back?


58 days ago

Chill Brands responds to the Government disposable vaping ban but, natch, dishonestly

As first reported in the early hours of last Friday, the Government has outlined plans to ban disposable vapes and to crack down on the whole vaping sector. Chill Brands (CHLL) has responded. Natch it dissembles and omits. And the omission is material


58 days ago

NightCap and corporate governance, the worst on AIM?

The big elephant in the room at NightCap (NGHT) is that it missed its Christmas budget by a mile, is being booted out of its biggest venue within weeks and will run out of cash on March 25 when quarterly rents are due and that it has not ‘fessed to this as it should under AIM Rule 11. That all comes down to corporate governance where this company is among the worst on AIM, if not the worst.


58 days ago

Regtech Open “significant agreement signed” : bollocks

The Alessandro Zamboni scam Regtech Open Project (RTOP) has today stated that a “significant agreement” has been signed. The release is misleading, incomplete and skirts the elephant in the room. In short it is complete bollocks.


58 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the WW2 underpants obsession, more regulatory failures and why I'm down on gold juniors

The underpants obsession is explained HERE for those not up to date on Mincemeat matters. Then it is onto gold juniors and majors the gold price, Verditek (VDTK), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD) and a letter to AIM Regulation to call out Stuart Ashman as a liar. Rules are rules.


59 days ago

John Lewis to sack 11,000 after halving redundancy payment terms but guess who is NOT to blame?

John Lewis changed the redundancy terms for its 76,000 employees ( partners) last week. Now they will get 1 week’s pay for every year served instead of two. And it now emerges that 11,000 of the 76,000 staff are going to be getting P45s. To fund this the company has added to its debt pile and had to do a sale and leaseback on 11 stores. So who is to blame?


59 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Is Chill a scandal or just the worst timed placing in history?

In this podcast I look at Chill Brands (CHLL) in light of THIS article, the difference between private and public company reported profits ref SkinBiotherapeutics (SBTX), NightCap (NGHT) and Julie Meyer’s sex toy, at Saga (SAGA) and and Superdry (SDRY


59 days ago

Video: China’s Stock Market Slump, A Leading Indicator For the World, sell shares and sell oil & copper

Gareth Soloway, Chief Market Strategist of Verfied Investing has a stark warning of bad things happening in China which will hit us all.


59 days ago

Felix Smith says Gary Newman going to prison, Felix is an impoverished moron

Yes, Felix is another moron who has done his conkers ignoring advice from myself at 25p and Gary Newman from almost as high to sell shares in Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL).


59 days ago

KERBOOM: The Chill Brands placing and news of a disposable vaping ban, killing almost 100% of sales, just hours later

For more than a week Chill Brands (CHLL) tried to raise between £3 and £4 million in a placing. On Thursday evening the final placing letters arrived with advisor and broker Allenby and the placing closed at £1.2 million. The placees were locked in, a disingenuous RNS was prepared, and folks went to bed. Within hours there was a bombshell report in the Daily Telegraph which other publications were able to verify as accurate. The company’s entire product range will soon be banned. Oddly there has been no RNS about this.


60 days ago

Invinity – when’s the next bailout placing?

At 30.5p mid, green energy play Invinity Energy Systems (IES) is capitalised at £60 million. Naturally, it is loss-making and has already managed to spaff the vast majority of the £21.9 million it raised about nine months ago. The only question is when will the bailout placing be? That it will have to be conducted at a material discount despite the best efforts of London’s most conceited broker, Andrew Monk, is a given.


60 days ago

Just how useless is the FCA – a reader corresponds on the £37.4m JustGiving scandal

My exposes earlier this week on the size of the scandal at JustGiving HERE and its deceitful wording HERE have prompted a reader to engage with the FCA which regulates this scandalous scam of an operation. The correspondence below show just how useless the FCA is as a regulator. First the FCA’s response to an initial query and then our reader’s reply.


60 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: on death spirals, cowards and liars

In today’s Bearcast I look at events today at Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), Cavendish Financial (CAV), Technology Minerals (TM1) and Coral Products (CRU)


60 days ago

Video: The Road Ahead, $100 Silver, gold through $2100 & $200 Oil – Fueling the Golden Bubble!

Investor Gary Savage of Smart Money is the sort of commodities bull who makes our own Nigel Somerville seem almost sane. Almost!


60 days ago

Joe and Hunter Biden used a visit to Sandy Hook memorial service to set up secret meet with Chinese over $10m-a-year deal, new emails reveal - Daily Mail



60 days ago

Chill Brands tries to raise £3-4 million, manages just £1.2 million: oops spot the looming black hole

Chill Brands (CHLL) is this morning boasting of how it has managed to issue £2.4 million of new shares at 3.75p. As ever, this company is wholly disingenuous. It is almost as if it and its disgraced adviser Allenby, of NightCap (NGHT) infamy, gets a strange sort of sexual pleasure from misleading investors and has become addicted to it.


60 days ago

Watching Stuart Ashman and his grossly overpaid FD on Investor Meet, Ashman tells a whopping lie

It was an hour of my time which I may look back on my deathbed and consider an hour wasted. I should say that, on balance, there was enough offered by Ashman to make me content to hold shares in Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) but there were also worrying matters not least the CEO telling a blatant lie.


61 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard: the Ukraine Russia war as the USA rejects peace and the American Election gets worse and worse for Biden

I start with the latest peace plan rejected by the West. What is America’s plan B as Ukraine loses more and more ground and men? Then to two interesting aspects of the Ameroican election in the swing states: the Muslim vote organising Abandonbiden24.com and voter registrations.


64 days ago

Who hates Jews more: Ken Loach or the Guardian?

I bring you the tweet below from the wretched Guardian. It seems that Corbynite filmmaker Ken Loach has quit as patron of a small London cinema over an “Israeli film festival screening.” That is just a tad misleading.  The screening is of a film, a film about a festival. Yes it is the Nova festival where on October 7 2023 hundreds of young Israelis were raped, sodomised, beheaded, shot, abducted and the film presents footage of that day.  That Loach quits as he cannot bear to see his Hamas rapist pals in action is in character for loathsome Ken. That the Guardian deceives with its headline, making it sound like a normal BDS protest against a new Israeli movie is equally predictable but still disgraceful. 


66 days ago

The brother of a man murdered by the NHS writes about "the envy of the world"

A long long time ago I used to work for Richard Kellett-Clarke. He always struck me as an honest and decent man but I never knew his back story. In the wake of the infected blood scandal Richard posted on LinkedIn and his very moving but harsh words deserve a far wider audience. He writes….


66 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: Israel, the ICC and the US election

Normally, in this podcast series, I start with the Ukraine war and how it is going and what that means for the US election. I give Ukraine a few minutes then it is on to Israel, the ICC and its arrest warrants. I explain why it is all wrong and why folks like Labour MP Zara Sultana are either misguided as to facts or Jew haters or both.  President Biden agrees with me but it will not save him in the Election, if indeed he is still running at that point. I discuss an amazing poll out this week and how the Gaza conflict is helpful for Trump not Biden. It is looking ever bleaker for Biden.


71 days ago

Apparently I am guilty of treason for telling the truth, citing facts, on Ukraine

My “crime” for which I should, presumably, be locked in the Tower is to have suggested in THIS ARTICLE that not only was Ukraine losing the war but that it had been losing since last summer and that thed political and media GroupThink had lied about numerous aspects of and events in this war. I cited specific examples of those lies.


71 days ago

Do TR1’s NOT apply to Alessandro Zamboni?

In today’s RNS from the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Hartford Growth Fund Limited admitted that it had reduced its effective stake from 3.197% to 2.927%. The reduction was caused by a 162.6 million share reduction in its Contracts For Difference (CFD) exposure which clearly has had a battering given the recent slump in Supply’s share price.


71 days ago

musicMagpie – how long shall we keep pretending?

Back in November, agents for musicMagpie (MMAG) leaked to the hapless gophers on the Daily Telegraph that it had received bid approaches from both BT and Aurelius Investment Advisory Ltd and as gerbils in chatrooms yakked about a 40p per share bid (or more!) the company started a formal offer process. By 27th both BT and Aurelius had stated they were not interested. However…


71 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: USA Election and the Russia Ukraine war - the grim news for Presidents Biden and Zelensky accelerates

I start with a few words on President Carter. Then on the ground in Ukraine things are looking ever more grim and that only adds to the woes of President Joe Biden.I discuss some amaing recent poll data on the swing states, three of which now look rock solid red, why blacks and hispanics are swinging towards Trump and wonder what real 5 way polling in Virginia, Minnesota and New Jersey would look like: are these blue states now swing states?


71 days ago

Tom Winnifrith: Trolling my wife, the sad mental health issues of a Canadian Overseas shareholder

Some of the shareholders associated with the Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) Shareholder Action Group really have lost the plot as well as 99.5% of their cash as a result of ignoring my analysis.


71 days ago

Diversified Energy - new Short Dossier from SnowCap, this is a £500m potential zero

As you know Lucian Miers is short and I have been a bear for almost five years, even getting the FRC to rap the knuckles of Diversified Energy (DEC) for dodgy accounting. The latest bear dossier to come out is a good read and reinforces my view that this will end in tears for the bulls and is a zero. Enjoy.


71 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Diversified Energy can be a zero ( new bear dossier) & why Pete Brailey and the BBMs are being played

I start with a big day for Joshua. I guess if he does get into expensive King’s Chester any thoughts of imminent retirement are off the table. Then it is Peter Brailey and Serinus (SENX), Diversified Energy (DEC), Vast Resources (VAST) and NightCap (NGHT) where, in both cases, AIM Regulation must act, Argo Blockchain (ARB), still a short at 14p, and Supply&ME Capital (SYME) and doing the granular maths on when, not if it is a zero


71 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Why I am holding my shares in Skinbiotherapeutics but you might want to sell & why Stuart Ashman needs to be fired

In today’s podcast I discuss retirement postponed thanks to Joshua and to Stuart Ashman. I chat about Optibiotix (OPTI), en passant, but in depth about Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) with apologies to those who have lost money. Here is what should happen next.


73 days ago

The BBC just lies about the war in Ukraine to cover its tracks

It is not just in Kharkov oblast in the far North East of Ukraine where Russia is advancing. Across the front line only one side is going forward and that side is Russia. Advances are not big but they are steady, day by day, village or part of village by village, the Russians are moving West. Next up, I suspect is the battle for Chasov Yar, the next big town to the west of “fortress” Bakhmut, where Russian troops are advancing pincer like on two fronts and where battles in the outskirts, the “Canal District” are now underway.  Yet the western media is in denial as its past lies catch up with it.



78 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Russia, Ukraine, the American election and Stormy Daniels

I start by reminding you all why the war in Ukraine and the US election are so closely tied up and also why I get so angry being lied to. I discuss what is happening on the front line and reports I am hearing of how casualty numbers are far greater than we are being told. Then as Stormy Daniels takes the stand in New York I look at that and other Donald Trump legal cases, a fascinating poll in Wisconsin, who Kennedy is hurting the most and how things look set for November.


79 days ago

Does the Met Office think we are stupid? Hottest April since 1940 claim.

As I have noted before, when one uses weather stations on RAF bases you can always prove there is global warming. But beyond the data, surely we all have the evidence of our eyes.


80 days ago

Tintra – still no tender offer received: does anyone smell a rat yet?

In in last months as a public company, Tintra (TNT), the AIM Company of the year 2022, announced a potential takeover bid at 150 pence per share on 7 September 2023 which was revised, on 6 November 2023, to a potential tender offer for 29.9% of Tintra shares at 150 pence per share from LRB35 Limited. However, although the shares are now delisted


80 days ago

Centamin – a Mineral Reserves “correction”…but good news! BUY

A “correction” being required to a previously-issued announcement is usually bad news and hits a company’s share price. So what of shares in Centamin (CEY) currently being more than 5% higher at around 98p on the back of such an announcement?


80 days ago

Novacyt: a tale of two drunks, a zero one way or another

I suggested that Novacyt (NCYT), of which I have been a perma bear, was doing a bad deal buying Yourgene (YGEN) for £16.7 million in cash. Today’s calendar 2023 trading statement suggests that it had to do some sort of deal as its own business is going nowhere fast. Two drunks can prop each other up for a while but in the end both will collapse into a vomit covered heap anyway.


80 days ago

Jubilee Metals – Q2 “Operational and Projects Update”, Buy

Metals processing in Africa group, Jubilee Metals (JLP) has issued a “Operational and Projects Update Q2 FY2024”-titled announcement including noting some impact from logistics constraints at ports across South Africa though also some increased production elsewhere.


80 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Why the FCA should have a butchers at Ceres Power

Before turning my attention to Daphne du Maurier and underpants I say a few words about betting on the US election where, as I predicted, The Donald is now a racing cert for the GOP Nomination and, I reckon, favourite to win the General. Then it is on to Ceres Power (CWR), Tern (TERN), Zoo Digital (ZOO), Genflow Biosciences (GENF), Verditek (VDTK), Belluscura (BELL) and Centamin (CEY).


80 days ago

NightCap – read across from Revolution Bars warning

Thanks to the shocking revelations of a whistleblower HERE we known that NightCap (NGHT) will be unable to pay its rent as it falls due on March 25 after a Christmas period where it missed budgets by a country mile. Natch Sarah Willingham is in breach of AIM Rules in not ‘fessing to this but could things be getting even worse? Yes.


80 days ago

Ceres Power – after the Delta pump comes the China Dump, surely a great short even now?

Malcolm Stacey and the rest of the green brigade got terribly excited last Thursday when Ceres Power (CWR) announced a big new deal with Delta Electronics “Praise be to Saint Greta, His Holiness Lord Attenborough and blessed King Charles, we are all going to be rich!” screamed the senior writer on this website. Just six days later comes a shock warning and the shares are tumbling. Malcolm will be writing a letter of complaint to the Guardian shortly.


80 days ago

Diversified Energy: pathetic response to new short dossier & a look back to 2019

Yesterday I was happy to publish a new bear dossier on Diversified Energy (DEC) from SnowCap HERE. Today Diversified has responded with a piss poor RNS. Looking on that I reflect on my exposes into its crooked accounting back in 2019.


80 days ago

VINDICATED AGAIN: Ashington Innovation – RTO with the two crocks run by struck off dentist Ajan Rejinald OFF

Our coverage of this worthless POS company attracted a threat of legal action. And thus I shed no tears for today’s humiliation for Ashington Innovation (ASHI). Who could have thought that this SPAC listed by Jason Smart, a man with curious links to penny share criminals as exposed HERE, would end in tears. Smart had tried to reverse in two worthless businesses, exposed HERE, run by struck off Dentist Ajan Rejinald for £170 million but now that deal is off. Natch Smart dissembles as a cash crisis looms.


80 days ago

VINDICATED AGAIN: Tern hugely discounted placing but its just a sticking plaster, death only postponed

Tern (TERN) has announced a placing raising a paltry £400,000 and at just 2p – the shares closed yesterday at 2.875p and were well above 3p just five days ago. Natch the company misleads with its excuses, this is just a sticking plaster which postpones death by just a few months. It’s ouzo on cornflakes time for this website, for the chatroom warriors who knew better it is another wake up call.


80 days ago

DYNAMITE DETAILED ANALYSIS: Supply@ME Capital and Regtech Open – have the Directors taken legal advice on whether they are trading whilst insolvent?

In this very detailed note I pose the question have the Directors of Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and Regtech Open Project (RTOP) taken appropriate legal advice on the implications of whether their respective companies are trading whilst insolvent?


81 days ago

The scientific nonsense about sheep and cow farts causing global warming exposed - Owen Jennings



84 days ago

Pete Brailey takes position in Serinus Energy - is he right that it’s a trading buy?

The man who predicted negative oil is once again a big speaker at Sharestock this year on September 7 where the line-up is becoming more complete as you can see HERE. As we discuss that Peter says that he has taken a position in Serinus Energy (SENX) as a trading buy at 2.75p. Is he mad? Well yes those that know him well would say that but he might be correct on this occasion.


84 days ago

Letter to AIM Regulation – how on earth has Vast Resources not breached AIM Rule 11 or did it simply lie?

I flagged up earlier that Vast Resources (VAST) had told a monster whopper on October 6 on the occasion of its last placing before today. There is one possible get out of jail card on the lying: that it did not lie but merely breached AIM Rule 11. I have written to the Oxymorons as either way this should be a hanging offence, with extra strength rope needed for this particular Nomad, especially after luncheon.


84 days ago

JustGiving doubles down on its lies – email received, the scandal is now £37.4 million!

Yesterday I revealed how JustGiving almost forces folks to make a voluntary “tip” claiming that the cash will go to help charities raise money/improve its service when in fact the vast majority of it is paid out in dividends, £31 million in the last reported year. Amazingly the FCA regulates the charity platform so appears to sanction this deceit. Today I have received an email from Just Giving…


84 days ago

Vast Resources: barefaced lying sanctioned by "Fatty" as it places yet again

This was the company that said it needed to do a 100 for 1 share consolidation so that it could pay a dividend. Natch it has not paid a dividend in the 33 months since but has placed numerous times and its shares have now collapsed by 98% since the consolidation having been 99% down before it. The management of Vast Resources (VAST) are simply liars. Today the company is exposed again in the most blatant way. Why on earth the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation and hapless Nomad Roland “Fatty” Cornish do not come on this farce defies belied. Wind back to 6 October and a placing to raise £1,819,350 at 0.195p. The company stated:


84 days ago

The Tingo fraud, it now admits that Deloitte quits – but it’s a bit late is it not?

The Department of Justice is still trying to get its hands on Dozy Mmobousi who faces a 45 year jail term when found guilty of fraud. Others were part of that fraud says the DoJ and may still have their collars felt. Shares in Chris Cleverly’s Tingo (US:TIO) shares are suspended and now it has filed with the SEC that its auditors Deloitte resigned on 16 January. But why only now? I wrote twice to head of regulation Jen Knickerbocker HERE and global chair Anna Marks HERE more than six months ago.


86 days ago

Really torn on how to vote today here in Wrexham

The only poll is for the North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner. I have no idea who the (Labour) incumbent is but I know that the Police are beyond useless. When a man hired by an investor in a fraud I was exposing threatened to get me, said he was an ex Israeli army soldier and was just a couple of miles away, the Police refused to act to protect me and my family. When Julie Meyer, wanted by the High Court with an arrest warrant, said my articles exposing her crimes were harassment, the Filth came to interview me. But if I do 23 MPH I know I will be clocked and punished. So, to say that I hold North Wales Police in utter contempt would be an understatement.


86 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: #GowokegoBroke, the comical demise of Sports Illustrated

I start with Sports Illustrated, a hilarious tale of pampered and silly Ivy League snowflakes telling we older men how to think and behave, then Nightcap (NGHT) and the March 25 takedown day, More Aquisitions (TMOR) and its new sprightly young directors, Dukemount Energy (DKE), yet another disaster from Brown Envelope man, and ITM Power (ITM)  


86 days ago

Gold to peak at $2,300 this year, Palladium to dump again: Ross Norman’s precious metals forecasts

Ross used to run Sharps Pixley and now runs MetalsDaily.com. He is a thoroughly goo bloke and really knows his onions. What follows are his precious metals forecasts for 2024 and unlike some f the more enthusiastic commentators, Nigel you know who I am talking about he is bullish but in a sober and considered way. Certainly, there are no predictions of the sort of fireworks needed to get the juniors racing away. The great man opines:


86 days ago

JustGiving: is the FCA really regulating what appears to be outright £31 million pound deception?

My daughter Olaf is doing a charity swim on January 27 outside on Parliament Hill in London to raise money for the homeless charity Crisis. Well done to the little Trustafarian (mother’s side) and I have made a small donation. You too can do so HERE if you wish. I see that my pal Evil Banksta has already donated a small amount of the money made for him by Adam Reynolds and the blunderers at Belluscura (BELL). Thanks again Adam you are a supporting so much. But then the platform Just Giving tried to stiff me with a £3 donation to it on top of the score that I had donated. This really stinks.


86 days ago

Letter to AIM Regulation: It must act against Nightcap NOW

Over the weekend I exposed some true bombshells about AIM listed Nightcap (NGHT) led by Dragon’s Den “star” Sarah Willingham. The company and its hapless adviser Nomad Allenby has yet to respond either via an RNS or directly to me. The whistleblower who is my source says they have more to come and so serious are the matters raised that silence is just not an option. I have written to the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation


86 days ago

Two Ex-smokers on Chill Brands...

Lucian: As a vaper, I watched with interest the excellent 4-part Netflix documentary “The Big Vape” about the spectacular rise and fall of the leading brand JUUL. I thoroughly recommend it to vapers and non-vapers alike. It is a fascinating insight into the workings of Silicon Valley. Anyway, it got me thinking about Chill Brands (CHLL), whose only product right now seems to be a nicotine-free disposable vape called Chill Zero. Last week I listened to a recent interview with the CEO and was struck by how unrealistic the business proposition seemed to be.


86 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: Russia, Ukraine and the American Election

In the latest of these series I start in Ukraine where things are getting rapidly worse for the home team. I look at what is happening and what will happen next. That is linked to the US election where I look at the swing state polls, discuss the Trump show trials and how US voters perceive then, Robert Kennedy jr and who his candidacy hurts most and conclude that things are looking ever better for President Trump. Things can change but as things stand the smart money is so much on trump that I ponder what happens if polling trends continue theoir recent run up to the Democrat convention. Will Biden throw in the twel at that point? What happens then?


86 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Diversified Energy and IQE, can you spot the link?

It is not the superb bear analysis of one Tom Winnifrith but another. This bearcast is largely devoted to why Diversified (DEC), currently valued at almost half a billion quid, could be a zero.


86 days ago

Diversified Energy and that yield of 29% - if it sounds too good to be true! A cracking £457m short

I have not weighed in on Diversified Energy (DEC) since 2019 when I managed to get the FRC to rap its knuckles for dodgy accounting. A name change later I sense that there is far worse to come. However, in the interests of balance


86 days ago

Back from watching men prancing in tights, Liverpool’s greatest numbers man since Ken Dodd has further thoughts on Belluscura

After his night out on the town funded by Adam Reynolds, Evil Banksta says he has had further thoughts on Belluscura (BELL) after his initial thoughts on Friday. He flagged this in the comments section but it merits a wider audience. The great one writes:


86 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Today's bombshell is so damning and Malcolm not the only clueless lefty in Wales

I start with why Malcolm is talking tosh on tobacco stocks and inflation and move onto Tata in Port Talbot. The bulk of the podcast covers my damning expose of NightCap (NGHT) which is the sort of journalism which really excites me and makes me think I’d never retire. It is shocking and I explain what should happen next, for any Allenby employees listening!   


86 days ago

BOMBSHELL: Nightcap bosses led by Dragon's Den Sarah Willingham skied with £15 an hour staff money, company has hid missing Christmas forecasts

This is devastating and raises questions not only about corporate governance as Nightcap (NGHT) the AIM listed bars chain run by Dragon’s Den star Sarah Willingham but also about its financial viability, it will run out of cash by March. A whistleblower has come forward and they have served up a string of dynamite exposes making this company uninvestable.


86 days ago

Iconic Labs Plc - Prepares for next Tsunami of Confetti

On 19 January, Iconic (ICON) announced that at its forthcoming AGM on 13 February, it plans to reorganise each of its £0.1 nominal shares into a new ordinary share of £0.0001 and a worthless deferred ordinary share of £0.0999.


87 days ago

Sheep farming not the slave trade financed the Industrial revolution!

Folks like Sadiq Khan, David Lammy, the BBC, The Guardian and all the other professional race baiters insist that slaving profits made Britain rich via the industrial revolution and thus all we white folks, including people like me with Wilberforce DNA, must pay reparations to black people even if like the ubiquitous Alex Scott they are descended from slave owners. This narrative is also taught to our kids in schools and universities. But is it correct?  A new publication out today uses what the race baiters and academia opt to ignore: FACTS.


89 days ago

Photo Article of my kids at their English Chapel: odd one out contest?

My youngest children pictured below both identify as Welsh, quite fiercely in the case of Joshua who is now a proficient Welsh speaker. But they attend chapel with the Mrs, just over the border in England. So, with that clue, which is the odd one out? The kids at Chapel last week, Magdalen College Oxford or Nottingham in 2023?


89 days ago

Wood Group – trading update emphasising “continue to show clear progress”, BUY

Consulting, projects and operations business Wood Group (WG.) has issued a trading update emphasising that 2023 calendar year trading continued to show clear progress and that it is “on track” for 2024 as it previously guided.


89 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Chatting to Nigel Wray about all that is wrong with the stockmarket

I discuss my chat with Wray, Versarien (VRS), Cykel AI (CYK), Belluscura (BELL) and Big Technologies (BIG)


89 days ago

GOTCHA: Belluscura has to revise TMT offer again

As flagged up HERE yesterday, the maths just did not stack up. And thus for the second time Adam Reynolds chaired Belluscura (BELL) has had to revise its all-share offer for cash shell TMT Acquisitions (TMT). First it was 15 shares for every 22, then it was 3 for 4 and today it is a straight 1 for 1. I am glad that Nigel Wray et al have done the decent thing but how do the maths now stack up? And actually is it still a good deal?


89 days ago

Another £19m spoof from the chancer Jonathan Bixby: Cykel AI to reverse into Mustang Energy, this is beyond parody!

A couple of years ago Bixby and his business buddy Mike Edwards were floating all things cannabis. Then the pot bubble burst and it was NFTs having dabbled into the bitcoin space before that bubble burst. Now, of course, it is AI and today we have another spoof. Those involved in enabling this sort of bollocks, should be ashamed.


89 days ago

Did Argo Blockchain pull your pants down? Its still a short at a £90m valuation!

As I write, shares in Argo Blockchain (ARB) are trading, down again today, at 15p. Just 17 days ago some folks were paying 35p for the shares. If you have had your pants pulled down on this one you must be asking what the hell happened?


89 days ago

Versarien shares now 99.95% down from September 2018 peak – a cartoon from the heyday

Just over five years ago the shares were 182.5p. Today they are struggling to hold 0.09p. You must forgive my schadenfreude as this company’s biggest critic but its shareholders, egged on by repellent founder Neill Ricketts, trolled me – as did Neil himself – on twitter, discussed having me killed in chatrooms and also plotted to get my wife sacked by her University. So I delight in how such folks have lost a fortune. You may remember how one such poltroon produced cartoons mocking and lambasting myself and also Lucian Miers. As a reminder, here is one gem. It has not aged well.


89 days ago

Mattioli Woods – half-year trading reflecting business model resilience, recovery Buy

Wealth and asset management company Mattioli Woods (MTW) has issued a trading update emphasising performance reflecting the resilient nature of its business model and that its “outlook for current year remains in line with management’s expectations”.


89 days ago

GOTCHA: Versarien: How is that turnaround plan going? Bailout placing at just 0.08p! Hope the morons lubed up!

Versarien (VRS) should be demanding a refund from the expensive turnaround specialists” brought in last March: since then the shares have collapsed from 2.5p to just 0.09p as today, as almost exactly predicted in bearcast yesterday, call me mystic fecking Meg, a placing has been announced at just 0.08p. and if you think this is bad, wait for the next placing which will not be long.


94 days ago

The Welsh just like being spanked by Nanny State at 20 mph – reports from the last village in Wales

There was a recent survey showing that those, like myself, living in the rain sodden post industrial second world nation of Wales were among the most depressed in the world and one of the reasons cited was the rollout of 20 MPH speed limits. They are absolutely everywhere. The overpaid political midgets in the Senedd left it to the discretion of local councils as to where to apply the new limits and the power-hungry non-entities who run local councils across this once fine land could not wait to impose the limits everywhere they could.


94 days ago

Video: Are my fellow Kefi shareholders your top pick for the pub quiz team?

Yesterday Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) did a presentation on the Investor Meet platform then took questions from private investors. I’m happy with the presentation and am happy to still rate the shares, at 0.669p as a BUY. They could easily treble this year. I thought boss ‘arry Adams was upbeat. But I also worry that some of my fellow shareholders are the sort of morons who give morons a bad name. For light relief just skip to the Q&A. Enjoy. 


94 days ago

BREAKING: The FCA Bottles it: Standard Listed frauds will not need an advisor after all & can "carry on robbing"

Oh dear, oh dear. The FCA had the chance to clean up the sewer that is the Standard List by forcing all companies to retain a regulated advisor, rather as AIM Companies have to retain a Nomad. Fearing losing its license a Nomad should, in theory, stop companies telling outright lies or committing fraud, as happens all too often on the Standard list. But a consultation paper CP23/31 shows that the woke warriors at the FCA have bottled it and thus will allow investors to carry on getting screwed.


94 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Doing my research on Amazon while wretched addict Lucian goes to Morrison's

In today’s Bearcast I look at Chris Cleverley’s fraud Tingo (US:TIO) where it may be D Day, Versarien (VRS), Chill Brands (CHLL), TMT Aquisitions (TMTA) and Belluscura (BELL) and finally at Ceres Power (CWR)


94 days ago

BREAKING: Tom Winnifrith & Evil Banksta: Belluscura, TMT Acquisitions, Nigel Wray and Dowgate

Nigel Wray attended my most recent wedding almost ten and a half years ago and he is my friend. Or I really hope that he still is. I do not wish that to change but the optics of the proposed takeover by Belluscura (BELL) of TMT Acquisitions (TMTA) now look terrible for him and he should insist that it be renegotiated. I flagged this up in Bearcast yesterday but I now dig deeper and bring in comment from Evil Banksta who is short of Belluscura.


94 days ago

Bingo, Bongo, Bango profits warning, I hate the language and the valuation sucks

I am being lectured today by a hipster accountant who says that I really need to get down with the kids and understand social media influencers, after my podcast yesterday. Perhaps it is because I am something of a dinosaur, or at least someone who looks back to the 1980s with a nostalgic longing, that I have always been a perma bear of technology stock Bango (BGO) which has today served up a ghastly trading statement. But it is not just the content but the wording which, at every level, is a red flag.


95 days ago

Every Year this happens in the garden here at the Welsh Hovel

Though health issues leave me behind schedule in the garden I saw last night that my peas, garlic, shallots, onions and radishes are all poking through and are on track. There is no sign yet of the early spuds or beetroot and this week the kids and I plant leeks, carrots and a second helping of peas. The strawberries and fruit bushes look set for another bumper crop and we already have a glut of rhubarb. However, the annual humiliation has hit me again.


95 days ago

Canadian Overseas new interim CEO kills 2 birds with one stone: now to kill the shares

It’s one in one out at a NED level but nothing much to read there: nobody hangs around long at the sinking ship that is Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL). The bigger news is that we have a new CEO although only an interim one, natch.


95 days ago

EXPOSE: Eden Research – something doesn’t add up with TerpeneTech accounts

At Companies House, Eden Research’s  (EDEN) 29.9% associate TerpeneTech has finally published its long delayed accounts for the year ended 31 December 2022 originally due on 30 September 2023.    We can now compare the disclosures made with those made by Eden in its accounts for the year ended 31 December 2022 published on 4 May 2023 in respect of TerpeneTech in Note 15.  The results are set out below:


95 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Honestly do you know who social media influencer Jessica Wright is?

Apparently she has one and a half million followers. Anyhow I explain who she is and why this affects or does not affect Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX). Then it is onto Eden Research (EDEN), it is always the coverup that gets ‘em. Then BlueJay Mining (JAY), sounding out periods and was there forward selling? Finally a long look at Belluscura (BELL) and TMT Aquisitions (TMTA).The deal really stinks and should be called off which would utterly fuck Belluscura. Finally I am off to open an extra account at Barclays (BARC) -I already run 3 – for the reasons you can see below.. 


95 days ago

Video: U.S. Treasury Market Continues To Dictate Dollar Liquidity Policies, buy gold, bitcoin & oil

Analyst Luke Gromen of Forest for the Trees says that the interest on US Government debt will exceed a trillion this year. He explains that the U.S. government will need to borrow more money to cover the interest expense, indicating a debt crisis. According to Luke, the USA is essentially insolvent and running out of time.


95 days ago

Andrew Monk Disgrace Dispensa: will it (again) restate its interims before insolvency?

Dispensa (DISP) the Sub Standard list POS formerly known as Zamaz, a company created by Dominic White of the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) infamy is in serious trouble. The only question now is when the end will come and why. This company listed at 11p, a £77million market cap in September 2022. I explicitly warned that it was a sham but the FCA knew better and allowed the listing to go ahead. The shares are now just 1.625p and my target is 0p.


98 days ago

The cat and I both visit the doctors, it is my bank balance left writhing in agony

I was first up and my encounter was scheduled, it was my diabetes check up. When the Shipmans test your blood they obtain a three month average trailing score of blood sugars. So this chat was about bloods taken on March 4: two months of sobriety, healthy eating and exercise and one month of drinking and over indulgence during the olive harvest and then Christmas.  Yet my results were stunning, a 25% reduction in blood sugars, albeit from a terrible start. The nurse was full of praise and said how much thinner I was looking. I think she meant I looked less fat but the trend is my friend.


99 days ago

Photo Article: The pool opens at luxury and isolated Greek villa May 1 - now just eight weeks unbooked until November

Another day and another reservation arrives. That means that there are now just eight weeks unbooked this year between May 1, when the pool opens up, and November 2 when it shuts for the winter. A number of those renting are return visitors. If you fancy a holiday in the Greek countryside, two miles from the nearest house in a luxurious poolside villa, I can help you. The Eco palace we have restored over the past decade, in the Mani will be 100 years old this year and has, as you can see below, been completely renovated. The pool will be warm by May and will stay warm until late October so the smart holidaymaker still has five weeks of off peak bookings available and here are direct flights to Kalamata throughout that period. As of now there are still  three weeks unbooked in May, two weeks in June and a week free in both August and September with 12 days unbooked in October.


99 days ago

Mark Menzies: The Tory MP who “disputes” the Grindr blackmail misuse of funds reports – its like dealing with stockmarket villains

In my day job I deal with stockmarket villains. The narrative does not change when you expose a big scandal. I publish a report.  The company’s advisers, overpaid PR fluffies, put out a regulated announcement where they “refute” the allegations. And in due course I am vindicated and shares in that company collapse, sometimes to zero. It has happened so many times.



100 days ago

Another day and another Tory MP in a sex and corruption scandal – I think again of Christopher Booker of Private Eye and 1963

It was only a couple of weeks ago when the hapless Tory MP William Wragg was exposed for exposing himself on Grindr and then being blackmailed that I made reference to Uncle Chris, the late Christopher Booker HERE.  The image from Private Eye of the Court of SuperMac dressed as if for the fall of Rome, which hangs in the downstairs loo at The Old Rectory, is again in my mind. It is as if Tory MP’s get an automatic account with the gay dating app Grindr when they are elected. Again, another Private Eye joke springs to mind.


100 days ago

Chill Brands – 2 very simple questions it won’t answer but should do so via RNS

There are two simple questions that Chill Brands (CHLL) will not answer but the scale of evasion suggests that the answers will be disastrous for shareholders. Let us start with the issue of repeat orders in UK retail for its nicotine free vapes. There is hard data on how many stores have received a first order.


100 days ago

Centamin – encouraging maiden EDX drill results, Buy

Centamin (CEY) has issued an “Encouraging Maiden EDX Drill Results”-titled announcement. So what of this and a current 94p share price?


100 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Turning down a placing

I start by reiterating that there is no “house view” on this website and why I disagreed with Gary on Bushveld Minerals (BMN). Then it is onto Microsaic (MSYS), its past and future, the bull and bear case and why I passed on the placing.


100 days ago

Canadian Overseas: Lucian urges people to do the maths on the blizzard of shares that could be issued

The $2.5million placing at 0.15p by Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) has now gone ahead. Death spiral provider Anavio is not investing it is merely putting up some cash to allow it to forward sell and convert as much of its outstanding convertible loan notes as possible before Canadian goes bust. Lucian Miers says, do the maths….


100 days ago

Vast Resources and the Aprelevka spoof, morons fooled again

As I write, technically insolvent Vast Resources (VAST) has seen its shares surge by 21% to 14.25p on news that it has completed the Aprelevka gold mines deal. It is yet another spoof and here is why.


101 days ago

Oxford University's Diversity Boss does not believe in free speech for those who engage in WrongThink

Vernal Scott is the head of Equality and Diversity at my old place, Oxford University. And as you can see below he only believes in free speech for folks he agrees with.


101 days ago

The Cass Report – on the transgender walk of shame must be Bath Spa University

I have my own battle with Bath Spa University. The time is now almost right to relay to you the Orwellian treatment it dished out to me but more critically to my wife after I gave THIS outstanding lecture. Suffice to say it is an Orwellian, woke shit-hole with zero credibility in terms of academic rigour. Bath Spa should also be reminded of its horrific treatment of academic James Caspian after the publication of the seminal Cass Report.


101 days ago

Vast Resources kicks the debt can again, all it needs is for Zimbabwe to respect the rule of law and all will be well!

Here we go again. Vast Resources (VAST) a company where 99.99% of shareholder value has been destroyed was due to repay $8.4 million to two death spiral providers, Alpha & Mercuria, last May. But being a cash consumptive company with no money whatsoever that was going to be hard. If you owe the bank £1 you are in trouble. If you owe the bank $8.4 million the banks, or in this case death spiral providers, are in the merde.


101 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I know you don't believe O'Hara but here is why I expect Optibiotix to be at 100p

In today’s bearcast I discuss Optibiotix (OPTI), Bushveld Minerals (BMN), Diversified Energy (DEC), Audioboom (BOOM) impoverishing poor Gary Newman as is Jadestone Energy (JSE), Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) and Chill Brands (CHLL) and the looming placing.


101 days ago

BREAKING: Which leading British Politician promoted the Tingo fraud for just $90

At least, ex post office minister Ed Davey earned more than a quarter of a million for advising the law firm the post Office used to persecute innocent postmasters. If you are prepared to sell your soul demand a large fee. But some leading politicians can be bought for far less.


101 days ago

Disastrous news from Bushveld Minerals: karma for some of its moronic shareholders!

Last week I asked if Bushveld Minerals (BMN) had LIED to punters when it said in a 5 December RNS that it HAS raised $18.4million. Of course it did lie as, as of today, it still has not received $12.5 million of that cash. So it had not raised the monies it claimed it merely had some dodgy chaps saying that they would put in money. That is very different. Natch stacks of morons who cannot see inside this paywall took to twitter blasting me for telling lies without having read what I actually wrote. Karma mothers. Karma.


101 days ago

Kefi Gold & Copper: it and I answer seven reader questions

A reader who has endured my writings for many, many years contacts me with seven questions for Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI). Since many folks have asked similar questions I publish the answers in full. The first four questions were answered by Kefi. I answered the last three. The answers are in bold:


101 days ago

Canadian Overseas Petroleum: the definition of madness

A few weeks ago I went out for a few drinks with a couple of pals including “Chemtrails Dave” who has one or two odd views. I am prepared to accept that Michelle Obama is a man and that the Clinton crime family have all of their critics and whistleblowers suicided but after a couple of pints we got on to the 1969 moon landings and Chemtrails said “anyone who thinks they actually happened is mad.” But they did happen didn’t they? Said I. At which point he laughed. When I got home I asked “but the did happen didn’t they?” And I was reassured. Of course they did. And that brings us to Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) shares in which were up by 50% at one point this morning.


102 days ago

Video: The Fed Isn’t Done Breaking Things, keep buying gold

Lobo Tiggre, author and publisher of theindependentspeculator.com acknowledges that there were signs of a recession in various sectors in 2022, but low interest rates and labour hoarding prevented it from fully materializing. However, he believes that a recession will soon become undeniable, possibly in the first half of 2024, based on indicators such as the declining trend in job openings. Tiggre expects a softer landing for the economy only if indicators prove to be wrong and the overall health of the economy is stronger than believed.


102 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: for this I really should sack Malcolm Stacey, oil, gold, the Yemen and more

I start on the Yemen and why Malcolm is almost sackably wrong on all counts, I look at oil prices and what is really driving them ( hint, look at Darren’s photo from his window today) and at gold prices and a few gold stocks I own including Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Ariana (AAU) and my biggest holding, Amaroq (AMRQ


102 days ago

J Sainsbury – Q3, including Christmas, trading statement, still income value

J Sainsbury (SBRY) has issued a third quarter trading statement to 6th January 2024 emphasising that it has outperformed the market every week of this financial year and to “continue to expect underlying profit before tax in 2023/24 of between £670 million and £700 million”.


