
How Different Warwick School is these days – but what on earth is the CPS doing with regard to paedophile ex-teachers?

121 days ago

…Warwick. The bastard who physically abused me, Geoffrey Eve, got a one way ticket to hell last year. But my …


Sadistic abuser of countless Warwick schoolboys (including me) Geoffrey Eve is dead. Hell is too good a place for the old bastard

354 days ago


BREAKING Naming alleged paedophile teachers at Warwick School, I start with the music teacher as a 4th victim comes forward

391 days ago

…me twice but terrified me for almost a year, Geoffrey Eve has been banned from the school for several years …


Trying to confront the paedophile masters at my old school Warwick: No 1 the music teacher

513 days ago

…it is now clear, dozens of other boys by sadistic Geoffrey Eve was in full swing.  I was then contacted by …


Another victim of sadistic abuser Geoffrey Eve at Warwick School comes forward to tell his tale

557 days ago

Geoffrey Eve smashed my head against a wall at Warwick School … have any idea of what went on. I have no idea if Geoffrey Eve is still alive. I know he was a couple of years … count at this point, writes: “I remember Geoffrey Eve for his viciousness whilst I was in Junior …


The 30 most read articles of 2022 on

562 days ago

…physical abuse I suffered aged 11 at the hands of Geoffrey Eve Since 2011, I have been urging Warwick School to … that I was physically abused by serial sadist, Geoffrey Eve, and apologized in private. Nor has there been …


So Headmaster: did you really listen to Alex Renton? Lessons for Warwick School

564 days ago

…he could abuse children.  Warwick knew about Geoffrey Eve who physically abused me and many others. It gave … chilling testimony about the abuse handed out by Geoffrey Eve, of a pupil ( aged 11 or younger) being whacked …


Warwick School, protector of abusive teachers please listen to Alex Renton on Radio 4 tonight

565 days ago

…degree. My own abuse at the hands of sadistic Geoffrey Eve was physical. After eleven years of campaigning …


Fecking Warwick School – it happened again

695 days ago

…happens Moffatt’s mother witnessed sadist Geoffrey Eve starting to have a go at me, shouting at me. That …


Waking up with a pain in my ankle – thanks again Warwick bloody school: where do we stand on its historic sexual abuse?

741 days ago

…My abuse – at the hands of sadistic bastard Geoffrey Eve – was physical. Natch’ Warwick …

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