Labour MP

65 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: Israel, the ICC and the US election

Normally, in this podcast series, I start with the Ukraine war and how it is going and what that means for the US election. I give Ukraine a few minutes then it is on to Israel, the ICC and its arrest warrants. I explain why it is all wrong and why folks like Labour MP Zara Sultana are either misguided as to facts or Jew haters or both.  President Biden agrees with me but it will not save him in the Election, if indeed he is still running at that point. I discuss an amazing poll out this week and how the Gaza conflict is helpful for Trump not Biden. It is looking ever bleaker for Biden.


1381 days ago

Lisa Nandy MP, sorry love I just don't believe you

I have a soft spot for Lisa Nandy – the Labour MP for Wigan. I think one of my sisters or maybe it was me sat on the lap of her grandfather Lord Byers once upon a time. In what is termed show business for ugly people, Ms Nandy scrubs up fairly well. Above all, she is, by the, admittedly low, standards of her party a voice of sanity and reason. However, I am afraid that her weekend utterances might in today’s Orwellian world be described as misspeaking, you and I might call it lying.


2512 days ago

The fact that the Guardian and Labour MP Chi Unwurha even have to ask if racism is worse than raping 13 year olds shows the moral bankruptcy of the left

"The grooming of girls in Newcastle is not an issue of race – it’s about misogyny" says Labour MP Chi Onwurha in today's Guardian. She continues "What’s worse, rape or racism? I found myself posing that question after the Operation Sanctuary investigation was finally made public, revealing horrific abuse of girls and vulnerable young women in Newcastle." What follows defies belief.


2883 days ago

Keith Vaz & Jeremy Corbyn Caption Contest: "I'll be right behind you all the way"

It seems that Labour MP Keith Vaz is in a spot of bother what with the rent boys, the poppers and the cocaine. But one cannot say that his judgement is always poor. Vaz is one of the highest profile Labour MPs to come out as a supporter of Jeremy Corbyn as the man to lead our great party forward to electoral triumph. In that vein please feel free to submit your captions to the picture below in the comments section with a deadline of midnight Monday 5th September.


2883 days ago

Keith Vaz MP, The Bishop of Grantham and a couple of Polish Rentboys

I used to have a girlfriend from India who arrived in this country convinced that the entire British establishment and anyone who went to a public school (with the exception of myself, naturally) were closet homoseexuals. If she is reading the tabloid press today she will no doubt be concluding that she was right all along.

First there is the Bishop of Grantham


2921 days ago

For Once Frank Field is wrong - Philip Green is NOT worse than Robert Maxwell

The saintly Labour MP Frank Field is almost always right. He was on the right side on Brexit and seems to be about the only MP serious about welfare reform. And he is right to castigate Phil Green for his greed and all round disgraceful behaviour at BHS - I agree the man is awful, see HERE. But Frank is wrong to say that Green's crimes are worse than those of another Labour MP and disgraced CEO, Bob Maxwell.


3390 days ago

Kiddy Fiddler Greville Janner – another establishment cover up

Nonce Lord and ex-Labour MP Greville Janner is a paedophile who raped young boys. He now claims to be suffering from Alzheimer’s but was still able to remember to collect his expenses. And the CPS has today said that because of his health he will not be prosecuted. Where do you start?

Janner wanted to prosecute Nazi war criminals who had Alzheimer’s. He said that the nature of their crimes meant they had to be prosecuted. I reckon that raping young boys is pretty vile don’t you?

Once again we are left with the idea that the establishment looks after its own. If you or I steal from our employer by fiddling expenses we are fired. MPs just pay a bit back and carry on. It is one rule for “them” and one for us.

Janner should have been prosecuted. He should lose his peerage and he should live out his days shamed, disgraced and in prison. End of. This is clear cut.