102 days ago

EXPOSE: The outright hypocrisy of Cavendish regarding research behind a paywall

Yesterday I exposed how Cavendish, the Nomad, to Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) had banned its boss Stuart Ashman from doing interviews with me as the videos would be behind a paywall. It gets worse, as a kind reader points out.


102 days ago

B.P. Marsh and Partners – Ai Marine Risk Limited investment, further valuation upside...

Investor in early-stage financial services businesses B.P. Marsh & Partners (BPM) has announced an investment in Ai Marine Risk Limited – which is emphasised to have been established by “experienced marine insurance specialists with a track record of delivering growth” and to have “secured A-rated capacity from a number of carriers”.


102 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Birthday Bearcast - 56 not out!

In today’s podcast I look at Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and the bell-ends at Cavendish, Cellular Goods (CBX)< Premier Miton (PMI), Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Burberry (BRBY) on behalf of road sweeper Chris Bailey, Chill Brands (CHLL) and Supply@ME Capital (SYME)


102 days ago

Did Bushveld Minerals lie as the $12 million still not in?

On 5 December 2023 Bushveld Minerals (BMN) announced via RNS an $18.4 million fundraise at 2.25p, a 33.3% premium to the then share price. The question I ask is did that RNS contain an outright lie?


104 days ago

Video: Gold & Silver Go Vertical When This Indicator Breaks Trend

Michael Oliver of Momentum Structural Analysis says this is a when not an if and starts with the problems in the real (US) economy.


104 days ago

Breaking: Email Exchange with Stuart Ashman as his Nomad demands no more interviews

This is Orwellian and shows that Giles Balleny of Nomad Cavendish (formerly Finncrap & Cenkos pre merger) is either thick as pig shit or morally bankrupt or both. Given he works for Cavendish I reckon it is both. He has ordered Stuart Ashman of Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) to record no more videos with me.


104 days ago

UK Oil & Gas: another placing amid a catalogue of lies

To me UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) doing a discounted placing to keep the lights on is like bears shitting in the woods, the Pope being a Catholic or Jeremy Corbyn praising his friends at Hamas. It is just what happens and so a raise of £750,000 at just 0.2p today should cause no surprises. But then again it is worth winding back a year to see the weasel worlds of both Lyin’ Steve Sanderson and the national treasure and lovable old rogue – who I hope is still off the fags – that is Mr David Lenigas.


104 days ago

AIM Market Statistics for Year – A Disastrous Year sees the casino back to levels last seen in December 2003

As at 31 December, the AIM market had shrunk to 753 companies, a 20-year low. The number of new issues last year was just 15 companies, the lowest in AIM’s history since its formation in 1995. The second worst year for admissions was 2022 which highlights the scale of the ongoing crisis facing the market.


104 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Slapping down young Gary Newman

I start with a couple of family matters and an apology to one listener. Then it is onto Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Versarien (VRS), Cellular Goods (CBX) and the FCA, Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) and naughty Gary, Ben’s Creek (BEN), truly a short of the year and finally MyHealthChecked (MHC).


104 days ago

Letter to the FCA Re Cellular Goods: if it fails to act on these TWO matters it is officially a joke

The FCA is charged with tackling financial crime and also regulating the Standard List of the Main market. I have written to it regarding a company once backed by David Beckham, Cellular Goods (CBX) where there appear massive possible issues on BOTH counts. If it fails to act on both matters it sends a signal that it is officially a complete joke and that on London’s financial markets anything goes. The letter is below:


104 days ago

BREAKING: Zeus Capital finally ‘fesses to appalling results

Zeus Capital is unlisted but is one of the more sensible and well run City Nomads and brokers. But its results for the year to March 31 2023 finally appeared at Companies House on January 6 2024 and are truly appalling. It bought out rival Arden in January so you might have thought that revenues were up…think again.


106 days ago

Made in UK, oops I meant Pakistan: Boohoo has no shame

The BBC’s Panorama programme last night exposed Boohoo (BOO) yet again. This time it was for sticking labels saying “Made in the UK” on tatty clothes aimed at teenage morons which were actually made in Pakistan. You might think this a minor transgression although Trading standards folks will be having a word, but it is symptomatic of the rot at the heart of Boohoo in two ways.


106 days ago

Nostra Terra – Some bible readings for Matt Lofgran as he takes the company into the Minus 99.8% club with yet another placing.

Devout Christian Matt Lofgran always likes to say that he rescued Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG) when he took over in 2009. It was as if Jesus had saved the disciples as the storm raged on the sea of Galilee where their boat was sailing (Mark 4, 3-41).  But the reality is that anyone who bought the shares when the great rescuer took over as CEO has now lost 99.8% of their money while Lofgran has made millions in remuneration. You have to pay for talent don’t you? Would it not have been better just to put the company into administration in 2009, to have avoided numerous bailout placings more good money going after bad?


106 days ago

Cellular Goods: how is this not insider dealing, it takes the AI bandwagon piss to boot!

Over the past three days, newly appointed executive director Mike Edwards has bought 8 million shares in Cellular Goods (CBX). His name is the contact on RNS he is calling the shots. Today he has announced a, laughable change of name and strategy. Just how on earth can this not be insider dealing. Do not tell me that this was all dreamt up yesterday afternoon, Edwards traded on specific price sensitive information.


106 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a morning with the Shipmans for me, and very good news from Kefi, it could be a ten bagger

I start with my medical issues and seeing the very efficient Shipmans in Chester. Mind you old Harold was very efficient too. Then it is onto Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Cellular Goods (CBX), Reabold (RBD), Procook (PROC), Mercantile Ports & Logistics (MPL) and the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and what the FCA should do next.


106 days ago

NightCap: says Christmas Brilliant but data offered is very peculiar and look at the debt as dry January and February gets underway

Naturally Sarah Willingham gushes about what a great Christmas her cash strapped bars group NightCap (NGHT) enjoyed. Well up to a point sweetie. The data you put out is very peculiar and defies rational explanation and as we enter dry ( and cold) January and February, the balance sheet looks very dicey indeed.


106 days ago

Winnileaks EXCLUSIVE: Three Letters from the Canadian Overseas Shareholder Action Group to the FCA, advisors and the company

For all the bluster I am more and more convinced that the Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) Shareholder Action Group (SAG) are just a bunch of crybaby losers who cannot accept that they ignored numerous warnings from myself and others ( abusing me on social media for being wrong) about how bad the assets and management of Canadian were and how it would end in tears. The letter it has sent to the FCA is to a generic address. That is a sign that these losers are just scrabbling around. The failure of the SAG to understand how a death spiral works and what a breach of covenant means is another sign of how utterly clueless they are. Anyhow, thanks to Winnileaks, I have three emails sent in the past 14 days. 1 to the FCA, 2 to advisors and a third to the company. Enjoy.


106 days ago

Technology Minerals: a few more thoughts from the nest of snakes

The Technology Minerals (TM1) hook up with “colourful” death spiral provider of last resort CLG, announced on Monday, is a massive red flag in itself. One feature is that only £2 million of the £5 million facility can be drawn down without the FCA approving the RTO of Chris Cleverly founded Recyclus. And that must be a problem given the Tingo (US:TIO) scandal. At the very least…


106 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Here is a 1 billion quid plus stock told you to short, you really can short and you should still short

In today’s bearcast I look at Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO), Tiger Royalties (TIR), Jubilee Metals (JLP), African Pioneer (AFP), Verditek (VDTK) and Oxford Nanopore (ONT).


106 days ago

Cellular Goods Mike Edwards share purchase spoof, he must think BB Morons are morons? He’s right: they are!

Yesterday, I looked at the shock return of Mike Edwards to Cellular Goods (CBX) as a NED. Today Cellular shares have jumped by 17% as it was announced that Edwards had bought 5.5 million shares at 0.325p. Boy the morons loved that. But hang on Henry…


106 days ago

BREAKING: Canadian Overseas Petroleum: a lawyer writes

Not just any lawyer but a very senior and respected lawyer, a KC.


106 days ago

Advanced Oncotherapy cash negligible, owes £69m, no accounts yet still AIM won’t boot it off

Communications over the past couple of days with the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation, the minions of Marcus Stuttard, have at least forced a statement and adman depressing one from Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO). But the Oxymorons still will not boot it off the sewer as they should have done on December 31. What is the point of rules that are just not enforced?


106 days ago

The collapse of Scottish housebuilder Stewart Milne: a canary in the coalmine or a one off?

217 former workers at Milne will not really be bothered as to why their employer has gone bust. They start the New Year in the corrupt Greece of the North, the socialist wannabee republic of Scotland looking for a new job. Is this a sign of worse to come in the housebuilding sector, so beloved of my colleague Malcolm Stacey?


106 days ago

Technology Minerals and its new finance partner: is this the worst customer review in history?

Desperate times call for desperate measures and Technology Minerals (TM1) the company originally created by the fraudster Chris Cleverly of Tingo (TIO) and African Potash (AFPO) infamy is in a financial black hole. No respectable financier will bail it out and so yesterday it announced its second deal in three months with CLG Capital run by Charles Ofori. You will enjoy this…


106 days ago

musicMagpie: what is going on?

I have been contacted by a couple of readers spooked by the musicMagpie (MMAG) share price climbing by almost 20% today to 12.75p. Every dog has its day even this one. Two things will become apparent in the coming weeks.


106 days ago

Argo Blockchain and another bailout placing – will it ever generate free cash?

In short, the answer to that question is that there is more chance of me shagging Cheryl Cole. But now to the long answer as Argo Blockchain (ARB) has passed the hat around yet again for dumb fund managers to piss away other folks cash for the umpteenth time.


106 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a new chapter of my life starts today

I start with a few domestic matters before discussing bank debt ref Horizonte Minerals (HZM) and Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL). Then it is onto Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Ben’s Creek (BEN), Argo Blockchain (ARB) and in detail Technology Minerals (TM1)


106 days ago

Cellular Goods CEO and Chairman walks, Mike Edwards back to complete the circle of related party bollocks but SMTM

You just could not make this up. Mike Edwards and his business partner Jon Bixby owned 31% of Cellular Goods (CBX) at the time of its 5p IPO. Their vehicle Durban Holdings paid just 0.1p for nearly all of its stock and as the shares were David Beckham/disgraced Daily Mail pumped they started sell. Indeed they sold all their shares. Lovely jubbly for them.


107 days ago

Three on AIM Death Row, Two strapped to the Gurney this Morning but what about Advanced Oncotherapy?

Welcome to death row on the curious world of the AIM sewer. Waiting for that final walk to the gurney were Clem Chambers’ Online Blockchain (OBC), obvious wrongun’s Tintra (TNT) and Advanced Oncotherapy  (AVO) which should have had its last meal on December 31. Today: two took that final walk.


107 days ago

BREAKING: Do these scumbags have no shame: Dave Richards MBE of Wandisco infamy is back with another venture

Some folks have just got no shame: that vicar bird from the Post Office with her CBE, Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer CBE and, it seems Dave Richards MBE of Wandisco (WAND) infamy. Less than a year from the near collapse of, once $1 billion capitalized Unicorn, Wandisco, he is back on the scene. You will remember that Wandisco almost folded after it emerged…


107 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Looking for yield, ITV dividend can't be safe, what about my pension stocks and Malcolm wrong on the USA

I start by looking at the income stocks in my SIPP and at stocks in my pension I expect to start paying out soon. Then at what to buy for more income. I don’t think it’s ITV (ITV) a Malcolm Stacey favourite and I also take the old boy up on his warnings about America made earlier today.


107 days ago

Video: The Greatest Scenario For Gold Stocks

David Skarica, Publisher and Founder of Stock Chart Of The Day says that the current rate-cutting cycle by the Federal Reserve is driven by  political pressure. He compares the current situation to previous cycles, noting that in 2008, the market was in a crash, while in 2019 and 1995, stocks were rallying before the rate cuts. Skarica also highlights that the bubbles in 2008 indicated that previous rate cut cycles did not immediately work, but this time, the economy has held up relatively well. He expresses the belief that this rate cut cycle will be different and that predictions of a significant market downturn may not necessarily come true.


107 days ago

Canadian Overseas cry babies – your mega losses are YOUR fault, not that of the board

I return to the pathetic cry babies at the Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) Shareholder Action Group blaming, as you can see below, their humungous losses on the board. Man up losers: the folks who are to blame for those losses are YOU. Take responsibility for your own stupidity.


107 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Dickheads set up Canadian Overseas SAG, a clear sign the Fat Lady should start gargling

I start with some Welsh singing for Darren as he turns 56, then it is Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), Endeavour Mining (EDV), Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO), Online Blockchain (OBC), Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT), Tern (TERN), Reabold Resources (RBD), Mark Slater and Jubilee Metals (JLP).It is January 5 not December 5 as I said twice in the podcast. Apologies. Long covid.


107 days ago

Wildcat Petroleum – ludicrous newsletter, placing ahoy, is the FCA investigating again?

I do hope that the FCA is, as I urged the other day, investigating comments made in the past ten days by Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) chairman Mandhir Singh in private telegram groups. It should be. Meanwhile as rumours swirl of yet another heavily discounted bailout placing, Wildcat has published its latest monthly newsletter.


107 days ago

Revolution Bars: curate’s egg trading statement, is there a NightCap read across?

Revolution Bars (RBG) tries its utmost to draw comfort from an H1 trading statement showing like for like sales falling and the impact of the Government’s increase in the minimum wage. But it is still downing in debt and facing clear macro headwinds. Even the good news is not really good news.


107 days ago

Now Canada is euthanising autistic people - Spiked



107 days ago

Iconic Labs – change of Board and Strategy, its still a share for morons only

Brad Taylor, the Chief Executive Officer of Iconic (ICON) has announced a change of Board of Directors with 3 former Directors leaving and 2 new ones joining. He also announced a change of strategy as follows:


107 days ago

RegTech Open Project – Lack of Alternative Funding Options

In yesterday’s RNS where Regtech Open Platform (RTOP) ‘fessed up that for a third time since its IPO in August 2023 that RegTech Italy had failed to make working capital payments on a timely basis RegTech made the following statement:


107 days ago

The folks paying £2 each to fight cancer so that they can abuse the FD at Canadian Overseas Petroleum

As Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) shares head to an inevitable zero, its FD Ryan Gaffney is trying to show what a good fellow he is by raising a paltry sum to fight cancer by running the London Marathon. Given his gratuitous troughing I am surprised Ryan is not making a big pledge himself.


107 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I make that an ex cash PE of 7 for JD Sports but I still would not buy

On today’s Bearcast I look at Verditek (VDTK), Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), Rightmove (RMV) and the housebuilders after shocking data out today, the fraud Regtech Open Project (RTOP) and its sister company Supply@ME Capital (SYME), and JD Sports (JDS)


107 days ago

A shareholder in the fraud Supply@ME Capital comments in ignorance

Sparty1 seems unaware that I have sold my last two businesses at a BIG profit including that pizza restaurant that I turned around. Or, that numerous crooks have sent me lawyers letters to shut me down including at least 1 now in prison (Pete Landau). Anyhow he reckons he will grow rich with his shares in the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME). Whatever. Over on the ADVFN asylum he posts:


107 days ago

Speaker line up almost there – it’s time to book your seats at Sharestock 2024 on September 7 at our farm in Wales, now almost 50% sold out

As of today just under half the seats for the third Sharestock event on 7 September are now booked. If you have been before you know why but this year’s event will be bigger and better than any yet. Here is why you should make sure you have a seat HERE today.


109 days ago

The global warming nutters just make it up as they go along: Flooding in St Malo

There is flooding in St Malo in France today and as you can see below, the cultist followers of the Doom Goblin are rushing to blame climate change or global warming as was. But, as ever, the facts, the truth, is a bit inconvenient. For starters St Malo has the biggest tidal swell in Europe making flooding all too common. In fact here is a list of the dates of major floods in the town since records began. I ignore minor ones:


109 days ago

Online Blockchain due to be booted off the AIM sewer tomorrow morning (or is it tonight?): any news Clem Chambers?

Old Clem Chambers, formerly of ADVFN (AFN) expenses and payoff infamy, has yet to reveal why London’s worst Nomad, Roland “fatty” Cornish resigned from representing Online Blockchain (OBC) with immediate effect on 4th December. The RNS announcing this was posted on the 5th first thing so shouldn’t Clem give us an update on the impending expulsion from the sewer?


109 days ago

Comrade Brian Basham: why did you get into bed with a Tory MP? Net Zero Infrastructure the unravel continues

When Net Zero Infrastructure (NZI) listed on the Standard list as a shell looking to make a “green reversal” I warned my old friend the hard left champagne socialist, comrade Brian Basham that it would end in tears as do most companies where a director is a failed Tory MP. Brian thought he knew better but today….


109 days ago

Technology Minerals: when will you tell us about the second factory explosion?

The last time that the factory in Wolverhampton owned by Recyclus, founder the Tingo fraudster Chris Cleverly, caught fire, Technology Minerals (TM1) issued an RNS. That rather begs the question about the massive fire that took place on January 2.


109 days ago

GOTCHA! Regtech Open you just could not make this up? Why has the FCA not swooped on this obvious FRAUD?

On December the lying conman Alessandro Zamboni promised that his companies would, by December 31, pay £1.4 million to Regtech Open Project (RTOP), where he is the main shareholder and a director, by December 31. Today, after pressure from me in recent days, including an FCA email swap yesterday, Regtech fessed that by the year end the scumbag had not paid a cent by deadline day.


109 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: As Dozy is charged with crimes carrying a 45 year stretch a real warning for my pals at Allenby and Chill Brands

I start with domestic woes & rising floods then head on to Tingo (TIO), Chill Brands (CHLL), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD), Audioboom (BOOM), Cellular Goods (CBX) and Bushveld Minerals (BMN). Sharestock tickets, as per bearcast, can be bought HERE


109 days ago

Breaking: Tingo Fraudster Dozy Mmobousi faces 45 years in jail as DoJ files criminal charges and cites ”others”

The SEC has already filed a civil suit against the Tingo (USLTIO) fraudster Dozy Mmobousi but now the Department of Justice has filed a criminal suit citing three charges which could result in 45 years jail time for Dozy, who now appears to be on the run. The suit is below but look at the wording, are you sweating Chris Cleverly? You should be…


109 days ago

ANALYSIS: Supply@ME Capital £5m market cap gain on smelly cheese deal which will see it lose even more money!

In today’s RNS, the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) has announced that it had secured funding for a “White-Label IM agreement: funding secured with Banco BPM S.p.A to execute an initial IM transaction”. The morons are delighted and the shares are up by 11% at 0.077p giving a £49 million market cap. The morons need to visit an Otolaryngologist PDQ as, if you scratch away beneath the surface this stinks.


109 days ago

Amnesty International eulogises the face of true evil, Walid Daqqah

More than eight years ago I discussed trying to enlighten my father and his wife on the evils of Amnesty International. To his credit, Dad saw the light and before he died canceled his monthly donation. But the organization goes from bad to worse and has now hit a new low with its eulogy for Walid Daqqah who it describes as a “writer” and as a “reminder of Israel’s cruel disregard for Palestinians’ right to life” in the tweet below.  It cannot be serious. But it is.


110 days ago

It was 11 years ago today that Britain's Greatest Leader passed away - a video tribute to Lady Thatcher

My friend Lucian Miers  and I drank English Champagne after standing for hours outside St Paul’s to pay our respects and watch the funeral of Margaret Thatcher on 17 April 2013.  We mourned as some freaks celebrated as I reported back with photos HERE. But it was even years ago today that Mrs thacher died. The video below is a reminder for younger viewers of what an amazing leader she was and of the pygmies who have led us ever since.  


110 days ago

Peter Tatchell lives in an Orwellian post truth world when it comes to Russia and the Zaporizhzia nuclear power plant

As you can see below, Peter Tatchell blames President Putin for a drone strike on the Zaporizhzia nuclear power plant in Ukraine, saying it risks a nuclear catastrophe and is a war crime. Folks have flocked to like his tweet.  Those fucking Russians is there nothing they will not do….except…


110 days ago

Letter to the FCA – why have you not suspended the FRAUD Regtech over the missing or not £1.4million?

The FCA is , no sniggering at the back, meant to regulate the Standard List of London’s Main Market. In August 2023 it approved the IFRS non compliant and grossly misleading prospectus of the fraud Regtech Open (RTOP). I have written it a note about the latest developments. Its failure to force a statement and/or suspend the shares is a disgrace.


110 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The words of warning of Liverpool's greatest numbers man since Ken Dodd

In today’s bearcast I start with rain and reservoir levels here in Wales before covering: Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), Renold (RNO), Avacta (AVCT), Ben’s Creek (BEN), Harland & Wolff (HARL), Belluscura (BELL), Horizonte Minerals (HZM), Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT), a major scandal the FCA needs to take seriously, Verditek (VDTK) and Regtech Open (RTOP) & the missing or not £1.4 million.


110 days ago

UPDATED: Verditek – has the Italian VATman coughed or are you bankrupt? Statement needed as NED walks with immediate effect

The silence is ominous. On 29th November serial dog and liar Verditek (VDTK), a posterboy for the AIM Sewer, stated:


110 days ago

Hydrogen Utopia and today’s stinking purchase of 49% of Ochrid Organics Ltd which can’t even file its accounts on time

Smoke and mirrors, dodgy related party deals involving Howard White, the near 70 year old “friend” of Hydrogen Utopia’s (HUA) thirty something CEO Aleksandra Binkowska, an inability to file accounts and sums that don’t add up. 2024 has started as 2023 ended for this Standard Listed dog. Today we are told that Hydrogen has exercised an option to buy 49% of Ochrid “to provide an income stream in 2024.” Well up to a point, Howard, old boy.


110 days ago

GOTCHA Andrew Monk! Aquis adviser VSA forced by Aquis to restate accounts without a string of schoolboy errors

Perhaps Andrew Monk might hire someone at VSA Capital (VSA), where I am an unwitting shareholder, who understands accounts. Maybe I shall raise this matter at the next AGM?  It seems that, as I suspected, Oriel College Oxford does not teach basic accountancy.


110 days ago

The Doom Goblin's Global Warming myth, data from Iceland, Dublin and Sweden the GroupThink cannot explain

I start with reader and fellow olive harvester T who is on holiday right now in Iceland. He says that “global warming is causing us some problems.  Average temperatures in April are 1 to 7 and slightly lower in March.  It was minus 7 at lunchtime and snowing hard. A few days ago we were at a glacial lake.  Apparently in 100 years the glacier has retreated a couple of km. Elsewhere a historical notice board pointed out the glacier has advanced 20km since 1000 AD.”


112 days ago

The ShareProphets tips of the year Number 20, a SELL from Tom Winnifrith

Between December 24 and January 3 we will serve up 20 share tips of the year from the team at ShareProphets. Most writers pen two tips, Tom will do 6. There will be longs, shorts, blue chips and small caps. We conclude this series with a SELL from Tom Winnifrith


112 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: farewell Chris and what bogus contract wins tell us

In today’s podcast I look at the growing Regtech Open (RTOP) scandal and why the FCA really must act now. I look at New Year’s Resolutions, how life changes as we age. Darren and I turn 56 in the next 12 days. And to the departure on good terms of Chris Bailey.


112 days ago

The ShareProphets tips of the year Number 18, a £37m SELL from Tom Winnifrith

Between December 24 and January 3 we will serve up 20 share tips of the year from the team at ShareProphets. Most writers pen two tips, Tom will do 6. There will be longs, shorts, blue chips and small caps. We continue this series with a SELL from Tom Winnifrith


112 days ago

MAJOR EXPOSE: RegTech Open Project, the Eram Capital hyperbole - the FCA should be all over this!

Further to my previous article on Regtech Open (RTOP) and its first UK client which it claimed was “a major UK investor and strategic operator in key industries with a mature business continuity capability”, I have taken a further look at Eram Capital Partners Limited. You are going to be absolutely horrified.


112 days ago

The ShareProphets tips of the year Number 16, a BUY from Tom Winnifrith

Between December 24 and January 3 we will serve up 20 share tips of the year from the team at ShareProphets. Most writers pen two tips, Tom will do 6. There will be longs, shorts, blue chips and small caps. We continue this series with a BUY from Tom Winnifrith.


113 days ago

William Wragg, Grindr, The Honey Trap and the latest Tory sex scandal – I am so reminded of a Private Eye cartoon from 1963

In the house of my late uncle Christopher Booker the walls feature a number of original cartoons from the publication he co-founded, Private Eye.  Yes kids… the professional celeb and media tart Ian Hislop did NOT found Private Eye. My favourite is one that is very much in my mind today amid news of the latest Tory sex scandal, one from the Profumo era of 1963, drawn by Willie Rushden.


113 days ago

Video: LoveHamas ( I don't but its a good spoof)

This is a spoof video which if you have seen Love Actually you will reognise. Enjoy. 


113 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: is the Trump Biden election now too close to call?

That is what Betfair/The Daily Mail is now suggesting. I look at what the latest polls actually say, whether you bshould believe them and what is driving them. I do not agree with the Mail’s conclusion though I sense a very little bit of a tightening where it matters in the swing states but cannot really explain why as there are two factors right now which should be hurting Biden. 


113 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the Canadian Overseas SEDAR filing spelling out how it will die and shareholders will be wiped out

Shame there was no RNS on Friday. But the SEDAR filing below spells out the slow and the quick death of Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL). Despite the proposed bailout at just 0.15p, it is a slam dunk zero and anyone holding is just mad. As for the motherfuckers at Yellow Jersey who misled investors and smeared me when I first exposed this crock at 2p just 20 months ago, they really should go fuck themselves. I await their apology but am not holding my breath as Dominic Barretto and his team and morally bankrupt pustules on the arse of AIM.


113 days ago

The ShareProphets tips of the year Number 14, a sell from Tom Winnifrith

Between December 24 and January 3 we will serve up 20 share tips of the year from the team at ShareProphets. Most writers pen two tips, Tom will do 6. There will be longs, shorts, blue chips and small caps. We continue this series with a SELL from Tom Winnifrith.


113 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Don't listen Nigel Wray, Stuart Ashman prompts more bad language

In today’s bearcast I start with happy events in London last night to cheer both myself and the Euroloon Jonathan Price. Then it is on to Verditek (VDTK), Canadian Overseas (COPL), Regtech Open (FRAUD) and Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD) all four of which owe us statements. Then Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) and Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX).


113 days ago

Tern – the sky-high expense ratio

Tern (TERN) has a historically high expense ratio. At the interim stage average net assets were £23,531,000 (31 December 2022 £24,852,000 and 30 June 2023 £22,209,000). The administrative expenses for the six months ended 30 June 2023 were £1,052,000. This equates to an annualised expense ratio of 8.9%.


113 days ago

Letter to Aquis Regulation: Andrew Monk and VSA

It really is a disgrace that an Aquis listed adviser to Aquis companies can put out a results statement which breaks a basic accounting rule and not issue a correction. Yet that is exactly what Andrew Monk and VSA Capital (VSA) has done. Perhaps he thinks that rules don’t apply to gentlemen such as himself by dint of his education at Oriel College Oxford. I have written to the regulator


113 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Burying bad news the day before burying bad news day

In today’s podcast on a day of travel drama for the Mrs and Joshua I discuss: Chill Brands (CHLL), Ben’s Creek (BEN), VSA Capital (VSA) and Reabold Resources (RBD).


113 days ago

The ShareProphets tips of the year Number 10, a Buy from Tom Winnifrith

Between December 24 and January 3 we will serve up 20 share tips of the year from the team at ShareProphets. Most writers pen two tips, Tom will do 6. There will be longs, shorts, blue chips and small caps. We continue this series with a BUY from Tom Winnifrith.


113 days ago

Very Silly Andrew Monk issues piss poor numbers and makes howling schoolboy accounting error

Maybe the Andrew Monk Christmas carol was not the egomaniac’s biggest Yuletide Nightmare. Now, as an Aquis advisor, he faces the humiliation of having to reissue (piss poor) interims after making a howling schoolboy error. I guess they did not teach accounting for beginners at Oriel College Oxford. Let’s start with the schoolboy error.


113 days ago

BREAKING: The insolvent fraud Regtech signs contract with the world’s most gifted investors ever (irony)

Regtech Open (RTOP) the sub-Standard listed technically insolvent fraud has announced its first UK client win. And if you can’t smell a rat here you need to book an appointment with an Otorhinolaryngologist PDQ.


113 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Mr Market has really got the Christmas spirit

In this podcast there is more to please Catriona and Matthew’s Dog than to please Nigel Wray. Be warned. It covers: Horizonte Minerals (HZM), Technology Minerals (TM1), Canadian Overseas (COPL), WH Ireland (WHI), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD) and its sister company Regtech Open (RTOP) and Tern (TERN).


114 days ago

Another old friend lost? I am a “fascist” for not slating the Jews

When 1200 Jews were slaughtered by Hamas on October 7 my friend of twenty five years T did not write me an angry email saying how he supported my articles expressing my horror. He did not mind that 10 of them were British Jews or that 2 British Jews were taken into Gaza as hostages by the Hamas rapists. But today T has been in touch to slate me as being a “fascist” for supporting the Jewish State after the tragedy of Israel accidentally killing seven aid workers, three of whom were Brits.  A man with a history degree does not seem able to understand that in the context of real fascism that is just such an utterly offensive thing to say.  Our exchange follows and I just despair. I guess I have lost another friend.


117 days ago

Getting a barrage of hate for stating a fact, meet the #NAFO loons

On the day Scotland introduces its barking mad new clampdown on free speech, JK Rowling has tweeted a series of images of the type of women born with a penis, including the unhinged India Willoughby stating that they are men. That is a direct challenge to the Scottish Police. Good for JK who is, predictably, being lambasted by a range of loons for stating what, you and I know to be a fact. Meanwhile I also stated and fact and after a barrage of abuse have locked my twitter account. I am not as brave as JK.



118 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: Russia, Ukraine and USA and a flashback to Syria and how we were lied to then

No doubt this will be seen as being Assad as well as Putin apologies. It is neither, it is just I dont like being lied to and misled by the politocal and media class GroupThink. I discuss events in Ukraine and the US election campaign and how, as ever, they are linked.


119 days ago

Video: The Fed’s Priorities are Changing in Golds Favour

Analyst Alasdair Macleod notes that gold prices rose significantly last week, but the miners did not hedge their positions. He believes this is because mining boards have come to realize that it is the weakening US dollar, not gold, that is the cause of the price increase. As a result, they have decided to hold off on hedging their positions.


120 days ago

Tingo: Oops don’t believe our previous statements admission to SEC

Following the charging by the SEC of Tingo (US:TIO) and fall guy Dozy Mmobousi with fraud, the company has posted an SEC notice warning investors that previously filed statements may not be true. How on earth can the SEC maintain the pretence that Dozy acted alone? When will it charge the main string puller, Chris Cleverly, Tory grandee Sir David Tripper and Darren Mercer as well? The filing is pretty damning and reads


120 days ago

The ShareProphets tips of the year Number 7, a BUY from Tom Winnifrith

Between December 24 and January 3 we will serve up 20 share tips of the year from the team at ShareProphets. Most writers pen two tips, Tom will do 6. There will be longs, shorts, blue chips and small caps. We continue this series with a BUY from Tom Winnifrith.


120 days ago

Very Sexy Andrew Monk’s Christmas Carol Part 3

‘Twas the night before Christmas and things were bad at the luxury London townhouse of Mr. Andrew Monk, a man who liked to be described as the City of London’s top small cap broker. Not one visit but two from the ghostly figure in a Wrexham hoodie and now Monk could not find any way to get to sleep and was not greatly surprised when the large French Windows burst open again and, once more, a chubby finger beckoned.


120 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: reflecting on a past Christmas I spent in Bethlehem, on wars past and present and on why I am bullish about shares if bearish about life

I start with a few thoughts about my faith, one shared with Malcolm, then about disagreeing with bearish Nigel about equities. Then to a Christmas past for myself and Big Nose in Bethlehem and to GroupThink lies about Bethlehem today. Finally to wars past, as recounted HERE, and the war being lost by Ukraine as, sadly, I predicted. I hate war so much. On that sad note, I wish you all a Merry Christmas.


120 days ago

Very Sexy Andrew Monk’s Christmas Carol Part 2

Try as he could, Andrew Monk was feeling not very sexy Andrew after the visit of the ghostly figure in a Wrexham hoodie. “Surely everyone knows how important and well connected I am” he repeated over and over again to himself. But he just could not get to sleep.


120 days ago

Very Sexy Andrew Monk’s Christmas Carol Part 1

The fragrant Mrs. Monk had left for the family’s Cornish Mansion, Dun Broking, some days previously. Very Sexy Andrew, as he liked to refer to himself, had been detained in London by a series of meetings with other terribly important men and so was set to fly down to the Cornish Riviera early on Christmas Day. For now, he found himself alone in his West London townhouse just a few doors away from Jeremy Vine’s pile.


120 days ago

Inspirit – more hot air but still no revenue generating product and usual school boy errors from AIM’s worst FD, Nilesh Jagatia

On 22 December at 11.28 AM Inspirit (INSP) released its annual results for the period to 30 June 2023. Suffice to say they were atrocious and riddled with errors. 


120 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Evri/Hermes, a lesson in how screwing stakeholders other than shareholders will kill you in the end

I start with some pre Christmas chit chat and then turn to my own actually related experiences this week with Britain’s worst delivery company Evri, formerly Hermes. They tally with a Daily Mail expose today HERE and have lessons for all investors about rebranding and screwing non shareholder stakeholders.


120 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The madness of Brian Basham & its all about the placing spoof with Chill Brands leading the charge

I start with the crackpot socialism of my pal Brian Basham who wants us all to pay more taxes. Indeed he told me today that paying taxes is a privilege. Then a moan about BBC Radio 4. Then Chill Brands (CHLL), Bidstack (BIDS) and Vast Resources (VAST). Finally, it is that time of the year again, the View from Readers Windows at Christmas. If you can take a snap please send it to Darren at [email protected]. I shall miss Steve Holdsworth’s view from a Paddington Dungeon this year. He was a good man.


120 days ago

Bidstack shares soar as settles, i.e caves, to Azerion – morons need to do the maths

The morons really have not done their maths. Bidstack (BIDS) may have settled its dispute with Azerion and will be getting 3 million Euro (£2.6 million) but it is still utterly fecked. A 153% share spike today is a selling opportunity for any cross dressing IT consultants still owning the shares. Let me explain.


120 days ago

Cellular Goods: disastrous results, what on earth are auditors at PKF LittleJohn smoking?

My cat looked at these results and did the maths: Cellular Goods (CBX) will run out of cash within six months. Yet PKF Littlejohn has said there is no material uncertainty. That is just bollocks and I shall be flagging this up with the Financial Reporting Council.


121 days ago

How Different Warwick School is these days – but what on earth is the CPS doing with regard to paedophile ex-teachers?

Events in Edinburgh this week highlighted by Nicky Campbell, bring my mind back to historic abuse at my old school Warwick. The bastard who physically abused me, Geoffrey Eve, got a one way ticket to hell last year. But my long and, ultimately successful, campaign to get Warwick to name Eve and apologise lead to my involvement in exposing Warwick’s paedophile teachers.  I have already named one, the music master Charles Watmough.


123 days ago

Tough quiz from the Babylon Bee: who said it VP Kamala Harris or Elmo, a real muppet



124 days ago

Owen Jones and rape: the Guardian's man sinks to a new low of Jew bashing

Guardian columnist Owen Jones famously demanded more proof that Hamas raped Israeli women on the October 7 pogrom. There were no live videos so that was not enough for little Owen. Eyewitness accounts did not count as he knows that Jews all lie about this sort of thing. What a shit Jones is. But in case you thought he could sink no lower, think again and it is also on the subject of rape.


124 days ago

Verditek: GM postponed no mention of Italian VAT Refund, this looks grim

Oh dear, Oh dear as my old pal Mike Walters used to say when another of his crap tips went horribly Pete Tong. Perhaps he is saying that today as Verditek (VDTK) , 99% down in two years, IS one of his disastrous tips. Today there is more bad news and it looks ever more likely that the serial liars chaired by Tory Toff Lord Willetts will be gigging with the Fat Lady soon.


124 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I blame John Teeling for the way I feel today

I explain why my old friend is to blame for the state I am in. I then move on to Helium One (HE1) and why its advisers and CEO should be strung up with piano wire, Chill Brands (CHLL) and why it should do the placing it so clearly needs before March, Alien Metals (UFO) and then more on Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), surely a cracking idea for a tip of the year?


124 days ago

Video: Rick Rule says You Have To Own Gold BECAUSE It Hasn’t Performed Yet!

Perhaps the best known investor in precious metals, Rick Rule, is, not surprisingly, bullish on gold. In this Q&A format podcast Rick discusses the importance of understanding the different stages of a bull market and the potential opportunities with mining companies. He also emphasizes the need to mitigate risk when investing in junior mining companies.


124 days ago

Amaroq Minerals – expanded prospectivity and progress update, further massive upside from a winning share tip!

Amaroq Minerals (AMRQ) has announced “significantly expanded prospectivity of its 100% owned Nanoq gold project” and “successful completion of ~10,000 line kilometres of geophysics, with all results now received for detailed interpretation”, and the shares have ticked higher to 63p.


124 days ago

Chill Brands is still not telling us what matters as it wins a supermarket deal

I have never disputed the ability of Chill Brands (CHLL) to get its nicotine free vapes into stores. My pal Ray Ingelby is a magician in that regard. The issue, as ever, is reorder levels and while Chill says it has had some it continues to dissemble on how many. It is also strangely silent on how little cash it has left.


125 days ago

Trump Unbonded the Brilliant Mark Steyn on just how rotten and corrupt the Democrats have made US politics



125 days ago

Alien Metals shares just 0.21p and falling: when’s the next bailout placing?

As a long term bear of Alien Metals (UFO) I have flagged up numerous undeclared related party and other sordid deals. This company has always been drowning in red flags and is the sort of shite AIM could do without. Now for some maths.


125 days ago

Helium One Placing Disaster and Disgrace – Lorna Blaisse wins the AIM Sports personality of the year!

Okay, Lorna did not win anything this year and in fact lost investors stacks of money. While Stuart Broad had a year of glory that will go down in history that is not the point and so following in the footsteps of that bird from Milestone who lied about a fund raise, this year’s AIM Personality of the year is ….Lorna Blaisse of Helium One (HE1). Cripes how Lorna has fucked things up but we are told that these days we should ignore that and celebrate more boardroom diversity.


125 days ago

Bulletin Board Moron of the Week can you beat this musicMagpie owning poltroon by Christmas?

Can you find a dafter post than the one below – and you might hunt happily on Canadian Overseas and Versarien boards today – from the LSE Asylum musicMagpie (MMAG) thread. For the avoidance of doubt, as explained HERE, I expect magpie to go bust in 2024 and shareholders to lose everything. But some folks are still fighting.


125 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 2 more monster triumphs, vindication, Metaxa, etc, etc, etc

In today’s podcast I discuss: Vast Resources (VAST), Versarien (VRS), Canadian Overseas (COPL), swearing and Nigel Wray vs Catriona and Matthew’s Dog, Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Belluscura (BELL), Helium 1 (HE1) and a statement needed, Tortilla Mexican (MEX) and Nightcap (NGHT) where alarm bells must now be ringing very loudly.


125 days ago

BlueJay Mining: you couldn’t make it up, its ‘avin’ a giraffe, disgraced McIllree is back!

Seriously this is worthy of April Fool’s Day. Rod McIlree was the promoter who pumped BlueJay Mining (JAY) shares hard on the back of the Dundas project in Greenland. Subsequent to his departure a new team admitted that all the money had gone and that the Dundas numbers pushed by Rod were all wrong and it was worthless. And so with the company running on vapours….


125 days ago

Another ouzo for the Sheriff, vindicated again: Canadian Overseas: The fat lady warms up as it defaults on debt

And to think that Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) founder Arthur Millholland said that I was a “snake oil salesman” and did not understand accounts. As the Fat Lady now books a ticket to gig with Arthur in the socialist hell hole of Canada, the shares have collapsed again, to just 0.4p. They were 25p when I first started exposing this crock 20 months ago prompting that misleading RNS response from Art. The shares should be suspended now as Canadian is now totally screwed. It is a zero.


125 days ago

VINDICATED YET AGAIN! Versarien – dire trading update, share consolidation needed ahead of yet another bailout placing required to stave off insolvency

Today’s dire trading update from Versarien (VRS) has managed to hammer the share price down a further 50%. The shares are now. At 0.15p, down by more than 99.9% in just five years. More ouzo for the Sheriff of AIM for hundreds of exposes penned in the face of death threats, harassment of my wife and industrial trolling and who has called this superbly. But let’s start with the good news for the morons who ignored me.


