252 days ago

Fancy £800 a day for a job where you have no relevant experience? Only 51% of the population can apply!

I am bloody tempted by that sort of wonga, it would pay for a good lot of Metaxa. Actually I do know a bit about being a NED and also a bit about property but I cannot get this job advertised below.


366 days ago

Solid State gets new NED – Ms. "how’s Your father" Sam Smith, you see how this works?

Sam Smith, who quit as CEO of FinnCap (FCAP) shortly before a series (not yet) finished of dire profits warnings having, imprudently, racked up the cost base in the face of an obvious oncoming macro storm, claiming that her resignation was to allow her to get her leg over, now has time on her hands. Sorry to hear about the downturn in the how’s your father department Sam. Anyhow she has today become a NED at Solid State (SOLI).


497 days ago

Supply@ME Capital NED jumps after 9 months, replacement is a joke

It is yet another red flag at the fraud Supply@ME Capital. NED Andrew Thomas says he wants to pursue other business opportunities one hopes non criminal ones, and is jumping ship after just nine months. Supply bigs up his replacement Alexandra Galligan but if you life up the skirts of her CV…


823 days ago

Upland Resources brings you an Easter tale of life after death

Sadly Upland Resources (UPL) announced the death of its NED and also its broker Jeremy King. The release issued as an RNS as you can see below, was crafted by not one but two PR firms including uber expensive FTI Consulting. To have two firms on board means Upland is spunking a good £10,000 amonth on PR but you need to pay for quality. The contacts on the release include a Mr Jeremy King, a true story of Easter resurrection.


979 days ago

EXPLOSIVE EXPOSE: If the NED who steered through illicit payments and approved massive bonuses for Sarah Willingham at Nightcap is independent I am a banana

The chair of the Remuneration committee at Nightcap PLC (NGHT) is senior NED Toby Van der Meer. So it is Toby who must have approved the payments of £167,530 to settle legal liabilites of Dragon’s Den star Sarah Willingham,her husband Michael and others when the prospectus specifically said the company was indemnified. And Toby must have pushed through the 100% performance related bonus for La Willingham for last year when the group lost c£5 million. But as a NED he is independent right? Er…


1018 days ago

Powerhouse – Yet another NED walks after less than a year: yet another massive red flag

To lose one NED might be understandable but to lose four, a chairman and a CEO within a year issurely an indication of more than carelessness?


1651 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I'm sitting on a dynamite resignation letter + No Gold you are ( as usual) wrong Steve O'Hara is NOT a liar

The resignation letter from a NED at an AIM listed company is a shocker. So far there has been no RNS. If the company does not come clean on what is in the letter I shall publish in full on Monday as it opens up a serioes of cans of worms which raises far bigger scandals I suspect. I discus this at length. I also look at Plutus Powergen (PG), Zinc Media (ZIN) and in great detail Optibiotix (OPTI) where the professional cynics have got it wrong and need to apologise. I have bought more shares on the back of today’s interims and explain why.


2567 days ago

Invited to become an AIM Casino NED - I'm flattered but I'd rather eat my own toes

I will not name the company but suffice to say its management are greedy bastards who have not delivered. Its assets are shite and its balance sheet a trainwreck. The company and all associated with it, especially the paid shrills, merit a one way trip to the glue factory. With those clues I guess that narrows the list of possible candidates down to about 60% of the stocks on the Casino.


2733 days ago

FRAUD Jiasen - ouzo time as Filthy Forty AIM departure #24 is booked, NED walks

Did it jump or was it pushed? ShareProphets AIM-China Filthy Forty posterboy Jiasen (JSI), one of the Fujian four, has announced this morning that it is proposing to delist from AIM and move instead to NEX (the lobster-pot formerly known as ISDX) - just when we thought that the race to AIM departure #24 from the Filthy Forty was down to a two-horse race between Asian Citrus (ACHL)and MoneySwap (SWAP). Jiasen also announced the departure of a NED with effect from the end of February.


2738 days ago

Advanced Oncotherapy: GOTCHA again - another NED walks as predicted here

On December 2 2016 I suggested here that Advanced Oncotherapy NED Tim Lebus had had enough and was walking. The lying snot-gobblers round at Advanced declined to comment. Guess what? He has walked with immediate effect today. It gets better, if you are a bear.


2838 days ago

Shamed Globo Entrepreneur Gavin Burnell drives coach & horses through AIM rules again - Onzima suspended

Oh dear, Oh Dear, Gavin Burnell is in another spot of bother. Gavin, who is now working as a senior broker at bucket shop Beaufort Securities, brought the fraud Globo (GBO) to the market and made vast sums as a well paid NED and via share sales while the CEO stole all the cash. After that no firm with any credibility or self respect would hire him but clearly he fits in really well round at Belfort. But now there is another trainwreck on his watch - Onzima Ventures (ONZ) shares in which have been suspended today.


2996 days ago

Video: Norman Ling of Kefi Minerals at UK Investor Show

Norman Ling is a NED at Kefi Minerals (KEFI) another gold play presenting at UK Investor Show. Enjoy,


3015 days ago

A NED to keep executives like fraudster Rob Terry in check at Quob Park...cometh the day

Non Executive Directors are meant to be there to keep executive directors in check on behalf of other shareholders. That applies if you are dealing with an honest CEO or a psycopathic fraudster such as Rob Terry of Quindell (QPP) infamy who now runs the Knob Park Ponzi. So which NED's keep the old crook in check?


3015 days ago

Wondering where the cash Costis stole from Globo went? Gavin Burnell might know a thing or two

In case the rozzers want to know where Costis, Konstantinos Papadimitrakopoulos, hid the cash he liberated from the fraud Globo (GBO) both directly and via share sales in the days running up to its collapse, perhaps they should ask disgraced Globo NED and the man who listed it on AIM Gavin Burnell. For it seems that Gavin had dealings with the criminal bubble outside of Globo.


3362 days ago

Camkids..To lose one NED is unfortuanate, to lose 2 looks like..

At this point I move away from Oscar Wilde, in the case of Camkids (CAMK) to lose 2 NEDs looks like… a fraud unraveling. Last week it was a British NED who walked. Today we hear that Mircle Yap , a Chinese NED, will be leaving after the AGM on June 11.
