Martin Luther King

2553 days ago

Slated by the Guardian within hours of his death, RIP Billy Graham - when did I hear you at Villa Park?

The man dubbed America's pastor has passed away aged 99. It did not take the Guardian more than a few hours to accuse Billy Graham of the most heinous crimes "In his early years as a preacher, Graham expressed racist and antisemitic views" and also attacking him for his unswerving hostility to communism. In the eyes of the liberal elite, opposing a Godless faith which cased the death of tens of millions of folks is a bad thing, being a spy for the Czech secret police is a minor issue. Whatever


2848 days ago

My Godless daughter brands me an evangelist who's got religion as I defend Martin Luther King

My godless, almost 16 year old, daughter Olaf calls me as her GCSE's start next week. Her school reports are glowing, she has already won a scholarship to the 6th form and I wish her luck but am confident that it will be A*s all round. We have agreed not to discuss grade inflation, I'm very proud of her anyway. Conversation then turns to the General Election where she says she is backing the Tories. Again I am proud of her. Her real anger is directed, however, not at her fellow Islington resident Comrade Corbyn, but at Tim Farron and the Lib Dems. She is furious at poor Mr Farron for his less than unequivocal support for LGBT rights. In Islington that is the sort of issue that really matters above all else.


3068 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: Why Donald Trump is the candidate who walks in the footsteps of Dr Martin Luther King

The dreadful interview of a black Trump supporting reverend by patronising liberal bastard Matt Frei last week threw up numerous references to a hero of mine, Dr King. All politicians like to claim they walk in his footsteps. Our views are skewed by 1963 and "I have a dream". I look at 1968 and events then and how Dr King changed tack in his final year or so and argue that it is very much Donald Trump not Hillary Clinton who walks in those saintly footsteps today.