125 days ago

Nate Anderson of Hindenburg, the bear of the year, gracious with his praise on Tingo

Nate Anderson of Hindenburg has undoubtedly been the bear of the year with a string of scorching dossiers. But he is gracious enough to share credit where it is due. Now how many of those Bulletin Board savants who like to slate me have their work recognised in this way? Ok fools: carry on dismissing my analysis and exposes as you do. It’s your money you will lose.


125 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 2 thoughts about my dad, 2 bankruptcies predicted for 2024 and a Kefi thought

I start with a couple of thoughts about my Dad prompted by events today and on Sunday. Then it is onto Tingo (FRAUD) and questions for the FCA and Deloitte, Canadian Overseas (COPL), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), musicMagpie (MMAG) and Superdry (SDRY)


125 days ago

Canadian Overseas: if anyone wanted to buy its shite assets why would they give investors a cent?

Following yesterday’s latest calamity at Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPLthere are still some deluded souls buying the shares at 0.7p in the misguided belief that there will be a takeover. The gaps in the logic of such folks are big enough to drive a bus through. Here’s why.


125 days ago

N4 Pharma – is my maths wrong or is Turner Pope prepping for a bailout placing?

I have never been a fan of N4 Pharma (N4P), another sub scale POS on the AIM Sewer. Its Nomad is SP Angel which is always a red flag and a sign to get out. The broking team are the scholars and gentlemen at Turner Pope and I wonder if they are working on a placing right now. They should be. The maths is not hard.


125 days ago

What does my mother’s suicide have to do with Chris Cleverly's Tingo fraud?

As the SEC considers who else to charge over the Tingo (TIO) fraud there is now nobody on earth who cannot now accept that it was a fraud and that, as the first to call it out as such in September 2022, I am vindicated. I cannot remember a time exposing a fraud when its supporters responded with such venom.


125 days ago

BREAKING VINDICATION: SEC charges Tingo and Dozy Mmbousi with what it terms a “staggering fraud”

I think we can now safely say that Tingo (US:TIO) shares are zeros. I was the first to flag up this as a fraud in September 2022 and for my troubles have received industrial scale trolling on twitter in a campaign orchestrated by Chris Cleverly. Well fuck you Chris you criminal dirtbag may your soul burn in hell: the SEC has today charged your man Dozy Mmobousi who was going to buy Sheffield United, with fraud. Dozy is accused of making millions via share sales and general corporate theft. Maybe Cleverly’s cousin James got him off the hook as Chris knew all about this. But so far only Dozy and Tingo Group plus two affiliate companies have been charged. The rap sheet from the SEC is below. An extra Metaxa for me tonight. Enjoy. 


126 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A message from a “thoroughly odious “ man, i.e. me

I have decided who will be the subject of this year’s Christmas Carol. Hint: he has been known to mention how well educated he is. In today’s podcast, recorded before a Tingo-Tastic ouzo vindication moment, I discuss Canadian Overseas (COPL), Verditek (VDTK), Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and the morons and RBG Group (RBGP).


126 days ago

Invinity – FY to be broadly in line, i.e. a miss: when’s the rescue placing?

Goaded by me repeatedly, Invinity (IES) has served up a trading statement which dissembles. The only question now is WHEN is the bailout placing? I suspect pompous broker Andrew Monk is already on the case.


126 days ago

Shit of the Year, Dominic Barretto as you enjoy your nefarious gains this Christmas think about this poor sap you have duped & his daughter’s unfunded wedding

I pointed out earlier how PR spinners for Canadian Overseas (COPL) banked vast fees, nefarious gains, for crafting defamatory releases smearing me to defend their client. As the turd polisher in chief, loathsome morally bankrupt Dominic Barretto, plans a luxury Christmas he might, for a second, think about the pain of those who believed the manifestly dishonest releases he pumped out. From the LSE Asylum at 7.33 AM today:


126 days ago

EXPOSE: Novacyt a stand out short, a man close to the action is in touch

My man is close to the action and his reports suggest to me that Novacyt (NCYT) now in the skilled hands of Lynn Rees, the man who crashed Yourgene (YGEN) could well also crash and burn in 2024. At 66p the market cap is £47 million and the company had £81.7 million cash and no debt at June 30 BUT….


126 days ago

Wow just how badly these words aged: time for Arthur Millholland & morally bankrupt motherfucker PR Dominic Barretto to apologise

On 6th April 2022 shares in Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) were more than 20p and I had recently opened my assault arguing that, at 25p the shares were a compelling short. Today, after the latest disaster analysed HERE, they are just over 1p. But back then the man who created this investment disaster Arthur Millholland issued an RNS with a direct smear on me (suggesting I was short and did not understand accounts) and an implicit attack on ShareProphets. Morally bankrupt PR firm Yellow Jersey crafted this poison.


126 days ago

Canadian Overseas, Now the planned JV falls apart: a great bet for bankruptcy in 2024

Well knock me down with a fucking feather. All that talk from the Bulletin Board pond life about how a massive oil company was going to JV with Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) at Cole’s Creek. Guess what?


126 days ago

Hastings Museum Claims Dinosaurs Have "LGBTQ History" And Birds Are "Queer": ZH



127 days ago

Devi Sridhar’s Mask Gobbledegook on Full Display at the Covid Inquiry, The Daily Sceptic



127 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: feeling depressed about the beating of Rod Liddle in a post fact world, Labour fantasists on the boat people and Robotyne in Ukraine

I start with this tiny village in Ukraine and the blood still being spilled there. It is everything that is worst about this terrible war and which the Western hawks pretend is not happening. Then it is onto Question Time, Rod Liddle, mental health and Labour canards about stopping the boat people. It is all so depressing. 


127 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: This year's family luncheon surprise, Jubilee Metals to head sharply higher, Invinity is set to slump as Andrew Monk's tip of the year

I start with a discussion of Joshua the elf (Friday) and the family Christmas lunch (Saturday) and why there has been a two day break in Bearcasts. Then it is on to Invinity (IES) and Jubilee Metals (JLP)


127 days ago

The first man to threaten ShareProphets with a lawyers letter sentenced to five years in jail! More schadenfreude vicar?

It was just a week after we launched this website that we exposed a dodgy transaction between Pirate Pete landau’s Range Resources (RRL) and convicted heroin dealer Frank Timis. A lawyer’s letter from the criminal Pirate Pete duly followed. And it was not his only threat or lawyer’s letter to myself and ShareProphets. Oh well… I won’t be spending Christmas in the slammer. Landau will be.


127 days ago

Harcus Parker says 93% of voting Woodford victims were wrong to back FCA backed compensation scheme & it will fight to overturn it

The plebs do not know what they were voting for and did not understand the issues. No, not my pal the Euroloon Jonathan Price on the Brexit vote, but lawyers Harcus Parker on the FCA proposed compensation scheme for victims of Neil Woodford, which 93% of those voting have now supported.


127 days ago

Jubilee Metals – what to make of its placing?

Jubilee Metals (JLP) has announced an upsized to £13 million placing at 5.5p per share to enable maintaining the investment into the expansion of its existing copper and chrome operations with “fast-tracking” its new waste rock project. Good news or not?


128 days ago

Network Rail, Ramadan and the acceptability of lying

A few days ago, on the electronic trains departure board at King’s Cross there appeared a Hadith, a message from the prophet Mohammed posted to mark Ramadan. The message, posted by an employee of Network Rail, said more such Hadiths would follow. Cue outrage.


128 days ago

Global warming makes your chocolate bars more expensive says the BBC: #fakenews

The team at Radio 4’s Today programme got an enormous stiffy on this scoop by the BBC’s climate change team. It seems that climate change has caused bad weather in parts of West Africa which has sent cocoa prices surging and so makes your chocolate bars more expensive. It sounds like a great tale except that it is bollocks.


128 days ago

Supply@ME Capital and a clear case of market abuse as my name is taken in vain

If the FCA’s crack staffers want to take time off from shitting on the floor and jerking off on ESG porn and to nail some slam dunk 100% market abuse, here is its chance.


128 days ago

RWS Holdings – full-year results, still a recovery Buy

Language, content and intellectual property services company RWS Holdings (RWS) has announced results for its year ended 30th September 2023, including a dividend increase despite “a challenging market environment”.


128 days ago

RegTech Open Project – potential £50 million goodwill write off in results and another material error in a Alessandro Zamboni Prospectus

If RegTech Open Project Plc (RTOP) survives until it publishes its first set of results for the period to 31 December 2023 (that is assuming that Alessandro Zamboni companies manage to provide the working capital promised on two previous occasions on which it is reliant to continue trading) it should be reporting losses of more than £50 million.


128 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a snake correction & the WGEOMM is in touch

I start with the snake yesterday and a clarification, then it is onto Dispensa (DISP), Vast Resources (VAST), BjueJay Mining (JAY) – surely another bailout placing ahoy but at what price? – Microsaic (MSYS), Power Metal Resources (POW), Teather’s Financial and Flip Flop Ben Turney, and in real detail musicMagpie (MMAG) and why today’s statement does not address the real issue, making the shares a slam dunk sell.


128 days ago

Red Rock Resources Part 2: just how screwed has our beloved company become: something massive Andrew Bell is not flagging up, another Fatty Cornish disgrace

Earlier today I flagged up how we morons, aka loyal shareholders in Red Rock Resources (RRR) had been screwed over yet again by Andrew Bell as he has done yet another placing, raising £500,000 at just 0.075p. This company really has had more placings than I have had inappropriate thoughts about Cheryl Cole. Okay, not that many but a lot! However, readers point out that Mr. Bell appears to be playing fast and loose with the truth, when it comes to how the moolah, call it £465,000 after costs, will be spunked. Sorry I meant spent.


128 days ago

The impact of the FRC on the Standard List as sub standard auditors walk before they are pushed

Today both Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) and RC365 Holding Plc announced that their auditors Shipleys were resigning. The Wildcat RNS read as follows:


128 days ago

Don’t bother going for a senior job at Aviva if you are a white male even if you are the best qualified person on earth

The job of a public company such as Aviva (AV.) is NOT to change society but to deliver the best results for shareholders and that should mean that for every post, especially senior ones, it must hire the most highly qualified person for the job. But that is a message lost on Amanda Blanc, the company’s right on CEO.


128 days ago

Eurasia Mining: why can’t it just give us the facts and be honest as it staves off winding up order?

You will remember that former lawyers to spoof company Eurasia Mining (EUA), the form of Gowlings, threatened a winding up order if a payment of £108,000 was not made. Eurasia sat on the bad news until THIS ARTICLE forced it to ‘fess up. Today Eurasia dissembles.


128 days ago

Red Rock Resources - oops he did it again, yet another placing from disgraced Andrew Bell

For months and months we morons who own shares in Red Rock Resources (RRR) have been told by our esteemed leader Andrew Bell that the sum of somewhere in the region of $7.5million was on its way from the DRC. The cheque is in the post. Except it’s not a cheque and it has not been posted.


128 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The 2 reasons why Avacta is a SELL and a chance meeting with a snake

The snake photo will appear shortly on my other website but I recount the tale at the start of the podcast. Then it is onto Helium One (HE1) and then in more detail Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) and, in the greatest of detail, Avacta (AVCT).


128 days ago

Good News travels fast, bad news is delayed how is it hanging Chris Cleverly at the fraud Tingo? 15 days and counting...

Just the other day I posted more proof positive that Tingo (US:TIO) the company created by Chris Cleverly, the first cousin of our esteemed home secretary, was and is a complete and utter fraud. If Chris is not too busy being nominated for ESG awards in Africa (I kid you not, as you can see HERE), maybe he might want to update mug punters on the ongoing suspension of the shares.


128 days ago

Procook serves up another dog’s dinner set of interims and look what its doing on its own website

I warned about this crock at the time of its 145p per share November 2021 IPO but naturally fat cat fund managers knew far better and piled in. Today the shares are 26.85p after truly piss poor results. Is it any surprise that folks are reluctant to buy its range of highly expensive kitchenware items in the current climate? There is no real USP of this business and the numbers make that clear.


128 days ago

The curse of vile ex Tory MP Tony Baldry strikes yet again at Westminster Group

Westminster Group (WSG) shares have plunged by well over 90% since Sir Tony Baldry of 3DM infamy became chairman in 2017. And now the cures of Baldry strikes again with a tacit admission of Westminster’s growing cash crisis. First up though, Westminster is changing its year end. How convenient just 18 days ahead of the year end.


129 days ago

Photo Article: The cheek of it: will you install a flat screen TV in your eco palace in Greece said the chap?

I designed what was a hovel in the Greek mountains to be an eco palace, a house with sleek lines, vast amounts of clean air in vaulted ceilings and a place of quiet where you can forget about the horrors of the outside world.  As you can see below what I have created is just that. If you want, you can sit there all day by the pool or inside looking at the view outside or at long lines of bookshelves and traditional stone walls. It is, as you can see below, an ideal retreat.


129 days ago

Letter to the FCA re Dispensa on the Sub Standard List

Maybe rules apply only to little people and not to companies which retain as their adviser someone whose legendary modesty sees him mentioning almost every day that he attended Oriel College Oxford. I have written to the FCA about Sub Standard listed Dispensa (DISP), ccing in its adviser, pompous and conceited, Andrew Monk of VSA Capital.


129 days ago

Another deranged spam from Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer MBE

Once again Ms Lingerie on Expenses has been spamming her GDPR non-compliant list with an invitation to another one of her summits in January. I am washing my hair for both days so cannot make it. However maybe you are impressed by the boastful nonsense below. Does Meyer use Artificial Stupidity to craft her emails? Enjoy.


129 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: is Sosandar really on a medium term PE of sub 5 or a current year PE of 370 or both?

In today’s bearcast I discuss Regtech Open (RTOP) and Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD), the strange suspension of Rua Life Sciences (RUA), Sosandar (SOS) and Jubilee Metals (JLP) where I think 2024 might be our year. And also Verditek (VDTK) which might be going down before the Christmas Lights.


129 days ago

Supply@Me Capital – Venus Capital SA – an Italian job

Supposed death spiral provider Venus Capital SA has been involved with the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) since 27 April 2022 when Supply announced a new £7.5 million equity funding arrangement. In the RNS, Venus Capital was described as “a Luxembourg investment company with a long-term strategy focused on investments in diversified sectors, including the fintech industry.


129 days ago

Dates matter: has musicMagpie forgotten its trading statement?

I do not wish to be a bore but dates matter. It was on December 7 last year that musicMagpie (MMAG) served up a full year ( to December 31) trading statement. It is now December 12 and there has still been no statement this year.


129 days ago

Lift Global Ventures – has the acquisition of Zak Mir’s Miriad lived up to expectations?

The other day, HERE,  I revealed how almost half the revenue generated by Miriad Limited, previously owned by Mr Zak Mir aka “Brown Envelope Man” and his wife had to be written off or provided for as potential bad debts by Lift Global Ventures (LFT).


131 days ago

David Collier exposes the Jew hatred at the heart of BBC Verify, truly shocking



131 days ago

Down to fifteen stone six! I'm still fat but I am impressed with myself

I am sure that there are many of you thin folks who will be screaming “fat bastard” as you read this. You would be right. But I am on a journey as I try, again, to tackle type two diabetes and that journey started, just after Christmas, seeing me tip the scales at closer to 17 stone than 16. Now, today’s weigh in shows that I am closer to 15 stone than to 16 stone. I am, by nature, one of life’s fatties and weight has been a lifelong battle.


132 days ago

Trump Promises “a bloodbath” if he wins: Jon Sopel, CNN, HuffPost all spread fake news

Little Sopel, formerly the BBC’s man in the USA could not help himself tweeting about Trump warning of “a bloodbath”. HuffPost ran the story “On Campaign Trail In Ohio, Trump Warns Of ‘Bloodbath’ If He Loses In November.” The rage of the liberal media GroupThink could be heard the world over. And folks in that groupthink wonder what nobody trusts the mainstream media anymore.


133 days ago

Varsity Heartbreak

You get a different class of chant at the Oxford Cambridge women’s football match. Held in a 12,000 seater stadium, that of Cambridge United, more than 1,500 folks crammed into one stand made some noise. “I’d rather go to Durham than Oxford” they chanted. That is far more genteel abuse than that which daughter 2 and I used to hear at the old Upton Park.


134 days ago

GOTCHA! Dispensa – issues revised second interims but they remain non-compliant with IAS 34 requirements

On 1 December 2023 I wrote an article on Dispensa’s (DISP) interim accounts “EXPOSE: Dispensa Interims, a string of accounting howlers, the end game will be 0pGOTCHA The company and its shamed adviser, disgraced Andrew Monk at VSA, have had to reissue accounts. But this is not over yet…


134 days ago

B.P. Marsh & Partners – agrees a bumper “realisation of investment”, further discount to NAV value

Investor in early stage financial services businesses, B.P. Marsh & Partners (BPM“is pleased to announce the sale of its entire shareholding in Paladin Holdings Limited, the holding company of CBC UK Limited, subject to certain conditions including regulatory approval being granted”. Has it delivered investment success yet again? It has.


134 days ago

Video: Gold Moves When Miners Can’t Make Money, Like Now

Analyst Jonathan Mergott discusses the state of the metal markets, particularly silver and gold miners. He says that bearish sentiment remains in the market, with Comex inventories aligning with this sentiment and the Bulls dropping to 8% on DSI. The Fed’s forward path was identified as a potential influence on gold prices.


134 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A buy tip where readers in the very olden days are already 500% up

In today’s podcast I look at Powerhouse Energy (PHE), Chapel Down (CDGP), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) and Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD)


134 days ago

Lyin’ Steve Sanderson at UKOG must think his shareholders are really dumb. You know what: he’s right!

Last week Lyin’ Steve was arguing that Horse Hill Developments, the operator of the Gatwick Gusher was so profitable and pregnant with cash that it was able to repay a stack of borrowings to UK Oil & Gas (UKOG). This week we see just what a joke that all is. Today we have news on the deal with Pennpetro (PPP) run by Dave Lenigas the founder of UK Oil & Gas.


134 days ago

It's all true, A song about Conspiracy Theories

“A song about conspiracy theories” is the new release from Sharestock entertainer Dominic Frisby.  I am so glad he got that Michelle Obama is a man line in. Enjoy.


134 days ago

Could Victoria go to zero? Yes it could!

We have long been bearish about carpets and floorings roll up (geddit?) Victoria (VCP). But it has not always been an easy short. 8 investors have held 80% of the stock and there have been painful bear squeezes. But after recent interims the shares are at near multi year lows at 255p, a market cap of £300 million. And one can now track a descent to zero.


134 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: talking to Kefi and the hidden lack of profits warnings: Nightcap and musicMagpie are zeros

The olive harvest is done and I am freezing here in Greece. In today’s podcast I look at Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), NightCap (NGHT) and musicMagpie (MMAG).


134 days ago

Iconic Labs – the dilution carries on apace, again what is the point of this company?

Since I last wrote about Iconic (ICON) it has had a further two convertible loan note conversions, one from Toxic Dave Sefton’s Linton Capital and one from European High Growth Opportunities Securitization Fund.  Iconic now has 10.3 million shares in issue up from 4.7 million that remained after its 10,000 for 1 share consolidation on 25 August 2023.


134 days ago

Lift Global Ventures – accounts reveal level of slow paying and non-paying customers.

The annual report of Lift Global Ventures (LFT)  has now appeared on the Lift website and we can take a more detailed look at the business run by Zak Mir aka “Brown Envelope Man”.


134 days ago

Catenae Innovation – finally exits Hyperneth acquisition fiasco, AIM at its most pointless

Catenae (CTEA) is a great example of a pointless AIM company. When it was called Milestone Group it racked up continual losses which have continued under the Catenae name. It had a brief spike in its share price during the COVID era as the usual suspects ramped its shares on the basis that Catenae had blockchain technology which might be valuable but of course it wasn’t because who wants to use software from a tiny subscale loss making group to monitor a national population’s vaccine status.


134 days ago

DS Smith – “challenging environment” interims, but an outlook optimism & yield Buy

DS Smith (SMDS) has announced results for its half-year ended 31st October 2023, noting a “challenging environment” but that second quarter volume performance was improved versus the first quarter and that it expects this trend to continue as it continues to win market share.


135 days ago

The wrong Tom Winnifrith: my late father would have been horrified

I have a facebook account which I very rarely use. I post links to my articles on it and now and again visit it it to check whether I am the subject of a two minute hate here in the last village in Wales. Following revelations that the Welsh Government imposed draconian lockdown rules on us for purely political rather than scientific reasons I am waiting for some of the face nappy fascists here to apologise but suspect they will not. Anyhow I was on facebook the other day and was contacted out of the blue by a chap living in Greece. My late father would have been horrified.


135 days ago

Why not the Taliban Line? Sadiq Khan missed out: Titania McGrath



136 days ago

Collapsing El Niño Spells End to Year-Long Bout of Climate Hysteria: Daily Sceptic



136 days ago

easyJet – full-year results, remains a Buy

easyJet (EZJ) has announced results for its year ended 30th September 2023, which are headlined “Record H2’23 financial performance with a positive outlook for FY24” and include the reinstatement of a dividend. Good news!


136 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: that chat with Steve O'Hara

In today’s Bearcast I look at Contango (CGO), Landore (LND), Optibiotix (OPTI),Probiotix and Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and update you on olive harvesting.


136 days ago

UK Oil & Gas robs the gas meter to pay the electricity meter

Some folks seem to think that UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) received a cash windfall today of £675,000. I am sure that is what CEO Lyin’ Steve Sanderson wants them to think but au contraire.


136 days ago

Artisanal Spirits warning and Adjusted EBITDA hocum schmocum: a bonus Metaxa for the Sheriff

As a perma bear of whisky curator and provider Artisanal Spirits (ART) today’s sales and lack of profits warning comes as no great surprise. It was just 12 weeks ago that the company reiterated its was comfortable with calendar 2023 consensus forecasts. Boy have things changed quickly.


136 days ago

Westminster Group: the curse of Baldry set to strike yet again?

One of the golden rules of AIM shares is never to own shares in a company associated with slug like ex Tory MP Tony Baldry. It always ends in tears for investors while Baldry troughs it. When Fat Sir Tone became chairman of Westminster Group (WSG) in the summer of 2017 the shares were 16p. Today they are 1.275p, giving a market cap of £4.4 million. But could things be about to get even worse?


136 days ago

Landore Resources just how bad is its cash crisis?

Today’s junior mining disaster on the AIM Casino is Landore Resources (LND) which has announced that its proposed dual listing in Canada and an associated C$5 million placing has been pulled. Just how much of a financial black hole does it now face? And how soon will it fall into it?


136 days ago

Altcast Number 3: are we calling the bottom of the markets and an end to the small cap nuclear winter?

Thanks to the sponsorship of Sure Valley, Riverfort Global & Pires Investments (PIRI) we are expanding the number and quality of speakers and are able to offer up more fun and games at Sharestock on 7 September 2024 - as you can see HERE. In this third episode of Altcast looking at small caps and AIM, Liam Bulmer of Riverfort and I discuss whether the market has bottomed and the small cap nuclear winter is over. Enjoy.


136 days ago

OptiBiotix Health – part-time Finance Director appointment announcement encouraging, BUY

OptiBiotix Health (OPTI) has announced it has appointed Graham Myers as part-time Finance Director “to support the focus on driving each business unit and the group to profitability”. With it also added that “the appointment reflects the progress we have made in 2023 after a difficult 2022”, we look for the prospective trading news to boost the shares from a current 26.25p, below £24 million market capitalisation. Having an FD is part of growing up as a company and we welcome this big time.


136 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: swapping emails with 'arry and when is a trading statement not a trading statement?

In today’s Bearcast I look at Chill Brands (CHLL), MusicMagpie (MMAG), Vast Resources (VAST), Eurasia Mining (EUA) and the bent and corrupt world of paid for research, Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD) and Regtech Open (RTOP) asking when will the taxman pull the plug, Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) and Optibiotix (OPTI)


136 days ago

Eurasia Mining: Evil Banksta sticks the boot in

Evil Banksta has, as have I, called the spoof Eurasia Mining (EUA) perfectly, naturally attracting stacks of criticism from the Bulletin Board savants. My target price, as I explained earlier HERE, is essentially 0p. But what does the great one say?


137 days ago

EXPOSE: Supply@ME Capital – a £4 million black hole in its balance sheet by year end and when will HMRC pull the trigger with a winding up notice?

The interim accounts for the six months to June 30th showed that the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) had net liabilities of £2,108,000 meaning that it was technically insolvent because liabilities exceeded assets. The ongoing business lost £2,376,000 in the six months, roughly around £400,000 per month. By the year end of 31 December 2023, in under a months’ time, Supply will be looking at a £4 million excess of liabilities over assets.


137 days ago

Eurasia Mining: will the last moron in the house turn off the lights? Dire statement

“Oh dear, oh dear,” as my old pal “old Mother” Mike Walters used to say as another of his disastrous tips went wrong. I am not sure he ever tipped Eurasia Mining (EUA) but as Mr. Minmet it would be very much his sort of bag. Today’s statement is a disaster on all counts. It is hard to know where to start but let’s begin with the bid spoof.


137 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Will Bidstack gig with the Fat Lady within weeks?

I start with the olive harvest here at the Greek Hovel and across Greece and the theft of olive branches. Then I look at Bidstack (BIDS), Ben’s Creek (BEN), Upland Resources (UPL),  see the tweet below, and Tintra (TNT) and the monstrous failing of AIM regulation (again)


137 days ago

Regtech Open Project: the scale of the financial crisis in Alessandro Zamboni’s empire

This morning RegTech Open Project Plc (RTOP), as I suggested it should do in article yesterday, issued an RNS fessing up that just like Supply@ME Capital (SYME) it too hadn’t been paid monies requested from Alessandro Zamboni’s private group The Avantgarde Group (TAG).  In Regtech’s case it was TAG subsidiary RegTech Italia srl that hasn’t paid up.  It is now apparent that the TAG Group, which has still not filed its now way overdue 2022 accounts, is undergoing a major liquidity and financial crises of its own.


137 days ago

SHOCKING: Allenby quits as Tintra Nomad and broker chaps you are fucking cowards & a disgrace to AIM, more ouzo for the Sheriff

I say this with the greatest respect to good friends at Nomad Allenby but in the scandal of the fraud Tintra (TNT), the AIM Company of the year 2022, they have behaved in the most shameful manner. I really do not know how they can sleep at night. At 11.02 AM today Allenby quit as Nomad and broker leaving the shares suspended. That came 2 hours after Tintra published a circular (for which Allenby will have earned a fat fee preparing).


137 days ago

RTW Biotech Opportunities to buy ex Woodford howler Arix: if this deal does not stink what does?

The chairman of ex Neil Woodford Howler Arix Bioscience is an old Etonian, Christ Church Oxford educated toff called Peregrine Moncrieff who is also based in the tax friendly Channel Islands. And he has agreed a deal to sell Arix Bioscience to main market listed channel islands based RTW Biotech Opportunities Ltd (RTW). The deal stinks.


137 days ago

Ms. Lingerie on Expenses says “Families are back, Families build Morality” Julie Meyer spams again

Once again Julie Meyer MBE is spamming her non GDPR compliant databases inviting folks to attend another one of her cracking events. It is quite amazing that Meyer has not been stripped of her MBE but I suppose that is a reflection of the lack of morality of the British political classes. Here latest spam is a lesson in humility and understatement. Enjoy…


137 days ago

AIM Casino Market Statistics for November – another month of decline

November was yet another poor month for the AIM market as for the second month in a row there were no new admissions and for the third month in a row there were 9 departures reducing the number of AIM companies to 760 just marginally higher than at 31 December 2003 almost 20 years ago. It gets worse.


137 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: two companies pregnant with lack of profits warnings and facing a balance sheet crisis

I start with an update on the Greek Hovel olive harvest. Then I look at Online Blockchain (OBC), musicMagpie (MMAG), Helium One (HE1), Ben’s Creek (BEN), Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Regtech Open (RTOP) and the failings of PKF Littlejohn and the FCA


137 days ago

RegTech Open Project – why an urgent statement is needed from the new CFO Paul McFadden on his first day

Today’s announcement by Supply@MECapital (SYME) of the failure of The Avantgarde Group Spa  to pay Supply the cash due under its debtor due for the disposal of 81% of Tradeflow and make timely payments under its drawdown facilities likely marks the beginning of the end for Alessandro Zamboni’s corporate empire.


138 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel: the last day of the olive harvest 2023

The last day was, of course, back in December. But for some reason these photos slipped down my mental rabbit hole. So here goes, the memory has not gone completely. 


138 days ago

David Lenigas you old rogue: twitter ramping again

How is this for misleading tweets from David Lenigas and the new shysters in charge at Valereum Blockchain (VLRM). The new gang seem as bad as the old Richard Poulden crew.


138 days ago

Supply@ME Capital: yet another setback: how long can the FCA tolerate this insolvent fraud? This is a £42m zero in waiting!

What on earth is the regulator doing in not kicking this insolvent ponzi off the UK Standard List? Today, Supply@ME Capital (SYME) has served up more jam tomorrow and an update on its funding crisis. Stevie Wonder can see that the shares are completely worthless but out there in Bulletin Board land some folks think they know better. Plus ca change.


138 days ago

Three Graphics that show why Tingo is a fraud and its bosses, led by Chris Cleverly should be in jail

After olive harvesting is finished for the day here in Greece, I will, again, be writing to Jen Knickerbocker of Deloitte about the Tingo fraud (TIO) asking why, in the light of the three images below, the Israeli firm that audits Chris Cleverly’s latest con and which is part of the Deloitte global network has failed to show any professional scepticism at all.


138 days ago

Clem Chambers & Online Blockchain: when Roland “Fatty” Cornish quits as a Nomad things must be dire

Do not let the friends of Clem Chambers spin this as good news. The esteemed firm of Beaumont Cornish, London’s worst Nomad, has today parted company with Online Blockchain (OBC) with immediate effect. Online’s shares have been suspended and if a replacement Nomad (and broker) cannot be found within a month the shares will be slung off the AIM sewer.


138 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Day 1 of the olive harvest and other matters

A full report from the Greek Hovel will appear later. I am a bit tired for reasons I explain. In today’s podcast I look at Upland Resources (UPL), Microsaic (MSYS), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and out of touch City folk, Bezant Resources (BZT) and Chill Brands (CHLL).


138 days ago

How is Razwan Nazir fit to work in financial services as he applauds the October 7 massacre in Israel and compares the Jewish state to Nazis? A question for White Rose Finance

Thanks to the heroic campaigner “Gnasher Jew” I bring you two screenshots of tweets sent by Razwan Nazir who co-owns Consilium Corporate Finance a company engaged in financial services thanks to White Rose Finance giving it AR status. That AR status means that Razwan can carry on activities the FCA supervises. The tweets are shocking.


138 days ago

Argo Blockchain: You say it best when you say nothing at all

With bitcoin on the up, along with gold, you might expect bitcoin miners to be making hay while sun shines. But are they? Today we have a November trading update from Argo Blockchain (ARB) and as ever it tells us what sounds good but it does not tell us what really matters.


138 days ago

An email to Stuart Ashman of Skinbiotherapeutics, a modest proposal to regain investor trust

I have emailed Stuart Ashman, the boss of Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) this morning with, what I believe to be, a helpful suggestion.


138 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: USA, Russia and Ukraine, dont believe the media GroupThink: Trump is winning and so is Russia but painfully slowly

I start with the US elections and then as to what is happening and what will happen in the Ukraine war. On both counts the British media are lying to us all. Russia is winning but it is making ground so slowly and at such a cost that threats that it will be in Kiev, let along Poland,  if we do not hand over more cash and arms are just untrue. Meanwhile Trump is still a hot favourite to win.


140 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: Princess (not Leia) & Darth Vader prepare to go to a party

As you may have guessed it is, in fact, my youngest kids Jaya and Joshua. They had a great old time while I looked at all the unhealthly food on offer with diabetic envy. I have, however, said to the Mrs that if Ireland win today in the rugby I shall have a small celebratory drink, a Bushmills, “protestant whiskey” which would be my first booze since early January. 


144 days ago

BBC’s Disinformation Correspondent Marianna Spring and Panorama Trump smear EXPOSE Report was 100% based on parody twitter account they believed was real : Guido



144 days ago

Supreme Court votes 9 nil that Dems keeping Trump off the ballot is illegal, they are trying to cheat and steal the election

If, or should that be when, President Putin stops an opponent being on the ballot the world rightly cries foul.  The Iranians try the same trick and we are united in condemning this bastardisation of democracy. But in the USA Democrats are prepared to cheat to steal the biggest election of all. Who says so? The  Supreme Court said just that today.


145 days ago

Photo article: Luxury Greek villa with pool in isolated mountains of Paddy Leigh Fermor's Mani: now largely booked out for 2024

If you fancy a holiday in the Greek countryside, two miles from the nearest house in a luxurious poolside villa, I can help you. The Eco palace we have restored over the past decade, in the Mani will be 100 years old this year and has, as you can see below, been completely renovated. The pool will be warm by May and will stay warm until late October so the smart holidaymaker still has six weeks of off peak bookings available and here are direct flights to Kalamata throughout that period. As of now there are still vacancies in May, two weeks in June and a week free in both August and September with 12 days unbookedin October.


145 days ago

Nikki Haley gets 1200 votes in the swamp and the Trump hating BBC wets its collective knickers & ignores the facts

Nikki Haley has won a primary contest, the first woman ever to win a Republican Primary. The BBC, where all reporters suffer from acute #TrumpDerangementSyndrome, had a collective knicker wet and pondered whether this meant the Donald Trump bandwagon was off the rails.  Fear not. It is not. The BBC, as you might expect, ignore little things called facts.


148 days ago

Video: The World’s Financial System is an Accident Waiting to Happen

Writer and gold bug Bob Moriarty might be termed a wild eyed conspiracy theorist. But some of his predictions seem plausible enough to me.


148 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A quitting FD is often a red flag, why La Willingham's Nightcap is so much in the merde

A taxi arrives at 4 AM tomorrow as I head to Greece for olive picking. So there may not be a bearcast on Sunday but I might do one if I can. Today I look at FD’s resigning and Nightcap (NGHT) in particular as a whistleblower has been in touch. I explain why it may well go bust soon.


148 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Malcolm can say what he likes about Ceres but he's wrong & a serious suggestion for Sus Barbatus at Skinbiotherapeutics

I start with it being the first day of Advent and a moan about folks starting Christmas far too early. Then onto Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), why I am not selling and a suggestion for Stuart Ashman, a serious one, on how he can regain investor trust at a stroke. Then it is Tintra (TNT), Ceres Power (CWR), free speech on this website, Totally (TLY), Vast Resources (VAST) and Rua Life Sciences (RUA),the sponsor of today’s ouzo moment.


148 days ago

Chill Brands: is anyone actually reading the prospectus?

I am a bit of a Chill Brands (CHLL) groupie and have been ever since it was Zoetic (ZOE). That does not make me a fan. I published a massive bear dossier when the shares were 76p and, despite my colleagues, a friend and me facing active harassment from a paid thug, have been bearish ever since. The shares are now 3.45p. Yesterday afternoon something really weird happened.


148 days ago

Oh no Malcolm Stacey, look away (again), another warning from Ceres Power

At no-one is watching O’clock last night, what my friend Comrade Stacey termed a “jolly green giant” in one of his numerous articles loving up Ceres Power (CWR), served up yet another lack of revenues warning. Shares in this company were £13.36 on April Fool’s day 2021. They are now just 161p off another 14% today. Ouch


148 days ago

Skinbiotherapeutics: can the boardroom greed of Sus Barbatus & the other directors be justified?

I still think Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) shares are cheap after results which were snuck out after hours yesterday. However, I want to flag up that for a company with sales lower than that of my local CO-OP and which spunked c£3 million in each of the last two years, the boardroom pay is obscene and just cannot be justified. The worst offender is the Sus barbatus himself, CEO Stuart Ashman.


148 days ago

Video: Gold to $2,900 and silver to $45-50

More music for the ears of Nigel Somerville. Francis Hunt, Founder of “The Market Sniper” suggests that gold and silver prices have the potential to rise significantly. He believes that gold could reach $2,900 and silver could reach $45-50. 


148 days ago

A rat jumps ship at sinking musicMagpie: the end game draws closer

The spoof bid approaches behind it, pregnant with a so far undeclared lack of profits warning and with its banks knicker wetting over ballooning debts , the good ship musicMagpie (MMAG) is already taking on vast amounts of water and the waves are getting higher and higher. What would you do if you were a rat?


148 days ago

EXPOSE: Dispensa Interims, a string of accounting howlers, the end game will be 0p

Yesterday, Dispensa (DISP), the Standard listed joke formerly known as Zamaz (ZAMZ), a company only Andrew Monk of VSA Capital (VSA) seems prepared to act for,  served up its second set of interim results, covering the six months ended 31 August 2023. As you’d expect with a Monk client and a company controlled by Dominic White of the Supply@ME Capital (SYME) fraud infamy, the numbers are a joke and riddled with schoolboy errors. Does Monk care any more about attaching his name to such piffle and associating himself with such low life? Or is he just completely desperate for any business he can get?


148 days ago

GOTCHA No 1! Harland & Wolff 'fesses in RNS but still dissembles badly

Yesterday morning I exposed Harland & Wolff (HARL) for telling some folks but not everyone via an RNS that it was guiding down revenue forecasts for the second time this year. I flicked a note to AIM Regulation and the Oxymorons acknowledged it. And at 4 PM the company ‘fessed up. Well sort of. It dissembled.


148 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: As Tingo suspension extended the writing is on the wall for Technology Minerals, escape while you can! It will be a zero too.

I start with a report on yesterday’s soccer with daughter 2. Then I look at Belluscura (BELL) and as if Nigel Wray can really still justify the corporate action? Then it is on to Totally (TLY), the fraud Tingo (US:TIO), Technology Minerals (TM1), Doc Martens (DOCS) and Global Petroleum (GBP), 


148 days ago

Cook’s Coffee having fired Andrew Monk serves up quite atrocious (and misleading) interims

It is turning out to be a rather bad week for the egomaniac boss of VSA Capital (VSA), the, self styled, “Very Sexy Andrew” Monk. Yesterday it emerged that his firm is being sued for a Bernie by former client Silverwood Brands (SLWD) and yesterday VSA was also fired as adviser to Cook’s Coffee (COOK) which it listed on the Aquis lobster pot less than a year ago. We know that loss making VSA needs all the retainers it can get but if it had to lose one, interims from Cooks out today suggest it would probably be this one. They are dire. And misleading.


148 days ago

Tern – Wyld Q3 2023 results promise jam tomorrow but its another quarter of heavy losses

Tern’s (TERN) second biggest investment, Wyld Networks AB published its Q3 2023 results today. And, of course, they are utterly shite.


148 days ago

Tintra – leaving AIM, no news on tender offer and share price craters: a disgrace

After hours on Tuesday in an RNS Tintra (TNT) announced its “Intention to Seek Cancellation from Trading on AIM”. Oh dear. I have warned you so many times that the AIM Company of the year 2022 was a nest of snakes. Of course, so many Bulletin Board savants knew better. This is a scandal that AIM Regulation should be all over like a rash, having failed to deal with so many issues over the years despite explicit warnings on this website


148 days ago

BREAKING: Harland & Wolff hiding a revenue warning!

I guess rules are for other people, especially when you are drowning in debt and desperately need a gargantuan bailout fundraise. This is a very clear and material breach of the rules. On March 1, via RNS, Harland & Wolff (HARL) stated:


148 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Bathing in ouzo tonight as Verditek fesses up

I start with a couple of very proud Dad boasts. then it is onto Old Mother Walter’s ruin and Verditek (VDTK). Rejoice! Rejoice!. Then I cover small cap profits warnings, Braveheart (BRH), Tern (TERN), Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN), Eurasia (EUA), Hydrogen Utopia (HUI), Upland Resources (UPL) and Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT). 


148 days ago

Even more Monkey Business - VSA being sued for a third of its balance sheet

Oh dear, oh dear. There’s trouble at t’mill for VSA Capital (VSA) the corporate advisory firm run by the egomaniac and self-styled Very Sexy Andrew (Monk). You cannot say that I did not warn you. It is all to do with VSA’s erstwhile client, fellow Aquis listed dog Silverwood Brands (SLWD) and its failed attempt to buy a 20% stake in cosmetics retailer Lush. Honestly you could not make this shit up.


