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Is this the worst Trump & crooked Hillary reporting yet? BBC World News heads out West

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 5 June 2016

I was lying in my hotel room in Greece a couple of weeks ago and tiring of dubbed films and piss poor Greek soccer matches made the mistake of flicking the handset to check out the biased BBC World News Channel as it promised a special report on the US Campaign. Oh goodie, goodie, a report on how Trump had that week surged ahead in the polls right? Er...

First up said the airhead presenter we go to Donald Trump's campaign and our reporter goes to somewhere where he has very few supporters at all. Hmmm Might that be Hollywood? Or the most hipsterish district in Brooklyn? Or perhaps Mitt Romney's Country Club? No. The BBC Reporter was in Mexico. This will surprise you greatly but in a town near to the border which the Donald wants to tighten the BBC managed to find a raft of folks who were happy to say that they were anti Trump.

Shucks I guess The Donald is gutted. Just how many electoral college votes does Mexico get in the US election? Yes that would be zero as it is a foreign country. Its a bit like France where the BBC will be filming folks saying they hate Trump next week. Then it was over to the Dems and chief US correspondent Nick Bryant was at Wellesley for graduation.

Wellesley is the most uber liberal college in California, itself a liberal state. It is women only and its most famous graduate is crooked Hillary. Nick was amazed to find that virtually no-one was voting for the Donald and that crooked Hillary was storming it. Well what a shock. Whatever next? Apparently in the Vatican the Roman Catholic church is polling very well and there is almost no support for Radical Islam. Quick, BBC send a reporter - that is breaking news is it not?

What sort of service does the BBC think it is providing? The polls show that Trump is ahead of crooked Hillary nationwide and, that in the Californian Democrat primary - and we can safely assume most Wellesley students are registered Dems - Clinton is only neck and neck with mad old Bernie Sanders. The BBC could not have picked two less representative groups of voters, or non voters in the case of the Mexicans, had it tried. So just how is it serving its viewers with such coverage.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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