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The Real Russia Scandal in American Politics - its the Clintons, Uranium and those pesky mega bribes

Tom Winnifrith
Friday 20 October 2017

As she plugs her tawdry lie packed book "How I lost the election even though I was a brilliant candidate and it was everyone else's fault but I won really" Crooked Hillary Clinton tells every fawning liberal media interviewer in turn that the Russians worked hand in hand with Donald Trump to rig the poll and cheat her out of victory. After nine months of exhaustive investigations and any number of lurid smears not one shred of evidence has been produced to justify this assertion made to and by unquestioning MSM "journalists" . Indeed even the emails coming from the DNC and published by Wikileaks did not come from Russian hacking as Hillary asserts. But this is not the real Russian scandal.

That has broken this week with news that for six years the FRBI has been investigating how Russian businessmen, like Bill Clinton's fellow rapist and campaigner for women's rights Harvey Weinstein, made vast donations to the Clinton Foundation at a time when Lady MacBeth was Secretary of State. She then enforced a policy U-turn which allowed the Russians to buy 20% of all US uranium reserves.

This is, of course, a total coincidence.But it is not one that the liberal media is bothering to report to their ever reducing number of readers and viewers who actually enjoy consuming fake news. If a Trump associate is asked by the FBI if he has ever tasted Russian vodka, the Feds leak it and it is all over the New York Times, WashPo or CNN within minutes. The FBI has kept this story very quiet as it might have been electoral dynamite a years or so ago.

Incidentally, you may argue, as the mainstream press does when excusing the crooked one for not returning Weinstein's cash, that the Clinton Foundation does valuable work for good causes with donations as well as funding the $3 million wedding of the brat Chelsea. Well up to a point. The New York Post puts this in context:

The Clinton family's mega-charity took in more than $140 million in grants and pledges in 2013 but spent just $9 million on direct aid. The group spent the bulk of its windfall on administration, travel, and salaries and bonuses, with the fattest payouts going to family friends.


Chelsea not only had her wedding paid for by the Charity but was on the payroll too. This is a fake charity. And now we see what sort of favour donors got in return for their generosity. The real Russian scandal of the 2016 election is a Clinton one. Now when do you expect the BBC, The Guardian, C4 and the rest to get around to reporting this one? Don't hold your breath.

Meanwhile may I remind President Trump of a campaign pledge that inspired so many of us "Lock Her Up!" Mr President: What the hell are you waiting for?

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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