148 days ago

Real Good Foods goes bust – in the end crimes don’t go away as another one bites the dust on AIM

After hours yesterday came the news of another casualty on AIM – the world’s most successful growth market. Real Good Foods (RGD) is going to be calling in the administrators and shares have been suspended this morning. 125 years of trading history is going up in smoke.


148 days ago

Techcast: Understanding AI Episode 7 of 12 - What on earth is happening with Sam Altman and OpenAI

Thanks to the sponsorship of Sure Valley & Pires Investments (PIRI) we are expanding the number and quality of speakers and are able to offer up even more fun and games at Sharestock on 7 September 2024 - as you can see HERE. In this episode I chat to Brian Kinane about what on earth is happening at OpenAI. Enjoy.


150 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: USA, Russia and Ukraine, the next episode

In this podcast i cover what is happening on the front line in Ukraine, the panicked and illogical reaction in the West, how a Trump win would force Ukraine’s hand, the Michigan Primaries and the latest polls all of which point more and more to a Trump win in November, what could derail that and what could make it more certain.


150 days ago

Though it is appalling, the real problem is not Islamophobia: the hard data, the GroupThink ignores

If one listens to the political and media classes there have now been five days of non-stop coverage of Islamophobia which, we are told, is the big issue we must deal with. Of course, it is wrong and must be condemned but here are a few statistics for you to ponder. Let us start with anti-semitic incidents recorded in the wake of the October 7 pogrom.


150 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: D day for Tingo is tomorrow, today is an Optibiotix day

I start with the fraud Tingo (TIO) then move on to Totally (TLY) , where I am vindicated yet again, Global Petroleum (GBP) , Golden Prospect Precious Metals (GPM) and finally what surely must be a 2024 tip of the year, Optibiotix (OPTI


150 days ago

Is Totally totally imploding? (As long predicted)

Interim numbers out this morning are truly dreadful. The balance sheet as ever is a timebomb waiting to blow up the company and, to put the icing on the cake, Totally (TLY) chairman Bob Holt who is the only grown up at this comedy show, has suffered long enough and his successor is a clown.


150 days ago

MusicMagpie Told y’all, it’s the ugly bird at the disco that nobody, however smashed, will shag: bidders flee!

I told you all very clearly that when musicMagpie ((MMAG) tipped off the Daily Telegraph that it had received two bid approaches it was all a spoof. The company put out a confirmatory approach and saw its shares surge to 23p as Daily Telegraph readers (poor saps) filled their boots. The reality…


150 days ago

Video: Rudy is a parody account and did not run the Reichsbank during Weimar but he makes some cracking points

This video is with the creator of a parody account but makes numerous very valid points.


150 days ago

A reader reminds Scirocco abut a raft of RNS’s it has "forgotten" to issue

Nigel Somerville normally covers this perma dog but a reader brings me the following paper trail which you can follow for yourself. The natural conclusion is that there are a stack of RNS statements that Scirocco Energy (SCIR) should have issued but has forgotten. Oops. I guess following the rules is for little people.


150 days ago

Crossword Cybersecurity warns again: Shares down investors a’cross, anyone invested really does not have a clue

Acquisitions to drive growth. Placings to fund losses. And yet more losses. The clues are there and, as young Steve Moore has warned you frequently, Crossword (CCS) is a share you really don’t need to own. 14 months ago there was a fund raise at 21.7p. Today after the latest warning the shares are just 8.5p. Ouch.


150 days ago

Upland Resources: if you buy into today’s news you are asking for it

I am amazed that the FCA has not sanctioned Standard Listed Upland Resources (UPL) over the fake bid episode. Actually, I am not that surprised. The FCA is useless but a half competent regulator would have taken action. After that incident anyone investing in this company is insane. Today comes more news which appears to have bamboozled an investor base with a collective IQ of less than that of a cheese sandwich.


150 days ago

Argo Blockchain new CEO Thomas Chippas – how impressive is his CV?

Struggling and drowning in debt bitcoin miner Argo Blockchain (ARB) still describes itself in today’s RNS as “a global leader in cryptocurrency mining.” Heck, if it is a leader, I’d hate to see what one of the laggards looks like. Anyhow the global leader is spaffing shareholders cash has a new CEO, Tomas Chippas who joins with immediate effect. So what is his CV really like?


150 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Kefi's a two way bet but skewed massively to the bulls, Ben's Creek needs to fess with a profits warning

In today’s Bearcast I start with a bit of macroeconomics. Then it is onto Powerhouse Energy (PHE), Ben’s Creek (BEN), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) and Valereum Blockchain (VLRM) Re Kefi I may have said this month when in fact meaning December.. Apologies.


150 days ago

Horizonte CEO and CFO quite rightly sacked, now for shareholders to get screwed one last time

After the admission of a shock £188 million cost over-run for the Araguaia Nickel mine in Brazil, it is quite right and proper that CEO Jeremy Martin and CFO Simon Retter have been given the order of the boot by Horizonte Minerals (HZM). I am pretty sure that both will get huge payoffs and will not need to resort to crowdfunding to keep bread on the table. Next up will be the final shafting of shareholders. Yes: their suffering is far from over.


150 days ago

Worthless Valereum: shares unsuspended and the new board comes out swinging for Richard Poulden

Oh dear. Oh dear. Do you remember when the brown envelope man Zak Mir and penny share promoter Dave Lenigas debated whether Valereum Blockchain (VLRM) shares were worth 100p or 200p as they ramped ahead of a placing? Valereum now, finally, admits that the reason it could not buy the joke Gibraltar Stock Exchange is that it could not raise enough cash to satisfy regulators at the GFSC. That deal is off, the shares are unsuspended and have fallen to just 2p and the new board is now going after former boss Richard Poulden


150 days ago

Video: War is Accelerating Gold, Oil, and Dollar Buying

Analyst Vince Lanci serves up music for the ears of folks such as Nigel Somerville as gold breaks through $2,000 an oz.


151 days ago

15% of Brits are starving scream the headlines and the Metropolitan bien pensants at the Food Foundation: That is, of course, complete hogwash

What a pathetic country we have become. Someone living entirely on welfare in the UK is in the top 2.5% of global earners but today we read that 15% of UK households were so poor that last month they had to skip at least one meal a day. Really? 4.5 million households? 11 million people?


152 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: when will small caps really rally? And, I'm afraid that the diabetes is again raging

I start on my diabetes. I should have acted earlier. But as i prepare for a Christmas of lettuce with all the trimmings washed down with mineral water, I am fighting back. Then it is onto UK small caps? When will they fight back? I name five that probably can’t and for which it is a matter of when not if the Fat Lady arrives.


152 days ago

BREAKING: further signs of cash crisis at Tern

Make no mistake, Tern (TERN) is now running on vapours and so are a number of its key investments. This is going to end in tears and those tears could be flowing very soon indeed.


152 days ago

Severfield – interims, a “continue to expect to deliver further progress” Buy

Structural steel company Severfield (SFR) has announced results for its half-year ended 23rd September 2023 and that it continues to expect to deliver further progress and a full-year performance in line with expectations. That also suggests continuing good value from current share price levels of just below 65p, an approx. £200 million market capitalisation.


152 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I wouldn't be this indiscreet but I hope Steve O'Hara continues to be

In today’s Bearcast I discuss Optibiotix (OPTI), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), Distil (DIS), Victoria (VCP), TrakM8 (TRAK), Rua Life Sciences (RUA) and the lies of Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT).


152 days ago

Boris Johnson really is a deluded chancer telling obvious lies and with Ukrainian blood on his hands

In the spring of 2022 Ukraine and Russia were ready to start Turkey/Israeli brokered peace talks. But, facing the partygate crisis at home, Boris Johnson bullied Ukraine to fight on. Almost two years later the Ukrainians have lost nearly all of the meagre gains they made in the much vaunted 2023 “counter offensive.” And on all fronts Russia is now advancing, taking out the“fortresses” Bakhmut and Avdiivka and village after village across the line.  The gains are measured in hundreds of metres a day in each area where fighting is underway. They are not huge on a daily basis and each day sees body bags shipped home to both Kiev and to Moscow on a horrible scale. But Stevie Wonder can see that it is Russia that is advancing.  However…


152 days ago

Video: Gold is About to Explode Higher Through a Triple Top

Asset manager Tavi Costa of Crescat Capital sees an impending bull market in precious metals, particularly gold and silver.


152 days ago

Optibiotix sells more Skinbiotherapeutics shares – Steve O’Hara explains why

I guess that while Stuart Ashman might have taken me off his Christmas card list after my recent bearcast on Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), Steve O’Hara at Optibiotix (OPTI) seems to agree with my analysis. We have swapped emails this morning after the publication of a TR1.


152 days ago

Imperial Brands – full-year results, remains income value

Tobacco and related ‘next generation products’ company Imperial Brands (IMB) has announced results for its year ended 30th September 2023 emphasising “stronger, more sustainable operational and financial outcomes” and “enhanced shareholder returns with 4.0% dividend increase as well as a 10% increase in share buybacks”. What of this having currently helped the shares up to above 1800p?


152 days ago

Harland & Wolff makes itself look ever more Scilly as it teeters on the brink

Facing a cash crisis of monumental proportions, Harland & Wolff (HARL) has come up with a cunning plan of which Baldrick would be proud. That is to say that it has launched a cash offer for the Isles of Scilly Steamship Company Limited. Scilly by name but not silly by nature the Steamship Company has told Harland to feck off in the strongest possible terms.


152 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: two minor triumphs but trouble at Wrexham Police station

I start with the trouble at the cop shop and my in-laws. Then it is onto Technology Minerals (TM1), Scotgold (SGZ), Victoria (VCP), United Oil & Gas (UOG), Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT), and La Willingham’s Nightcap (NGHT).


152 days ago

Letter to AIM Regulation: Nightcap and a breach of AIM Rule 11

This is a slam dunk breach. Sarah Willingham and NightCap (NGHT), assisted by Nomad Allenby have clearly broken AIM Rule 11. I have written to Marcus Stuttard and the team of Oxymorons at AIM Regulation asking if they give a FF about this and will they enforce their own rules.


152 days ago

Letter to the FCA: Wildcat Petroleum & Lying

Last night Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) was forced, by the FCA, I Suspect, to issue a groveling RNS admitting that its Chairman and CEO Mandhir Singh had, in effect, lied to investors on a Director’s Talk podcast. But this is the tip of the iceberg. I have written to the FCA which is the regulator of the Standard list.


152 days ago

Nightcap: Dire results, a lack of profits warning, breaching AIM Rules, the cash crisis and boardroom greed

Amazingly after all of this, shares in the late night bars chain NightCap (NGHT) run by narcissist Dragon’s Den “star” Sarah Willingham, are up today, by 0.25p at 6.25p. There is nowt as queer as folks.


153 days ago

After All the Media Hype, Wildfires Across Southern Europe Were Completely Normal in 2023: Daily Sceptic



155 days ago

Pro Race Baiter Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu hits new low as she compares ISIS and the IDF

Ghastly lawyer and academic and, almost, permanent guest on low grade daytime TV Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu loves the controversy that comes with her professional race baiting. But at some stage you would hope that her outbursts would be so vile that media bosses will deny her the oxygen of publicity. Maybe the tweet below is that tipping point as she suggests a moral equivalence between ISIS and the IDF, the Israeli Defence Forces.  Her cause is Shamima Begiim who ran away agead 15 to join ISIS where she was a willing participant in evil.


155 days ago

Does David Cameron think we are that stupid?

I suggest that Call Me Dave does indeed think that we oiks are just plain stupid and bring you, as evidence, a tweet he sent yesterday. It is just such nonsense, such a total canard, but I suspect he thinks if he repeats it often enough, the masses will fall for the lies of the media and political class GroupThink. Yes it is Russia again.


156 days ago

BREAKING: Did the FCA tell Mandhir Singh of Wildcat to admit he was lying?

Rather like a celeb caught making sexist comments on social media and forced unto a grovelling apology, Mandhir Singh of Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) has been caught telling complete lies and after hours yesterday came the confession via RNS. A “clarifying statement” is how the RNS is headed. It should be “Mandhir is a fucking liar.”


156 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Wildcat boss Mandhir Singh and his spamming surely the FCA needs to investigate

I start with the Mrs heading to a conference. She was map reading as we drove to the airport. We missed two turns so were late. Naturally that was my fault I then move on to the mendacity if the Autumn statement and then to naughtiness at Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT), called out by Charles Tatnall, for once a hero not a villain, as you can see below. Then it is Ariana Resources (AAU), Regtech Open (RTOP), and Victoria (VCP) which really could be a zero, Stay short.


156 days ago

Victoria: jumping rats, dire numbers, that looming margin call for Geoff Wilding could this be a zero?

The bears are at last seeing vindication, shares in carpets rollup Victoria (VCP) are plunging and this is only the start of the downfall of its colourful boss Geoff Wilding. Let’s start with the rat.


156 days ago

Invinity: clearly there is something wrong: time for Andrew Monk to apologise and ‘fess up, clearly it is bailout placing ahoy

On September 5 2023 I took Andrew Monk of VSA Capital (VSA) to task for trying to ramp shares in Invinity Energy (IES) on an all expenses paid jolly visiting Canadian fund managers. The shares were then 49p. I do hope that you followed my bear call as, despite Monkey’s wretched protestations, I was bang on the money. The shares are now 28.5p and falling rapidly.


156 days ago

EXPLOSIVE: Technology Minerals an academic writes…

I have warned repeatedly that the stench of career fraudster Chris Cleverly of Tingo (US:TIO) and African Potash (AFPO) infamy, rendered Technology Minerals (TM1) utterly uninvestable. I have now received a letter from an academic which I republish and will be forwarding to the FCA. Anyone reading the letter and still holding the shares is truly certifiable.


157 days ago

Technology Minerals the shareholders are getting restless as more red flags emerge, RNS needed, CEO must "be resigned"

Any shareholder in a company linked to career fraudster Chris Cleverly of Tingo (US:TIO) infamy, aka the first cousin of our esteemed Home Secretary, is bonkers. And thus I have repeatedly warned folks about Technology Minerals (TM1). It now seems that some of the cultists, who gather on a closed Telegram group to discuss what a complete bastard and ignoramus I am, how Chris Cleverly’s farts smell of roses and and how they will all get rich, seem to be getting restless. One has written to chairman Martin Brundle making rather damaging allegations. Thanks to Winnileaks, I bring you the letter below. Suffice to say, anyone holding the shares, at 1p, is certifiable.


157 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: what can we all learn from the Empresaria profits warning?

In today’s podcast I look at why charting is folly, musicMagpie (MMAG), Tintra (TNT), Empresaria (EMR) and numerous lessons we can all learn and Lift Global Ventures (LFT) run by brown envelope man Zak Mir and why its results are so utterly misleading.


157 days ago

SkinBioTherapeutics – placing and “retail offer”… and CEO Stuart Ashman talking absolute rubbish, shares still a BUY

SkinBioTherapeutics (SBTX) has announced a placing and “retail offer” at 19p per share to raise, respectively, a minimum of £3 million and up to £0.25 million, with CEO Stuart Ashman stating this is needed “to help with the current commercialisation and development strategy of AxisBiotix in skin health, with our latest venture beginning in acne, as well as providing a stronger financial base to support our strategic partnering discussions around three of our other business pillars. The funding will also support us with working capital and strengthen our balance sheet”. Tom Winnifrith has applied for shares in the offer and we suggest you do too BUT Ashman is talking bollocks and we will be slashing our target price from 150p.


157 days ago

Tern – a dismal and deeply unimpressive pre placing attempted ramp

I know Tern (TERN) is running on vapours. You know it and Mr. Market knows it. And as such all that tern can do is issue a wholly meaningless update on its portfolio and hope that the fuckwits who invest in AIM dross buy the shares, pushing them higher and so allowing one last deeply discounted placing to get away, giving it a few more months to limp on. Today’s statement ended with an implausible claim about boss Al Sisto.


157 days ago

Video: When the FOMO Comes Rushing Into Commodities

Author Andrew Hoese from Finding Value Finance discusses the potential for inflation in the near future and its impact on various markets. He believes that demographic pressures and fractional reserve lending will lead to inflation and potentially a debt crisis if interest rates rise too high. He suggests that Jerome Powell may raise interest rates further to slow inflation, but this could make it unaffordable for millennials to buy homes. Hoese also discusses the possibility of a short-term slowdown in the real estate market due to deficits and the stimulus sent in 2020. Regardless further inflation may be coming.


157 days ago

RegTech Open Project – why its incoming CFO should provide a trading update

According to Regtech’s (RTOP) RNS of 7 September 2023, Paul McFadden will be arriving as Chief Financial Officer with an effective start date of 5 December 2023. When his appointment was announced Regtech’s share price was just over 200 pence per share and now languishes close to its near its 52-week low of 9 pence per share, a drop of more than 95%.


157 days ago

Tingo files Q3 numbers with SEC – doubt the caveats will wash or save Chris Cleverly from jail time

After the SEC suspended trading in the shares of the fraud Tingo (US:TIO) last week for at least a fortnight, Tingo filed a notice saying that it would not be filing its made up Q3 numbers with the SEC. It has now filed the numbers but they come with a big caveat:


157 days ago

Woodlarks Christmas Grotto target reached & beaten – many thanks indeed

Thank you very much for all your generosity during the past three days. The target of £2,000 was reached and surpassed last night and as I write £2,175 has been reached which , with gift aid, is almost £2,600. You can still donate HERE to give even more presents to the kids in special schools and hospices. But the target is reached and on behalf of Nick, Sarah and the amazing team at Woodlarks, I say thank you very much indeed.


157 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: No I am not supporting team cancer

In today’s podcast I discuss Inheritance tax and the dangers of inherited wealth, cancer and Avacta (AVCT), musicMagpie (MMAG), Velocys (VLS), Helium One (HE1), Powerhouse Energy (PHE) and Woodlarks. 


157 days ago

Vesuvius – confident will meet 2023 expectations, for income and growth BUY

Molten metal flow engineering and technology company Vesuvius (VSVS) has issued a trading statement including that its “differentiated solutions supporting both good pricing performance and market share gains… gives us confidence that we will continue to meet our full year 2023 expectations despite weaker market conditions”. Good news from a current 410p share price here?


157 days ago

NightCap: tick tock, tick tock

Good News Travels fast. Bad news is always delayed.


158 days ago

Sharestock 2024 it's 7th September at the Welsh Hovel & Matt Earl, the Dark Destroyer, almost completes the speaker line up at the Welsh Hovel, book your seat today!

If you have attended for either of the past two years you know what fun it is. My plan is to do at least two more years but we shall see. There are so many variables in life. Anyhow we are all set for 2024 and the date is fixed at Saturday 7th September. We now have a nearly complete speaker line up and it is top notch!


159 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: Joshua and I produce Bara Brith

For St. David’s Day, the Pest, aka my son Joshua, has a choice of three Welsh tasks for a school contest. No sheep jokes, he is only seven. And fear not, any English person owning a second home in the village won’t be “coming home to a real fire” though Joshua is a fierce nationalist.  That reminds me, it is Ireland vs Wales on Saturday which we will be watching with an Irish family though the Mrs says she will join the kids in rooting for Wales. Traitor.  Back to the contest: the task we have chosen is making Bara Brith, a Welsh sort of fruit cake.


159 days ago

MusicMagpie – bid approaches or an admission of debt crisis?

Someone, guess who, leaked to the Daily Telegraph that musicMagpie (MMAG) was in bid talks so forcing a statement from the debt laden company. It states that it is in “early-stage discussions with both BT Group plc and Aurelius Group as to a possible offer to acquire the entire issued and to be issued share capital of musicMagpie.” So what is really happening?


159 days ago

I've just received this tweet - any guesses why this Avacta owning moron has zero followers

When shareholders in a company are this moronic you just know that it is right to remain bearish.


159 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Boris Johnson being a dishonest knob, tax and back to Skinbiotherapeutics

I start with the Woodlarks Christmas appeal where were are just £353 short, go on please donate HERE. Then it is a bingo moment as I put together why I have a portrait of the 1st Earl of Abingdon c/o a book from 1862. Then Boris being disingenuous and the Tories on tax. Finally it is back to Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and why I stand by comments made last Friday HERE and indeed go further. 


159 days ago

Iconic Labs – Toxic Dave extracts at least another £10,000 in cash

In Friday’s RNS Toxic Dave Sefton’s Linton Capital announced it had converted a further £10,000 of convertible loan note into Iconic (ICON) shares on 16 November, a week after his first conversion on 9 November. 


159 days ago

Castings – interims, further ‘ahead of market expectations’ value

Iron castings and machining company Castings plc (CGS) has announced results for its half-year ended 30th September 2023 and an outlook “marginally ahead of market expectations”. What of the shares further higher in response?


159 days ago

BREAKING: Disgraced Rod McIllree spaffs more cash at More Acquisitions – Winnileaks special

I’d imagine advisors round at Peterhouse Capital must be increasingly embarrassed by the clownish antics of disgraced Rod McIllree of Bluejay Mining (JAY) infamy as he runs More Acquisitions (TMOR) into the ground. Today we can expose yet another monumental cash spaff by Rod.


159 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - is Verditek going bust? Mr. Market thinks so and so do I

In this podcast I discuss the damascene conversion of the Mrs on a couple of issues and I say “thank you” to those donating to Woodlarks on the Christmas grotto appeal. We are now almost 75% of the way to target so if you can spare a fiver ( or more) please do so today HERE. I look at Verditek (VDTK), Tern (TERN), Red Rock Resources (RRR), mention Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), Cellular Goods (CBX) and have a look at Parkmead (PMG) where i am not convinced that Peter Brailey is right to be just so bearish.


159 days ago

UPDFATED: Has Andrew Bell’s Red Rock used fake photos to support its claims? He says no

This looks very bad for my friend Mr Bell but apparently he is innocent. The first tweet below is from Red Rock Resources (RRR) twitter account.


159 days ago

Technology Minerals, the Chris Cleverly backed POS and a warrant extension that stinks

As Chris Cleverly’s Tingo (US:TIO) fraud collapses in the US and he waits to see whether the SEC feels his collar as it should, back here in the UK there is news from Technology Minerals (TM1) a company inextricably linked to the stench of Lyin’ Chris. Its survival depends on the FCA approving an RTO prospectus, something any sane regulator would refuse to do.


159 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: I am angry about the Skinbiotherapeutics placing, I am furious with greedy Stuart Ashman but am going in for open offer

In this bonus Bearcast, I explain why I am cutting my target price materially for Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) but still see this as a potential five bagger. I am furious with Stuart Ashman who is greedy and has not delivered. And I think the company’s broker, Cavendish, has a lot of questions to answer. I warn you that Matthew’s Dog and Catriona will love this podcast.


159 days ago

Valereum another body blow in Gibraltar, just shut this POS down

Shares in Aquis listed Valereum (VLRM) remain suspended on the Aquis lobster pot at just 3.85p. Founder Richard Poulden has scuttled away and the former rampers in chief David Lenigas and brown envelope man Zak Mir who told us the shares would hit either 100p or 200p have gone strangely silent. The company is technically insolvent. Today another body blow…


159 days ago

Andrew Bell: don't be an idiot!

I am, as you know, a loyal shareholder in Red Rock Resources (RRR). I am well out of the money and retain my shares merely to remind myself of my own folly. Anyhow, CEO Andrew Bell seems to be making an arse of himself on the LSE Asylum.


159 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: How do you fancy coming to Ethiopia? said 'arry Adams

In today’s Bearcast I discuss Jaya’s birthday and the Woodlarks Christmas appeal. Please donate to that HERE. Come on you can all afford a fiver can you not? Then it is onto Hotel Chocolate (HOTC), Celadon Pharmaceuticals (CER) – still a short – Verditek (VDTK) , Canadian Overseas (COPL) and Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI).


159 days ago

Canadian Overseas forgive my delay, it is still going bust!

Yesterday saw Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) issue, via RNS, abridged results for the 3 months to 30 September 2023 and naturally the abridged RNS missed out juicy bits such as a warning that it would, ceteris paribus, go bust within a year. The full SEDAR filing has the missing bits and is a hoot.


159 days ago

Horizonte Minerals, Sasha Sethi at Flowcomms and the question of insider dealing

It is suggested to me that before the October 2 announcement of a $188 million black hole at Horizonte Minerals (HZM) there was insider dealing or at least an illegal leak of information. I do not think there was but there are things that make me uneasy.


159 days ago

Amigo – some bears are on the pitch, they think it’s all over…

It is not quite all over but it is near as damn it. The financial masochists at Craven House Capital and associated punters, who were considering an RTO of failed loan shark Amigo (AMGO) appear to have realized that their plans were insane and would be just to much of a self-inflicted punishment beating and have withdrawn. Oh dear.


159 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video ShareShow No 34 - Ed McDermott of Seed Innovations and a lot of macro musings from myself

I am back with these bonus video shows, this is number 34. In this show I interview one CEO: Ed McDermott of Seed Innovations (SEED) where I am a loyal shareholder with no intention of selling. There are also a stack of macro musings. I hope that you enjoy the show.


159 days ago

Defamatory Bulletin Board Moron of the Week Contest

As ever in such contest there is no prize just glory. To win you have to beat the posting below spotted by veteran reader SB on the LSE Asylum. Any comment on a Bulletin Board qualifies but to win it must be both moronic and also defamatory. Post your entries in the comment section. The deadline for entries is midnight on Saturday 18 November.


162 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: Russia & Ukraine: the impending fall of "fortress" Avdiivka, the death of Alexei Navalny & that Tucker Carlson interview

What is happening in Avdiivka is truly horroble but is being eitther ignored or misreported by the Western press. The death of Navalny is very sad and I do blame President Putin. The Tucker Carlson interview raises interesting questions and the response fromthe GroupThink is predictable. At some stage we will have to force Ukraine to negotiate a peace with Russia which, though you would not believe it if you follow the UK media, is making ground on all fronts. 


163 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Jaya 3 tomorrow, tonight is a cooking night

I start with what I will be doing tonight and looking back on the unusual birth of my daughter then I look at Technology Minerals (TM1) and why it could be a zero c/o the FCA, Eurasia (EUA), Queeld and dodgy Russians in Cyprus, AMTE (AMTE), Atlantic Lithium (ALL), Belluscura (BELL) and Nigel Wray and Nightcap (NGHT) and dates.


163 days ago

Powerhouse Energy – another one walks the plank

Powerhouse Energy (PHE) has had almost as many directorate changes over the past few years as I have had inappropriate thoughts about Britain’s leading chanteuse and actress, Ms Cheryl Cole. Today we have another one. That is another directorate change, this is nothing to do with Cheryl.


163 days ago

Today’s ouzo moment at Sheriff Towers – Wheelsure to delist, the gig is up

As you know, I do not like to blow my own trumpet. Modesty really is my middle name and I have no desire to rub the nose of crony capitalist advisers such as Liam Murray of Cairn Financial in it and so it is with real reluctance that I dance on the public markets grave of Wheelsure Holdings (WHLP).


163 days ago

Cellular goods launches on Chill.com – you just could not make this up

I had to check that this announcement was not dated April 1. It is surely a spoof. In short, an ecommerce website with bugger all traffic generating bugger all sales belonging to Chill Brands (CHLL) is now going to stock a range of overpriced products made by Cellular Goods (CBX) for which there is not, and has ever been, any material demand. It really is totally pointless. The gross profits generated by either party will be less than the cost of publishing the RNS. So why tell us?


163 days ago

BREAKING: Tintra – evidence that the Tintra Acquisitions disposal was a sham transaction, will the FCA act?

Tintra (TNT) shareholders are currently awaiting developments in the proposed development of LRB 35 Limited’s proposal to make a tender offer to purchase up to 29.9% of the issued share capital of Tintra Plc at 150 pence per share. Mr Market doesn’t think is going to happen given Tintra’s shares are currently at a mid price of 75 pence per share.


164 days ago

Skinbiotherapeutics is there a placing underway – pathetic response from Stuart Ashman

I have been involved with the stockmarket for 33 years. I have done almost every job going: analyst, CEO, fund manager – crap one – even, don’t laugh, compliance officer so I get really fucked off when folks lecture me about what the rules are, especially when they clearly don’t know them themselves. I really do not like being patronized and that brings me to Stuart Ashman and Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) where I am, of course, a loyal shareholder.


164 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Yet again its another win for me and another defeat for crooked Chris Cleverly

In today’s Bearcast I discuss the fraud Tingo (US:TIO), Ariana Resources (AAU) where I disagree with my bullish fellow shareholder Nigel, Victoria (VCP), Gear4Music (G4M) and Argo Blockchain (ARB).. My Ukraine/Russia podcast is HERE


164 days ago

BREAKING: Why no RNS from Victoria as its credit rating downgraded?

On October 5th the credit rating agency Fitch was unwise enough to reaffirm the credit rating of downing in debt and red flags carpets roll up Victoria (VCP). Victoria responded by screaming about the news in an RNS. Today…


164 days ago

BREAKING: SEC suspends Tingo, the billion dollar fraud created by Home Secretary James Cleverly’s cousin Chris

The first cousin of the Home secretary, the serial fraudster Chris, has a history of UK stockmarket fraud, exposed by this website, but his company Tingo (US:TIO) is a Nasdaq listed con which was once a multi billion dollar scam. Today the regulators at the SEC have moved into suspend trading in the shares and the associated document, below, is damning. It will be ouzo tonight for me as I first flagged up this scam in September 2022, for the Cleverly family its not such a good day.


164 days ago

Horizonte admits it could run out of cash before Christmas – Evil Banksta was right ( again)

Oh dear, oh dear as disgraced share tipster Old Mother Mike Walters used to say as yet another one of his share tips headed for a crash landing in Tits up Alley. One of his biggest disasters was, of course, Minmet (MNT) the fraudulent gold miner based in Brazil. Horizonte Minerals (HZM) wants to be a lithium miner based in Brazil. My 2 year old daughter wants to own a real life pink unicorn. I want… well, you know all about Cheryl Cole.


164 days ago

The BBC worship of the late Steve Wright is nauseating given how it sacked him

Like many of you I grew up and grew older listening to Steve Wright on the radio. His death at just 69 yesterday was something I regret and he will be missed. The Mrs. and I still listened to his Sunday morning love songs show. Whether it was right to lead the News last night was Wright’s passing is a matter for debate. My instinct is that the troubles of the Labour Party in Rochdale, events in Gaza and the imminent fall of “fortress” Avdiivka in Ukraine where a couple of thousand Ukrainian troops were cut off yesterday were bigger stories.


165 days ago

Tingo’s FD walks a day before the next fake numbers – blames the Israel/Hamas war, I kid you not.

Using this as an excuse to resign a day before the next bogus results really is wretched. As One of my oldest Jewish friends would say: Amir Ayalon, is “the sort of Jew who gives we Jews a bad name.” Hells teeth, the man only became CFO on October 2! And now he’s gone!


165 days ago

BREAKING: Another day and Eurasia Mining is in Court yet again!

This time, as you can see below, it is, for the second time, up against large shareholder Queeld Ventures, a dodgy outfit Lucian Miers flagged up as being of concern HERE.


165 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: that email I received must be an April Fool and Ouzo man's new short idea is a very good one

I discuss the April fool without revealing which paper sent it. But apparently it is not an April Fool. Well I never. Then I look at Technology Minerals (TM1) and its problems with the FCA, Saietta (SED),Harland & Wolff (HARL) and house prices and the housebuilding stocks with a reminder of my top short idea in the sector.


165 days ago

Wood Group – positive Q3 update, remains a trading recovery Buy

Wood Group (WG.) has announced third quarter of the year growth across all of its business units and that it expects “modest positive free cash flow in the second half… order book position supports our expectations for 2024”. What of this from a current 154.7p offer price?


165 days ago

Cellular goods another total spoof release – it will be bankrupt well before St Valentine's day unless there is a placing

The maths here is so simple that my cat could do the sums. As at 28 February Cellular Goods (CBX) had net cash of £2.93 million. Its revenues remain almost zero and its cost base had been slashed to c£3 million. However, the company then did a quasi related party share purchase of King Tide which wants to cultivate seaweed to capture carbon and save the planet. We were promised that this company would have its first revenues by Christmas but there is no sign of that so instead it is adding to the cashburn. Come on you can do the maths….


167 days ago

Born on this day 1915 Paddy Leigh Fermor – photos and memories of a visit to his house with a heavily pregnant wife and my late father and step mother

He would have been 109 today but, despite the vast quantities of ouzo and nicotine he imbibed, Paddy only made it to 96. He is an important part of this family’s life. My father and he were friends and one family holiday the whole family visited his house in Kardamili for lunch.  I was not on that holiday but my sister who had just left King’s Canterbury was.


168 days ago

By Zionists, the anti-semites infesting British campuses mean Jews

Even in today’s climate of overt hostility the bigots normally cannot quite bring themselves to demand that Jews get out, be cleansed from certain spaces. Some can, but most pretend that they are not engaged in Jew hating by calling for Zionists to be purged ,to be sent packing and their businesses boycotted. The picture below is from Birmingham University this week.


168 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel, the river reaches the lower orchard

The water is not that high on the Welsh side. It has just reached the first trees of the lower orchard. In summer they sit a good five feet above the River Dee. But as you can see in the second photo, over on the English side it is water water everywhere. As my kids put on their Welsh shirts for the rugby, the infidels are already well under water.


168 days ago

Iconic Labs – toxic Dave Sefton starts offloading his convertible loan note debt

In today’s RNS, Iconic (ICON) announced that it was notified that Linton Capital LLP which is owned by Toxic Dave Sefton who caused so much historic damage to Iconic shareholders converted £5,000 of his £750,000 convertible loans notes into 108,849 ordinary shares an effective conversion price of 4.6 pence per share versus the current ask price of 6.0 pence. The conversion didn’t raise any cash for Iconic it just reduced its convertible loan note liability.


168 days ago

Video: 2024-25 Will Bring Recession, Unrest, Along With Higher Precious Metals Prices

Jeff Christian, a gold and silver expert, discusses in this podcast various topics including silver usage in warfare, the role of gold as a “chameleon trade,” and the economic outlook for gold investment. Jeff Christian estimates that globally, between 10-20 million ounces of silver are used each year for warfare-related purposes such as missiles and electronics.


168 days ago

Mattioli Woods – AGM trading update, a recovery (and income) Buy

Wealth and asset management company Mattioli Woods (MTW) has issued an update with its AGM including that it “continues to see sustained demand for advice… which has continued into the current year to date”. What does this suggest for financial performance and from a 510p to buy share price?


168 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Alison Rose is still a greedy pig, chatting to O'Hara & more

In today’s podcast I look at NatWest Group (NWG), Optibiotix (OPTI), Technology Minerals (TM1), Argentex (AGFX) and have a new angle to the Upland Resources (UPL) scandal.


168 days ago

Harland & Wolff – deeply discounted, keep the lights on, placing imminent? Tim Kempster

Shorter Tim Kempster says that by his sums Harland & Wolff (HARL) runs out of money either in December or early January. My analysis on this website has been permanently bearish and I agree with Tim. And in that vein I see that the shares are weaker today, at 13.5p having been pumped in recent weeks by ramptastic announcements. I also see that…


169 days ago

Photo from the Welsh Hovel: a predictable casualty of the wind

Regular readers will know that my green intention each year is to buy a Christmas tree which I can plant outside, bringing it in for Christmas before replanting it on January 7 in the garden. One year my tree lasted two Christmases, most years I manage to kill them one way or another after just one Yuletide.


169 days ago

Jubilee Metals – “Q1 Operational Report”, still a growth roll-out Buy

Jubilee Metals (JLP) has announced “a strong Q1 operational performance and remains on track to deliver against the production guidance for the 2024 financial year”, as well as emphasising further significant expansion plans and potential.


169 days ago

Technology Minerals – now about that legal action over the unpaid £391,000

Oddly enough Technology Minerals (TM1) – the company that stinks with numerous links to the fraudster Chris Cleverly of Tingo (US:TIO) infamy – has not mentioned this huge legal threat. I do hope it has flagged this up with the FCA as it struggles to get an RTO prospectus approved. I bet it has not.


169 days ago

J Sainsbury – interims note continuing “strong trading momentum”, a 300p+ share price realistic...

J Sainsbury (SBRY) has announced results for its half-year ended 16th September 2023 and that, with “strong trading momentum” having continued in recent weeks, it is confident heading into the peak trading period.


169 days ago

Photo article : Gary catches a whopper

Gary Newman is on a fishing holiday in China hence his absence from this site. But he has just posted this photo of his first big catch, a 77 lb 12 oz black carp.


169 days ago

Chill Brands – it is what it is NOT saying

The ramping continues with news that Chill Brands (CHLL) is to plug its nicotine free vapes via a wholesaler website. With almost zero brand awareness it is hard to see many small independent stores placing orders via this channel but in the absence of any positive financials to ramp the shares ahead of the next bailout placing any news will do. But it is what it is NOT saying that matters.


169 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: How many times can the pompous prick Sir Martin Sorrell be allowed to screw it up?

In today’s podcast I discuss an accumulator bet on three profits warnings before Christmas or 4 before St Valentine’s Day. I look at S4 Capita (SFOR) run by the pompous prick of the year 2010-23, Argontex (AGFX) and the disaster that is Falanx (FCS)


170 days ago

A very bad week for #QueersforPalestine as they chant Yemen Yemen make us proud

The week started off badly for the “Zionist” haters as the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that a gay man from theWest Bank could claim political asylum in Israel becuase his sexuality meant that his life was threatenedback home. That is the reason that there are many more members of #QueersforPalestine than there are actual Queers in what the Western snowlflakes term Palestine.  Anyhow, forget about that, go die your hair blue and carry on marching against the wicked Israelis and, as you term them, Zionists becuase you can’t, yet, bring yourself to use the J word as you spit hate. Then it got worse for the marchers for Hamas.


171 days ago

Reabold Resources – Sack the board GM really is Hobson’s Choice

Kamran Sattar of Portillion dropped me a note on November 3rd to give me a heads up that he was calling a GM to sack the board of Reabold Resources (RBD). This really is like choosing between scylla and charibdis as I explained to him – he has goofed..


171 days ago

NightCap – more bad news but where is the dog's real bark?

In 2022 Nightcap (NGHT) warned on 3 November that (piss poor) results would be out on 10 November. So far this year we have had no news on the numbers and it is blindingly obvious that Sarah Willingham’s company is pregnant with the current year’s lack of profits warning. Good news travels fast, bad news is always delayed. So instead of any news on the results/profits warning, to sugar the pill, we have another piece of bad news dressed up as good.


171 days ago

October AIM statistics – another disaster and a £40 billion question

The numbers do not tell a lie and are truly dreadful. In October nine companies left the casino and zero joined. That makes it the worst month of a dreadful year to date which has seen 59 departures and just 12 arrivals. The number of companies on the sewer was 769 at the end of the month, the lowest since early 2003. But there is a more damning statistic.


171 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A new book by Tom Winnifrith out today

I discuss that book which you may find hard to read then Versarien (VRS), Tern (TERN), Celadon (CEL), Tingo (TIO) and, in detail, another Chris Cleverly stock going to ZERO, Technology Minerals (TM1).


171 days ago

Has Justin the Clown's Vox markets gone bust yet? Annual results suggest its only a matter of time

A reader takes me to task for failing to comment on the annual report of Vox Markets, the company that takes payments from shite companies to pump their worthless shares, often using the services of Justin the Clown. The annual report covers an extended 16 month period to 31 December 2022 and came out on September 26. I can but apologise for not picking up on this earlier.


171 days ago

Versarien – bailout placing at just 0.275p – remember when the shares were 200p?

To that poltroon who said that I called Versarien (VRS) brilliantly in the era of disgraced Neill Ricketts but had not appreciated the ”turnaround strategy” I say “feck you, yet again it is ouzo on cornflakes time at Sheriff Towers”. Today, as predicted, comes the latest bailout placing raising a paltry £454,822, before expenses at a price of 0.275 pence per share. The net proceeds will be, I predict, little over £400,000 and will all be gone by St Valentine’s Day.


171 days ago

Debating with 2, now blocked, impoverished morons on twitter

I sometimes wonder at the sheer stupidity of some folks. I present three tweets below. The two Vast Resources (VAST) owning morons who seem to tweet about little else are now blocked. Why have I wasted five minutes of my life engaging with such complete imbeciles? The thread runs:


171 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Ben's Creek pregnant with a profits warning and a financing crisis

In today’s Bearcast I cover Predator Oil & Gas (PRD), Ben’s Creek (BEN), NightCap (NGHT), Naked Wine (WINE), WeWork, Scotgold (SGZ) and Actual Experience (ACT).


