291 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: My most read article for two years

Yes I refer to this one. Outside the paywall it will not earn me a cent but if it effects change, that is to say forcing Lush not to side with the Jew haters at a time like this, then that is what I became a journalist to do. It is pleasing to see my story now appearing today in the MSM, my job on this one is done. On the podcast I look at Avacta (AVCT) – statement needed – Regtech Open (RTOP) – ditto – Upland Resources (UPL) – ditto -  Eneraqua (ETP) and in detail at Amaroq (AMRQ) where i averaged up a few weeks ago and see the shares doubling from here. 


923 days ago

The chart that shows why Chris Whitty, Jon Van Tam, Boris Johnson, the Vicar of Shipston et al should be in prison

In any study, you need a control group. When it came to train-wrecking your economy, driving folks to suicide and causing untold misery through mask-wearing, social-distancing, and staying away from dying relatives, the European control group was Sweden. The MSM did the bidding of the experts and a united political class, warning that Sweden would see mass deaths and that the streets of Malmo and Stockholm would be piled high with bodies. Well, not quite, but the language was apocalyptic. Ultimately, we dissenters were wrong, and citizens should only ever “follow the science”. Or else, it would end badly for us all back in Airstrip One.


926 days ago

The loathsome Guardian forced to change article after its Jew hatred driven fake news headline condemned

The hatred many feel for Israel easily spills into anti-semitism. And that hatred is fuelled by certain sections of the MSM, notably the BBC and its sister publication, The Guardian, and the way they report on events in the Jewish state. Earlier this week, another gunman opened fire in Tel Aviv, targeting a crowd of civilians just because they were Jews.  Three died, although, as news came through, the figure stood at two. Below, I bring you the first Guardian headline and then, after howls of protest, its amended version.  The question should be of the folks responsible for the initial headline.


1306 days ago

The media and Joe Biden’s failing health – another massive fraud on the American electorate

Back in 2016, some of us of a conservative leaning questioned whether the Democrat candidate for President, crooked Hillary Clinton, had health issues. The mainstream media sneered about alt right fake news and ignored this completely. And then crooked Hillary collapsed in New York and they were forced to admit that we might have been right all along. I remember doing an interview with that fine news channel Russia Today discussing that very issue of the media corruption and Hillary’s health. What is it with the Dems and picking old folks with health issues?


1412 days ago

Now the MSM finally starts reporting about Hunter Biden’s alleged crimes – this is the real election fraud exposed

It seems as if the tax affairs and China business dealings of Joe Biden’s cokehead son Hunter are now being investigated by Federal authorities. And with Hunter admitting this, the MSM is starting to report on it. This exposes the real fraud at the heart of the US election a fraud that should terrify all of us whether we are liberals or conservatives.



1413 days ago

As one sinner, James O’Brien, repenteth the case for not taking the Covid vaccine grows

The pompous, virtue signalling, radio presenter James O’Brien this morning apologised to his listeners on LBC for suggesting that all those questioning the Covid vaccine were swivelled eyed lunatics pushing alt-right crackpot conspiracy theories. Well thank you James, now how about an apology to those of us voting for Brexit? How about you admit we were not all alt-right freaks?  Okay back to Covid.


1455 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Now Trump has clear momentum, BLM back in the picture and the Tony Bobulinski bombshell last night for crooked Joe Biden

In this podcast, I debunk the idea pushed by Nate Silver and the MSM that Georgia is now winnable for the Dems. I look at Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio (all three of which are now looking very winnable indeed for Donald Trump) and ponder where Trump would get the final votes needed for victory: any one of Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota with, perhaps, a helping hand in Maine. I consider the impact of the latest BLM riots in Philadelphia, Biden on fracking and of last night’s bombshell interview with Tony Bobulinski - which you can see HERE. The BBC and MSM will not cover it but some floating voters or even Biden leaners will watch it and, I suggest, come to the conclusion that creepy Joe is a lying crook. If that swings just a few more votes in somewhere like Arizona then that could be enough for Trump.  Bottom line: there is no blue wave. The Senate is staying in the hands of the GOP and while the Economist says Trump’s chance of winning is just 8%, I’d now score it at 45-50%. The next two days of polling will tell us more.


1461 days ago

Podcast: Now calling the Senate for the GOP as the MSM & twitter suppress two massive scandals

Can Trump win the General Election? I discussed how he could HERE and this morning things look a little better for POTUS. I see the Economist says Joe Biden has a 92% chance of winning. Its writers must be sharing Hunter’s crack pipe. The same publication says the Dems are more than 80% likely to win the Senate. I explain why, as things stand, I am scoring it at 51-49 for the GOP as I look at the eight swing races. Then it is onto two breaking bombshells from last night that is not the Borat sting on Mayor Giuliani which the MainStream Media is focussing on. But Iran exposed by the FBI, not Trump’s friends, as batting for Biden and more damning evidence on the #BidenCrimeFamily – this time fingering Creepy Joe himself. The MSM and twitter/facebook are working hard to supress this and I demonstrate how, but this is seeping out and let’s see how Trump plays the debate tonight. The Donald has the big Mo right now.


