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Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - Happy 3rd Birthday Jaya

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 16 November 2023

I did not used to be much of a baker but in the past couple of years I have got fairly good at making cakes. So I am kicking myself for slightly overdoing what is known as a Grandpa cake which you can see below. The top is a little well done but inside it is pretty moist as you’d expect of a fruitcake soaked in Guniness. that is not to say that my father was mad, just a bit eccentric, or soaked in Guinness, he preferred cider. It is just that the recipe is Irish and my father always referred to Ireland as the Old Country.

The cake is for my youngest daughter Jaya who turns three today. Over breakfast came the first presents, one from her brother Joshua (a Paw Patrol hat) and the pink flamingo from myself. The “fingo” is a hit and has gone to school with her already where she is having a party with her pals complete with a “Bluey” cake, one of three celebrations that have been organised.

Jaya has turned out like her brother to be very talkative and is pretty clever and also rather bossy. I can’t think where she gets that from but we will be seeing my mother-in-law later. Jaya is also pretty sporty so I have high hopes that she will be a fine rugby player for Wales in years to come.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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