171 days ago

#BoycottWebsummit unless you hate free speech and love Hamas butchering Jews & PR car crashes

Web Summit was founded in 2009 by Irishman Paddy Cosgrove and has grown to be the world’s biggest conference for folks involved in technology and the internet and a place where ideas are exchanged freely in a spirit of tolerance. That changed on October 7 when the world woke up to the horrors of the Hamas pogrom in Israel, the worst slaughter of Jews in one day since 1945. A company Cosgrove controls tweeted out a Palestinian flag on that day. It got worse.


171 days ago

BREAKING: Yet More ouzo for the Sheriff! The Fat Lady is heading to Jockland for a gig at Scotgold

Oh dear, oh dear, pity all those deep fried Mars bar munching viewers of BBC Scotland and the rapidly dwindling band of listeners to Radio 4’s Today programme suckered into buying shares in Scotgold (SGZ) by its fake news. Pity all those Bulletin Board Morons who knew better than the Sheriff as I flagged up red flag after red flag and published damning internal emails sent to Winnileaks. My full, and excellent coverage is HERE. Today Scotgold has essentially admitted that the game is up.


172 days ago

Naked Wines – CEO walks the plank after yet another lack of profits and cash warning: Told y’all

You cannot say that we have not warned you time and time again about Naked Wines (WINE). The chickens are really now coming home to roost and sooner or later there has to be a “run on the bank” with customers ( the Angels) withdrawing the cash they deposit with Naked as prepayments on its booze. And that will be game over. For now the Fat Lady is not booking a gig just yet but Naked has to be on her watch list.


172 days ago

Sarah Willingham's NightCap – silence is violence ( for the share price)

In 2022 Nightcap (NGHT) announced on 3 November that its full year results to July 2 would be published on 10 November and they were. A week’s notice was given. We are now on November 6th and there has been no announcement of when results will be out this year. Good news travels fast, bad news is delayed. So, what’s afoot, a source well acquainted with the company has contacted me.


172 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Eurasia, Boohoo, Vast and Verditek - all very possible zeros but when?

In today’s podcast I start with another couple of thoughts on the war in Ukraine and why a peace deal could see Eurasia Mining (EUA) have to ‘fess as to the lack of any real bidder and go to zero. I also look at a raft of other possible zeros discussing the reasons why for Verditek (VDTK) where my analysis suggests it is already essentially insolvent, Tintra (TNT), Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN) and Boohoo.com (BOO). I also comment on the pre bailout pump at Guild ESports (GILD) – oh and a new speaker at ShareStock has been announced HERE.


172 days ago

Tintra – market unconvinced by tender offer & delisting: this whole thing stinks

Tintra (TNT) announced today that the previous possible offer for 100% of the company at 150p per share in cash announced on 7 September was being replaced with a proposed tender offer for up to 29.9% of its issued share capital at 150p per share. Tintra also announced that the Board intends to delist from AIM. This all stinks.


172 days ago

In the Minus 99.99% club Vast Resources – more outflows: how long until the next bailout which it said would not happen?

On 6 October Vast Resources (VAST) raised £1.8 million at just 0.195p and made the very bold statement that “based on current strategy and updated expectations the Company does not believe it will need to raise further equity funding for the foreseeable future.” Exactly one month later the shares have plunged to 0.145p and today comes news which makes that statement look, at best, highly questionable.


172 days ago

BREAKING: Boohoo – undercover BBC reporter discovers it is up to no good again, Matt Earl sticks in the knife

Last week the Daily Telegraph reported that investors were suing Boohoo (BOO) over the allegations of modern-day slavery. Today another bombshell lands c/o the BBC’s Panorama team who planted an undercover reporter, Emma Lowther, with the company.


172 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A tale of two wars and more nonsense from Malcolm

Many folks have not liked what I have written about the Russia Ukraine war but it looks very much as if my prediction on its outcome is coming true and I assess what that means for shares and oil. Then to the Hamas Israel war and I make a couple of calls on how that will go and what that means for gold, oil and Israeli shares. Then onto Malcolm on ethical investing and why he is wrong to ignore bottom up analysis as he hops on another bandwagon.


172 days ago

BREAKING: Helios Underwriting – more evidence of why its shares should be suspended

In my recent article “BREAKING: Helios Underwriting – why its AIM shares should be suspended NOW after howling schoolboy accounting blunder” I explained why Helios (HUW), which underwrites insurance at Lloyd’s of London, had a major issue. The issue was that it had prepared its accounts for the six months ended 30 June 2023 under UK GAAP as opposed to IFRS as required by the AIM listing rule paragraph 19. Helios explained the reasons for this as follows:


172 days ago

Folks will call me sexist for saying this but Sosandar’s joint CEO Julie Lavington sounds very, very silly

Ms. Lavington is quoted in the ghastly Mail on Sunday as saying “Our share price is the same as when we turned over £1 million – except now we’re turning over £40 million. It’s frustrating.”. Where to start? It must be rather worrying for those still owning these shares that she has such an appalling grasp of how markets work. It is enough to turn a man to drink.


173 days ago

Walking round my trees at the Welsh Hovel after another night of fierce wind

Gosh how the wind howled last night. It seems to rush down the lane to the Welsh Hovel and the first bedroom it heads past is the one where the Mrs and I sleep, when not being disturbed by one of the cats sheltering from the storm. Maybe we hear it a bit more loudly than others as there is part of the end wall in out bedroom which is a bricked up window tax window and so the wall is thin at that point.


173 days ago

TomWinnifrith Bearcast: Eurasia 'fesses to the winding up order but that is not why I think its going to zero

In today’s podcast I rush a little as I prepare for a Bonfire Night party. I start with Eurasia Mining (EUA) then its onto crypto, Sam Bankman Fried and will the market still be a wild west.


173 days ago

Video: Gold Holding Strong Because It Knows What’s Coming - $3,000 on the cards within 5 years

Asset manager Lawrence Lepard of Equity Management Associates reckons gold is going on a rip.


173 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: It's beer & popcorn time c/o Doc Holliday, Eurasia Mining and Gerry "the arse" Brandon

I start with NatWest (NWG) and another part of the bonkers legacy of disgraced trougher Alison Rose then I look at Eurasia Mining (EUA), NightCap (NGHT), More Acquisitions (TMOR), Cellular Goods (CBX), Microsaic (MSYS) – another kill for the Sheriff – and finally I have a long look at Invinity (IES) which is, I think, a compelling short.


173 days ago

BREAKING: Eurasia Mining and the Winding up petition

I am sure that there is a perfectly innocent explanation for all of this but law firm Gowlings appears to have launched a winding up petition against Eurasia Mining (EUA) more than a week ago.


173 days ago

BREAKING: Private & Confidential letter from Harcus Parker urges Neil Woodford victims not to accept Link proposals, we publish in full!

Recipients of this letter from Harcus Parker are told it is private and confidential and must not be passed on. Natch’ it has therefore found its way to me within 24 hours. It explains why those who lost money from the Equity Income Fund, mismanaged in a crooked way by disgraced Neil Woodford, should not accept the proposed payout by ACD Link. I agree with Harcus Parker for the reasons it cites below. Enjoy.


173 days ago

Letter to AIM Regulation: Force Nightcap & Sarah Willingham to Fess to the grim news as per Rule 11

Shares in Nightcap (NGHT) the bars chain being run into the ground by Dragon’s Den star Sarah Willingham are sliding again to a new all time low of just 5.75p. Almost certainly the company’s trading so far this financial year (starting July 3) has been below forecast and so in not ‘fessing to that I believe it has breached AIM Rules 10 and 11. I have written to the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation, demanding that they force a ‘fess up RNS.


173 days ago

Eurasia Mining Chairman exercises options: how can this NOT be insider dealing if the bid talks are really serious?

Eurasia Mining (EUA) boss Christian Schaffalitzky exercised options over 6million shares at 0.42p. Those options would have lapsed today. There is nothing wrong with that is there. Surely there is!


173 days ago

OptiBiotix Health – “Commercial update”, sales and new customers progress. STRONG BUY

OptiBiotix Health (OPTI) has issued a “Commercial update” announcement including that it is “seeing sales with existing partners improve month on month” and “strong” big new customers progress.


173 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Cripes it is almost 2024, can you hear the bubbling in the background?

That noise is two Christmas puddings which I am steaming. It being almost 2024 is relevant to shares as I discuss. I look at Genflow Biosciences (GENF) – target 0p – MGC Pharmaceuticals (MXC) – target 0p, Versarien (VRS) – target 0.1p first stop after a placing before Advent at that level, then 0p next year – Deepverge (DVRG) – target 0p – Global Petroleum (GBP) – target 0p – and Trainline(TRN) – target more than 0p but lower than today’s 288p. 


173 days ago

Iconic Labs – death spiral finance now being issued at under 50% of nominal share price

Iconic (ICON) is a great example of the dangers of how convertible loan notes or death spiral finance which whilst enabling poor quality companies with no other traditional financing options to survive often causes massive dilution to shareholders.


176 days ago

Buying that pot of Israeli houmus in Tesco – an expensive act of solidarity

The twice monthly Tesco shop took place yesterday with myself and young Jaya once again whizzing around the Wrexham store.  Lots of cat food for the cats, grapes and strawberries for Joshua, biscuits for Jaya, pasta sauces and pork joints for the Mrs. and stacks of kale, chickpeas, blueberries, kippers, tuna and houmus for me as I continue my alcohol, sugars and carb free diet to tackle the diabetes. The fridge is bursting with curly kale which is meant to be a superfood.


176 days ago

MGC Pharmaceuticals shares collapse as consolidation kicks in, I'm 99.3% ahead on this short call - more to come!

I first published a red flag dossier on MGC Pharmaceuticals (MXC) when the shares were 2.25p on 11 January 2022. The last time I wrote they were 0.055p on September 26 2023 as the company announced a bailout placing and 1000 for 1 share consolidation. That consolidation kicked in today and, ceteris paribus the shares should have been 55p. But instead, having risen since September, they have collapsed by 75% to just 15p.


176 days ago

Blackbird – doing some Winnimaths, suggests it will have had to do another placing within a year

Folks who have never run a company perhaps might not understand that changing your cost base, that is something largely achieved by sacking folks cannot be achieved just like that. By the time you have gone through a consultation process, following the letter of the law and then paid off the folks you are sacking you should assume that you will have paid out about half of your projected annual cost saving. 


176 days ago

Photo Article: Exciting deliveries at the Welsh Hovel today

First up are the trees, another five apple trees: a late fruiting variety. These should be harvested, in a few years time, in November. If the 23 trees I planted by the river survive, I should thus be harvesting from August right the way to the run up to Advent. Sadly, following my visit to the Countess of Chester on Tuesday, I have stitches in my back and hard exercise is forbidden and so they will not be joining my two peach trees, at the top of the area once known as the jungle, which is now the vegetable garden, for a good two weeks.


176 days ago

#GoWokeGoBroke and the Christmas Adverts – M&S fucks it up first

The Christmas advert season has started and the competition is on to find out which retailer can win the Sharon White award for pissing off your core customers with the most offensively woke offering. An early leader is Marks & Spencer which released to a tease, an out-take, showing red, white and green Christmas hats being thrown in the fire. This has now been withdrawn following a backlash. From Christians? Don’t be so silly old son!.


176 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: another DOS attack, who hates what I have written and exposed now?

Is it some Hamas loving lecturer at Lancaster University or backers of Upland Resources (UPL)? Who knows? Anyhow we fight on. In the podcast I discuss Upland, Equals (EQLS), Caracal Gold (GCAT) and ASOS (ASC).


176 days ago

Upland Resources – letter to the FCA, suspend the shares AT ONCE!

I have written a letter to the regulator of the Standard List, that is to say the FCA, suggesting that it apply its own rules and suspend shares in Upland Resources (UPL) with immediate effect.


176 days ago

Tintra – hints at takeover proceeding but …Mandy Rice-Davies

At 6.13 PM yesterday Tintra (TNT) issued its interim report for the six months ended 31 July 2023. Needless to say, it contains a raft of schoolboy accounting blunders.


176 days ago

Supply@Me Capital – has Zamboni’s TAG paid the £1 million due yesterday?

When the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) released its interim accounts for the six months ended 30 June 2023 on 29 September 2023, it reported a material uncertainty over going concern. The failure of The Avantgarde Group the company through which Alessandro Zamboni controls 24.02% of Supply to make payments due under a working capital facility on a timely basis was a key reason for this material uncertainty (continual ongoing losses being another key reason). The issue was disclosed as follows:


180 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Nightmare on Kefi Street or is it just Halloween

I have just received an email in response to this article HERE. It is headed “Israeli Fascists” and ends “You are a vile and ignorant man. I’ve had enough of you. And before you accuse me of being a ‘Jew hater’,, two of my oldest long-standing friends are Jewish“. I guess that is another customer lost, another idiot who thinks losing £6.99 will make me shut up. I do not mention Israel in the podcast but discuss Caracal Gold (GCAT), Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and Technology Minerals (TM1) and the two critical differences between the Standard list and the AIM sewer. Then to the utterly dishonest release today from Hydrogen Utopia (HUI), a £24 million slam dunk sell. Oh, and I do discuss Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI).


180 days ago

Just what is the point of Trustpilot - its reviews are just bent: meet Tom winnithrith

When I owned a restaurant, a long long time ago, supporters of the fraud Quindell (QPP) took to Trustpilot (TRST) to post bogus reviews and ensure we had the worst rating in London. Naturally, even when presented with proof, Trustpilot did nothing about it.It just loved all that traffic coming to its site. Today I bring you another review by a Tom winnithrith. It is of ADVFN (AFN) where Steve and I run two subscription newsletters.


180 days ago

WARNING: Iconic Labs – reliant on death spiral to stay alive (again)

Iconic (ICON) published its results for the twelve months ended 30 June 2023 today.  The promised annual report is not yet on the website meaning that we can’t see how much was paid for the Directors services or what the new auditor thinks about ability of the company to continue as a going concern.


180 days ago

Technology Minerals results – how soon will it go bust?

Yesterday I flagged up how any company linked to liar and fraudster Chris Cleverly of Tingo (US:TIO) infamy was a slam dunk sell and that included Technology Minerals (TM1). Today, deadline day, it has served up its results for the year to June and the question is not if but when it will go bust.


180 days ago

Was this the worst #HolocaustMemorialDay tweet from a Politician? David Eby the premier of British Columbia

In my podcast on Saturday I discussed how folks like Sadiq Khan, Brighton Council and that poltroon who is running Scotland into the ground gave extensive comment about Holocaust Memorial Day without using the J word. Yes, let’s not show any sympathy for the Jews and talk about Srebrenica instead.  To be fair Brighton Council has now apologised. But it has not disciplined the person responsible. Words are cheap. The tweet was sent with intent and whoever sent it should be fired. Actions are what count. Over in the Socialist hell hole that is Canada, the top politician in British Columbia went further. His tweet, as you can see below is abhorrent.


180 days ago

Vast Resources – Piss poor results and piss poor mine update

It is only 18 months since Vast Resources (VAST) did a 100 for 1 share consolidation telling its thick as pigshit shareholders that this was to allow it to pay dividends. Of course, there was zero chance of that it was all about being able to issue more shares at above par. Since that consolidation which took the shares from 0.1p to 10p the shares have fallen by 98.5% to just 0.155p. And prior to that consolidation the shares had already fallen by more than 99% since IPO. This is a company that funds a gravy train for managers and advisers and screws shareholders. Today there is more bad news.


180 days ago

EXPOSE: The curse of Nilesh Jagatia strikes again: Limitless Earth serves up piss poor, wholly misleading, and non IFRS compliant results

The curse of AIM’s worst FD, Nilesh Jagatia strikes again. Limitless Earth (LME) has published its interim results for the six-months ended 31 July 2023 which showed a loss of £110,337. Net assets increased marginally as Limitless raised a net £151,900 via a placing, to £1,133,198 which more than offset loss for the period. The punters who paid 5p in the July 2023 placing can’t be happy with the current bid price of 2p. But anyone investing in a Nilesh company is obviously a financial masochist.


180 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The UK listed company linked to Lyin' Chris Cleverly the fraudster of Tingo infamy

In today’s podcast I discuss Upland Resources (UPL), Technology Minerals (TM1), Valereum Blockchain (VLRM), Versarien (VRS), Nightcap (NGHT) and why I am not super excited about the oil price.


180 days ago

Versarien: why shareholders should expect very modest proceeds from disposals & what that means

In today’s general meeting statement from Versarien (VRS) the clear implication is that a bailout and hugely discounted placing is imminent. This will destroy the share price as I explained HERE. Bulls hope that disposals will save a company drowning in £8 million of debt. Here is why they are wrong.


180 days ago

Upland Resources – the board doth protest too much about the fraudulent non-bid

Having ‘fessed after hours on Friday that the supposed 14p per share, £167 million, bid was a total scam, Upland Resources (UPL) has tried to reassure investors with another statement today. I am afraid it simply does not wash and when the company runs out of money early next year, the FCA, will – as explained here – block its attempts to raise fresh funds via a prospectus and I expect it to go bust.


180 days ago

Powerhouse – just how bad is the cash position and another Turner Pope disastrous misjudgement

Just how bad is the cash position at Powerhouse Energy (PHE)? You have to ask the question today on news that it has pulled out of its planned jv with Hydrogen Utopia (HUI) at Longford in Eire. Powerhouse says that it hopes to revisit the scheme, Hydrogen makes it clear that it does not see that happening. Powerhouse says that it has to prioritise its numerus opportunities. That is bollocks.


180 days ago

Versarien – it is what it does not say that should terrify shareholders

Today’s GM at Versarien (VRS) will no doubt pass resolutions allowing for the issue of a blizzard of confetti and a share consolidation. The alternative is insolvency before Christmas. In a verbose statement which shamed chairperson Dianne Savory will read out. It is what the woman who seems relaxed about other women being targeted and harassed, does not say which is a killer.


180 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Upland and Kefi

In this podcast I deal with Upland Resources (UPL) – target sub 2p on Monday, 0p in the end – and Kefi Gold & Copper ( KEFI) – target way above current levels – looking at calls for share suspensions, false attacks on bears, the role of the FCA and panicked investors.


180 days ago

Bulletin Board Moron of the week: bmwman on ADVFN? Can you do better?

Upland Resources (UPL) shares will collapse on Monday after the shocking after hours admission that its supposed bid approach was in fact a complete scam, as discussed in bearcast earlier HERE. As I am 100% vindicated and enjoy another celebratory ouzo, bmwman has identified the real culprits in what is a crime. I despair. The moron posts


180 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Upland admits the 14p, £166m, bid was a complete scam - vindication for the Master of penny share fraud busting

I was on a road trip yesterday so only noticed the after hours ‘fess up late in the evening. Upland’s shares will be destroyed, it is a complete vindication of my coverage and some folks should be going to jail if the FCA, regulator of the Standard List, launches a criminal enquiry as it must do. Upland Resources (UPL) management are – at best – guilty of criminal naivete and negligence, To show that they are not part of a criminal conspiracy, perhaps involving the tweet below, they should be demanding an FCA enquiry – I hope you followed my short advice as these shares will, as I predicted, collapse like a failed souffle on Monday.


180 days ago

Sylvania Platinum – Q1 update, a recovery Buy

Platinum group metals producer from South Africa, Sylvania Platinum (SLP) has issued an update on the first quarter of its year noting a “15% lower PGM basket price recorded during the quarter” but that it remained profitable and that its cash balance increased 2% to $126.9 million during the quarter. So what of a market cap around £200 million?


180 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: NatWest Warns but why is it not demanding the £11m back from Alison Rose? Ouzo for Farage and, on another matter, myself

To anyone still listening: in today’s Bearcast I discuss Global Petroleum (GBP), Regtech Open (RTOP) and the ongoing failure of the FCA to address a £189 million fraud, Safestyle (SFE) and FTI Consulting and NatWest Group (NWG), its profits warning, its Farage report (a whitewash), Alison Rose and why I don’t own any banking stocks.


180 days ago

UPDATED: Ouzo time: Peter Hill and Global Petroleum – a champion fat cat value destroyer: is the gravy train, finally, on the rocks as Panmure tries 0.045p bailout

On 13 October 2014 I wrote a piece: “Peter Hill (MA Oxon) of Global Petroleum – a case study in AIM casino piggery”. Global (GBP) shares were then 3.5p down from 12p three years prior when Hill took over. Hill has trousered millions since then and the shares are now just 0.0675p and that could well be 0.0675p too high for there is a horrible warning today.


180 days ago

Strix – another two red flags

Steve Moore and I have warned you all often enough about Strix (KETL), the company claiming to be revolutionizing the world of kettles. Today another two big red flags.


180 days ago

Starvest – Another one bites the dust, and another one gone, and another one gone

Another day and another company announces that it is to depart the AIM sewer, the self-styled world’s most successful growth market. This time it is the specialist mining and resources investment company Starvest (SVE) founded by the late Brice Rowan. This departure, unusually, is good news for shareholders.


180 days ago

Will Geoff Wilding at Victoria face huge margin calls and what will he do?

Both Lucian Miers and I have been long term bears of carpets roll up play Victoria (VCP) for a host of reasons, one of which is the “colourful” CV of head honcho Geoff Wilding. Another reason is the massive number of acquisitions some of which appear to make no sense at all. A third is its inability to generate free cash while always reporting stonking profits and a fourth, derived from that, is the debt and liability laden state of its balance sheet.


180 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - The stink of bad cheese

I start with a note on the Hamas lovers at Lancaster University then spend 97% of the podcast on shares: Argentex (AGFX), Ironveld (IRON), Caracal Gold (GCAT), Upland Resources (UPL), EventBrite (US:EB) and in some detail Roquefort Therapeutics (ROQ) which should be a zero.


180 days ago

Argentex – Brutal CEO sacking, crushing RNS

Currency dealer Argentex (AGFX) issued an RNS this morning headlined “Board Change”. That sounds bland enough but something made me look at it, call it a sixth sense, and sure enough, CEO Harry Adams has “left the Company with immediate effect.” I bet there are many looking at their voodoo doll covered in P45s attached with sharp pins this morning and shouting at the poor doll “FFS that’s the wrong Harry Adams.” But back to Argentex…


180 days ago

#BoycottEventBrite for heroic #RileyGaines and short the shares too

Check out Riley Gaines. She is a brave young lady who scrubs up well and who swam against the sort of Lady who has a penis, a “Ms” Lia Thomas. When Ms Thomas competed as a man she was nowhere but as a woman she won numerous contests. Riley and was cheated out of medals in US collegiate championships as a result. But Riley is brave and despite horrific threats, including death threats, from trans activists has launch a high profile campaign to keep women’s sport fair, that is to say not for women with penises. Riley is not anti trans she just wants sport to be fair.


181 days ago

Back to those underpants from 1943, a hotel in Mold and two books by uncle Christopher Booker

The Mrs keeps saying that buying any more books is what she terms GFD (Grounds For Divorce) as both the Welsh and Greek Hovels are now jam packed with my books, her books, and the books of my late father and Aunty Cly. But I reckon that she is bluffing as I’m a pretty hot catch and so three more books arrived this week as you can see below.


182 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast on Holocaust Memorial Day: as Sadiq Khan cannot bring himself to mention the Jews who died, I consider the lies we tell our kids about Bosnia

The timeline below is funded by you the taxpayer and is used to tell our kids about Srebrenica in Bosnia. They are taught fake history. I discuss why so many folks, especially the young, fail to grasp what a holocaust really is, what genocide really is and why it is more than ethnic cleansing. In part this is a history lesson for the young in part a sad tale about why fewer and fewer folks will say #NeverAgain and mean it. The candle may flicker in this house this January 27 but across Europe and America the candles are going out. I refer to this article from two years ago about Srebrenica


182 days ago

If 2023 was the warmest year on record how come BOTH ice caps got bigger?

I have already pointed out elsewhere just how massively bodged was the data used to claim that 2023 was the warmest year on record. The dishonesty of the coalition of cultist loons, big corporate grifters and the media and political class GroupThink is not new.  But here belowe two charts covering the extent of sea ice at both ends of the planet andI challenge any global warming nutter to explain to me how, if the world just suffered its hottest year for 170 years, the sea ice at the North Pole ended the year at a greater level than any year since 2019 and also above several years since 1981. Meanwhile …down South


183 days ago

Canadian Overseas Petroleum – yet more worthless confetti vicar

Some folks think that the main business of Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) is producing oil. No really they do, I kid you not! You and I know that its main business is issuing lorry loads of shares to dilute holders as much as possible. And thus today….


183 days ago

An £11m payoff and ICO now rules Alison Rose DID breach data protection rules in the NatWest Farage scandal. Twice

As I noted at the time, there is one rule for the great and good and another for we dirty plebs. The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) has today ruled that former NatWest (NWG) CEO Alison Rose, not once but twice, breached data protection laws in leaking details of Nigel Farage’s bank account to the BBC reporter Simon Jack. Well there’s a shock. You don’t say. But is the ICO going to do anything about it?


183 days ago

Regtech Open – has the £2.063 million arrived as promised? Letter to the FCA

Regtech Open (RTOP) is in my view a plain fraud. Listed at 100p on August 25 its shares at peak ramp were 314p within weeks. They are now 11.5p. A peak market cap of £188 million is now less than £7 million and it may well be insolvent. Companies owned by Alessandro Zamboni of the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) infamy were meant to provide loans of £2.5 million by early September but he could not dump enough stock so did not. Revised payments in 4 equal instalments totalling £2.063 million were meant to complete yesterday. Have they?


184 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: How to lose customers the TW way!

I start on the topic in the strapline then discuss: Upland Resources (UPL), Tintra (TNT) and other spoof bids. Then it is onto Caracal (GCAT) a clear zero in waiting, ASOS (ASC) and why Gary is wrong, Dev Clever and why the FCA has no balls, CAB Payments (CABP), Regtech Open (RTOP) and the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) .  


184 days ago

CAB Payments – why quality matters and a shocking NED lying about her CV

Yesterday’s shock warning from CAB Payments (CABP) which listed only a few months ago in July leaves its shares, at 54p, languishing as the worst performing IPO of the year. But could the big banks who floated it or the fund managers who lapped up the shares have spotted any red flags? Er…yes 


184 days ago

Andrew Monk’s next humiliating blow-up: Caracal warns of share suspension on November 1, it should be suspended NOW

Oh dear, oh dear. Life was so much easier for Andrew Monk when he was getting a lower second in name dropping at Oriel College Oxford. Yesterday afternoon came grim news from Caracal Gold (GCAT): PKF LittleJohn will not be signing off on it annual accounts on time so the shares will be suspended on November 1. The real issue is why they are not suspended already “pending clarification.”


184 days ago

Iconic Labs – is it suspension ahoy?

Iconic Labs (ICON) yesterday announced that it was changing its auditor on 24 October 2023 as follows:


184 days ago

BREAKING: More ouzo – its all gone horribly wrong at Richard Poulden/David Lenigas/ Zak Mir promote Valereum

Oh dear, oh dear. Do you remember when the Sith Lord Zak Mir was being pushed brown envelopes to say these shares were heading to 200p while David Lenigas said they were going to 100p repeatedly on twitter? Or was it the other way round. Anyhow that pumping allowed Richard Poulden, assisted by spoofery from London’s new Lord Mayor to do a placing at 64p. I have repeatedly exposed the shenanigans and now vindication for me. Ouzo for the Sheriff no more brown envelopes for Mir.


184 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Go F*ck yourselves again FTI Consulting, FD Technologies £46 to sub £9, ouzo for the Sheriff

I explain that I was up late struggling to put together a business plan. It’s been a long time since I did that. Then I look at Nightcap (NGHT), a barrels of ouzo moment for me and more shame for the serial PR bullies at FTI Consulting as FD Technologies (FDP) warns yet again and finally at CAB Payments (CABP), the worst IPO of 2023.


184 days ago

OptiBiotix Health – license agreement to incorporate a branded Tata Chemicals ingredient in India, STRONG BUY - target 78p

OptiBiotix Health (OPTI) has announced a license agreement to incorporate Tata Chemicals’ proprietary short chain fructo-oligosaccharide Fossence into its SlimBiome and LeanBiome for the Indian market.


184 days ago

Regtech Open – Bent Journalists at Proactive fail to ask the Lyin' CEO the crucial question in paid for interview: has TAG paid you yet

Ian Halliday-Pegg the CEO of Regtech Open (RTOP) has recorded a video interview with Stephen Gunnion which was published today on Proactive.


185 days ago

Going through my father’s papers with Daphne du Maurier and the Mincemeat Underpants again

Every now and again the Mrs. suggests that I sort out the boxes and boxes of family papers including those of my late father. If I can throw away even some of them it will make the study and a storage room underneath the stairs that little bit less cluttered. In my heart of hearts I know that she has a point. Will any of my kids be that interested in the letters of my great great grandfather Sir Courtenay Ilbert or far more obscure dead white males?  I suspect not. As a “nudge” the Mrs. sometimes leaves a book called “Swedish Death Clearing” on my pillow.


188 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: the Doomsday clock, more material Russian gains in Ukraine and the 2023 global warming myth

I report what the media and political GroupThink just are not saying. Russian gains in Ukraine are accelerating, nuclear war is not set for next year  as discussed in this podcast  or in 20 years as the press report today. The Doomsday clock reset coming on Tuesday is laughable and 2023 was almost certaintly NOT the warmest year on record. I reference my article HERE and a cracking piece on the Daily Sceptic HERE


189 days ago

As they say #BoycottPizzaHut, the Jew haters will soon realise they really don't have much choice when it comes to pizza

As you can see below #BoycottPizzaHut is trending on twitter as the company seems to be happy to do business with Israel. The Jew haters will instead be flocking to Domino’s Pizza. Wait till they find out which company has 33 stores in Israel and is also happy to feed the evil Jews. I guess if you are antisemite pizza will soon be off the menu altogether… 


190 days ago

Photo Article: Wrexham Tories working to keep my house warm this winter

Yes, it is true. As part of our battle with the cost of living I have abandoned the use of firelighters in my wood burning stove which heats the living room here. Our Christmas guest left numerous copies of the Guardian which, at last, now serve some useful purpose. Then there is the Christmas wrapping paper.


191 days ago

NightCap – I ask again: when is the next profits warning and the admission of a cash crisis?

Dragon’s Den star Sarah Willingham can run but she cannot hide. Consumer confidence is visibly waning, the train strikes continue and similar companies , consumer facing discretionary spend outfits, such as Mexican Tortilla (MEX) have already done the decent thing and ‘fessed that they are behind budget. Yet la Willingham who normally loves the sound of her own voice, is silent. But shares in Nightcap (NGHT) are sliding and, at 6.75p, are now at an all time low, almost 50% down on the last placing just a few months ago. I warn you this is looking almost terminal.


191 days ago

Upland Resources and the spoof bid – what a happy coincidence for the pumpers

Just as Upland Resources (UPL) shares are pushed massively higher by its claim that it received a preliminary non binding bid approach at 14p per share which it has rejected, guess what?


191 days ago

Upland Resources and the supposed bid – is it this SEC Capital? If so it's 'avin' a Turkish

I am more and more convinced that the 14p a share supposed bid for Upland Resources (UPL) is a complete spoof which is why bears should add to their shorts at 5.75p as I explained ( at 6.25p) HERE. When the spoof unravels the share price will collapse liked a failed souffle. Anyhow the bidder is meant to be SEC Capital. I have tracked down the one incorporated SEC Capital…


191 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: African Pioneer, the stink of the last bailout placing ahead of the imminent next one

I start with three personal notes one of which relates to the loo in the river HERE. Then I look at African Pioneer (AFP), Upland Resources (UPL), Victoria (VCP), The Mission Group (TMG), WH Ireland (WHI) and BSF Enterprises (BSFA)


191 days ago

Tom Winnifrith does not understand Skinbiotherapeutics like I do, his target is all wrong

Oh dear, the last time that Elrico/Lemming Investor commented on my analysis was when I said sell Optibiotix (OPTI) at 132p. He said that I did not understand the company properly, yadda, yadda, yadda. The rest is history. Now it seems that I don’t understand Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) – where my target is 150p – unlike the great expert who opines on a BB:


193 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel for the Doom Goblin: It is THAT day again

Despite claims that 2023 was the hottest year on record, using spectacularly bodged data, the arctic sea ice seems to be rather off message: it is now at its highest level for 21 years. Oddly the BBC’s various global warming correspondents have yet to take a private jet to report on that. Perhaps they are all at Davos with Greta Thunberg. Meanwhile closer to home I bring you two pictures that greeted my family at the Welsh hovel this morning, yes that is global warming you see in the farmyard and on the road up to the village.


193 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: America & Russia again, Iowa, President Trump, Ukraine, the Daily Mail predicting WW3 next year

In the second of these Russia and America in 2024 podcasts, the first was HERE and is already playing out, I look at the Iowa result and what it means for Trump, Florida’s De Santis and South Carolina’s Nikki Haley, the latest news from Ukraine and what it means and the Daily Mail being played, as you can see below, with fake news about World War Three.


195 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel, preparing for an icy week with my Birthday present to myself

I now feel a bit of a wuss writing this as my pal Darren sends photos of the snow in Canada outside his rural retreat where it is minus 17 degrees. I am not sure if it will snow here in North Wales next week. My kids hope it does and so do I as if there is even a light dusting of global warming, the Marxist Madrassa where the Mrs works will shut down and we will enjoy her company all week. But I do know that it will be cold by Welsh standards and that an alternative to switching on all our hugely expensive gas radiators is to run a fire in the main living room where folks can snuggle up and watch mid rot on the telly.. And that brings me to my birthday present to myself, in the first photo below, a heavy splitting axe.


197 days ago

Upland Resources "bid approach": a clear fraud, a spoof or perhaps just real insanity?

On Friday afternoon and throughout the weekend folks from the Upland Resources (UPL) ramping community, a group almost as pointless as Queers for Palestine, were tweeting that Upland had received a 14p bid approach but was going to reject it as being too low. This morning Upland said that as a result of speculation it was forced to confirm this was all true. That the shares are just 6.25p tells you Mr. Market smells a rat. The FCA and the Takeover panel should be all over this and shorters should be adding to their short as fast as possible.


197 days ago

#BoycottStarbucks and its shares look like a good short too

Normally when you boycott a company because of some woke nonsense some folks say “but what about the poor workers.” In the case of Starbucks it is not the company, although it has sinned on many an occasion, but on this occasion it is its workers who are revolting.


197 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: No abuse from Avacta shareholders today but maybe Nigel and the gold loons will have a go instead

In today’s podcast I discuss 3 non financial red flags at Pennpetro (PPP), gold, Amaroq (AMRQ), Avacta (AVCT) and Eco Buildings (ECOB).


197 days ago

Pennetro – this is what it was hiding

Late in the day Pennpetro (PPP), the latest worthless ramp of Mr David Lenigas finally published its annual report on its website having lied earlier in the day saying it was already up. I asked yesterday what it was hiding HERE. Well now we know.


197 days ago

B.P. Marsh & Partners – positive interims, a big win share tip but still a discount to NAV Buy

Investor in early stage financial services businesses B.P. Marsh & Partners (BPM) has announced results for its half-year ended 31st July 2023 and that it is “well positioned to take advantage of the current M&A market, both on the buy and sale side”.


197 days ago

Disgraceful: Regtech Open – has the villainous Alessandro Zamboni now missed 3 payments, shares now 87.5% down in under 2 months since IPO

Still the FCA refuses to intervene in the scandalous fraud that is Regtech Open (RTOP). The FCA approved a prospectus and the shares listed at 100p on August 25. Within a couple of weeks they were 304p. Now they are 12.5p, a loss of 87.5% in less than two months from the IPO and 97% off the peak of a couple of weeks later.


197 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: who at team Pennpetro gets a kick out of lying in an RNS?

I start with the weather. The Rain in Wales only stops when it hails. The River Dee is rising and will, I predict, breach a bank tonight – this relates to my great obsession in life (other than Cheryl Cole ) as you can see HERE. Then it is into Optibiotix (OPTI), Pennpetro (PPP) and Victoria (VCP)


197 days ago

Procook – Told y’all it's another profits warning

I warned about this company before its 2021 IPO and I warned just a couple of days ago that it was due yet another profits warning. Call me fecking Mystic Meg because this morning Procook (PROC) has coughed up the warning.


197 days ago

Jubilee Metals – “large” metal extraction recovery project award, further growth roll-out potential

Jubilee Metals (JLP) has announced that it is to be appointed to develop the processing solution, its implementation and operation and with the first right to secure finance for a large slag project via a joint venture collaboration with Mopani Copper Mines.


199 days ago

Life and Death in Expertstan, surging covid deaths in jab central the socialist hell hole of Canada: Mark Steyn on fire



199 days ago

Scumbags @BBC Apologize For Reporting Unverified Hamas Claim Israel Was “Executing” Palestinians In Gaza: Deadline



199 days ago

Looking for a luxury Greek holiday in 2024...here you go

If you fancy a holiday in the Greek countryside, two miles from the nearest house in a luxurious poolside villa, I think I can help you. The Eco palace we have restored in the Mani will be 100 years old this year and has, as you can see below, been completely renovated. The pool will be warm by May and will stay warm until late October so the smart holidaymaker still has six weeks of off peak bookings available and here are direct flights to Kalamata throughout that period.


199 days ago

UPDATED: Big Dave Lenigas – is almost 3 months a short time? What are you hiding now?

I have put this question to the broker to the latest insolvent Lenigas promote, the fragrant Lucy Williams at Peterhouse but not yet had a response. You may remember that at the last possible moment Pennpetro (PPP) ducked out of publishing results for calendar 2022 by changing its year end, for no reason at all, to March 31.


199 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Oi PL don't be such a sexist beast about my chum Isabel! Shame on You!

In today’s Bearcast I discuss Upland Resources (UPL) Red Rock Resources (RRR). Tiraputi Graphite (TGR), Victoria (VCP), Celadon (CEL) and the shutting of the M&G Property Portfolio Fund.


199 days ago

Celadon statement needed ASAP as shares continue to tank: still a £60m short

I really do hope that in penning this piece I am not going to interrupt another feminazi lunch being attended by Celadon Pharmaceuticals (CEL) PR head honcho Ms. Sarah McLeod. For I fear that Ms McLeod needs to stop discussing the gender pay gap and ensure her client – a company I have oft warned is drowning in red flags – to issue a statement as its share price continues to tumble. Here’s why?


199 days ago

BREAKING: Victoria plc: 10 questions for the auditors

An outfit called Brevarthan Research has today posted 10 Questions for Grant Thornton or any successor auditor to Victoria (VCP).Anyone owning shares in this carpets rollout has been warned by myself and Lucian Miers often enough. But now holding on is sheer financial mascochism. Brevarathan writes:


199 days ago

Tirupati – the killer words buried deep down in today’s statement

Today’s trading statement from Tirupati Graphite (TGR), a company that has seen two NEDS quit in the past three months, seems upbeat. Paid penny share promoters Alliance News headlines its regurgitation “Tirupati Graphite says interim performance “significantly ahead””. So why are the shares puking? Could it be that Alliance News has hired the BBC’s Israel team for some bent news coverage?


199 days ago

Get the violins out: it's another poor statement from Gear4Music

Sorry Malcolm but your baby has puked again with its trading update or the six months to 30 September. In an era when inflation has been running at 6-8%, sales fell by 6%. And remember that Gear4Music (G4M) is meant to be a growth stock! If it is, I am a banana.


199 days ago

Message from Evil Banksta on a 5 Star holiday break – why Upland is a joke valuation

Evil Banksta described at ShareStock how he takes Mrs Banksta on numerous luxury holidays funded by his winnings from shorting and then spends all day in front of a PC plotting his next swoop on some overvalued promote. And as such ,from a five star hotel somewhere hot and warm, I have received this message about Upland Resources (UPL) where the Banksta is short. I have no skin in the game but the great bear says:


199 days ago

Castings – half-year trading update, a “high level of demand” Buy

Iron casting and machining company Castings plc (CGS) has announced that its schedules continue to reflect strong heavy trucks demand (approximately 75% of revenue) and plans to further capitalise on this in both the short and long term.


