1340 days ago

The Real US election fraud, new data on media suppression of real news and what George Orwell did say

I am far from convinced that Donald Trump won enough real votes in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin to swing the electoral college. US elections are always, to some extent, corrupt but right now I’d bet heavily on Joe Biden being the next President. However, there is a new poll out today which convinces me that an enormous fraud did take place and I will call as my first witness the late Mr George Orwell.


1374 days ago

Podcast: Now calling the Senate for the GOP as the MSM & twitter suppress two massive scandals

Can Trump win the General Election? I discussed how he could HERE and this morning things look a little better for POTUS. I see the Economist says Joe Biden has a 92% chance of winning. Its writers must be sharing Hunter’s crack pipe. The same publication says the Dems are more than 80% likely to win the Senate. I explain why, as things stand, I am scoring it at 51-49 for the GOP as I look at the eight swing races. Then it is onto two breaking bombshells from last night that is not the Borat sting on Mayor Giuliani which the MainStream Media is focussing on. But Iran exposed by the FBI, not Trump’s friends, as batting for Biden and more damning evidence on the #BidenCrimeFamily – this time fingering Creepy Joe himself. The MSM and twitter/facebook are working hard to supress this and I demonstrate how, but this is seeping out and let’s see how Trump plays the debate tonight. The Donald has the big Mo right now.


2119 days ago

The BBC hit job on Justice Kavanaugh continued all day

As I note elsewhere, I celebrate Brett Kavanaugh joining the Supreme Court but I’d rather that Donald Trump had nominated someone who is far more conservative. Naturally the BBC, the state funded British broadcaster and purveyor of fake news, which serves as a media hub for elitist metropolitan liberal group-think, took a rather different tone.


2128 days ago

The FBI to investigate Brett Kavanaugh – now his accuser Christine Blasey Ford shows her true colours

And so the Senate Judiciary Committee voted that the full Senate should appoint Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court despite the hit job on him from the Democrats. But then at the last minute a leading Democrat activist funded by George Soros corned a Republican Senator in a lift, blubbed about her #MeToo moment, and persuaded Country Club loser Jeff Flake to ask for a one week delay to allow the FBI to investigate the less than complete claims made by Christine Blasey Ford. Good news, bring it on.


2471 days ago

The Real Russia Scandal in American Politics - its the Clintons, Uranium and those pesky mega bribes

As she plugs her tawdry lie packed book "How I lost the election even though I was a brilliant candidate and it was everyone else's fault but I won really" Crooked Hillary Clinton tells every fawning liberal media interviewer in turn that the Russians worked hand in hand with Donald Trump to rig the poll and cheat her out of victory. After nine months of exhaustive investigations and any number of lurid smears not one shred of evidence has been produced to justify this assertion made to and by unquestioning MSM "journalists" . Indeed even the emails coming from the DNC and published by Wikileaks did not come from Russian hacking as Hillary asserts. But this is not the real Russian scandal.


2534 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Oozi Cats and the FBI & why Telit could well be tits up within weeks

The failure of the LSE to insist that hapless Nomad FinnCap forces Telit (TCM) to bring in a firm like KPMG to conduct a full forensic review will hurt it even more when this company goes tits up as I noted in a letter to Stock Exchange boss Donald Brydon earlier today HERE.  Two sources tell me that the FBI may have bad news for the Boston fraudster Oozi Cats and his Mrs as I explain in this podcast. But the meat of the podcast is explaining why Telit will go tits up and why that could be within six weeks. Enjoy


2685 days ago

BBC Brexit Bias & fake news on Donald Trump.. why am I paying a poll tax for this?

The BBC started its Ten O'Clock News with its reporters and presenters visiibily delighting in the FBI stating that it was investigating allegations of links between members of the Trump Campaign team and the Russians. But why stick to facts on a day like this?  it was time for some classic fake news from Pravda's gimp in Washington, Jon Sopel.


2748 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: possibly the biggest scandal in AIM history to go nuclear this week?

