265 days ago

Do you want to quiz the chair, CEO and executive directors of the FCA? Here is how

There is a virtual annual meeting on October 4 from 10 AM to noon. The main purpose is to approve the annual report and accounts of the FCA but folks, anyone even me, is allowed to register and attend and can pre -submit questions. No doubt what the FCA will want to be quizzed on is what it is doing to achieve carbon net zero and to close the LGBTQA+ pay gap within financial services. But…


412 days ago

Peter Tatchell proclaims the end of "heterosexual dictatorship" but , as has happened before, his maths dubious

The great civil liberties campaigner Peter Tatchell is, as I have noted before, not the greatest maths guru on earth. But Tatch is delighted with a new poll from America which, he argues, shows that the dictatorship of we straight folk over the oppressed LGBTQA+ community is drawing to a close. Well er… not really Tatch. Lies, damned lies and statistics and all that.


481 days ago

Christmas & Pride Month in Brighton: This is all to do with Offence

My old Oxford College sent me an email just before Christmas wishing me happy holidays, festive break etc. It did not mention Christmas which, adopting the vernacular of the age, I told Hertford, caused me great offence. I pointed out that they may be Godless liberals but the reason they got time off work at this time of year was because it was Christmas, the time when many of us celebrate the birth of the Lord.