199 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Bidstack is out of the frying pan and into the fire

In today’s Bearcast I discuss depression amid trolling & smearing of me and amid BBC lies on Gaza, Regtech Open (RTOP), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD), Sosandar (SOS), Online Blockchain (OBC), St James Place (SJP), Abingdon Healthcare (ABDX) and Bidstack (BIDS).


199 days ago

Not engaging with idiots on twitter, many of whom seem to own Avacta & that old nonce smear

My best friend from Oxford, the charming Elaine, worries that, despite my degree, some folks might start thinking that I am a bit of a pseudo intellectual for pointing out that attacking an article you have not actually read is a sign of innate stupidity. But it is and on twitter it seems to happen about 20 times a day. Yesterday one star tweeter was a shareholder in Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL)


199 days ago

Iconic Labs – more industrial scale dilution

Since I last wrote about Iconic (ICON) it has undertaken a 10,000 for 1 share consolidation reducing its 46,996,580,000 shares into 4,699,658 ordinary shares of 10 pence nominal each on 25 August. But then…


200 days ago

The Lie about Israel killing Palestinian "journalists" superb dossier by David Collier



200 days ago

Shivering in North Wales at the Welsh Hovel as my log store goes down rapidly

The Met Office keeps on telling us all how jolly warm it is as a result of global warming. I have covered how its numbers are bodged and unreliable before but I can say without lying that, here in North East Wales, I feel bloody cold.  It is, after all winter, so no climate change there.  While the Mrs and my son Joshua are enjoying the Indian sunshine for another few days, the cats myself and little Jaya are really feeling it as the temperature, with wind chill, falls to zero


200 days ago

EXPOSE: Supply@ME Capital, Regtech and Eight Capital - reliant on a technically insolvent company making promises it can’t keep

In part 1 of my article on this trio of sham companies which are all technically insolvent, I looked at the dependency of Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Regtech Open (RTOP) and Eight Capital Partners (ECP)on the financial strength of privately owned The Avantgarde Group (TAG).


200 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I don't agree with Malcolm ( yet again)

In today’s Bearcast I discuss Lloyds Group (LLOY), Versarien (VRS), the cons Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and Regtech Open (RTOP), Red Rock Resources (RRR), Galileo Resources (GLR), Upland Resources (UPL) and Abingdon Healthcare (ABDX).


200 days ago

Letter to the FRC regarding Supply@ME Capital and Regtech Open & technically insolvent AvantGarde

I have written to the Financial Reporting Council today regarding the interims of the Standard listed cons Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and Regtech Open (RTOP). Both companies are, as I have demonstrated on this website, technically insolvent and if the FCA was not so utterly clueless and pointless it would be suspending the shares NOW! But pro tem, the issue is interims on 29th September.


200 days ago

BREAKING: Canadian Overseas has not paid its Russian web hoster - a sign of its cash crisis

You can bet the ranch that the $4 million that Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) recently raised from its death spiral prover Anavio has all gone: either to escrow accounts with its senior debt provider or to clear unpaid bills or both. the fact that it has admitted that it will be paying other suppliers in shares in the coming weeks shows that it is running on vapours. And another sign is in the screenshots below. If you try to download documents from its website you see that you cannot because Canadian has not paid its Russian hosts. More red flags vicar?


200 days ago

Versarien now just 0.5p to sell – what price the bailout placing in just over two weeks now?

Some chump who is a long term bull of Versarien (VRS) recently wrote that while I might just have called this stock right in the era of Neill Ricketts the jury was out as to whether I was right being bearish about the new regime. Since then, in just a couple of weeks, the shares have halved to just 0.5p to sell. And it has to get worse for on October 30th a GM will approve a capital reorganisation reducing par from 1p to 0.1p and, as the company is running on vapours, this will prompt yet another bailout placing PDQ.


200 days ago

Braveheart – Paraytec update but no mention that it's technically insolvent

Another day and another update on its largest investment Paraytec comes from Braveheart (BRH). It sounds as if 100%owned Paraytec is making some technological progress on DNA testing IP. However in the update there is something we are not told Paraytec is technically insolvent.


200 days ago

THG, Audioboom, & others argue September saw recovery from dire summer but don’t mention the late Queen

I have been pondering why THG (THG) reported that September 2023 saw a recovery to sales growth (albeit marginal) after a piss poor summer. It is not alone, has the economy really started to pick up? In short: NO! Look at what happened in the first week of September 2022. The Queen died.


200 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Spelling it out as to why Avacta is so clearly a sell

In today’s podcast I discuss Avacta (AVCT), Regtech Open (RTOP), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD) and the useless FCA, Victoria (VCP) and Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT)


200 days ago

ProCook – lack of profits warning imminent? Lookingbackocology!

Other than the real dross on the bottom rungs of AIM or on the sub standard list Companies tend to stick to a routine timetable. Results in the 4th week of April, AGM late June, trading update October, etc etc. We saw with Bidstack (BIDS) where the delay in publishing its annual results to take it way outside the normal zone for doing so was a portent of bad news. Good news travels fast enough to not disrupt a timetable established over many years, bad news is delayed.


200 days ago

Audioboom – adjusted EBITDA, bodged bullshit earnings and oodles of jam tomorrow

Oh dear, oh dear, its another bleak morning for poor Gary Newman who I know was tempted by this to help diversify his portfolio away from his beloved Horizonte Minerals (HZM). Another day and its another dire statement from Audioboom (BOOM). At this rate poor Gary will need to start eating the roach and chub he catches at the weekend.


200 days ago

ScotGold – The Fat Lady should not cancel her open ticket to Jockland

On October 2nd the lead potential saviour investor in Scotgold (SGZ) walked away. But fear not, we are told today that there is another mug talking and that discussions are advanced. If this mug plays ball we are told that it will provide “sufficient funding for the Company to continue as a going concern.”. well sort of…


200 days ago

Told y’all – Wildcat dissembles in the face of a hugely discounted bailout placing

I told you all, repeatedly, that a) Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) was running on vapours, b) that it was a worthless POS and c) that no serious investor would touch this with a bargepole and that any bailout would thus be a hugely discounted offering for flippers only. Well guess what folks: it’s ouzo on cornflakes tome for me, more poverty for those who think they know better than I do.


200 days ago

easyJet – notes record Q4 and significant growth potential, BUY

easyJet (EZJ) has issued a trading update announcement headlined “record Q4 PBT, thereby achieving in FY2023 its existing financial targets. Business momentum now allows the setting of new, ambitious, medium-term targets, a proposed new aircraft order and resumption of dividends”. That sounds very good, so what’s the detail?


200 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: My T-shirt at my wife's chapel and is Nigel really so sure about why gold is surging

Yes the T-shirt is about Israel and I seem to have caused a spot of bother as I dropped the kids off. Actually it leads into the real discussion which is about gold and if it is events in Israel and Gaza which are causing its spike and why I do not expect that to last. Then a few words on the fraud that has egg on the face of the FCA ( again), that is to say Regtech Open (RTOP)


200 days ago

Centamin – ‘substantially improved’ Sukari life of mine plan, Buy

Centamin (CEY) has announced a new life of mine plan for its flagship Sukari gold mine in Egypt, emphasising a substantial improvement with significantly lower operational risk. That is good news from a 82.8p share price.


200 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I am a lying Clown, no I am a lying slug, no I am Satan!

I start by noting that it is world Jihad day according to Hamas. But the BBC insists that Hamas are not terrorists. Whatever. I then discuss Upland Resources (UPL) and its cretinous shareholders, Regtech Open (RTOP) – surely the FCA must swoop as the shares plunge again – St James Place (STJ) and finally Canadian Overseas Petroleum (LIARS). 


200 days ago

BREAKING: Lyin' Chris Cleverly, Sir David Trippier, Dozy Mmbousi - which of the Tingo gang will do the time as it's in court again

Tingo (US:TIO) was ordered to pay out $16.5 million in shares to a group of US investors. It did not and now, as you can see below, its in court on contempt of court judges and the Judge is giving an explicit warning.


200 days ago

Upland Resources it must be truly desperate for cash to seemingly break its own rules

On 31 March 2023 Upland Resources (UPL) issued results for the six months to 31 December. On page 13 of 14 it discussed warrants issued on 27 October 2022 with a 0.4p strike and stated:


201 days ago

Jubilee Metals – full-year results, still a compelling growth roll-out BUY

Jubilee Metals (JLP) has announced results for its year ended 30th June 2023 and that “new processing partnerships announced in the year are expected to significantly enhance margins and processing capacities”. So what of the shares from a current lowly around 6p?


202 days ago

Celadon placing and loan notes issue: Gotcha Ms Sarah McLeod

The last time I warned folks about Celadon (CEL) its PR woman Sarah McLeod called to complain bitterly that I had ruined some feminazi lunch she’d been attending with what she termed my “daily hit job.” She then demanded free access to the site not having actually read the article or having any idea what I write on a daily business. Well Ms. McLeod GOTCHA. As I correctly predicted your client has had to pass the hat around. It may not now be existing on vapours but its valuation is still tonto.


202 days ago

Amaroq Minerals – record gold grade Nalunaq drilling results, Buy

Writing on minerals development and exploration company in Greenland, Amaroq Minerals (AMRQ) last week with the shares at 57p we noted significant further gold exploration potential. We now note a “Nalunaq Drilling Results deliver record gold grade”-titled announcement from the company.


202 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Surely even at 31p SIG is a stonking short

I start with a 3rd anniversary which I mark HERE. Then I look at Versarien (VRS), Chill Brands (CHLL), Westminster Group (WSG) and SIG (SHI).


202 days ago

Global Warming: a footnote from 1852 as Sweden is colder than at any time in the life of the Doom Goblin

Global warming, we used to be told, causes droughts, such as the one at Lake Vrynwy eighteen months ago. But then it rains a lot and we are told that is down to climate change as global warming is now known when it involves cold weather. With England suffering severe floods this, the cultists, insist is down to man made carbon emissions and we need to stop using planes (unless we are politicians or celebs with private jets) and slaughter all the cows to stop them farting. Well hang on, with a hat tip to Liz Kershaw, read the diary entry below:


202 days ago

Food Standards Agency crashes CBD Market with massive health warning

Think of all those morally bankrupt celebs who trousered even more cash promoting products now shown to be harmful without a care in the world. Yes Antony Joshua and Claudia Winkleman you are greedy troughers not checking out anything before you added to your already stuffed bank accounts. Claudia: do you feel an ounce of guilt today? You should!


202 days ago

Versarien GM called – the race to zero accelerates with another lie

As I predicted it would, Versarien (VRS) has today called a GM to approve a capital re-organization which will see the par value of its shares slashed from1p to 0.1p. This is a precursor to yet another bailout placing at far closer to 0p than to 1p.


202 days ago

EXPOSE: The nest of snakes - Supply@Me Capital, RegTech Open, & Eight Capital Partners, What happens when The AvantGarde Group Spa defaults Part 1

The prospects for three public companies being Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Regtech Open (RTOP) and Eight Capital Partners (ECP) are intrinsically linked to the financial strength of AvantGarde,TAG, the private Italian company owned by Alessandro Zamboni, Supply’s CEO and a NED at Regtech. This is because both Supply and Regtech are reliant on TAG for their working capital and the majority of Eight’s net assets are represented by a loan on Supply’s shares with additional guarantees provided by TAG.


203 days ago

Essentra – agreement to acquire BMP s.r.l, Buy

Industrial components company Essentra (ESNT) has to recently suffered adverse share price sentiment, but it looks positioned for a recovery which may have now started.


203 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: My most read article for two years

Yes I refer to this one. Outside the paywall it will not earn me a cent but if it effects change, that is to say forcing Lush not to side with the Jew haters at a time like this, then that is what I became a journalist to do. It is pleasing to see my story now appearing today in the MSM, my job on this one is done. On the podcast I look at Avacta (AVCT) – statement needed – Regtech Open (RTOP) – ditto – Upland Resources (UPL) – ditto -  Eneraqua (ETP) and in detail at Amaroq (AMRQ) where i averaged up a few weeks ago and see the shares doubling from here. 


203 days ago

Desperate ramping by almost insolvent Cellular Goods as it re-announces Nothingburger non seaweed news

Gosh this is desperate. Cellular Goods (CBX) the CBD cum seaweed to net zero related party con, backed by David Beckham, is running on vapours and so to try to spoof its shares higher to allow another placing it has released the most pathetic of announcements. This is so wretched it is almost embarrassing


203 days ago

BREAKING: More Acquisitions and Peterhouse Capital – what the f**k are you playing at?

I regard More Acquisitions (TMOR) as a worthless POS but others are prepared to battle for its control. One such fighter is Doc Holiday who tried to call a GM to oust the boss, disgraced Rod McIllree of Bluejay Mining (JAY) infamy. What is happening now is shocking and begs the question of how adviser Peterhouse can stand by McIllree who clearly holds shareholder democracy in contempt.


203 days ago

BREAKING: #BoycottLush if you don’t support those who decapitate babies, call for Jews to be gassed and the raping of women as an act of war

Last night a crowd waving Palestinian flags chanted “gas the Jews” outside the Sydney Opera House. Not Israelis, Jews. Today it emerged that 40 Israeli/Jewish babies had been slaughtered at Kibbutz Aza by Hamas, many decapitated. The civilized world says “We stand with Israel.” But at the Lush store in Dublin the sign below appeared, surely Lush is sacking those responsible. Er…no .


203 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the day SYME is 0p looms

I start with a few BBC/Israel matters and health advice from Lucian Miers. Then I look at Silverwood (SLWD), a disaster from the VSA Capital (VSA) stable. Then Supply@ME Capital (SYME) as the fraud approaches end game, Harland & Wolff (HARL), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), Doc Holliday and ECR Minerals (ECR) and Upland Resources (UPL)


203 days ago

Watchstone – another defeat, more money up in smoke, so predictable

Watchstone (WTG) was once the fraud Quindell (QPP). Now listed on Aquis its business model is to sue all the former advisers to Quenron for enabling the fraud that allowed Quenron to sell worthless assets for vast sums to Slater & Gordon so almost bankrupting the Aussie lawyers. If that sounds insane it is!


203 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast interview with Doc Holliday of ECR Minerals

The old scouse scallywag was in fine form. I make no secret of strongly disapproving of a couple of his business associates but Doc seems almost plausible on the matter of ECR Minerals (ECR). My stockbroker is instructed to have me shot if I try to buy shares in a non dividend payer but there is, I suppose, a case here for having a small dabble ahead of Doc’s share issuance target day. Forgive a brief phone interruption, enjoy.


203 days ago

Silverwood admits disaster – will it demand its million quid of sLush Money back from Andrew Monk’s VSA?

Oh dear, oh dear this is getting messy. Having said that it would go all the way in the Courts to fight for its right to buy 20% of Lush from its own directors, Aquis Listed Silverwood Brands (SLWD) has capitulated. And that leaves a £1 million question for VSA Capital (VSA), its advisor on the deal, where I am an unwitting shareholder. Its egomaniac boss Andrew Monk seems unwilling to answer.


204 days ago

BREAKING: Activist Kamran Sattar to call Bushveld GM

The word on the street is that Sattar, who owns just over 4% of Bushveld Minerals (BMN) will file papers calling for a GM this week.


204 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Predator really is so hopelessly overvalued

I start with a tale of two former babysitters, one of whom is dead as of the weekend and the other who has family in Israel. I do feel rather depressed today. Then it is Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Belluscura (BELL), Chill Brands (CHLL) and Predator Oil & Gas (PRD) and flagging up an interview tomorrow with Liverpool’s finest: Doc Holliday. Questions please.


204 days ago

Kefi – so that explains the shares volume: RAB is out

There is a TR1 today showing that the big volumes in Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI)  shares last week were down to RAB Capital selling its holding onto private investors encouraged by the good news out of Ethiopia. So much for those who insisted THEY KNEW what was happening was a placing. So what to make of this?


204 days ago

Chill Brands – WH Smith orders but its repeats that count and the silence on that front is deafening

It is a start for Chill Brands (CHLL) with its rollout of non-nicotine vapes. But so far the numbers really do not look very impressive. Not that those ramping the shares ahead of the next placing care about that.


204 days ago

Tintra – is the bid in doubt?

On 3 October 2023, Tintra  (TNT) made the following announcement:


204 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: It's short as lurgy strikes family Winnifrith

So in this short podcast I start by explaining confusion of birthdays and death days, long covid is my excuse. The Israel and Whataboutery. Then Optiva has not gone bust, setting the record straight. Finally a daft idea from Labour to bail out folks like Sarah Willingham. PS Sarah when is the lack of profits warning?


205 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: The fall of Harvard, the fallout from the sacking that should have happened with Pauline Gay and the miserable BBC GroupThink

In this podcast I discuss why Pauline Gay was not sacked earlier after stating that it was okay, in context, to call for Jews to be killed and also for mass scale plagiarism. The fact that Harvard is still going to pay her $900,000 a year is a disgrace and I also look at other issues emerging from the Harvard she helped to create and also at the BBC disgracing itself yet again. 


205 days ago

Imperial Brands – trading statement further suggests income value

Imperial Brands (IMB) has issued a trading statement headlined “on track to deliver full-year guidance and announces further £1.1bn share buyback”. This sounds good to us and what about currently a share price response up nearly 4% to 1642p?


205 days ago

Video: Gold Will Soar Once Investors Realize Inflation is Beyond The Feds Control

Asset Manager Adrian Day, CEO of Adrian Day Asset Management is terribly bearish on the current state of the economy and investor expectations. Day believes that the effects of the Fed’s aggressive rate hikes in January 2020 will soon be felt, but he does not predict a market crash. However, there is a tug of war in place and valuations are high, primarily due to a handful of stocks.


205 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - This morning surely we all stand with Israel, I certainly do

I start with events in Israel and videos now emerging which will surely have all decent folks standing with Israel and admitting that the two sides are not morally equivalent. Then onto Malcolm’s latest lunacy, Kefi (KEFI) vs Ariana (AAU) why its apples and pears and the Regtech (RTOP) scandal. Now we can see that its insolvent surely its shares and those of the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) must be suspended on Monday.  


205 days ago

Canadian Overseas Petroleum it’s another fecking spoof: cue mammoth death spiral selling

Actually, I think this may be more than a spoof it may be actual market deception but who really cares, with the shysters at Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL). The shares are heading only one way, like the geese flying over my farm this afternoon, it is due South.


205 days ago

Macfarlane – protective packaging business acquisition, Buy

Packaging group Macfarlane (MACF) has announced the acquisition of specialist protective packaging business B&D, which it emphasises is “servicing high quality customers in attractive growth sectors and complements Macfarlane’s existing specialist protective packaging activities”.


205 days ago

BREAKING EXPOSE: RegTech Open Project is technically insolvent even if Zamboni did pay on October 4

Yesterday I wrote to the FCA about the £60m con and scandal Regtech Open Project (RTOP) which it allowed to list on 25 August. Now I explain why the company is, even if scoundrel Alessandro Zamboni, has made a revised payment, insolvent.


205 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Vast Resources says something that it knows may not be true while Canadian Overseas deceives

I start with some fake news from the BBC, then it is Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Vast Resources (VAST), Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) and an Evil Banksta fave, as a bear, Petra Diamonds (PDL). Then to the DOS attacks against this website. we must be doing something right!


205 days ago

A letter to the FCA: Suspend Regtech Open Project now and demand to see the bank statements

I have written to the FCA which on August 25 approved an IFRS non compliant joke prospectus full of red flags allowing the con Regtech Open Project (RTOP) to list on the Standard list. Now there is clear evidence that should see the regulator suspending trading in the shares and demanding a series of bank statements and details of share trades.


205 days ago

I KNOW Kefi is doing a placing says a man who says the “whole game is full of dirty dogs”.. Er no sir!

I am plagued with emails from fellow shareholders in Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI). Majid who I told I was not going to respond to after he repeatedly sent email after email where he called out myself and Harry Adams as wrong un’s asks my view. FUCK OFF! You abuse me and then pretend you care what I think? Straight to spam. Another emails to say:


205 days ago

Regtech Open – silence is violence

So has Regtech Open (RTOP) received the funding due by close of play on Wednesday or not. If it has it should have announced it just to reassure investors if it has not it would be legally obliged to do so. But since Regtech and Alessandro Zamboni don’t give a FF abut the rules who knows? We all know what is going on here and the FCA’s failure to suspend the shares is a scandal.


205 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: back from the Cheshire fuzz speed course as Kefi flies on a dreadful day for parody account Magna Carta

Words almost fail me on how dire the course was. The only mercy was that I was not asked for my preferred pronouns. After that I look at Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Horizonte Minerals (HZM), – where I never crowed, just warned and where Evil Banksta warns you again today, Boston International (BIH) – a scandal in the making I suggest – Metro Bank (MTRO), Regtech Open (RTOP) and on how the regulators show how much they love me for being so clever and such a good citizen, yet again ( Modesty being my middle name)


205 days ago

Yet again a regulator writes to thank Tom Winnifrith for exposing stockmarket wrongdoing

On Bulletin Boards the GroupThink among a bunch of congenital idiots is that “TW@” knows nothing, is very stupid, is short of all stocks he writes about, is Jewish or part of a Jewish conspiracy and that nobody cares what he says.” Meanwhile I seem to get free accommodation, living inside the head of all these posters!


205 days ago

AIM Casino Market September 2023 statistics – it gets much, much worse by the day

The AIM Market statistics for September 2023 have arrived. It is another shit show from the self styled world’s most successful growth market and a reminder to those crony capitalists heading to the black tie AIM awards beanfeast next week what a total “fuck you” message that sends to those ultimately funding the ceremony, that is to say ordinary investors.


206 days ago

Photo Article: Lake Vyrnwy yesterday - spot the drought!

There was a brief break in the weather here in North Wales yesterday. That is to say it was only raining steadily rather than pissing it down. And thus we took our house guest, a keen believer in the bogus religion of man made global warming, up to Lake Vrynwy.  I have visited this place a number of times since the summer of 2022 when a lack of summer frain saw the emergence from the shallows of Welsh villages drowned by the English infidels to create the reservoir. Ignoring a stack of facts the cultists in the MSM predicted this would happen with increasing frequency thanks to global warming, or climate change as it is known when things get cold.


206 days ago

GOTCHA! Tintra 2022 Results Part 4 – is shareholders equity understated by £8,065,000. Er.....yes it is

In my first article on Tintra’s (TNT) accounts for the year ended 31 January 2023, I raised a question around why the auditor didn’t qualify its audit opinion given management disagreed with the auditor’s opinion that there was a material uncertainty over going concern. In the second article I highlighted concerns with the adequacy of the auditors work on the debt instrument. In my third note I looked at the two discontinued operations which were sold where more questions arise for the auditor. Now for the ten million dollar discrepancy.


206 days ago

Fitch reconfirms credit rating of Victoria, a laughable statement shows the credit rating agency is a joke

After the GFC folks said that credit rating agencies were a joke. Companies would pay them to provide a report saying how solid their finances were and then they went bust. Reform! Reform! Went up the cry. And then nothing happened. Today Fitch has opined on carpets roll-up and the owner of a possible money launderer, Victoria (VCP).


206 days ago

EXPOSE: The stockmarket high jinks and spoofery of the newly elected Lord Mayor of London Michael Mainelli

I have always viewed the Lord Mayor and Alderman of the City of London as a cross between the freemasons and the Christmas pantomime at the local theatre. But I am told that it is a serious body and that I must show it due respect. Like hell I will, the newly elected Lord Mayor is Michael Mainelli whose antics have featured on these pages in days gone by. Mainelli is best of mates with those pantomime villains of the AIM scene David Lenigas and Richard Poulden.


206 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the apparent resignation of Victoria's auditors Grant Thornton

There has been no RNS but i am told it has happened so I discuss all matters Victoria (VCP) in detail. I also look at Alpha Growth (ALGW), reported to the FRC today, Tintra (TNT) to be reported tomorrow and to the FCA as well, Vast Resources (VAST), Ben’s Creek (BEN), Horizonte Minerals (HZM), Imperial Brands (IMB), Chill Brands (CHLL), HS2 and my date tomorrow with the Cheshire Filth.


206 days ago

Tintra Plc – Part 3 questions for Tintra and its auditor about the recorded profits on the disposals of two subsidiaries

In my first article on Tintra’s (TNT) accounts for the year ended 31 January 2023, I raised a question around why the auditor didn’t qualify its audit opinion given management disagreed with the auditor’s opinion that there was a material uncertainty over going concern.  In the second article I highlighted concerns with the adequacy of the auditors work on the debt instrument.  In this third note I take a look at the two discontinued operations which were sold where more questions arise for the tin pot auditor BSS & Co..


207 days ago

Urging folks to “bake a jew” with an Auschwitz picture does not breach twitter/X Rules – Elon Musk are you mad? Do your employees hate Jews?

I sent the image below to twitter/ X’s safety team this morning. Anyone can see that it is the most offensive antisemitism going. Twitter’s rules against hate  suggest it will act on tweets on the grounds of hate if they contain: “Slurs, Racist or sexist stereotypes, Dehumanization, Incitement of fear or discrimination, Hateful references, Hateful symbols & logos”

Well references to baking Jews with a picture of Auschwitz fits the bill.


207 days ago

Some hard data you will find hard to swallow – just how badly is Ukraine losing the war? And do you remember "the triumph" of Robotyne?

Over the Christmas break the western MSM got a real stiffy repeatedly celebrating the downing of 4 Russian bombers over Crimea. It helps the narrative of “more western missiles, tanks, planes and hard cash and Ukraine can win.” But Western taxpayers, paying tax at 70 year highs and facing a cost of living crisis, should look at the real data and it may come as a bit of a shock.



209 days ago

Nightcap: when is the new profits warning and admission of a cash crunch?

Dragon’s Den star Sarah Willingham and her debt laden nightclubs group NightCap (NGHT) is in real trouble: it must be sitting on yet another profits warning and the balance sheet is clearly creaking. It is only a matter of time before La Willingham is forced to ‘fess. The last profits warning was on 9th June. The next will accompany full year numbers and has to be worse.


209 days ago

Tintra – Part 2: is the £1.5 million debt instrument still materially overvalued & more, another letter to the FRC is on its way

Part 1 of this report will be passed to the Financial Reporting Council today as will this article. Both Tintra (TNT) and its tin pot auditors BSS & Co need a formal censure and fine. I continue…


209 days ago

Versarien and par value – making a refinancing ever harder: target price still 0p

I appear to have overlooked the fact that par value for shares in Versarien (VRS) is 1p. That means that new shares cannot be issued at below that whatever the company says about being able to issue equity. As of today, after the most recent dismal warning, the bid is…1p. Clearly any placing would have to be at a massive discount so what gives?


209 days ago

Tern Plc – how big a discount will it need to get the forthcoming placing away?

As Tern (TERN) shareholders decide whether or not they will support the proposed issue of 37.5 million new shares as approved at the General Meeting which, at say 5 pence per share (a modest discount to closing mid-price of 5.75 pence per share), would raise £1.875 million before expenses perhaps investors should consider the recent performance of the major investments.


209 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the Dark Destroyer warns Boohoo will have to raise £200m

I start with Joshua’s bonus Welsh lessons then it is onto Boohoo.com (BOO) with my thoughts and those of matt Earl. There is Tintra (TNT) and also Belluscura (BELL) and TMT Aquisitions (TMTA). Finally we have a date for Sharestock 2024 ( 7 September) as you can see HERE


209 days ago

Would I liked to join the IOG Action Group? Look guys I wish you luck but….

I am asked if I’d like to help shareholders in IOG (IOG) who fear they will lose everything and have set up a group to try to do something abut it. I wish those involved the best of luck and if anyone reading this wants to join, drop me an email and I will pass it on. However….


209 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's bonus Bearcast: today's warning from Tortilla Mexican and a real deep dive into its accounts and why they really are far worse than the company says

I am crowing here. I know a bit about how restaurants work and have long warned that this September 2021 181p a share IPO is a car crash waiting to happen. After today’s warning the shares are 66p but I take a deep dive into its accounts and what the company is ignoring but you should not. I also reference Nightcap (NGHT) in this podcast. 


209 days ago

EXPOSE: Tintra Results – Part 1: the abject failure of tinpot auditors to qualify their audit opinion over material uncertainties over going concern

Yesterday Tintra (TNT) published its 31 January 2023 accounts which were signed on 29 September 2023 which is something I wasn’t expecting to happen given the short tenure of the joke accountants on board.


209 days ago

Horizonte – a furious shareholder in Peter Brailey lets rip

One reader thought I was “crowing” about Horizonte Minerals (HZM) disastrous statement yesterday. Why would I? I got lucky, Steve and I tipped it and told folks to bank gains a while back. We were lucky but have no skin in the game. My assessment was harsh but I think fair. But it was generous compared to that of Pete Brailey, a shareholder, who writes, angrily, below.


209 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 33: Eldur Olafsson of Amaroq and Harry Adams of Kefi Gold & Copper

I am back with these bonus video shows, this is number 33. In this show I interview two CEOs: Eldur Olafsson of Amaroq Minerals (AMRQ) and  ‘arry Adams of Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI). I own shares in both, indeed buying more Amaroq  this week. Both CEOs impressed me greatly and I am excited about my holdings. I hope that you enjoy the show.

You can access it for £1.49 HERE


210 days ago

My heroes of 2023, around 250 of them, the hostages kidnapped by Hamas

We do not know how any of these 250 folk are still alive. Some have been murdered, some have been raped, some are known to being used as a human shield around the rat-hole where Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar is hiding out. My 250 heroes of the year are the around 250 folks men, women, kids, a baby, kidnapped by Hamas on October 7.  They have been held in unspeakable conditions and suffer every day. Some have been released in exchange for Palestinian prisoners convicted of terror offences.


213 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: Russia and the USA in 2024

From the war in Ukraine to the General Election next year. Will the war end? Will Donald Trump win the Presidency again? For the avoidance of doubt I’d like to see President Tulsi Gabbard but it will not happen and I am not a Putin apologist just a realist. Ukraine is losing.


226 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: North Wales Police show themselves to be knobs & Gary is going to get a shock in the jungle

In today’s podcast which Matthew’s Dog and Catriona will enjoy I look at Alpha Growth (ALGW), Versarien (VRS), Horizonte Minerals (HZM), where the curse of O’Hara has hexed Gary Newman as he slumbers in the jungle, Canadian Overseas (COPL), the wretched failure of Sharon White at John Lewis and North Wales Police being such knobs. Why do I pay my taxes? 


226 days ago

BREAKING: Alpha Growth – Non compliant IFRS interims and correcting my omission to report Alpha to my good friends at the Financial Reporting Council

On 29 September 2023 at a leisurely 11.00 am, Standard Listed, Alpha Growth (ALGW) released its interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2023. Although total revenue was up from £1,633,445 to £2,498,710 reporting losses were £292,432.


226 days ago

If you owe the bank $1 you are in trouble, if you owe it $8.3 million its in trouble (but so are you!)

I refer, of course, to Vast Resources (VAST). It owes two death spiral providers $8. 3million and in early September managed to get the sharks to agree to defer repayment to 29th September which was Friday. When I was at Oxford I’d tell fragrant Sally from Barclays on Cornmarket Street that I was expecting a cheque from my Dad to clear the overdraft. And she believed me! Again and again and again. Those were the days. That untruth bought me another month to think of another cunning plan but why bother when the first one kept on working!


226 days ago

An update from the penny dreadful con Versarien – has the Fat Lady already checked out the timetable to get to Cheltenham? She should - target 0p!

After today’s trading statement from Versarien (VRS) even Stevie Wonder can now see the writing on the wall and the only thing that can stop the Fat Lady taking a train to Cheltenham is more industrial action by the RMT and the incompetent poltroons at Avanti West Coast also picking up the Paddington GWR franchise.


227 days ago

Utterly useless liberal establishment pin up girl Sharon White to walk the plank at John Lewis

My current reading, the semi autobiographical Battlefields and Playgrounds by Janos Nyiri has the young Hungarian comparing BBC News in 1940 to that of the Hungarian state radio broadcaster. The BBC was always right, it always told the truth. I suspect that, where he still alive, Janos might take a different view these days. I could imagine him shouting “they’re BOTH lying” and throwing the cat at the radio. This brings us to news that abject failure Sharon Lewis is to walk the plank at John Lewis.


227 days ago

Silverwood Brands – More Monkey business as a third of the VSA tangible balance sheet is now suspended

Oh dear, oh dear. Its more bad news for we loyal – or in my case unwitting – shareholders in VSA Capital ( Very Sexy Andrew) run by the egomaniac graduate of Oriel College Oxford (lower second in name dropping), Mr Andrew Monk. More than a third of our balance sheet is now tied up in shares which are now suspended for a reason that just does not wash. Oh dear, oh dear.


227 days ago

Canadian Overseas Petroleum – the sordid truth emerges as covenants breached

When it was announced that death spiral provider Anavio was putting in $3.5 million at 4p to Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) on 6th September we bears, admittedly steered by Canadian, jumped to the wrong conclusion. Today the sordid truth emerges and, by the way, the cash still has not arrived.


227 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - I suspect the biggest critics of Kefi have never run a real company or even a whelk stall

I start with a fascinating supper party last night, the phrase “he fought the Russians” and a book I am finally reading “Battlefields and Playgrounds” by Janos Nyiri. Then onto the conflation of a share price being pumped and the idea that creates value – yes ECR Minerals (ECR). Finally Kefi’s (KEFI) biggest critics have clearly ever run a company or even a whelk stall.  


227 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: does nothing in this ffing country work as we pay taxes at a 70 year high



227 days ago

Photo article from the Greek Hovel: shocking slithering wildlife diversity as my harvesters make me the laughing stock of Kambos

The highlight of this year’s olive harvest has been seeing the golden eagles soaring overhead. A few years ago there was just one. Then last year I spotted that she had a mate and this year there were three eagles flying high above the house looking for breakfast. Later on one swooped down and flew past the front of the house at no more than fifty feet high.  It is a delight to see these rare birds flourishing. Today, we encountered wildlife diversity of a different sort.


227 days ago

Jesus was Jewish – just what madness sees some folks denying this at Christmas?

There seems no end to the lunacy of those who seek to rewrite history. Over in Cambridge, a minor, provincial university somewhere near East Anglia, carol singers are told that when singing the First Noel they must replace the line “Born is the King of Israel” with something about being born in Bethlehem. It is not how the carol was written, it does not rhyme but at least it might not offend some snowflake undergraduates. That the vast majority of us find this sort of thing intensely irritating is ignored. And then there is Jesus whose birthday we will celebrate in less than two weeks: apparently he was a Palestinian. I kid you not.


227 days ago

Letter to AIM Regulation – will you ever act against Bidstack about its lies & rule breaches?

Not for the first time I have written to AIM Regulation about the rule breaking antics of Bidstack (BIDS) and its disgraced boss Lyin’ James Draper. The fact is that it is the failure of the Oxymorons to act against previous transgressions dating right back to the year of its RTO in 2018, that encouraged Draper to carry on lying and deceiving mug punters so that they have lost nearly all their money . Now as Bidstack slides towards insolvency, as I showed yesterday, it is probably to late to get it to change its ways but pour encourager les autres…


227 days ago

Photo Article from ShareStock No 5 – Jourdan through to Frisby & beyond

After tea things started to go wrong with timings and Bev in charge of catering started to feel ill and so there were logistics issues creeping in. So I am afraid that guests missed out on home made ice cream and also lavender cordial. We almost have a date for next year sorted out (provisionally its September 7) so we will get things bang on next time! Back on the main stage it was Paul Jourdan whose talk was topical in light of Malcolm Stacey’s column today.


227 days ago

Two posters on the LSE Asylum surely facing life bans for the cardinal sin

It is the Bidstack (BIDS) thread and I fear that user555 and GirdZ will be hauled up and banned for life for posting something deemed more unacceptable than a Laurence Fox monologue on GB News. Yes…


227 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: If you can't afford £1.49 you should not own any shares

I start with my video feed, Peter Brailey IT genius (not) and my cat. Then it is Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Caracal Gold (GCAT), Bidstack (BIDS) and a real ouzo moment, Regtech Open (FRAUD) and Supply@ME Capital (FRUAD), Cavendish Finance (CAV), Vast Resources (VAST), Zephyr Energy (ZPHR), Nanosynth (NNN), Tintra (TNT), Olaf’s b/f the trainspotter and Ben’s Creek (BEN). For various other reasons I am in a bad mood and my language reflects this. Matthew’s dog and Catriona will love this podcast.


227 days ago

Tintra Plc – where are the promised final results?

In its RNS of 1 September Tintra (TNT) informed shareholders that it had changed auditors part way through their audit for the year ended 31 January 2023 and stated that “Our decision to change audit firm is to enable audit completion by the end of September”. At the time I expressed scepticism about this proposed revised timetable and at 2.15 pm on Friday 29 September it appears that I was justified as no RNS of final results has yet appeared.


230 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel: Thomas at his best in Kambos

It seems as if none of the tavernas in Kambos has many customers but the restaurant of Thomas is almost empty every night. It is not for pity that the harvesters and myself are now going there most nights. It is for what you see below…


230 days ago

Photo article from the Greek Hovel olive harvest 2023 days 2, 3 and 4: a growing sense of despondency

The last good trees ( two of them) were at the rear of the house. In a normal year they would not be deemed fantastic but this year they were the best of the best and worth twerking with mats as you can see below.


230 days ago

Tamara from Hendon is nothing like Shamima Begum

About a week ago the Daily Mail ran an article about a twentyyear old, very foxy, woman, Tamara, who was commanding an all-female tank crew operating in Gaza. Immediately some fools screamed about how wicked it was to praise Tamara who was born in Hendon while demonizing Shamima Begum from Bethnal Green who went to Syria to assist ISIS. Surely, the Jew haters argue, there is a double standard?


234 days ago

Photo article: day 0 and 1 of the Greek Hovel olive harvest 2023

By way of context, olive production across Greece will be half what it was last year. Spain and Italy are far worse. As a result, olive oil which I could sell at the village press for little over 2 Euros a litre in 2021 could now be sold for almost 10 Euro a litre. The problem is, of course, that while some farms are not down by much, others  including mine, have suffered a catastrophe. I reckon we will be lucky if we get a fifth of our 2021 harvest. However…


235 days ago

@ElonMusk and @X why do you see nothing wrong in this Hitler worshipping Jew Hater?

I flagged up the account below, @B6385405196,  to twitter/X which says that it bans all accounts/tweets which show a hate towards a particular race, religion or ethnic grouping. I would have thought an image of Hitler with the words “Jews must be removed” fits that bill but it seems not. Twitter/X has got back to me saying “this account hasn’t broken any rules”. Hell’s teeth Elon, are you employing actial Nazis these days? 


237 days ago

James Lambie cancels his subscription with a blood libel against the Jewish state

Another day comes and another chap has cancelled his subscription to Shareprophets, the finamcial, fraud busting website I run. He does so with a blood libel against the Jewish state of Israel. My reply telling him his soul will burn in hell was headed “good riddance”. I’d feel dirty taking money from such vermin. Lambie writes:


237 days ago

Photo article: what an angel!

As with all three year olds everything has to be pink for my youngest daughter Jaya. Expect many presents to be that colour this Christmas. But only, of course, if she is a good girl. Ottherwise she knows that Father Christmas will be bringing her a lump of coal and the term dates for a boarding school. That is what happens to naughty girls.


239 days ago

The Ceasefire ends in Gaza and the Orwellian BBC disgraces itself yet again

As ever, the Mrs. puts on Radio 4 over breakfast to push my blood pressure up. I suspect it is all part of a cunning plan to make her a wealthy young widow. “Just a little bit more woman’s hour, that should bring on the coronary,” I can almost hear her saying it to herself.


240 days ago

BBC Radio 5 Live’s Nihal Arthanayake : an overwhelmingly “white” working environment is damaging his mental health - get in the real world you arse

Poor Nihal on a must be near six figure salary, Arthanayake says that his mental health is suffering from being in an “overwhelmingly white” environment at the BBC.  In the UK 81.7% of the population is white according to the last census.  Round at the BBC, where Nihal is a presenter on Radio 5, the latest stats show that 16.4% of the workforce is not white but the corporation is targeting a 20% figure.


241 days ago

Photo Article from ShareStock No4 – this fellow thought he'd beaten the old master at Croquet As Andrew Bell winds up the IRA man

And so after lunch it was Peter Hambro (gold), Dominic Frisby (Bitcoin and a bit of gold) and me ( no longer convinced by either) on stage.  Both guests knew their stuff and were excellent but I wonder if this debate is really of that much interest these days.


