
2593 days ago

The "Brexit driven" Murder of Arkadiusz Jozwik exposes the loathsome fake news BBC & its sister paper The Guardian as true liars

You may not remember the name but surely you remember the wall to wall coverage in late August 2016 when a Polish man was "murdered" in Harlow, Essex. On the state Broadcaster Pravda Daniel Sandford led the main news bulletins claiming this was a ‘frenzied’ race-hate murder by feral youths, triggered by Brexit. Ramming home this core message we had comments supporting that agenda from the local MP and a Polish diplomat. There was no question of "waiting for the facts" as we are all urged to to after each terror attack - though we all know that it was not Colonel Mustard wth the bucket bomb in the library. The liberal media had an agenda and Mr Jozwik's corpse would support that agenda.