1463 days ago

Podcast: This is how President Trump could win on November 3

Whereas all the MSM pundits and pollsters called 2016 wrong, I called it for Trump and explained why from weeks before the poll. So what of 2020? In my last podcast, I moved from too close to call to Biden slight favourite.  But I am looking hard at the polling in the key swing states and for three reasons I can now see a path for Donald Trump to win. I am not calling it for the great man yet but I move my stance back to too close to call and explain why. The earlier podcast on the Biden crime family emails is HERE and has taken a new twist tonight with Delaware Police being asked to review under age porn and messaging on Hunter Biden’s laptop. This will not play well for the Dems with socially conservative folks or with older voters in the swing states. Surely even the BBC has to report this now?


1467 days ago

Podcast: The darkest day for democracy in the dark year of 2020 - Facebook & twitter cover up for disgraced Hunter Biden and his complicit Dad Joe

You have a right to know about Hunter and his business dealings and how his dad Joe was involved. Emails that emerged yesterday are, even the Bidens concede, genuine and show them in a terrible light as liars and worse. Yet Twitter and Facebook have taken extraordinary steps to stop you reading about this story which first appeared in the New York Post. And that has allowed folks across the Deadwood Press and MSM, notably charlatans such as Jon Sopel at the BBC, to ignore it completely. 19 days before polling day, Americans have a right to know about the story and the cover up which in these dark times marks a new low point in the suppression of a free press and free speech. I explain all and show why the position of Twitter and Facebook is inconsistent and unjustifiable in this podcast.


1518 days ago

United with Big Nose as mask rebels but surely she is (w) Rik? More and more of us are becoming (w) Rik

Big Nose and our daughter Olaf are on the train to her mother in West Wales and I am on the phone to the latter. She has a medical exemption and is a proud non-mask wearer. We agree that it is rubbish. Her mother shouts over that she is also a rebel. This top City lawyer goes round M&S not only not wearing a mask but also heading the wrong way on the social distance arrows trail.


1584 days ago

Holly Baxter of the Independent Newspaper says every single US Policeman is a bad cop – This is #scumMedia

In the period January 1 to June 4, there were around 160 million interactions between US cops and US citizens. That resulted in 429 citizens being shot by the Police of whom 88 were black. Blacks were over-represented in this category but they are also disproportionately represented both in terms of victims of violent crime but also perps. This is not exactly genocide as some in BlackLivesMatter claim. Yet some in the media do not view it this way. Meet Holly Baxter of a failing British Deadwood Press turned, as a result of crashing sales, internet-only rag The Independent.


1585 days ago

The Reading attack, Faima Bakar, The Metro and why we more and more despise the deadwood press

Some tweets do not age well. This gem below is from Ms Faima Bakar, a journalist on the tawdry free publication The Metro, and it came out on Thursday of last week. Events in Reading, on Saturday, will surely make even more folks who reflect on Ms Bakar’s work despise the dying, deadwood press and its out of touch, intolerant, liberal, elitist values.


1620 days ago

Priti Patel tells a desperate lie, a sign of a Government in crisis over Covid-19

I have always been a big fan of Priti Patel largely because she has an unrivalled ability to infuriate the liberal metropolitan chattering classes. The Mrs says that if we had another child she wants it to have an Indian name. I have hitherto said a daughter should be called Priti in honour of the true heir to Thatcher. The Mrs was opposed to that and I have now changed my mind after the tweet below from the Home Secretary. It is a brazen lie but it is symptomatic of a Govenment whose Covid policy is now all about coverng up its own blunders rather than doing the right thing. And, as such, we are now being fed lie after lie which the MSMhaving bought into the mad GroupThink without question, is only starting to dare to call out.


2001 days ago

West Ham Mini Bond partner Bassett & gets worse and worse

I am delight to see that a mere 26 days after we exposed the looming scandal involving my beloved West Ham United and its mini bond short sponsor Bassett & Gold, that the deadwood press ( The Sunday Telegraph) has picked up on the matter. As ever the MSM well on the ball, what a suprise that newspaper sales are tanking. But the story gets worse as I can now reveal….