241 days ago

Zephyr Energy Interims – more bad news for the Reverend Cliff Weight, it's a £50m short with a cash crisis ahead

The ex ShareSoc supremo, succeeding he who shall not be named, was, you may remember, a big fan of this stock at c5p insisting that it was not going to have to issue shares again on the basis of a research report by the esteemed house of Goldman Sachs, ooops I meant Turner Pope. Well quelle fecking surprise….


241 days ago

Scotgold: oh dear, oh dear – things are getting desperate, the Fat Lady should consider heading to Jockland

Its shares are suspended pending clarification but over at AIM listed Scotgold (SGZ), the worthless company promoted by BBC lies, things go from bad to worse and shareholders should brace themselves for a wipeout soon.


241 days ago

Supply@Me Capital interims - technically insolvent and material uncertainty over going concern as Zamboni fails to show (SY)ME the money

Today’s interim results from Supply@ME Capital (SYME) have the usual features with the promises of jam tomorrow from the CEO Alessandro Zamboni but in reality, there are tiny revenues of just £77,000, negative gross margins of £108,000, pre-tax losses of £2,561,000, net liabilities on the statement of financial position of £2,146,000 and a material uncertainty caveat over going concern. So very much business, or rather lack of it, as usual.


241 days ago

THE FCA IN DISGRACE AGAIN on £60m scam: RegTech Open Project - from IPO to material uncertainty over going concern in 1 month

The FCA approved the prospectus for Regtech Oen Project (RTOP) to list on the Standard segment of the Main Market on 25 August. Today, just a month later there is a disaster. I have warned the FCA abut this, surely it must consider an enquiry into how it has fecked it up yet again.


241 days ago

Ben’s Creek so where is the frigging report and accounts you shysters?

On 13 September the cash guzzling, drowning in debt, red flag laden POS that is Ben’s Creek (BEN) said that its audited results would be published on 27 September. On 27 September, at 4.36 PM Ben’s said that the numbers would be out on 29 September as it just had to finalise a few audit matters.


241 days ago

MORE VINDICATION FOR THE SHERIFF: Bidstack – you could not make this related party shitshow up but they did!

Cross dressing IT consultants from Northampton and other fools who knew better than the Sheriff are spitting out their cornflakes in anger this morning because Bidstack (BIDS) has today served up a shit show so bad that even I did not expect it. It’s a disgrace even by the standards of the AIM sewer. So much of a disgrace that 2 directors have resigned with immediate effect. Put it this way, ex COO Camila Franklin, I would not want to shag your CV after your 12 month stint at this con.


241 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 2 more AIM dogs being put down: IOG and Inland are - as predicted - zeros

The writing was on the wall, I did warn you. I look at the dogs first, Inland (INL) and IOG (IOG), then correct my previous comments on Lord Browne of BP (BP), then look at Ceres Power (CWR), Ben’s Creek (BEN), Belluscura (BELL) and Avacta (AVCT


241 days ago

Video: Junk Debt Could Topple the Markets

Asset manager and author Michael Gayed says that there is overconfidence amongst investors that the economy will avoid a recession, despite increasing default risks. Additionally, most believe that stocks will continue to outperform, even though the charts are not indicative of a new bull market.


241 days ago

Cellular Goods – Is the Fat lady booking a Christmas gig? Any news on the seaweed joke?

The maths for David Beckham backed CBD come seaweed to net zero play Cellular Goods (CBX) are grim and at this rate it won’t be Posh Spice taking it up the xxxx but shareholders. The Fat Lady (clearly not Ms. Spice) should be readying herself for a Christmas gig.


241 days ago

Avacta Interims – yes it is going to need to raise by Easter, Evil Banksta thinks 80p next stop

You can tell a lot about a company by the quality of its shareholders. As such before we deal with interims from Avacta (AVCT) I bring you two posts one after another from the ADVFN Bulletin board before my thoughts and those of Evil Banksta:


241 days ago

BREAKING: Helios Underwriting – why its AIM shares should be suspended NOW after howling schoolboy accounting blunder

Helios (HUW) is an AIM company but for today’s howling schoolboy accounting errors its shares should be suspended at once. Let me explain.


241 days ago

Photo Article No 3 Sharestock 2023 - Lunch

Chef Vijay made the food for my wedding ten years ago and the Christening of Jaya last year. Though not present himself he sent a charming young lady and everyone tucked in from the youngest ( Jaya and Joshua) to er….Peter Hambro there were no complaints.


241 days ago

Lenigas wants to do Lonrho again - has the man got no shame?

Shameless David Lenigas tweets (as you can see below) that to cure poverty in African he wants to do another Lonrho. This is not the Tiny Rowlands “unacceptable face of capitalism” Lonrho but a latter version controlled by Lenigas from 2006 and sold to some Swiss chaps in 2013 for 2.9 billion Rand. What follows shows Lenigas has no shame.


241 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Yes I am bloody keen on Optibiotix after its interims today

In today’s Bearcast I discuss my morning with the Cheshire fuzz tomorrow, Optibiotix (OPTI), Ben’s Creek (BEN), Itsarm (ITS) and Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV). Footnote: after hours in a statement that does not wash Ben’s Creek stated: ““Further to the Company’s notification on 13 September 2023, that there will be a small delay in the Company’s full year results announcement and the publication of the Company’s annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 March 2023. The Company now intends to publish its annual report and accounts along with the accompanying final results announcement on or before 29 September 2023.”. RED FLAG


241 days ago

Photo Article No 2 Sharestock 2023 - the worst dressed speaker contest, Jim's Dog meets one of my cats & the Tingo spy

After Brian Kinane finished it was myself and Peter Brailey on oil stocks. I want you to appreciate how awful is his dress sense. Jim Mellon’s dog could not handle Peter’s shirt and went outside to talk to one of my cats and also to my wife and Dominic Frisby, a man sporting an equally high volume jacket. My wife is the lady not leading the dog, that is Jim’s sister.


241 days ago

Photo Article Sharestock 2023 No 1 - Joshua, Jim, Jam, Kinane - the day kicks off

At 8.30 the first folks arrived to a lawn basking in glorious sunshine and breakfast was served: croissants with a range of home made jams, plus plenty of coffee, tea and orange juice. The bar did not open until 9.30 in a vain effort to keep Lucian Miers under control.


241 days ago

Ben’s Creek – silence is violence: where are your frigging results?

On 13 September 2023 Ben’s Creek (BEN), the overvalued POS run by disgraced Adam Wilson & Peter Shea of Atlantic Carbon and Daniel Stewart infamy announced that “Bens Creek expects to announce its full year results for the year to 31 March 2023 on Wednesday, 27 September 2023.”


242 days ago

Investment Ideas from ShareStock Number 3 – A Matt Earl £1.65 billion short

This is a company which is a dirty polluter and is only not bust thanks to the utter insanity of Sir Ed Davey, the leader of the Lib Dems from his time as a minister in the coalition Government. It is a scandal and one funded with £11 billion of your cash..


243 days ago

Investment Ideas from ShareStock Number 2 – an oiler to collapse from Peter Brailey

Pete Brailey shared three big shorts at ShareStock. All three should be familiar to you and all three begin with P and claim to be oil companies.


243 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Getting increasingly angry with Andrew Monkey and the Invinity we don't need to raise lie

I start with why I am a bit sluggish and regrets from Saturday. Then to whatever Fox Marble is called these days, Microsaic (MSYS) -another ouzo moment, Victoria (VCP) which should be suspended and Invinity (IES) and the Monkey business


243 days ago

Tintra – takeover moving closer?

On 7 September Tintra (TNT) announced that it was under a potential offer from LRB35 Limited. LRB’s proposal was  of a possible offer at a price of 150 pence per Tintra ordinary share in cash, with a share exchange alternative 


243 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Matt Earl is right to be short ASOS - could it go all the way?

In today’s podcast I look at ASOS (ASC), Belluscura (BELL), Versarien (VRS), ICG Longbow (LBOW) and lessons learned from the ouzo moments and 100% vindications today at MGC Pharmaceuticals (MXC) and Cook’s Coffee (COK) another disaster from Andrew Monk’s VSA Capita (VSA).


243 days ago

VINDICATED AGAIN Another day, another ouzo moment – MGC Pharmaceuticals shares collapse

Shares in MGC Pharmceuticals (MXC) were 2.25p valuing the crock at £70 million when I published my first explosive dossier HERE just 20 months ago. Of course folks like broker Turner Pope, evil PR Spinners IFC Advisory (not having a good day are we chaps?) and the bulletin board morons knew better than silly old TW. I’ve kept on exposing this all the way down and today the shares are down by almost 50% on the session at just 0.055p after more disastrous news.


243 days ago

Andrew Monk’s latest disgrace: Cook’s Coffee subsidiary Triple Two going bust

Now I really am ashamed to be the unwitting owner of £120 worth of shares in VSA Capital (Very Sexy Andrew), the broker and financial adviser run by egomaniac Andrew Monk, a man – as he mentions daily – educated at Oriel College Oxford. In November of last year VSA racked up a big corporate fee getting an Aquis dual listing for New Zealand listed coffee chain Cooks Coffee (COOK). Cook’s was – as I showed here – insolvent at the time and VSA’s forecasts to get the IPO away were a disgrace.


243 days ago

Ideas from ShareStock No 1 – a short, going into bat against Nigel Wray

I cannot say how much I like and admire and am grateful to Nigel Wray. He was one of a select group at my last wedding 10 years ago and he will be invited to the next one. Not that there will be a next one! But should one go into bat against Wray? This is the first idea from ShareStock at the weekend.


243 days ago

Victoria – possible money laundering at one subsidiary but what about the 57 others?

The annual report from carpets roll up/financial engineering play Victoria (VCP), run by colourful Geoff Wilding, is out this morning and contains a shocking admission. But there may well be far more, here is why we do not know what skeletons are rattling in Victoria’s closet.


243 days ago

GOTCHA: Gerry the “arse” Brandon resigned again!

I might have, now and again, referenced the tweet below from Gerry “the arse” Brandon about me. At a time, just under three years ago, when Deepverge (DVRG) and MicroSaic (MSYS) were AIM sewer high fliers, Brandon dismissed my analysis, research and lack of accounting knowledge and trolled me till I blocked the shyster who was widely celebrated on the Bulletin Boards for putting me in my place and exposing my ignorance ….34 months later….


243 days ago

Invinity – More Monkey Business: when is the next placing Andrew you dissembling scoundrel?

You may remember that a few weeks ago Andrew Monk got pretty furious when I suggested that he was taking Invinity Energy (IES) to see a stack of Canadian fund managers to lay the groundwork for the next bailout placing. Today we have interims and it is blindingly obvious that as part of his degree in name dropping at Oriel College Oxford, Monkey did not do any maths but he might have done a paper on misleading investors. Natch Invinity boasts of “record” sales and muppet investors seem impressed by that ignoring the company’s own admission today that it is running out of money.


244 days ago

Photo Article: The annual Christmas Tree victim arrives and is planted at the Welsh Hovel

Maybe what grabs you are the windows either side of the tree. If you look closely you will see that the ones on the right are bricked up and painted. These are an unusual sort of “wndow tax window”. Because this part of the house was the side folks saw as they took their milk down to the river to be shipped to Chester, this was the part “dolled up.” I could not unbrick the windows if I wanted as they are one of the reasosn that the hovel is listed. But I rather like them. In between the windows is a Christmas treat I picked up today. It is the annual “victim.”


246 days ago

Dublin Riots: guess how long it took for someone to blame the Jews?

So an “Irishman”, apparently, one of those Paddy’s born in North Africa, pulls out a knife and stabs a woman and three kids in Dublin.


246 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel: Joshua is a traditionalist when it comes to Advent Calendars

As a stalwart member of his chapel, my son Joshua is very much a traditionalist when it comes to Advent calendars. Last year there were howls of protest when the Mrs got one from the chapel which turned out to be loaded with chocolate. And thus I have returned to the company recommended by my old pal Malcolm Stacey, HERE


246 days ago

Joshua gets admittance to the Welsh club

A couple of weeks ago we had that rare occurrence, the Mrs. joining me at the school gates to pick up Joshua and Jaya. Honestly, there are folks in this village who must think I am a single mum so rarely does the Mrs take part in the school run. But on this day, Joshua was clutching a red dragon and also had a Welsh flag badge pinned to his chest next to the School Council badge and an owl badge which is, I think, a club for clever cloggses. Joahua and his pal R are clever cloggses now doing reading lessons with kids 2 years older than they are.


248 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: reflections on Sharestock, shorts, longs and being a human being

I think it was a success and hope folks all enjoyed it. I think we will do it again. I reflect on the short and long ideas that were aired although many things were said which I wouldn’t dare repeat.


248 days ago

Supermarket Income REIT – full-year results, still a value income Buy

UK supermarket real estate investment trust Supermarket Income REIT (SUPR) has announced its results for its year ended 30th June 2023 and notes a slightly increased dividend per share of 6p.


248 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: rejoicing with Steve O'Hara as Optibiotix sticks its Boots into the bears

Steve will be at Sharestock tomorrow and I think there is a lot more to come from Optibiotix (OPTI) which I kick off with in today’s bearcast. Then the scandal at Regtech Open (RTOP) for which P45s should be flying at the FCA, Vast Resources (VAST) and – a reader request- Falanx (FCS).


248 days ago

UK Oil & Gas: what a Turkey – SMTM!

However Lyin’ Steve Sanderson, the grossly overpaid chairman and CEO of UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) tries to spin it, today’s news from its piss poor Turkish operations screams out “when’s the next bailout placing suckers?” At least owners of this stock are used to it. Thanks to the issue of gazillions of shares over the years guess what the losses are for those buying at the top in 2015?


248 days ago

Caracal Gold – RNS Needed

Obviously, when your adviser spends most of his time playing golf or practicing the name dropping he learned from his time at Oriel College Oxford, you may not be reminded of your obligations to keep investors informed about your financial position. Perhaps that is why Caracal Gold (GCAT) did not bother telling investors last year that it had taken out a death spiral for almost five months. Or that loan finance it had said it had secured had not arrived.


248 days ago

B.P. Marsh – half-year trading statement, still discount to NAV BUY

Investor in early stage financial services businesses B.P. Marsh & Partners (BPM) has issued an update on its half year-ended 31st July 2023 and emphasises that it “remains positive regarding its ongoing performance”.


248 days ago

I thought we had reached peak Gary Lineker. I was wrong - Stephen Pollard in the Jewish Chronicle



249 days ago

The BBC sniffs out racism in 1350 England: Black women more likely to die of the plague than anyone else is #fakehistory and here's why

This is laughable.  The conclusion of a report out today on deaths during the great plague of 1348-50, aka the Black Death, in London is that  “higher death rates amongst people of colour and those of black African descent was a result of the “devastating effects” of “premodern structural racism” in the medieval world. Natch the BBC is delighted by this study from the Museum of London. But does the data actually support such a claim? What do you think?


250 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: the 1st Earl of Abingdon, a mystery solved, it really is him! He is my 10 Great Grandpa!

The portrait below was one my father owned. On his demise I picked it up as nobody else wanted it. The writing in the top left-hand corner says that it is James Bertie, the 1st Earl of Abingdon, a man who lived from 1653-99 and was a fairly important figure in 17th century politics. But was this a genuine portrait and how did it come into our possession?


250 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel: the cats save Big Bear from the Charity shop

We didn’t buy Big Bear, pictured below. He was given to us by someone looking after the hiuse one summer. We just came home to find him sitting at the kitchen table with some pots of porridge in front of him. These days he sleeps in the same room as Joshua and Jaya but the Mrs and myself have been quite keen to give him to a charity shop. But now he has been saved.


252 days ago

Vast Resources – another sign of the cash crisis, Romanians not paid go on strike

Vast Resources (VAST) has to repay more than $8 million of debt by September 29, that is a week today. If course it has not got any cash. If you needed proof of how bad things are there is news from the Baita Plai mine in Romania.


252 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: When will bankers to Strix FORCE it to do a discounted placing?

In today’s bearcast I discuss ShareStock, VSA Capital (VSA), Optiva, Strix (KETL), TrakM8 (TRAK) and BlueJay Mining (JAY)


252 days ago

Photo Article: preparing for Sharestock: fish and tents

As a result of last minute pull-outs there are still a couple of tickets available for ShareStock this Saturday, for the c100 folks inked in to attend, as you can see below, preparations are well underway.


252 days ago

Fancy £800 a day for a job where you have no relevant experience? Only 51% of the population can apply!

I am bloody tempted by that sort of wonga, it would pay for a good lot of Metaxa. Actually I do know a bit about being a NED and also a bit about property but I cannot get this job advertised below.


252 days ago

Watchstone Group – Quindell as was: how quickly can it spaff its remaining cash ( a £3 billion AIM fraud becomes a £3 million Aquis penny dreadful)

Watchstone Group (WTG), Quenron (QPP) as was, has published its interims today, a shocking tale of how to waste money.


252 days ago

Letter to AIM Regulation: Stifel and Avacta just cannot say this in an RNS

I have written to the Oxymorons, more in hope than expectation, suggesting that AIM Regulation sanction Nomad Stifel and Avacta (AVCT) for issuing an RNS that makes a claim that cannot be backed up. I realise that Avacta needs to do a placing in the next few months but even so this is more than naughty. This is not about me or Avacta but about whether AIM wants to apply its own rules.


252 days ago

Silverwood Brands, oh dear, oh dear – more Monkey Business with the self styled Very Sexy Andrew

Shares in Silverwood Brands (SLWD) valued at 100p a pop represented about a third of the year end balance sheet of Andrew Monk’s Aquis listed VSA Capital (VSA). Yesterday just £7500 worth of shares were sold by somebody at just 25p causing the mid price to halve from 60p to 30 and so slashing the market cap by 50% to £78 million. Frankly even that valuation is nutso. It gets murkier and murkier.


252 days ago

Optiva – FCA moves in, is this the kiss of death?

Small cap and spiv trader favourite broker Optiva has been stopped from taking on any new clients by the FCA and its existing clients are not allowed to pass new funds or assets to Optiva’s control. The mystery is why.


252 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - how critical is the financial position at the charlatan run dog Caracal?

In today’s bearcast I look at Avacta (AVCT), Brandshield (BRST) and what it says about the state of AIM, Caracal Gold (GCAT), Red Rock Resources (RRR), Genflow Biosciences (GENF) and Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL)


252 days ago

Britain's leading gold analyst takes to twitter with his usual understated and utterly objective analysis

If we have ever given the impression that Mr David Lenigas is a run of the mill Aussie penny share promoter, we would like to apologise. He is clearly Britain’s Number 1 gold analyst and a national treasure like his fellow Aussie Mr Peter Tatchell. I wonder if Dave and Pete know each other?


252 days ago

Avacta hires a second broker – why do you think that is?

Stifel Europe failed to get away a £10 million placing at 90p, no 80p, in mid June as I exposed HERE but, as I pointed out earlier this week HERE, Avacta (AVCT) MUST get away another placing before Easter in order to avoid its auditors flagging up a material uncertainty. Today we have news…


252 days ago

Tom Winnifrith bonus bearcast: Malcolm Stacey is talking utter bollocks

In this bonus podcast I look at Malcom’s earlier comments on housebuilders, macroeconomics and Redrow (RDW).


252 days ago

Audioboom might reflect on its big bucks deal with Russell Brand – now when’s its next lack of profits warning?

It is not for you or I to judge the guilt or otherwise of Mr Russell Brand. I realise that when I suggested that it was wrong for Mr Philip Schofield to shag a runner on his show and to use TV station cars to ferry around a young lover that was, on my part, homophobic. That Mr Brand is alleged to have done exactly the same and far worse with girls is therefore all grounds for legitimate condemnation without fear of being homophobic. Whatever. What is fascinating is that it is now universally agreed that Brand has always been a foul mouthed ignoramus who treated women badly. Yet…


252 days ago

Go Woke Go Broke: a photo from Tesco in Wrexham

I was there last night buying vast amounts of Welsh sparkling water and Wrexham lager for Sharestock. Now look at the beer shelves closely.


252 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Stifel should lose its Nomad license for today's Avacta statement

I start with culinary triumphs notably the nettle beer I bottled today. Then it is Avacta (AVCT), Regtech Open (RTOP) and Naked Wines (WINE)


252 days ago

Avacta Group – the various responses, even more of a short

Folks reacted in various ways to yesterday’s factually accurate article about Avacta (AVCT) and the fact that it is certain to do a fund raise well before Easter. One chap wanted to beat me up as he announced on twitter. Others commented on my teeth – discoloured as a result of childhood illness. There were other personal attacks and last night this website was taken down by a DOS attack.


253 days ago

Ironveld - where is the missing Grosvenor £5m?

It’s over a year ago now since the smearing of Richard “nobody likes me and I don’t care” Jennings of Align following his failed attempt to remove Establishment figure Giles Clarke and his lackey Martin Eales at Ironveld (IRON).


253 days ago

Chill Brands AGM statement – it's “avin” a giraffe as it plies an evil trade

Chill Brands (CHLL) today boasts at its AGM that the products on its website “contribute to the overall well-being of our customers, delivering the social and recreational benefits they enjoy while minimising the potential harm associated with traditional substances like tobacco and alcohol.” So that would include vaping products that bring kids into the word of inhalation , a pathway to smoking, and which can cause Lung and other organ damage, breathing problems, asthma, lung scarring and chronic bronchitis. Next up, Russell Brand on why he has always been a feminist.


253 days ago

Altcast: No 2: Where do the equity markets stand after August?

Thanks to the sponsorship of Sure Valley, Riverfort Global & Pires Investments (PIRI) we are expanding the number and quality of speakers and are able to offer up more fun and games at Sharestock this year - as you can see HERE. In this second episode of Altcast looking at small caps and AIM I  Liam Bulmer of Riverfort . The first seven months of the year were bad but August was worse!. Where next? Enjoy.


253 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Dan Wilkinson from Haworth wants to beat up a much older man, that is to say me

Strapping Dan from Haworth has a sweet looking Mrs. Does she know what an online thug he is as you can see in the tweet below? In today’s podcast I discuss Avacta (AVCT), Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT), Dialight (DIA), Tingo (US:TIO) and S4 Capital (SFOR) run by the pompous arse Sir Martin Sorrell.


253 days ago

Avacta – time to go short again as countdown to another attempt by Stifel to do a placing is surely underway

Back in June I revealed that Stifel was trying to raise £10 million at 90p then 80p for Avacta (AVCT). The company dissembled in its “refutation.” The fact is that despite having an outstanding £55 million death spiral in situ, Avacta needs to place, it is just a matter of when.


254 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - Happy 3rd Birthday Jaya

I did not used to be much of a baker but in the past couple of years I have got fairly good at making cakes. So I am kicking myself for slightly overdoing what is known as a Grandpa cake which you can see below. The top is a little well done but inside it is pretty moist as you’d expect of a fruitcake soaked in Guniness. that is not to say that my father was mad, just a bit eccentric, or soaked in Guinness, he preferred cider. It is just that the recipe is Irish and my father always referred to Ireland as the Old Country.


254 days ago

My Annual Woodlarks Christmas Grotto Appeal – please can you spare a fiver for an amazing cause

Right now there is building work underway at Woodlarks and that means that, for the first time I can remember, there will be no Christmas Grotto this year. However the Woodlarks Santa will be doing a mobile tour of schools with the sort of special needs Woodlarks is set up to deliver and to visit local hospices to see very ill children. “I want your money” as that poltroon Bob Geldof used to say.


256 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: I'm still no Putin apologist, but I was right all along, you were lied to and Ukraine is losing its war with Russia

I have to start with usual prefaces: I am no Putin apologist, he was wrong to invade Ukraine. But I hate all wars and also being lied to by a media and political class GroupThink and – as I have flagged up on this site numerous times – we were all lied to.  I called out those lies. Many smeared me as a Putin apologist for doing so. I hope now they see the error of their ways. The harsh reality is that Ukraine is now losing ground and running out of men and women to fight for it. I explain various reasons why there has to be a peace and I curse folks like Boris Johnson who prolonged this war for two years so needlessly. They have blood on their hands.


256 days ago

SLAM DUNK SHORT: Belluscura – bailout placing looms to stop a gig with the Fat Lady within weeks

Some folks are fooled as to the rate of cashburn at Belluscura (BELL) by the way that – for reasons that are inexplicable to me – it capitalises so many costs. Put simply the states losses massively under-represent the horrific cashburn. Do the maths and even Stevie Wonder can see that the company is running on vapours and unless there is a material, so no doubt massively discounted, fund raise within weeks the Fat Lady will have another AIM listed gig.


256 days ago

Vast Resources – the latest bad news really is a fair Cheryl Cole analogy

Vast Resources (VAST) says that it is “pleased” to announce what turns out to be bad news. I imagine that London’s worst Nomad Roland “Fatty” Cornish signed off on that particular gem well into Friday’s 15 course lunchtime feast. This is all to do with those diamonds locked up in the central bank in Zimbabwe which Vast said back in February would soon be recovered, promoting a massive share price ramp enabling some bailout placings. So, what is the news from Harare?


256 days ago

Doc Holliday to run AIM listed ECR Minerals – you could not make this up

ECR Minerals (ECR) is almost out of cash, if it does not raise cash very soon by issuing new shares it will go bust. Look at the last results and even Stevie Wonder can see what a terrible mess it is in. This is not opinion it is fact. Spiv broker Novum Securities will need to be doing yet another deeply discounted placing PDQ to keep the lights on. But it gets worse, there are management changes.


257 days ago

Sacking Suella Braverman – electoral suicide and caving to the mob

Over the past few years this website has chronicled time and time again the manifest failings of the Police. Folks in this country who are law abiding, pay our taxes and do not hate where we live feel utter despair as the Fuzz let us down again and again and again. Using the metaphor of a lavatory leaking shit floating down the river by my fields, I explained my sense of despair a few weeks ago. That is heightened as I watch TV and see folks who break the laws, spew hate and unhappiness but support radical causes getting a free pass.  The one politician who dared to speak up for folks like me and my wife, and – I sense and polls suggest – the vast majority of the population, was Suella Braverman and, for that, she has today been sacked as Home Secretary.


257 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a buy idea that is too sordid for me to consider

I start with Russell Brand and Chile’s most famous poet, I end with Sharestock. In between Doc Holliday, ECR Minerals (ECR), that sordid buy idea, why Id like to see more AIM Companies going bust and Bidstack (BIDS)


257 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I think Totally is Totally fecked & a chat with O'Hara

I start with macro-stuff on the UK vs the USA. Then it is onto Totally (TLY) and Optibiotix (OPTI)


257 days ago

DS Smith – solid AGM trading statement, still a value and income Buy

Packaging company DS Smith (SMDS) has issued an AGM trading statement emphasising that trading is in line with expectations and that it is positioned well for the remainder of its year and beyond. Sounds reassuringly solid then.


257 days ago

Mattioli Woods – full-year results, remains a recovery Buy

Wealth and asset management company Mattioli Woods (MTW) has announced its results for its year ended 31st May 2023 and says that it “remains well positioned for the year ahead with a strong platform and integrated model”.


257 days ago

Powerhouse Patent Hocum Schmocum

If Powerhouse Energy (PHE) was a serious company it would have gained patent protection for its IP many, many, years ago in its long and inglorious career on AIM. But it is not. And so today it announces with great fanfare that it has been notified by the European Patent Office that the Company’s European Patent Application No 20751207.0, “Method and Apparatus for the Treatment of Waste Material”, will be fully granted on the 11 October 2023. Hold the fucking front page.


257 days ago

Video: Gold and Silver Reveal Fiat Fraud

Chartist and trader Patrick Karim asks, “Why is gold going up if it’s so useless?”


257 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 32: Kerim Sener of Ariana Resources & Chris Bailey on the bonds pension timebomb and blue chips to buy

I am back with these bonus video shows, is this 31 or 32. What the heck: I reset the counter at 32. In this show I interview Kerim Sener of Ariana resources (AAU) and then give my analysis of why I am very happy to hold the shares. Then it is onto Chris Bailey on macroeconomics, the two financial bombshells facing the over 45s and blue chips to buy. I hope that you enjoy the show.


259 days ago

Proof that Suella Braverman was 100% correct - some of the hate crimes not dealt with by the Police today on the #PalestineMarch

The BBC is creaming itself as the Metropolitan Police has arrested 90 far right thugs marching with the horrible hooligan Tommy Robinson and just 12 folks marching for Palestine. You can guess the narrative about today’s peaceful protest for “peace” and how the far right is the real threat to peace. Well up to a point. Robinson and his ilk are vile but what actually happened on the main march?


261 days ago

Photo article: New Book by Tom Winnifrith Published

As you can see below there is a new book out by Tom Winnifrith. But before you rush to buy it there are a three caveats.


261 days ago

AIM Awards shortlist out – more nauseating self indulgence, but perhaps it tells us where value lies

As David Lenigas so rightly pointed out the other day, AIM is not the world’s most successful growth market, as it claims, it is dying on its feet. It is on track to suffer its worst year in history in terms of fundraisings, investors are set for another year of negative returns and the number of companies is shrinking rapidly to more than 20 year lows. Yet the fat cats, the crony capitalists who have grown rich are preparing for a black tie feast of back slapping and self indulgence, where tickets costing hundreds of pounds and vast drinks bills are ultimately pad for by you, investors. The AIM Awards shortlists are out. It is nauseating.>You pay for the 12 October bean feast as you are shareholders in companies which pay vast fees to Nomads, brokers,, PR fluffies, lawyers and accountants and it is they who are paying thousands of pounds to book tables at this event. It is YOUR money being spaffed. Given how badly AIM has performed this year those firms booking tables should be utterly ashamed. Anyhow, the shortlists are out as you can see below.


261 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: bloody rotten day, Frisby wants me to kill my cats and Bill Gates fecks up a video as I buy more shares

In today’s podcast I discuss forthcoming videos and look at Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Amaroq (AMRQ), Seed Innovations (SEED), John Lewis, Regtech Open Platform (RTOP), Online Blockchain (OBC), ADVFN (AFN), and THG (THG) run by that prick Matt Moulding which is surely still a short even at 70p.


261 days ago

More losses announced and a warning of delayed recovery: Why hasn’t failing Dame Sharon White been sacked by John Lewis?

Sharon White was appointed, with no retail experience whatsoever, as chair of John Lewis in 2019 on an annual salary of just shy of a Bernie. A year later, for services to the bien pensant community, when was made a Dame and unveiled a five year plan to get John Lewis to making £400 million of profit by 2025. Since then, it has been loss after loss after loss and today it got worse.


261 days ago

Deepverge: the Fat Lady is gargling and has Gerry Brandon knicked the website too?

Oh dear, Oh dear as disgraced share tipster Mike Walters used to say as yet another of his disastrous share tips went horribly Pete Tong. At Deepverge (DVRG) things go from bad to worse. You almost could not make this up: The company says that “Unfortunately”…


261 days ago

Eight Capital Partners 2022 accounts - part of the house of cards

Yesterday I celebrated the massive revisions to Eight Capital Partners (ECP), 2021 accounts as a result of my good works with the FRC. But Eight also published its 2022 numbers this week and guess what?


261 days ago

Regtech Open – more horrible omissions in prospectus that the FCA somehow approved

I have already highlighted issues such as the joke valuation methodology and the lack of IFRS Compliance which the clowns at the FCA seem to have missed. RegTech Open (RTOP) underwent a direct listing which meant that it didn’t have a broker scrutinising its Prospectus nor undertake any marketing on its behalf and it really shows, a few more errors for the FCA to consider, follow.


261 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: From the Top (BP's Looney) to the bottom, the bum that is Zak Mir

In today’s Bearcast I look at sordid Mir in relation to the scumbags at Dukemount Capital (DKE) where i hope my prior warnings were heeded. I look at IOG (IOG), Ben’s Creek (BEN) and at BP and Bernard Looney 


261 days ago

GOTCHA! Eight Capital Partners accounts for 2021 and 2022 are now both out and are shocking - Part 1

Yesterday Eight Capital Partners (ECP), the bastard cousin of the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) released both its revised 2021 accounts and its delayed 2022 accounts. I start with the revised 2021 accounts as I had previously reported Eight to the Financial Reporting Council on 18 July 2022 about those numbers. So, yes, this is yet another win and validation of my work. When Eight fessed up to the FRC ongoing investigation on 3 July it stated that revised accounts were being prepared but with no indication of the scale of the revision.


261 days ago

Versarien Turnaround Plan My arse – grant in Spain

Evil PR spinners IFC have crafted a gem of a release for its soon to be bankrupt client Versarien (VRS). The headline “Turnaround Strategy – Gnanomat Grant Award” is just so misleading, IFC should be truly ashamed.


261 days ago

Looney Tunes at BP, CEO walks after more evidence of him shagging about emerges

When former BP (BP) CEO John Browne was found to have put his Brazilian rent boy lover on expenses he was forced to walk (after all expenses abuse is theft) but his supporters insisted that this was a homophobic witch hunt and he was duly made a member of the House of Lords and has become part of the great and good. One rule for 1% using company funds inappropriately, another for the 99%. Today we embark on another show of one rule for them, one for us. BP’s latest CEO, Bernard Looney, has resigned with immediate effect.


261 days ago

GOTCHA – Regtech Open, you couldn’t make this up but it did!

On Tuesday morning I flagged up glaring red flags in the Monday announcement from the bezzle Regtech Open (RTOP) that Alessandro Zamboni’s Avant Garde had transferred 250,000 warrants “to settle a debt”. A corrective RNS duly followed. Gotcha! But the transaction still makes no sense.


261 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: EK says never trust a man who does not drink, ref Chris Bailey & Fevertree

I start with my nettle beer brewing and ShareStock, then move on to Fevertree (FEVR), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), the greatest joke ever told, IQE (IQE) and Chill Brands (CHLL)


261 days ago

The definition of a bad company is one that can never generate cash – IQE interims

Another set of results comes out from the sheep shagging chip makers at IQE (IQE) and as usual the numbers are piss poor, more cash has been burned and there is warning about current trading. The shares are just 16.4p, having been 174p just under six years ago when folks like Paul Scott and our own Malcolm Stacey were frothing so excitedly about them as I warned and warned again.


261 days ago

An Open Letter to the FCA - how have you allowed a £180 million utterly false market to be created in just over two weeks & will you fix it?

The FCA has failed again in its role as the body charged with approving prospectuses for companies listing on the Standard List. I refer to RegTech Open Project PLC (RTOP) which listed on 25 August with a £60 million valuation at 100p and which is now capitalized at £180 million. But it is clearly an almost worthless entity. Folks are going to lose a lot of cash. I have written to the FCA begging it to put an end to what is clearly a false market.


261 days ago

Regtech Open: the bastard son of the Supply@ME Capital fraud – the comedy continues

At what point will the FCA show some shame for admitting this worthless POS with a non IFRS compliant prospectus to the Standard List with a £60 million joke valuation? The shares are now 292p valuing a loss making company with (falling) sales of £1million last year and no balance sheet at £173 million. And now there is another red flag at RegTech Open (RTOP)


261 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I reckon Wandisco will run out of cash by Christmas 2024, Versarien a year earlier

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I reckon Wandisco will run out of cash by Christmas 2024, Versarien a year earlier


261 days ago

Video: Complete Collapse & Meltdown – The Dollar Will be Destroyed

Precious Metals Broker Bill Holter is clearly talking his own book but what he says is Nigel Somerville on steroids.


261 days ago

Lashings of ouzo on my cornflakes, ScotGold suspended, the Fat Lady is boarding a train to Jockland

Oh dear, oh dear, as the disgraced tipster Mike Walters would always say as yet another of his recommendations went horribly Pete Tong. I have warned and warned about Scotgold (SGZ) for eons, publishing leaked internal emails which showed how parlous its financial position was, something the company tried to brush off with dissembling releases. Well, today, I hear that the Fat Lady is in a taxi to Kings Cross and preparing to head north… the shares have been suspended.


261 days ago

Caracal Gold – 6 ominous words, you are being warned

The company that misleads investors over death spirals taken out and loans not going through and whose directors should therefore be in jail, Caracal Gold (GCAT) has called a GM to allow it to issue shed loads more confetti. The statement contains six ominous words which should fill any shareholder with dread.


261 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Malcolm and Nigel you may well both be wrong

I end with my sister cropping up on Radio 4 yesterday, I start with my dilemma about where to watch the Wales game. In between I ask Malcolm ( UK shares) and Nigel (gold) to consider if the assets they are loving up may be unloved for a very good reason.


263 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - should I buy back into Bezant Resources asks a reader?

I start with a few matters on ShareStock given that I am a dripping in sweat wreck having mowed the lawns today. Then it is onto Colin Bird, aged 79 and three quarters, and Bezant Resources (BZT).


263 days ago

An email from ‘arry – Kefi is on track in Ethiopia

‘arry Adams has dropped me an email abut the progress made last week. He says:


263 days ago

Regtech Open – Good Luck Paul

Regtech Open (RTOP), the latest monstrously over valued standard listed vehicle majority owned by Alessandro Zamboni has appointed a CFO, Paul McFadden. He won’t be starting work at RegTech until a successor is found according to the Chairman’s statement at Shearwater.


263 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I feel like Nigel Farage

I explain what I mean in the opening salvo. Perhaps I am paranoid. That brings me to Chill Brands (CHLL), then AMTE Power (AMTE), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD), Regtech Open (JOKE), and finally a long segment on Tortilla Mexican (MEX) where the valuation is surely a rum ‘n’ coke?


263 days ago

Big Dave Lenigas & Pennpetro: just how do you define “short delay?”

I only ask because the insolvent Standard Listed dog PennPetro (PPP) run by Big Dave Lenigas had its shares suspended on August 1 as it could not get its accounts on time. Back then, Big Dave said this was a “short delay”. It is now September 8.


263 days ago

Video: Market Pain will Create the Perfect Conditions for Gold

Analyst and economist Julian Brigden of Macro Intelligence 2 Partners has music for the ears of Nigel Somerville but also for equity market bears.


263 days ago

The David Lenigas video in full… I need to contact my lawyers

Big Dave has recorded a 90 minute video with some arse-licking interviewer whose name I do not know which, and I really hate to say it, is really rather compelling viewing. Apparently Big Dave has had to sell both of his hundred foot yachts and says that he is really feeling the pinch paying his mortgages. I am almost in tears as I write, considering his hardship, and will be setting up a crowd fund page sharpish. Actually, a lot of what he says makes really good sense.


263 days ago

Gear4Music – don’t get carried away Malcolm there are caveats to today’s statement

I suspect the old boy is somewhat cheered by what is a rare good day for this dog of a tip and is off at the Punter’s Return enjoying an early pint of Doom Goblin. But before Comrade Stacey gets too carried away I merely flag up a couple of thing about today’s trading statement from Gear4Music (G4M)


264 days ago

Tintra bid at 150p – do you smell a rat at the AIM Company of the year 2022?

Its shares are still suspended as it still cannot get out its annual report despite hiring a mickey mouse firm. But yesterday, Tintra served up some positive news, a possible cash offer of 150 pence per share with a share alternative subject to due diligence and the finalisation and documentation of financing for the transaction.


264 days ago

VSA Capital – a stock overhang and an apology to Mr. Andrew Monk

I would like to apologise to Mr. Andrew Monk for suggesting that his claim that I was a shareholder in VSA Capital (VSA) was a vile smear. I have now tracked down the share registrars and it appears that a share certificate for 2,000 shares was indeed dispatched to a wholly out of date address. I am thus the owner of shares which might just be sold for a paltry £120.


264 days ago

Wood Group – after interims, again a Buy?...

Wood Group (WG.) was a tip last year at a 155p offer price – with we then noting we looked to repeat previous success of a more than 40%, less than 7 months, offer-to-bid gain. In April this year we banked more than 45%, little more than 9 months, gains at 226p. Following recent half-year results which emphasised “clear strategic progress, strong growth and increasing full year guidance”, though with the shares at a 156.7p offer price we consider this again a good time to Buy.


264 days ago

A letter to the Vice Chancellor of Lancaster University about its cover up for the Hamas praising Praising Professor Simon Mabon: 2 questions

I have just dropped an email to James Fuller who runs the office of Professor Andy Schofield the Vice Chancellor of Lancaster University regarding the cover up for Professor Simon Mabon. Mabon is the man who praised Hamas on October 8, a day after it committed the worst mass slaughter of Jews since 1945. The Metropolitan Police has now stated that using the imagery endorsed by Mabon is something it considers to be a crime. And thus, cc’ing in hapless press officer Vicky Tyrell, I have asked the office of the Vice Chancellor, two critical questions. My email reads.