Weekend press reports (not in the UK natch as the British press is ignoring this £2 billion City scandal for reasons one can only imagine) suggest that the FBI is now investigating. Already in France there have been arrests including that of the CEO of Areva - Atomic Anne - which bought AIM & TSX listed Uramin for £2 billion and had written all of its assets off as worthless within three years. There is also a major new investigative book out on the scandal due out on Thursday. I am sure my good friend Jim Mellon will be ordering an advance copy. Elsewhere I look at Vislink (VLK), at the train wreck waiting to happen at Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO), at Fitbug (FITB) and Cloudtag (CTAG) and then finally at SalvarX (SALV) - placing ahoy on this related party express train to planet hype.


2816 days ago

Eight reasons to delight in a win for President Donald Trump

I am a bad winner. I wanted Donald Trump to win and I wanted crooked Hillary Clinton to lose even more and my eight reasons why that would happen, published two months ago, proved 100% correct. I was punching the air all night as I stayed up watching the results. Georgia Yeeeees! North Carolina Yeeeeees! "Racist" Trump's share of the black & hispanic vote is up on 2012 - Yeeessss!!! Take that Matt Frei you ignorant bastard. Dippy Millennials in tears at Clinton HQ YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Oh what fun I had and so in the cold light of day, I list the eight moments that brought me most joy from the past 24 hours.


2822 days ago

Another Rigged ABC/WashPo poll puts Crooked Hillary in lead, so Trump is winning

Stocks are up and so is the Peso as an ABC/WashPo poll has come out showing Crooked Hillary on 47%, 2 percentage points ahead of Donald Trump. The prior poll had the Crooked One and Trump on a tie. But... it is again rigged as it massively over-samples Dems. Why does anyone take such silliness seriously?


2825 days ago

Even the Rigged Polls showing Hillary Clinton ahead tell you that Trump is winning now

We have a new ABC/Washington Post poll out today and it shows Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump by 1%. That will no doubt be reported as a triumph for the Crooked One by the liberal media elites. In fact it spells disaster for Clinton. You need to adjust that 1% in three ways to see how clearly Trump is now in fact well ahead. Crack open the JD, my fellow deplorables, we are on a roll.


2827 days ago

The Liberal Media Establishment shamed & discredited again over FBI and Clinton emails

You may remember that for much of this year some journalists outside the mainstream established press questioned the health of Hillary Clinton. The mainstream media refused to cover it, stating that it was not an issue and that we were just mad right wing "bloggers". In MSM talk blogger means online writer who earns his living writing for a profitable enterprise. A journalist is paid by a loss making older media grouping that is losing readers. Anyhow, enough about folks like me who enjoy rising readership and run profitable businesses while er... enough said.

Then on 9/11 the crooked one collapsed and the story she spun did not stack up. Cough cough...the MSM


2827 days ago

Ignore the lying liberal media: What the polls actually said, even pre FBI, is that Trump can win!

Before the FBI did the decent thing and, in some cases, afterwards the liberal media was telling us that the General Election was a slam dunk win for Hillary. But the polls told you that this was not the case. Even without the FBI reopening its investigation into Crooked Hillary which is really bad news for her, as I explain HERE, Trump was looking good for the White House. Here's why.


2828 days ago

FBI re-opens Hillary Clinton email probe - this is very serious: Presidential race wide open

Make no mistake, the Democrats are flapping, they are now in big trouble as the FBI has re-opened investigations into crooked Hillary Clinton's emails. This is shocking and it is very serious and it will change how some folks vote whatever the liberal media tries to tell you today.


2828 days ago

Photo article: Can I now wear my Hillary for Prison T-Shirt here in Bristol?

Bristol is the sort of left leaning City where the patronising middle classes agree with Matt Frei that ALL Trump supporterrs are racists. They agree with Hillary Clinton that anyone voting for the GOP is a "deplorable". Naturally we Brexit voters were also termed ignorant racists by the bien pensants of the South West. Put it this way: I really don't feel as if I am in my ideologocal home here.


2906 days ago

Wakey wakey liberal British Media - the real breaking story is not Trump gaffes but Crooked Hillary's Crookedness

Yet again the British media was last night pumping out more stories about Donald Trump gaffes. The beltway classes think that what he says is big news and has The Donald sunk in the Presidential Race. By my calculations that is about the 9,784th time that the BBC, Channel 4, the Guardian and the liberal press pack have written the Trump political obituary. One day they will be right. But so far they have been wrong 9,783 times with no apology. The bigger stories which they are not reporting are the growing scandals surrounding crooked Hillary.