2112 days ago

Neil Woodford: the stench of greed, the smell of failure is now dwarfed by the odour of bullshit, which the MSM swallows in full

Yesterday we exposed the sheer greed and reward for failure of Neil Woodford, trousering a small fortune for just one year’s work, as investors in his funds lost a packet. Today the deadwood press have followed up and have swallowed bullshit without question. It is a sad sight and shows why the MSM is not fit for purpose.


2173 days ago

Two Presidents caption competition

One has domestic approval ratings which - at this stage of his Presidency - are far better than most of his predecessors, one has almost record low approval ratings among his own voters. But if you are reliant on the MSM, especially BBC or Channel 4 Fake News for your information you would be excused for getting it the wrong way round. Anyhow, do your worst, supply a suitab;le caption by midnight on Sunday


2233 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Roger Lawson says the mainstream press thinks TW is a "nutcase of the first order"

I start with a reflection on 9/11 and the Orwellian claims to be fighting terror as discussed in more detail HERE. Then it is onto Roger Lawson of ShareSoc and his claims of how the mainstream press view me. Heck if they really thought that why do they keep lifting our stories and running them as their own work? Whatever. I regard the MSM as part of the problem of stockmarket corruption and not the solution and explain why. Then it is onto UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Toople (TOOP), Oneview (ONEV) and a real problem with Nomad resignations on the AIM Casino, Frontera (FRR) and Online Blockchain (OBC) where directors really need to Show Me The Money or the shares will carry on sliding.


2393 days ago

Nasim Aghdan the Youtube shootings, censorship and the gnashing of liberal teeth

As the news broke the liberal media started salivating. Another shooting in the US, another chance to bash the gun loving freaks at the NRA and POTUS. They have blood on their hands again don't they? If they weren't such a Godless bunch., the MSM would have been praying that it was some right wing gun owning NRA freak shooting Youtube workers for banning a Katie Hopkins video. Heck, liberals are hypocrites, so they probably prayed anyway.


2509 days ago

This week it is CNN that serves up the mega fake news on Donald Trump and has to fess up

A week ago it was ABC that caused a stockmarket mini crash by making up a story about Donald Trump and Russian collusion. 24 hours later it fessed to fake news. All those liberal Dems who had called for the head of POTUS on the original fake news, failed to apologise. But did they learn their lesson? Whaddyathink?


2559 days ago

The Real Russia Scandal in American Politics - its the Clintons, Uranium and those pesky mega bribes

As she plugs her tawdry lie packed book "How I lost the election even though I was a brilliant candidate and it was everyone else's fault but I won really" Crooked Hillary Clinton tells every fawning liberal media interviewer in turn that the Russians worked hand in hand with Donald Trump to rig the poll and cheat her out of victory. After nine months of exhaustive investigations and any number of lurid smears not one shred of evidence has been produced to justify this assertion made to and by unquestioning MSM "journalists" . Indeed even the emails coming from the DNC and published by Wikileaks did not come from Russian hacking as Hillary asserts. But this is not the real Russian scandal.


2909 days ago

Just when you thought the US Election could not get any weirder - #SpiritCooking at Camp Hillary Clinton

The MSM will not be covering this but even for the bunch of weirdos and degenerates in camp Hillary Clinton this is bizarre. Moving on from emails on a laptop of a 50 year old man who tries to get the knickers off 15 year old girls, we now have another wikileaks email in which the brother of Hillary's campaign chief John Podesta invites him over for some spirit cooking. What is that you say? Please do not read on unless you are over 18 and have a strong stomach.


2913 days ago

Now it is the Daily Telegraph lifting our (old) stories without attribution: fraudster Rob Terry's vineyard

A couple of days ago I noted how the lamentable London Evening Standard had lifted a cynical bear story from five days previously without attribution and claimed it as its own breaking news. But the Standard is not the only lazy worthless paper on Fleet Street. We now have an even more blatant pinch and this time it is the Daily Telegraph in the dock. No wonder sales of MSM publications are plunging if they run stories that were reported elsewhere on September 27 as their own breaking news on 29 October? This is the tale of Quindell fraudster Rob Terry and his new vineyard funded by the Quob park ponzi.


2914 days ago

The Liberal Media Establishment shamed & discredited again over FBI and Clinton emails

You may remember that for much of this year some journalists outside the mainstream established press questioned the health of Hillary Clinton. The mainstream media refused to cover it, stating that it was not an issue and that we were just mad right wing "bloggers". In MSM talk blogger means online writer who earns his living writing for a profitable enterprise. A journalist is paid by a loss making older media grouping that is losing readers. Anyhow, enough about folks like me who enjoy rising readership and run profitable businesses while er... enough said.

Then on 9/11 the crooked one collapsed and the story she spun did not stack up. Cough cough...the MSM