264 days ago

Video: Welcome to Colombia Untisemity - how Israel views woke University students in the West ( with humour)

With places such as Lancaster University refusing to action Professors like Simon Mabon who openly celebrated the Hamas attack which saw the biggest one day slaughter of Jews since World War Two, is it any wonder that Israel – and all other right thinking folks despair at life on Western campuses?  Often the best way to combat this is with comedy and Israeli satire show “What a Wonderful Country” does that superbly in the video below. Enjoy.


264 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Here is how the FCA will cull standard listed dogs in 2024

I speculate but with some informed input on what will happen. And I name some of the Standard list wronguns which will, I believe, lose their listing in 2024 as a result of what is going to happen.


264 days ago

$1.2 trillion capitalised Nvidia - the bear case dossier

It has been the wonder stock of the year but is there a bear case for Nvidia (US:NVDA) as its market cap is now $1.2 trillion. Yes there sure is. Enjoy.


264 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Oxford Nanopore could halve and I still would not buy

In today’s bearcast I look at Blackbird (BIRD), Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) and Oxford Nanopore (ONT) I have amended my earlier piece on Monkey and VSA. This is so humiliating, it seems that I really am a shareholder in his awful company although I have no idea why.


264 days ago

Canadian Overseas – Placing changes nothing, I do not believe leadership change is real

Evil Banksta is short of Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL). If I was ever to short a stock, and I don’t ever short, this would be high on my list. Today there is news that its death spiral provider Anavio has put in $3.5 million at 4p and that founder and boss, Arthur Millholland, the king of the value destroyers has stepped aside. Well sort of. So what do myself and Evil Banksta make of it all. First to Mr Banksta who says:


264 days ago

Eurasia Mining – do the maths: time for a statement

So how much cash is left? The maths is not that hard. At June 30th it was c£1.69 million. But Eurasia Mining (EUA) sent c£3.2 million to money heaven in H1 so, ceteris paribus, by the end of the first week of October, all the money will be gone. Of course it is not quire that simple.


264 days ago

UPDATED: A slur and a shocking revelation from Andrew Monk of VSA, this is so embarrassing

As you may have seen on twitter, Mr Andrew Monk is on a no expenses spared trip to Vancouver to tell folks there several times a day that he went to Oriel College Oxford where he got an upper second in name dropping. Actually, he is there taking Invinity (IES) round fund managers on a ramping trip. Now he has taken to twitter with a slur and a monstrous revelation.


265 days ago

Now that the Metropolitan Police says Hamas Bulldozer imagery a crime – will Lancaster University fire Simon Mabon?

As of today, the apologists for anti-semitism who run Lancaster University are still refusing to take action against Professor Simon Mabon. They have accepted his palpably untrue excuses for tweets sent out on October 8 in which he labelled those responsible for the October 7 slaughter of 1400 Jews, the worst pogrom since World War Two as folks engaged in “an act of resistance” and which contained in image of a bulldozer with a Palestine flag taking down a large fence. As I explained in detail HERE that image was created after the 7 October pogrom and specifically referred to it. Anyone tweeting it out on October 8 as the world’s media reported nothing else must have known what it meant. However…


265 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - bonfire night and can you guess who the "guy" is meant to be?

It was a wet bonfire night in North East Wales. In the morning, Joshua and I gathered a stack of dry wood, mainly all sorts of junk left by the previous owners, and put it in the barn closest to the bonfire site, what will be the goat barn. At 4 PM we laid a bed of straw (also left by the previous owners) and piled up the wood as you can see below. On top of it we had an effigy.


265 days ago

I agree with Gary Lineker: let the revolting Hamas fans march on Remembrance day

Readers of this website can be in no doubt that I stand 100% with Israel and I make no apology for saying that I am hopeful that it kills every single member of Hamas in Gaza. That is a proportionate response to October 7 such was the horror of that day. Regular readers should also know that I think that Gary Lineker is a twit and worse, a man who made £5 million from promoting the Ingenie/Quindell fraud which I exposed. But a broken clock is right twice a day.  The crisp salesman says that the weekly Hamas victory parade should go ahead on November 11 and I agree with him.


267 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - 2 Christmas puddings with an improvised recipe

Those who listened to my bearcast ( shares podcast) yesterday may have heard a bubbling in the background. That was the steaming of two Christmas puddings, an eight hour process.  The pudding mixture was made the night before with everyone having a stir and making a secret wish. Sadly the BBC has not been defunded yet but not all wishes do not come true. Only kidding. My secret wish is far closer to home. 


267 days ago

Powerhouse Energy – Letter to AIM Regulation about that placing in a closed period

This seems pretty simple. Today, Powerhouse Energy (PHE) announced interims which were naturally utterly piss poor but covered in vast amounts of jam tomorrow. Its acting CEO Keith Riley also walked with immediate effect for “personal reasons.” Yet on 22 August through the offices of esteemed bucket shop broker Turner Pope, the company did a £1 million placing at 0.5p. hang on Henry… I have written to AIM Regulation


267 days ago

Oxford Nanopore – this just looks misleading: a £2bn share to short

I have always thought that Oxford Nanopore (ONT) was massively overhyped and that its CEO Gordon Sanghera was a bit of a bullshitter, fawned upon on by the deadwood press. The company IPO’d just under two years ago at 425p – its shares now languish at 231p. Today we have half calendar year numbers from a company still capitalised at almost £2 billion and the smell of Sanghera bullshit is strong.


267 days ago

Kicking a man when he’s down – Crest Nicholson

As the bear raider Evil Knievil often says, the best time to kick a man is when he is down. Less than two months ago the housebuilder Crest Nicholson (CRST) said that its full year to October 31 profits before tax would be £70 million. Now we are told to expect £50 million. And I reckon even that is not baked in.


267 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: can Kefi ever please ouzo man and the whining shareholders?

Enjoy the heatwave, it is still raining here in Greece. I have done a podcast on that and on the BBC’s claim that the Hellenic Republic will soon be a desert HERE. Then it is onto Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Wandisco (WAND), Blackbird (BIRD), Eden Research (EDEN) and Invinity (IES), currently being ramped by Andrew Monk in Canada.


267 days ago

Vinanz: Oh David Lenigas you are awful but I like you, another spoof from the big man

Vinanz (BTC) the sub scale bitcoin play floated amid a related party nest of snakes on the Aquis lobster pot is at it again. Another day, another spoof.


267 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - reliving life in Byfield as we harvest marrows

I have these strong childhood memories of life at Butterwell Farm in Byfield of heading out into very cold and dark Autumn nights to help my mum harvest the vegetables for winter storage. There was a sense of urgency, it had to be done. We did not have a freezer so we used sand boxes for root vegetable storage and she also stored things in jars to sit in the cold room, the larder.


268 days ago

SHOCKER: Guardian journalist & presenter of C4's "How not to be a racist" tweets pro Hamas material and October 7 denial - Jewish News



268 days ago

BREAKING EXPOSE: Lancaster University and the cover up for Professor Simon Mabon who celebrated the Hamas slaughter of 1400 Jews on October 7

On the day after the worst mass slaughter of Jews since World War Two, Lancaster University professor Simon Mabon, a man regularly called as an “impartial expert” by the BBC to comment on the evils of Israel, tweeted out his praise for those vermin of Hamas who had carried out the attacks, the rapes, the beheadings, the kidnaps, the roasting of a baby in an oven. Mabon is a disgrace but so too is Lancaster University which, I can now reveal, has exonerated him, covered up his crime and so made it clear that Jewish students at Lancaster can now be taunted and menaced without repercussion.


268 days ago

Blackbird spaffs ten grand a day: 6 nil to the Cockney Boys, Malcolm Stacey you’re not singing anymore, etc, etc

I am sorry to sound a bit like a football yob but West Ham’s storming start to the season brings out the worst in me. Especially when Malcolm’s oft loved up Blackbird (BIRD) has just served up such utterly piss poor interims. As ever with this “licensor, developer and seller of the market-leading cloud video editing platform” it is all jam tomorrow but cold cabbage water today. If Blackbird is the market leader God only knows how its less “successful” competitors survive.


268 days ago

Ashington Innovation – so who fired who?

This is like the schoolyard when you were thirteen. Did you ditch that girl or did she ditch you? Or was it a bit of both? Ashington Innovation (ASHI) – the SPAC run by wanted man Dan Ferris associate Jason Smart – says that it has fired its broker SI Capital. However, last week I reported that SI had quit. The mystery deepens.


268 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: don't tell the BBC but it is absolutely pissing it down here in Greece

The BBC reckons Greece will be a desert in a few years. In August rainfall here was thrice the average for the month. Today’s storm which you can hear as I record will drop more rain in one day than the whole of September norm. I also discuss Superdry (SDRY), Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) and the knobheads at the FCA and Regtech Open (RTOP), the most overvalued share in London.


268 days ago

Mosman: chairman and founder walks, when is next bailout placing at this minus 99.9%er?

John Barr founded Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN) and, alongside Andy Carroll inflicted this abomination on the stockmarket. It was a great penny share pump and promote in the early days The shares are now 0.024p meaning that those who bought at peak ramp just over nine years ago have now lost just a smidgeon under 99.9% of their cash. Today Barr, the executive chairman, has announced he is off as is one long serving gopher, oops I meant NED, John Young.


268 days ago

Video: Market Meltdown will Intensify Inflation & Ignite a Currency Crisis

Asset Manager Michael Pento is another cheery fellow like our own Nigel Somerville.


269 days ago

The horror of being a Jewish journalist at the evil Guardian Newspaper - a first hand account



269 days ago

Elon Musk – your systems do not work and twitter/X is home to overt Jew hatred which you refuse to stop

I reported the account @Middlesexkid to twitter/ X this afternoon and, within minutes, received an acknowledgement that it was reviewing my suggestion that it contained hateful content relating to a particular group, that is to say Jews, at 2.14 PM. At 2.16 PM I was told that “After reviewing the available information, we determined that there were no violations of the Twitter rules in the content you reported. We appreciate your help, and encourage you to reach out again in the future if you see any potential violations.”


269 days ago

Tintra and its new auditors from KPMG, Olaf’s b/f the trainspotter & the grave of Little Nell

The other day I speculated that Tintra’s (TNT) new auditors, B.S.S (Accountancy Services) Limited probably only had 1 AIM client. As you can see HERE, it does and that client is Tintra itself. So much for all the bull about how this firm from Shifnal, Shropshire is staffed by ex KPMG chaps. If BSS’s partners are BSD’s I am a banana.


269 days ago

GOTCHA! Verditek bailout placing at just 0.45p, More disgrace for Gollum and Walters

I shall celebrate my tenth wedding anniversary today with an extra lunchtime ouzo for Verditek (VDTK), a company whose shares were almost 20p at peak Old Mother Walters ramp just two years ago has announced a bailout funding at just 0.45p. Told y’all!


269 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the ghastly Mail on Sunday wants you buying a slum house in Burnley

If you are coming to Sharestock and have yet to email me please read this article HERE. In today’s podcast I discuss UK property prices, buy to let, bull in the Mail and, en passant, the micro market of Kalamata – I am thinking I might have to sell up. Maybe not but I explain.


269 days ago

Ashington Innovations: Jason Drummond, a Police arrest and an article withdrawn

The individual who threatened me on my wedding anniversary as I discussed HERE was Jason Drummond, one of the co-founders of Ashington Innovations (ASHI) and as a result, I withdraw a recent article as Drummond insisted that the Police would take a very dim view of my journalism. Friday was not a day to give battle. Let me now add more colour to this episode including, what appears to me to be, a very misguided arrest by the Old Bill.


269 days ago

EXPOSE: Another day, another monster red flag at the AIM Company of the year 2022, Tintra

The latest RNS from Tintra (TNT), – shares suspended – raises even more red flags. This is shocking stuff and why AIM regulation is not all over it is mind boggling. Tintra has fired its auditor.


269 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: who would threaten me on my 10th wedding anniversary?

I start with that before going to Ashington Innovations (ASHI), Tingo (TIO) and Verditek (VDTK). A few big exposes on the way tomorrow, until then. 


269 days ago

BREAKING: SI Capital quits as broker to Ashington over £170m con deals with struck off dentist Ajan Rejinald

Oh dear, oh dear, it gets worse and worse for Jason Smart’s Standard listed POS Ashington Innovations (ASHI). I can reveal today that SI Capital has stepped down as broker following exposes on this website such as THIS and is stating quite categorically that it wants no involvement in this mess. To quote:


269 days ago

Nate Anderson hits back at Tingo - still brands it a "brazen scam"

Tingo (TIO) claims it has refuted the Hindenburg Research dossier compiled by Nate Anderson. Hindenburg has hit back today, citing our work and anyone owning these shares after this remains bonkers. Enjoy.  


269 days ago

BREAKING Tintra, AIM Company of the year 2022, equity to debt swap stinks – when will AIM regulation bring this rotten farce to an end

Shares in the AIM Company of the year 2022 remain suspended as it cannot get its accounts out on time. But still the news comes and it stinks. Tintra (TNT) has finally issued an update on its long awaited latest investment subscription at 1178p per share.


269 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 10 years of servitude is tomorrow

Of course I mean utter domestic bliss. But I may not be writing that much on Friday. In today’s podcast I discuss why PensionBee (PBEE) is a short, Tingo (TIO) and its Q2 numbers, Cellular Goods (CBX), Union Jack Oil (UJO) and also Ashington (ASHI), Roquefort (ROQ) and the FCA.


269 days ago

Video: The Cracks in the Edifice built on debt are Starting to Form

Asset manager Tim Price warns that we are “standing on the edge of the debt precipice.” 


269 days ago

OptiBiotix Health – further commercial progress, Strong Buy, target 78p

OptiBiotix Health (OPTI) has issued a “Commercial update” announcement, noting commercial progress of its first-generation products range and reiterating plans for each business unit to reach operational profitability by the end of this year. What of this with the shares currently responding up towards 30p?


269 days ago

Photo Article: A hard day's night of cooking at the Welsh hovel

It’s another hard night cooking at the Welsh hovel as you can see below. First up is a creamed pumpkin and bacon soup with the insides of the carved Halloween pumpkin. Throw in a sprinkling of cumin seeds and it was delicious. Now that the kids are in bed it is time for marrow and ginger jam as I try to cope with the marrow glut. What you see below is the flesh of one very large and one small marrow together weighing 3.8 kg.  That has been cubed and, as I write to you now, is being cooked on a low heat with some of the juice of eight lemons. 


270 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel and its Halloween

One of the advantages of being at the end of a long and poorly lit lane is that we are unlikely to be pestered by brats saying Trick or Treat tonight. I have zero tolerance for this awful import from America.


270 days ago

Have I just lost my best friend because #IstandwithIsrael ?

I wrote the other day, HERE, about how I was taking a financial hit because of my support for Israel and the wider Jewish community. Hell what does money matter? I shall not be silenced. But now, perhaps, a more personal hit.


271 days ago

Grifters at Avaaz, useful idiots for Hamas and those poor Peruvian kids again

Sure as eggs are eggs the grifters at woke organisation Avaaz are spamming away about Gaza. Every cloud has a siver lining for Avaaz and its extremely well paid staff thanks to its gullible followers. Today’s spam starts with a picture of two kids in Gaza in tears. Yup, you guessed it, like the IRA Sinn Fein Capo, Mary Lou McDonald, Avaaz uses a picture of two Peruvian children taken in Peru to make the point. After that lie…


271 days ago

If you think that you think like the folks on the Palestine marches every weekend just look at this tweet

It seems that Britain’s marches for Palestine where folks are allowed to shout about Jihad, killing Jews and the Police say that thereare many way of interpreting Jihad and killing Jews and that this is not a hate crime are now a weekly occurrence, to take place every Saturday. And that means there is already talk of an especially big march on Saturday 11th November, one that will almost certainly pass by the Cenotaph. I suspect you and I know what that means.


273 days ago

Another fake image from IRA Sinn Fein in support of Hamas - this time its Mary Lou McDonald

It now appears that the image that evil blood soaked old bastard Gerry Adams begging, and you could not make it up, to an end to bombing in Gaza, this one, was photoshopped. You would have thought that Adams had plenty of photos in his professional accomplishments scrap albulm of bomb carnage in Northern Ireland to use but he used a made up one. Mary Lou McDonald the head of Sinn Fein/IRA in Eire also wants an immediate ceasefire, or put anther way Israel not being allowed to take out the folks responsible for the 7 October pogrom, meaning that they wil be free to slaughter more Jews.


274 days ago

Don’t get me wrong I don’t like Hamas but I’m going to smear you and cancel my subscription!

This website is free to access, it is just a hobby started as therapy at a low point in my life almost 12 years ago. You can donate to support its work by hitting the button on the top right hand corner of the website if you wish but if you don’t it matters little, the website remains free to access and over the years almost 3.5 million times someone has read an article here. Its work in recent weeks is largely writing about the aftermath of the biggest mass killing of Jews since World War Two. I earn my living by running Shareprophets.com a website which exposes fraud and other stock market wrongdoing and which charges a very reasonable small subscription. My coverage of the pogrom has seen a raft of folks cancel their subscription at Shareprophets.com and here is an email from one charmer explaining why.


274 days ago

Blood soaked old bastard Gerry Adams on why bombing people is wrong, well some people anyway

I know, I know. Next up in this series I shall be discussing Madonna on the evils of plastic surgery followed by the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg on the dire consequences of bunking of school after the age of 12. But we start with the evil, blood-soaked old bastard Gerry Adams of IRA/Sinn Fein. His last major tweet was on October 8, a day after the biggest one-day slaughter of Jews since World War Two when he showed his sympathy with the people of Israel by….


275 days ago

BBC darling Ash Sarkar has to tell an outright lie to smear Israel yet again

Novara Media is a nest of jew hating communists and its star reporter is Ash Sarkar who seems to have a season ticket to appear on the BBC, right now to smear Israel. That she has to resort to lies says a lot about her. In the tweet below Ash insists that former Israeli ambassador Dan Gillerman says that Palestinians are“inhuman human animals.” Now watch the video which Ash attaches and you will see that this is not what he actually said at all.


275 days ago

Gaza and the “fuel shortage” – another myth from Hamas PR and the Western media dupes: it’s not about hospitals its about the tunnels

The UN, the hand wringing NGOs and, naturally, the western media led by the BBC and the Guardian tells us that there is a critical fuel shortage in Gaza which will see hospitals shut down. The evil Jews are even closing down the hospitals and the blockade must be stopped to save lives! The gullible idiots who march in the Hamas victory parades in western Cities each weekend repeat this canard. But it is a lie. Have you seen the film the Great Escape?


276 days ago

Even for the appalling Guardian this is a new low, but I bet they love it at the University of Lancaster

17 days after the worst one day mass slaughter of Jews since World War Two   the Guardian ran the headline below accusing Israel of weaponising the holocaust. Words just fail me. The Guardian is weaponising the anti-semitism that is marching through the ranks of its core public sector and academic readership.  Folks like the University of Lancaster which, despite promising a Monday response, has still not responded to my Saturday questions abut Professor Simon Mabon celebrating the Hamas butchers of 7 October.  No doubt at Lancaster University they loved the article below. Any decent reader of the Guardian, such as my wife,will surely now boycott it for life. 


277 days ago

If GBNews is regularly slammed by Ofcom for lack of Balance why is this Hamas propaganda by a proven Jew hater not seeing Sky in the dock?

I have never, for the record, watched GBNews. I rather dislike too many of its presenters who seem to revel as a low grade version of Fox. And some of them are frankly just plain stupid. But I note that it is regularly slammed by Ofcom for lack of balance. In that vein I bring you a twitter thread by the excellent David Collier covering a report by Sadiya Chowdhury covering a report on Sky News. Please read the thread and then ask yourself how, if Ofcom is itself balanced, can it not slate Sky for this garbage. as for Sky how on earth can it emplooy this fanatic and be taken seriously?


277 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Fraudster Chris Cleverly does have balls of steel

I start with my snake heroics of last night, surely my bravery merits some commendation. then it is Tingo (TIO) and finally the FCA created £100 million plus scandal at Regtech Open (RTOP).


277 days ago

Macfarlane Group – interims, remains a value Buy

Protective packaging design, manufacturing and distribution group Macfarlane (MACF) has announced results for the first half of the 2023 calendar year and that new business momentum and its management of pricing and costs mean that its profit expectations for the full year remain unchanged.


277 days ago

Is nanosynth toast? Now CFO, follows CEO and walks

This was a company that under various names was frequently pumped in return for the usual brown envelopes by the Sith Lord Zak Mir and which embraced that kiss of death in the usual way. I did warn folks that as Strat Aero, Remote Monitored Systems and as nanosynth (NNN) it was a bag of shite but natch folks loved up Mir for his bent journalism and trolled me for my efforts so where now? Oddly, I actually want nanosynth to survive but that is because I am a conceited barstool.


277 days ago

Bidstack RNS spoof: as the Fat Lady gears up for a gig before Christmas where is that death spiral?

On 20 June Bidstack (BIDS) was forced to finally forced to publish its diabolically bad calendar 2022 results. Although it had £8.7 million left in its piggy bank at the year-end – thanks to a placing undertaken by misleading investors – the projected cashburn in 2023 thanks to the Azerion deal blowing up means that by Guy Fawkes night the company will have run out of cash and gone up in smoke.


277 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Zenith Energy and a cast of scallywags

I am recording from somewhere new in Greece where there were awful fires last year. I discuss the arsonists and the BBC and its fake news on global warming. Then it is onto Optibiotix (OPTI), SkinBiotherapeutics (SBTX) and the dimwits who think I really did sack Gary Newman but, more importantly, today’s statement from Optibiotix. Then it is Zenith Energy (ZEN), Regtech Open (RTOP) and the fraud Tingo (TIO).


277 days ago

Letter Reporting Josef Baulf & PKF LittleJohn to the Financial Reporting Council over Regtech Open

My good pals at the accounting regulator FRC have acted against numerous companies and enablers who I have snitched on. Next up I hope are the enablers of the utterly dodgy Regtech Open IPO of last week. I have written to the FRC.


277 days ago

Shareprophets translation service – Pantheon Resources

Some folks seem to have fallen for today’s non news from Pantheon Resources (PANR) as it tried to push its shares higher ahead of the next bailout placing. As such, the ShareProphets RNS translation service wheels into action again.


277 days ago

Oi Gerry Brandon you arse – the clock is ticking where is that Microsaic Update?

Shares in Microsaic (MSYS) remain suspended on the AIM sewer as it cannot get its accounts out. But with the company now within weeks of having to call in an administrator, surely its repellent and disgraced boss Gerry Brandon owes the company’s owners a statement. Here is the problem. Following accounting fraud emerging with regard to revenue recognition while Brandon was in charge at Deepverge (DVRG) its shares have been suspended pending clarification and all its operations closed down. It now has just one employee but owes Microsaic c£1.3 million.


277 days ago

Argo Blockchain, forget the bitcoin price it NEVER makes money- ghastly interims out

At last year’s Sharestock, that fellow from Boatman Capital patiently explained how Argo Blockchain (ARB) never had made money and never would make money whatever the bitcoin price. And that is why its shares have a fair value of £0. Of course, as bitcoin surged in the first half of this year some investors with PhDs in ignoring FACTS thought they knew better.


277 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: if baiting 'arry Adams was a recognised sport a couple of you would be Olympic champions

I start with Nigel’s excellent piece on Tern (TERN) and also with Sharestock where just 4 of 100 seats are now left, so book HERE. Then it is onto Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI)


277 days ago

BREAKING: Ashington Innovations - the curious links to alleged and actual criminals of its founders

I have already demonstrated beyond all doubt that the two proposed purchases of Ashington Innovations (ASHI) for £170 million are both insolvent and mired in red flags linked to the struck off dentist and scammer Ajan Rejinald. But what of the two men behind Ashington, Jason Drummond and Jason Smart. Read on and weep.


277 days ago

Video: Ex Nihilo – Money From Nothing and the Catastrophic Impacts of Inflation

Geoff Blanning, a former investment manager, is the author of the white paper “Put Tools Away Now, Please” and is co-producer of the Cobden Center documentary film “Ex Nihilo, The Truth About Money”. The objective of the film was to make the complex world of finance accessible to the average person and educate the public on the monetary system. He aims to persuade politicians to make changes to the UK’s Bank of England and stem out the overwhelming cost of living squeeze.


277 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: my gold stocks have 3 years to deliver but some are not in danger

In today’s bearcast I discuss what the BBC won’t be, yet more rain here in Greece. Then it is onto gold and my boredom. I discuss Ariana (AAU), Centamin (CEY), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) – where I have swapped emails with ‘arry this weekend -, Amaroq (AMRQ) and Jubilee Metals (JLP).And yes there are now just 4 of 100 seats left for ShareStock. Ticket emails will be going out within 24 hours on logistics to those who have booked. If you have not, those 4 go on a first come first served basis HERE.


277 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: is Malcolm mad and will the FCA fail a number of acid tests flagged up today?

I start with a report on extreme Greek Weather experienced today as I reported HERE. Then onto Malcolm vs Nigel and then onto a string of exposes on this website today. Will the FCA do anything? Finally there are now just five tickets left for ShareStock on 23rd September book now to get one of them HERE.


277 days ago

Concerns regarding Roquefort Therapeutics and Ashington Innovations, Patricia Murray writes to the FCA

Patricia Murray of Liverpool has written to the FCA over both Ashington Innovations (ASHI) and Roquefort Therapeutics (ROQ). How a serious regulator can ignore what follows defies belief. Both companies are clearly utterly uninvestable. Ms Murray writes: 


277 days ago

Letter to PKF LittleJohn – you will be reported to the FRC this weekend over dishonest IPO, marking your card

The auditors to Regtech Open (RTOP) which IPO’d on the Standard List on Friday is PKF Littlejohn where partner Joseph Baulf masterminded the transaction. I have written to Mr Baulf today to flag up his schoolboy errors and that I shall be reporting him and his firm to my good pals at the FRC later this bank holiday weekend.


278 days ago

Photo Article: The large loo floating down the River Dee leaking stored shit – life in a broken country

The River Dee which flows at the edge of my fields is meant to be a clean home to salmon and trout. Its banks should be home to a range of wildlife including Kingfishers, I saw one a few weeks ago, and a rare sort of dragonfly. My, now water-logged, fields are home to frogs, toads, snakes, aquatic birdlife and much more. This morning, as you can see below, there is a large compostable toilet stuck on the English side of the river, leaking shit.  The story of that loo and its shit is one which leaves me in despair at a broken Britain with a Police and local council ( Chester and Cheshire West) who are not underfunded but are just useless, protecting those who break the law and telling we honest taxpayers to go fuck ourselves.


278 days ago

ITV platforms Jew hating Hamas cheerleader Latifa Abouchakra as a victim of Islamaphobia - she should be arrested!

For once I am not taking the BBC to task for its atrocious and one sided coverage of events in Israel and Gaza. It is ITV that now needs to be taken to task. Watch the video below, it is horrific.


278 days ago

Once again I have to ask does twitter get a horn on Jew hatred? Or are its staff just wilfully ignorant?

I reported the account to twitter yesterday becuase in using anti-semitic images it clearly broke twitter rules. Have a look at the first of the six images in the top right hand corner. It is a star of David but not on its traditional background but on that of the Nazi flag. If you were in any doubt the small word on that flag is Lebensraum, the German for “living room”, what the Nazis used as its excuse for invading other countries out East, the Germans needed more room to live.


279 days ago

Zenova: a boastful fisherman wants you to say how clever he is after piss poor interims

The boastful fisherman in this case is Peter Brailey who has texted me repeatedly from the side of some dreary canal where he is spending the day boasting about how big a Roach he almost caught. Peter wants me to remind you about how on 6 October 2021 he warned you HERE that Zenova (ZED) was all hype and no substance. The market cap then was £18 million. Today, at 5p, it is just £4.8 million. But “who’s a clever boy then” warns it will get worse.


279 days ago

How SNP leader Humza Yousaf - channeled taxpayers cash to Hamas linked proscribed terror groups - Times of Israel



279 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: the flood waters rise to within 34 cm of the all time recorded high

Yesterday afternoon the Dee hit 8.98 metres, 34 centimetres off its stated all time high in 2001. At that point the local measuring station stopped taking measurements leaving us having to guess which way the waters were heading. Actually I think the river was higher last February but the NRW website is just wrong.  But as you can see below the waters were high. The waters were in the farmyard, in our back garden about a yard from the steps, and if you left the farmyard and went into the fields the waters were everywhere.


279 days ago

Will the BBC’s Verify Unit investigate & expose the monster lie and blood libel of Newsnight presenter Kirsty Wark

The BBC’s Verify Unit has not had a good week. Well it never really does. It is an Orwellian Unit fronted up by someone who faked her own CV designed to sniff out fake news. Well here is an easy one for Marianna Spring and her team.


280 days ago

BREAKING: Does the University of Lancaster condone a celebration of the Hamas attack on Israel? Professor Simon Mabon does

Simon Mabon is a Professor of International Politics at the University of Lancaster. He is such an expert that the BBC interviews him regularly, only yesterday he was on BBC 5 Live giving a less than balanced view on what is happening in Israel and Gaza. His twitter account has now been closed to non followers so the BBC’s Jeremy Bowen can still see his tweets but you and I cannot. Unfortunately for the Prof some pesky Jews got there first!


281 days ago

Now the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg is protesting, standing shoulder to shoulder with the baby killers in Gaza

For some reason stopping the fake science of global warming is linked to the plight of Gaza, at least according to the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg. As you can see below she says she stands with Gaza. That would be the Gaza which elected as its Government Hamas, an organisation that 11 days ago butchered 1400 Jews, literally finishing off the Nazis work in shooting a holocaust survivor in the back of the head, decapitating babies, burning families alive, raping and then cutting the throats of teenage girls in front of their families. Yes that Hamas.


281 days ago

This week's Welsh Reservoir levels and the global warming cultists having it both ways

Yesi am a geek and this is my pet subject. Outside at the edge of my garden and fields, the River Dee is running high and fast and with non stop rain for most of the past day set to continue overnight, I am braced for the waters to breach the lower orchard. And that prompts me to revisit my specialist subject of water levels in the reservoirs of the United Utilities region and especially here in Wales. 


282 days ago

If you still really think the wicked Israelis bombed the hospital in Gaza watch the video below

We are yet to see apologies from the BBC, the leader of the SNP, Jeremy Corbyn, Yanis Varoufakis and the others who blamed Israel for blowing up the Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza.  As synagogues burn , Jews face fresh attacks and mobs attack Western embassies maybe such bien pensants might reconsider their actions. I do not say that the IDF is without sin but on this occassion it appears that it was. Islamic Jihad, unintentionally, was the culprit. Maybe you doubt me?


282 days ago

What does "From the River to the Sea " mean? Hint look at at the map in the photo below!

No doubt well meaning, middle class lefties as well as islamic militants routinely chant “From the River to the Sea….Palestine will be free”. Free of what?  the answer is in the map helpfully displayed at the last London protest.


283 days ago

The BBC sinks to new low as Islamic Jihad kills hundreds in Gaza and Israel gets the blame

I have catalogued a number of examples of clear BBC bias with regards to Gaza and Israel on this website as you can see HERE and HERE. But last night there was an explosion at the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza. Hamas immediately blamed an Israeli air strike and said 500 were dead.  The ghoulish Jeremy Bowen appeaed on the BBC saying the whole hospital had been destroyed and the BBC – without checking the claims of Hamas – blamed the Israelis. Across the region there are huge protests and ever more violence and talks between President Biden and Arab leaders about peace have been cancelled. However…


284 days ago

Can Owen Jones really be this stupid: the Guardian posterboy blames Homophobia in Gaza on the British Empire in 1936

Little Owen Jones has this morning defended his chums who run Gaza, that is to say Hamas, from the charge of Homophobia by blaming the British Empire for oppressive laws in the rogue State. His logic is so terrifyingly illogical that Jones makes my cat seem like Einstein.


288 days ago

Harvard Student Leaves Lecture On Microaggressions To Attend ‘Kill The Jews’ Rally - Babylon Bee



288 days ago

Leo Varadkar may your soul burn in hell, Ireland should be a pariah state as you commit blood libel against Israel

I am dusting off an Ireland shirt for tomorrow, supper round at the house of C, my pal from Munster and then the big game for the Old Country. I shall be hiding behind the sofa as the men in green take on New Zealand. But hang on what on earth is the leader of Eire Leo Varadkar saying? Is that a blood libel against Israel? You bet it is.


288 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 10 years is bloody amazing, the Mrs is a saint

I start with a weather report here at the Greek Hovel, will lightening strike twice? I end with what i regard as a miracle, given my track record, tonight the Mrs and I enjoy an early celebration of our tenth wedding anniversary. The woman is a saint. In between I look at Regtech Open (RTOP) and share with you a laughable document below, CMC Markets (CMCX), Guild ESports (GILD), and Versarien (VRS)


288 days ago

BREAKING EXPOSE: BlueJay turned down far less dilutive finance ahead of bucket shop placing

When a company opts to dilute its own shareholders more than it needs to you know that management is running the enterprise for itself rather than the business owners and this is a terrible red flag. That brings us to BlueJay Mining (JAY) which, 7 weeks after raising £1.3 million at 1.7p, on 23 August raised just £600,000 at a penny. It did not need to as I today reveal.


288 days ago

Video: a warning from the world's most bearish hedge fund - $7000 Gold & The Global Debt Contagion Powder Keg

Brian Hirschman is the Managing Partner of Hirschmann Partnership, also known as the “World’s Most Bearish Hedge Fund.”  He makes our own Nigel Somerville sound like a sober and moderate fellow.


288 days ago

Trying to help the FCA on Ashington Innovations – but will it still waive this £170m scam through?

For me this really is an acid test of the FCA’s suitability to approve Standard List prospectuses. You may remember that it waived through that of Umuthi Healthcare (UHS) prepared by a convicted fraudster. It also waived through the bogus Supply@ME Capital prospectus which overstated net assets by 99%. And this week there was Regtech Open (RTOP) with a non IFRS compliant balance sheet so materially overstating net assets, the dirty dozen investors and more. But Ashington Innovations (ASHI) will take the biscuit if the FCA approves the RTO prospectus. Emails were exchanged yesterday.


289 days ago

Photo Article: The green tomato glut means its chutney time at the Welsh Hovel

Last year I had an apple glut so there was stacks of apple chutney. This year’s apple harvest has been dire. I have enough to put in storage wrapped in newspaper on an apple rack to fill Joshua’s snack bag until Christmas. Having emptied the tree, under cover of dusk, at Joshua’s school, I have enough for two more runs with the still and to make about ten litres of apple juice which I might bottle up tonight. And there were a few cooking apples but its been a piss poor year.


289 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel – the kids and I make a cake for Dad who died three years ago today

Jaya never met Dad. She was born five weeks after he died. But she knows about the Grandpa who is in heaven not least because of a battered green arm chair in the corner of our kitchen where I slump between articles. It was and is Grandpa’s chair. Joshua used to visit my father with me as Grandpa lay bed-ridden in Shipston. My Dad always had chocolates by his bed so Joshua enjoyed those visits and could not remember Grandpa as anything other than a bed ridden old man being, oh so slowly, eaten away by cancer.


289 days ago

A British Jew in her sixties describes how she feels today – in short terrified

When folks like Ash Sarkar, Yanis Varoufakis, Peter Tatchell, various BBC and Guardian journalists and seemingly the whole of liberal arts academia take to the airwaves or twitter to slam Israeli apartheid, to serve up fake history, to talk of Israeli atrocities as Israelis lie slaughtered on the ground, it has consequences. When Steve Bell serves up yet another blood libel cartoon in the Guardian and is not sacked it has consequences. Many British Jews now live in terror. Here is the testimony of one lady I know, now in her sixties, a most amazing, loving and wonderful woman who just does not deserve anything like this. She writes:


290 days ago

How does the Guardian find such awful ghouls to employ – Bethan McKernan in Israel

The tweet below defies belief. Yesterday afternoon reports started to emerge of the beheadings of babies in a Kibbutz in Israel by the savages of Hamas. I call folks who behead babies savages, the BBC and the Guardian do not. I am willing to be judged by St Peter for my words. They don’t believe in St Peter and think that anyone who does is an ignorant old timer so they don’t really care about that. For a while the left argued that these claims about baby beheadings were unproven.


290 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Hating the BBC, Jeremy Bowen and Women's Hour for its 10th October coverage of Israel

I wrote the other day on this matter HERE but the BBC plunged to new lows yesterday and I single out the Today Programme, Jeremy Bowen who really should be fired and Women’s Hour for matters which had me screaming at the radio as never before with wholly justifiable anger.


290 days ago

Is Twitter an anti-semitic company or just a sewer? Apparently this poster does not break its rules

I reported this twitter account to twitter yesterday after it spewed some Jew hating crap in my direction. I did so as twitter has an explicit rule about posting a hateful image. Now I reckon that there are  five very hateful images on the homepage of @crac67. But twitter says there is nothing to see here. Can you spot the hate below?


291 days ago

The Hamas victory parties in London and Sydney last night, the West needs to root out these vermin

In Sydney they lit up the Opera House with Israeli flags to show solidarity after the weekend pogrom by Hamas where the death toll is now over a thousand including 40 babies found killed, usually by beheading, at a Kibbutz this afternoon.  The babies are not combatants. Killing Jewish babies is what the Nazis did to stop the “virus” spreading on another generation. Even the Nazis did not usually behead the babies.  Most decent folks in the West are repelled by what Hamas did but in Australia a crowd of several hundred gathered near the opera house…


292 days ago

I have never hated the BBC so much as I do today as Radio 4 discusses Israel

Without any sense of irony, the flagship radio 4 show “Today” was pushing a programme on afterwards discussing how we might discuss Israel in an objective way. Taking lectures from the BBC on that matter defies belief. Listening to Today I have never been quote so angry about the way I have to pay £157 a year to fund the BBC. It stated repeatedly on Today that


292 days ago

Gerry Adams you blood soaked old bastard - why not feck off to Gaza you disgusting POS

It is okay to say you support  Palestine. I do not. But the Mrs claims to do so although her understanding of the history of the Middle East is like many folks with her views, not quite as deep as that of those of us who studied it as Oxford.  But there is a time and a place and as Hamas waged a pogrom this weekend slaughtering and raping women and children, shooting or cutting the throats of  folks just for being Jews, it would be somewhat insensitive to shout your support that loudly.


294 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - green tomato chutney

 My tomato harvest this year has not been great. Lots of plants were planted but I think that I need to start early growth under cloches next year. The bottom line is that we have had enough for some salads but not enough for canning. And the stacks of green tomatoes are generally too small to fry up and eat. Hence, as you can see below, I now have around eight pounds of green tomato chutney made with sultanas, apple vinegar, onions and brown sugar. It needs a bit of time to settle and store but the first pots should be ready for the Guy Fawkes night party where surely the guy on the bonfire has to be our dear leader here in Wales, Mark Drakeford or, possibly, the head of Oxfam.


295 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - acorn squashes harvested

My colleague Darren reckons these vegetables are gourds. They are aparently white acorn squashes all harvested from just one plant in the marrow patch which I suppose I must have planted. Each year I hope I grow a pumpkin but seem to produce a new type of squash. Now all of them sit in my larder where they might just last eight weeks. I think they are the basis of autumn soups but will report back if I find any other way to use them. 



296 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh hovel - pickling my gherkins

Amid the glut of marrows there is also one acorn squash. There will be more on that as it has now been harvested while I try to figure out what on earth to do with the marrow glut. Meanwhile there was also one gherkin plant which produced more than half a dozen gherkins, now also all harvested.


297 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 30: pantomime villain Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources and, from Montana, gold loon Nigel Somerville

I am back with these bonus video shows and in this one my job is to play the sceptic though I own Red Rock Resources (RRR) shares – silly boy ! – and have 25% of my portfolio in gold & PGM shares. In this show I interview Andrew Bell of  Red Rock Resources dissect that interview myself and then chat to Nigel Somerville before discussing the gold and PGM shares I own and why. I hope you enjoy the show.


297 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Has WH Ireland dumped its Alien Metals shares and if not why not?

I start with apologies and explanations on 2 Bearcasts appearing later than they should. Then onto Alien Metals (UFO), WH Ireland (WHI), Ashington Innovations (ASHI) and another bombshell due this weekend, BlueJay Mining (JAY) and finally Eurasia Mining (EUA) and Jubilee Metals (JLP)
