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Even the BBC’s travel programmes aim to misinform – Simon Reeve in the Caribbean

Tom Winnifrith
Friday 10 January 2020

I have rather liked the historic works of Mr Reeve. Okay they are pretty superficial but what he says is often of interest and so last night I sat watching the second part of his Caribbean tour. This was poisoned by sheer fake news from his BBC masters.

First was the issue of pot. Reeve discussed whether it should be legalised noting the trend in that direction. He noted how weed farmers he encountered became more relaxed after smoking a few joints. The agenda of the liberal left is to legalise pot and that is the BBC mindset. So nowhere did Reeve mention the growing evidence of the harmful effects, notably psychosis, that pot does have on some smokers. There was no balance. But then it got worse, much worse.

On a banana plantation in Colombia, Reeve started discussing the 50 year civil war and terror attacks. These attacks he claimed were by extreme right win groups often backed by wicked corporates. Hang on, I shouted at the screen, that is not right. The Mrs suggested that the BBC would not make it up. No sniggering at the back there, dear readers.

There were right wing groups, some of which were backed by corporates,in the 50 year terror which, sort of, ended in 2016. But the main terror group, an entire rebel army, was FARC a hard left communist group. It was by far and away the largest terror grouping.

All parties in the war ( FARC, the right wing groups, The Government) trafficked drugs, killed thousands of folks and acted very badly. But to assert that this was simply a conflict between the state and right wing/corporatist  militias who did very bad things, as Reeve, did is just a complete fabrication and perversion of what actually happened. Once again, I ask, why am I paying my license fee for this pap?

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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